NovenaNo to TheTh Sacred HeartHe of Jesus for Ireland WedWed 16 – Thur 24 May 2018 To protectprot the Eighth Amendment of the Irish :fejk`klk`fe Xe[XccXe[Xcc unbornu children in Ireland through the intercession of St. PadrePadr Pio who loved the Irish, and St. Margaret Mary. 25 May - St. Padre Pio’s birthday and day St. MargaretMarg Mary entered religious life) Daily: Mass,Mass, Holy Hour,Hourr,, Rosary,Rosary, NovenaNovena toto the SacredSacred HeartHeart ofof JesusJessusus prprayedayed daily byby SSt.t. PadrePadre Pio WedWed and Fri:Fri: FastFFasast on breadbread and waterwater ““AnnounceAnnounce itit,, and lelett it be aannouncednnounced ttoo the whole wworld,orld, tthathat I ssetet neither limit nor mmeasureeasure ttoo mymy gifgiftsts ooff grgrace,ace, forfor thosethose who seekseekeek them in mymy Heart”.Heart”. IfIf youryour parish or prayerprayer groupgroup wisheswishes toto join the novena,novena, email [email protected]@anteaghlachnaofa.ie forfor NovenaNovena bookletsbooklets and SacredSacred HeartHeart NovenaNovena prayerprayer cards.cards. ThisThis isis the lastlast standstand forforor Irish babiesbabies andand forfor God, their Creator.Creator. St. Pio and St. Margaret Mary pray for us. St. Patrick, St. Brigid, St. Columba & all the Saints & Martyrs of Ireland, pray for us. (OLY&AMILYOF.AZARETHPRAYFORUS(OLY&AMILY OF .AZARETH PRAY FOR US O Sacred Heart of Jesus, An TTeTeaghlacheaghla Naofa (The Holy Family) www.anteaghlachnaofa.iewww.antea I place all my trust in ee Contact:Contact: N Orla 07545 452362 S Yvonne 087-2807133 E Catherine 087-4199249 W Bernie 089-4408212 people and to withdraw them from the path of ruin that made Him form the design of revealing His Heart to all people, with all the treasures of love, of mercy, of grace, of sanctication and salvation which it contains, in order that those who desire to give Him all the honour and love possible, might themselves be abundantly enriched with those divine treasures of which His heart is the source.” Jesus continued to appear to St. Margaret Mary in the convent until 1675; her incorrupt body rests at the same altar. St. Pio of Pietrelcina had great devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and prayed a novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus daily. Padre Pio said in 1916, “when we make this novena to the Sacred Heart of Jesus it will be irresistible and Jesus will grant us the grace that we ask of Him”. St. Pio prayed this novena every day for many years in his capuchin community in San Giovanni. Aer his death, his community continued to pray the novena daily and still do WELCOME so today. Padre Pio was so on re with love for the Sacred Heart of Jesus that he conded to his Welcome to this novena of prayer to entrust our spiritual director, Padre Agostino, of not loving nation to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. We pray the heart of Jesus as he should. His spiritual for the protection of human life and to ask our director replied, “Yes I know you want to love Divine Lord Jesus Christ, who sustained our Jesus as much as He deserves but you also fathers through centuries of trial, to save the know that it is not possible to us creatures. God eighth Amendment of the Irish Constitution commands us to love Him, not to the extent and and protect all unborn children on the island in the way He deserves to be loved, but according of Ireland from the scourge of abortion. In our to our, strength, with our whole soul, our whole beautiful native tongue, we say, “Beo gan breith, mind and our whole heart”. “alive but not born yet”. On 5th August 1918, Padre Pio received the wound We pray the novena to the Sacred Heart of in his heart from the Sacred Heart, a wound of love Jesus through the intercession of St. Padre Pio and a sanctifying grace. According to the teaching who loved the Irish people. We also ask the of St. John of the Cross, the soul “inamed with intercession of St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, to the love of God” is interiorly set on re by piercing whom Our Lord appeared and let her rest her it with a ery dart and the soul then wounded is head upon His most Sacred Heart, while revealing lled with a delightful sweetness. St. Pio wrote in to her His passionate love for all humanity and 1912, “What a burning re I felt in my heart that His sorrow at the world’s indierence. e people day; but I also felt that this re was lit by a friendly of Ireland will be asked to stand for Christ on hand, by a divinely jealous hand.” is is the same 25th May this month. e 25th May is the ame Jesus revealed to St. Margaret Mary, that He date St. Margaret Mary entered the convent in was longing for hearts to receive. Paray-le-Monial, Burgundy, France and also the birthday of St. Padre Pio. Padre Pio sometimes permitted other friars and spiritual children to rest their head upon his heart Our Lord appeared to St. Margaret Mary wound, just as Jesus permitted St. Margaret Mary Alacoque, on December 27, 1673, on the feast of to do. In this novena, we also seek the refuge and St. John the Apostle. “And He, Christ, showed comfort of the most Sacred Heart of Jesus, and me that it was His great desire to be loved by all ask Him to pour out His blessings and His mercy on Ireland at this crucial time. O Sacred Heart of 2 Jesus, protect Ireland, protect humanity. In these Lord Have Mercy 9 days let us relight the Sacred Heart lamps across our nation. May His heart once again reign in Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison every Irish home and may Ireland once again be a Christe eleison, Christe eleison light to the world. Kyrie eleison, Kyrie eleison “Your homes should always remain homes of prayer. As I leave today this island which is LITURGY OF THE WORD so dear to my heart, this land and its people, which is such a consolation and strength to the F i r s t R e a d i n g Pope, may I express a wish: that every home in Ireland may remain or begin again, to be a A reading from the book of home of daily family prayer”. Deuteronomy 7:6-11 Pope St. John Paul, Limerick, 1 Oct ‘79 Moses said to the people: You are a people consecrated to the Lord your God; it is you that MASS IN HONOUR OF THE the Lord our God has chosen to be His very own MOST SACRED HEART OF people out of all the peoples of the earth. JESUS If the Lord set His heart on you and chose you; it Entrance Hymn was not because you outnumbered other peoples; you were the least of all peoples. It was for love of Sweet Heart of Jesus you and to keep the oath He swore to your fathers that the Lord brought you out with His mighty Sweet Heart of Jesus, fount of love and mercy, hand and redeemed you from the house of slavery, Today we come y blessings to implore; from the power of the Pharoah king of Egypt. Oh touch our hearts so cold and so ungrateful, Know then that the Lord your God is God indeed, And make them Lord, ine own for evermore. the faithful God who is true to His covenant and His graciousness for a thousand generations Sweet Heart of Jesus, we implore, towards those who love him and keep His Oh, make us love ee, more and more. commandments but who punishes in their own persons those that hate Him; He makes Him work Sweet Heart of Jesus, make us know and love out his punishment in person. You are therefore to ee, keep and observe the commandments and statutes Unfold to us, the treasures of y grace; and ordinances that I lay down for you today”. at so our hearts, from things of earth uplied, May long alone to gaze upon y face. e Word of the Lord. Sweet Heart of Jesus, make us pure and gentle Responsorial Psalm and teach us how to do y blessed will; To follow close the print of y dear footsteps, With joy you will draw water from the wells of And when we fall, sweet heart O, love us still. the Saviour Sweet heart of Jesus, bless all hearts that love ee, Truly God is my salvation And may ine own heart ever blessed be; I trust, I shall not fear Bless us, dear Lord, and bless the friends we For the Lord is my strength, my song, cherish, He became my Saviour And keep us true to Mary and to ee. With joy you will draw water from the wells of salvation. Entrance Antiphon Give thanks to the Lord, e designs of His heart are from age to age Give praise to His name! To rescue their souls from death Make His mighty deeds known to the peoples! And to keep them alive in famine. Declare the greatness of His name, 3 Sing a psalm to the Lord Gospel For He has done glorious deeds; make them known to all the earth! A reading from the holy Gospel People of Zion, sing and shout for joy according to Matthew 11:25-30 for great in your midst is the Holy One of Israel. Jesus exclaimed, ‘I bless You, Father, Lord of Second Reading heaven and of earth, for hiding these things from the learned and the clever and revealing A reading from the first letter of them to mere children.
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