Sheila McDonald, Esq. Executive Secretary TO: Mayor and City Council of Baltimore City County Executives and County Councils Boards of County Commissioners Treasurers and Collectors of State Taxes Legislative Auditor State Department of Assessments and Taxation FROM: Sheila McDonald (2 flDM1N1STRATORS OFFi 1/$UtzL / M1W28’1PH1O3 DATE: May 16, 2019 RE: State Tax Rate for Fiscal Year 2020 The Board of Public Works, at a meeting held on April 24, 2019, determined that the fiscal year 2020 State tax rate on real property subject to the tax is: Real Property of Public Utilities: 28 cents ($0.280) per $100 of the full assessed value. All Other Real Property: 11.2 cents ($0.112) per $100 of the full assessed value. This determination was made in accordance with Section 8-134 of the State Finance and Procurement Article, Annotated Code of Maryland. For questions concerning these rates, you may contact Christian Lund, the State Treasurer’s Director of Debt Management, at 410-260-7920. This information is available online at www.bpw.maryland.gov So C’alvcit Street. Room I 17, Annapolis. vIarvland 21401 41O26O.335 viv\V.I))\v.J11a1’ylafld.gov 1 STATE OF MARYLAND EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT LARRY HOGAN Go VERNOR BOYD K. RUTHERFORD rs GOVERNOR OFFICE OF TFIE SEC’RETARYOFSTATE JOHN C. WOBENSMITH SECRETARY OF STATE STATE HOUSE ANNAPOLIS, MARYLAND 21401 (410) 974-5521 TOLL FREE: 888-874-0013 FAX (410,) 974-5190 TDD: 800-735-2258 Condominium Division (410-260-3879) May 21, 2019 Brian Southard S. flD1iNISTRATUR’S OFFi Kramon & Graham, PA. 21 ‘1 PH 1:06 One South Street, Suite 2600 Baltimore MD 21202-3201 RE: FOUR SEASONS AT KENT ISLAND CONDOMINIUM ASSOCIATION I, INC. Dear Mr. Southard: On May 17, 2019, this office received your application to register the above-named condominium. Enclosed is the receipt for the registration fee of $280. of You may expect that we will complete our review by July 1, 2019 which is the end infon’nation in the interim. the 45-day review period, although we may be contacting you for additional Please call if you have any questions, or if! can be of further assistance. Sincerely, Kimberly Si4ith Enc.: Condominium Officer cc: Queen Anne’s County Board of Commissioners cLC \,1ia—i S 2 029-0084 Ibvl ri i’i Larry Hogan. Governor a I ci of Boyd Rutherford, Lt. Governor Department Ben Grumbles, Secretary the Environment Horaclo Tablada, Deputy Secretary The Honorable James J. Moran 3 1 2OV Queen Anne’s County Commissioners-Liberty Building 107 North Liberty Street Centreville. Maryland 21617 Dear President Moran: The purpose of this letter is to inform you of the status of an air quality Permit to Construct application which has been submitted by a company located near your jurisdiction. The Department has completed its review of the application and has made a tentative determination that the Permit to Construct can be issued. The Department has required the applicant to publish the enclosed notice in the legal section of a daily or weekly newspaper of general circulation in the geographical area in which the proposed installation will be located. A second notice will be published the week following the date of publication of the first notice. The notice provides the following information about the permit application: Applicant: Gillespie Precast, LLC P.O. Box 450 Chestertown, MD 21620 Proposal: Installation of a portable, waste concrete, crushing and screening plant comprised of one (1) crusher and one (1) screen, processing an average of 120 tons of material per hour and powered by two (2) diesel engines not to exceed 532 combined horsepower. Location: Morgan Creek Land Holdings, LLC 27030 Morgnec Road Chestertown, MD 21620 Written requests for a public hearing must be received by the Department no later than 20 days after the date of publication of the first notice. Written comments must be received by the Department no later than 30 days after the date of publication of the first notice unless an extension is requested as outlined in the notice. The Department expects the applicant to begin to publish the required notices shortly, but you need not wait for the notice to be published to request a hearing should you so desire. Your participation in this proceeding is welcome. Sin Angelo Binca, Deputy Director Air and Radiation Administration AB/dar Enclosure 410-537-3000 Tm’ Users 1-800-735-2258 1800 Washington Boulevard Baltimore. MD 223O 1-800-633-6101 I I I I www.mde.maryland.gov 3 MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF THE ENVIRONMENT AIR AND RADIATION ADMINISTRATION NOTICE OF TENTATIVE DETERMINATION, OPPORTUNITY TO REQUEST A PUBLIC HEARING, AND OPPORTUNITY TO SUBMIT WRITTEN COMMENTS FIRST NOTICE The Department of the Environment, Air and Radiation Administration (ARA) has completed its review of an application for a Permit to Construct submitted by Gillespie Precast, LLC on December 12, 2018 for a portable, waste concrete, crushing and screening plant comprised of one (1) crusher and one (1) screen, processing an average of 120 tons of material per hour and powered by two (2) diesel engines not to exceed 532 combined horsepower. The proposed installation will be located at Morgan Creek Land Holdings, 27030 Morgnec Road, Chestertown, MD 21620. Pursuant to Section 1-604, of the Environment Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Department has made a tentative determination that the Permit to Construct can be issued and is now ready to receive public comment on the application. Copies of the Departments tentative determination, the application, the draft permit to construct with conditions, and other supporting documents are available for public inspection. Ask for Docket #20-18 at the following locations during normal business hours. Maryland Department of the Environment Air and Radiation Administration 1800 Washington Boulevard Baltimore, Maryland 21230 Chestertown Branch Kent County Public Library 408 High Street Chestertown, Maryland 21620 Interested persons may request a public hearing and/or submit written comments on the tentative determination. Requests for a public hearing must be submitted in writing and must be received by the Department no later than 20 days from the date of this notice. Written comments must be received by the Department no later than 30 days from the date of this notice. Interested persons may request an extension to the public comment period. The extension request must be submitted in writing and must be received by the Department no later than 30 days from the date of this notice or within 5 days after the hearing (if a hearing is requested), whichever is later. The public comment period may only be extended one time for a 60-day period. All requests for a public hearing, requests for an extension to the public comment period, and all written comments should be directed to the attention of Ms. Shannon Heafey, Air Quality Permits Program, Air and Radiation Administration, 1800 Washington Boulevard, Baltimore, Maryland 21230. Further information may be obtained by calling Ms. Shannon Heafey at (410) 537-4433. George S. Aburn, Jr., Director Air and Radiation Administration 4 USDA United States Department of Agriculture Farm May 15.2019 Production iservation Dear CRP Participant: Farm Thank you for being part of the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP). Farm Service Service Acency records show that one or more of your CRP contract(s) expires on Agency - September 30. 2019. You may he eligible br the Following options: 1400 independence Ave. SW 1. I —Year Extension: I you ha’. e a C’RP contract tescluding C’RFP contracts), that is For 14 Washington. DC years or less, von ina submit a icquest to 1”SA [ii estend the c”.piralion (late for an additional 0513 ve:mr under the sante terms and conditions as rour expirmne contract(s), including the per acre rental rate. Contracts greater than 14 years in length arc not eligihic l’or an extension hut ma he eligible or one or a combination ol’ the other options described helo’.’. The sign—up period br the I —year c’ciension is june 3, 2(119, through August 23, 21)19. 2. Continuous EnrollmentfRe—enrollnwnt: All or a portion of your acreage may he c! igible For enrollment in a continuous CRP contract. It’ you plan to return a portioil ol your land to production. important conser’. anon hcnelits may still he achieved by re—enrolling sensitive acres such as butlers or wetlands. 0) t’ers for continuous emirolltiient will he considered on a lust eonte—tirst scr’.c basis, so suhtnit your oiler as soon as you cait. but no later than August 23, 2019. Only selected praettees ate a’. amiable under continuous enrollment. ‘[he ettecit’. e start date ol the ne’.’. contract ‘.‘.ould he ( )etoher I. 2019. 3. Transition Incentives Program (TIP): 1l’you we not planning io (‘arm the land from the espmring contract yoursell. TIP nay pro’. ide von two additional annual rental pay menis (‘Il the condition you sell or rent your and to a beginning farmer or ranchci or a titember ot a socially disad’. antaged group. Ne’.’. lando’.’. nets oi’ renters iic reiliured to use sustainable uraimg or tarnitne methods as they return time land to production. ‘I’IP ol’l’et’s a ‘.‘.ay to create ness l’ariumng opportunities while continuing consersatioti efforts. If you are interested il ‘FIP. contact your local ISA office no later than August 23. 21)19. —I. (‘oiiscr ation Easements or Working Lands Programs. I and currently under a CRP contract may he eligible to iran’.itton into consersation easenletits tim pro’. dc longcr—terni hcnetits. I’he LSl)A’s Natural Resources C’onscrs aiion Ser’. cc’s t NRCS’ ) ,‘\gricultural (.‘onsersation Lasenment Prograiti (ACEPI.
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