ze Congratulations to All SU Lowans Receiving [)eg~ees!" " The Weather sb Channel A Complete List Partfy cloudy toda, with suttw.d .......,.. .. later-walke~ thundentorm. ill the e.trome ..... Wannor ... Brttain. the southwest toAy, c ..... to ,.,.etr clMlly to­ rode out of Of Degree Candidate. night. Highs ....., from • lit .................. r of 12-1oot the mid .. In the ............ SaturdaY..... >rk-mounted On Page 3 , 'owan ... : Partf, cleucly with UttIo chante III ...... fore he wa. ..d tN People t1/ Iowa CUp per.ture. ( in August. t, he would Eltabllabed in 1888 --------------------------Friday. June t, 1961, Iowa Cit)'. Iowa yhich sailed I-the·surface !lkeoff point, ~rance Wed­ lone of those Inted on' eight of rail u a ned back by o at -.. ~anoes begin :empt. the Channel he lOOlh per- Way Paved To Remain' 'Mississip~ Ceremonies er time. She u.s. ~companying Will Begin mid-Channel To Recess Arrests 11 ' , At Laos Parley At 9:30.a~m. , ~ By WARREN RODGERS JR. After Rides .' ought Atom Talks 1,170 SUlowans clear that we Republicans Demand WASHINGTON (HTNS) - President Kennedy said Thurs­ Nine Freedom Riders, To Be Graduated; ay," the Presi. day the United States will keep trying at Cenevil to reach accolTTPlllying Negotiations Deadline NAACP Official, N.Y. Morrill Will Talk agreement with the Communists on a truly neutral, independent Legislator Included sent to House With Soviet Conferees Laos. (List of Graduate .. : Poge 3) burn (D-Tex,) The President t·hus scotched re­ that an agreement on Laos seemed JAOKSON , Mi$!. III - Eleven mt Lyndon B. By ROWLAND EVANS JR. "Pomp nnd Circumstance." ponls that the United states might "imminent" after his weekl!l\d travelers made further testa of t of the Senate. Mi$8issippi's segregation laws that half-glad, half-sad song. WASHINGTON (HTNS) . - A entirely abandon talks wwh Khrushcbe.v at Viema. Nevertheless, American 10fCfcials Thursday. Like 81 others who pre­ the 14-natiOll con­ will be play d thi morning for major campaign Is moving into said ,they stili e~pect to re~ch an ceded them, they ehded In jail. ference in disgust ] .170 SUlowans. high gear to pave the way for . re­ accord on Laos, pnce the rf'dO.n~ Too 11 included nine "Freedom over the Commun­ It means both good-bye and hello cessing the atom test -ban talks in ist side's cynical incident has blown over. 11hey were Rlders" from New Orleans, La., not sure whether Khru~v ~ a New York State usemblyman, Good·bye to the gay, mad. under­ Geneva so that the United States disregard of lJIe grad collegiate whlrl; Hello to the cease-fire agree­ about the impending cease..fire vio­ and an official at the National As­ a.m. can free itself from the unpoliced Lation when -he talked optlmlstically sociation for the Advancement oC everyday. life of the world. It ment. The Western moratorium on .testing. to Ke~edy, or whet~r K'hrusn­ Colored People. mean putUng what was learned boycott at Geneva from books inlo what can be done Republican Congressional lead­ remained in force, chev mi glK not be in full control of - They ,"emptocf .........tlon ers Sen. Everett M. Dirksen, wilat the Laotian rebels do. with life. It means .. Auld Lanlt' ~.m. m. 'h 0 w ever. Wltil "'"" at • train ...Hon .net tIP and Rep. Charles A. Halleck, Ind., Thursday, K,,,,"dv was m.... Syne" for Crlend who vowed they'd [) S 0 vie t Foreign _lrliMs tornWnat. Pollc. charged issued a formal statement Thurs­ e.ulious allo~ L.OI than he never part. and "Hail Fellow Well Mquster Andrei A. '*' ell with breach of tho peace. Met," to a t housand new face In G day that brought the issue into Gromyko clariCled the confused been on T""cf4V· H" told a ","*. in, of Unltetf Prll' In ' ern.tlol1llll Their arrest brought the total of the next few weeks. sharp focus. sitlMtion. ,..... editors .nd publishers: jailed riders to 92. Only one con­ At ,: JO ttli. _rnl", Com"*,· ..15 •• The formal stat.ment cam. IM,.. American oflicials' were far (rom "I ·l,hink we are going to stay at tinued a hunger strike. PoliQe said cemont OllOf'cl ... wtll betln. SUI .ft.r the RlpUbnc~n ,.. de ... told cheered by Gromyko's statement Ge neva and see If we come there were 275 more jail spaces President Vlrtll M. H.ncher will PrKldtnt Kennedy prlv.tely th.t can M he arrived in Geneva Thursday to .a neutral and independent Laos still available here. deliver the tracllttonal charge to I li?c, ttl. prospect of a Sovltt night that "My pockets are As has been the pattern here, the ,ractuates and will confer . .. the important point now is that Iwlkh on It, dem.nds for • '1.to empty." They bad hoped that· he we are there in order to secure a there was lID violence. cIeg ...... ov.r Inspections Is zero, the was bringing back word from Pre­ neutral and independent Laos, and Mark Lane, 33, • N_ Yoric James Morrfll, formt'r president United States mUlt unlh.ckl. It- mier Khrushchev .that the renewed that is the posture in Which we are state lawmaker from Manhattart, of the Unlver Ity of Minnesota, wUI ulf. ' Laotian figllting had been all a going .to CQnduct our . negotia­ and Percy Sutton, 41, prosident speak on the "Challenge oC World Thursday's statement said : mistake. tions at present," of. Naw York City branch of tM AfCairs." MorrlIl it now I consult­ "We insist that we can no longer The oll'l:bw-st of ,hostilities, in The P.resideot sidestepped two NAACP, ww. .rrested _ after ant to the Ford Foundation. Pfocel slonal and receulonal 5 take the chance that the Soviet which the Government-held 9kong- questiOlli: whether ~ felt Khrush­ ....V got off • Delt. AlrllnH Union will perfect its nuclear wea­ hold of Padong fell to the Pathel chev . had re~~ed on bis promiSe plane. marches and a lhort concert .t11 .. be played 'by the SUI Symphony pons (by clandestine testing) while Lao rebels, out the ground out from Ilt 'Vienna to settle the Laos .issue, The reliJsed to leave tHe white under Pre·Ii:\Ant K,eJm~y's opij- jind ~ it was Ukelv American Band under the direcUon of Frede­ W~ foreg lmprp..:ip& ours. ~lIrjng ~.~mam... Interminable meetings In Geneva. mism. K~rhad s~d tueSday t.rooi>s hlJgtit De ihl tltaoS. rick C. Ebbl. Robert Mldlubetl. , 'the two, woo were served wifb.. director oC the SUI School of Re· "w. believe tbt United Sta", . out incident at an earJ.iec' stop in Iigiorl, will serve u chaplin durl•• hIS betn .xtrem.ly p.tlent In Q Montgomery, Ala., buB tcnniDal the exercises. restaurant, said they were merely vl.w of the gr.vlty of ~ Is· G~mmies Defy, Or.der The graduation activities began u.s. curious tra~lers. sue 'and we respectfully IIrg. the Thursday night with medical and P,'tsid.nt to lit a cI ••dll", on ''W.'re not chell...... any .... dental convocation Ceremonle•. the n.gcrtlatlonl .nd 10 notify the T~ Reveai' Me~bersh;p :. clal CVItDm$," SuHea saIcl In ThlrtHn medIc.1 .~ ,... 5o"I.t Union." . Montgomery. ''We're jUIt tr... • celved .w.r. .t the medical President Kennedy, speaking NEW YORK (m - The American leaders who also served time jn en curious to 1M what tfto. ........ con'loc.tlon_ The .eW ..... "s.m. i.," Thursday at a meeting of the edi­ Communist party. trumpeting de­ federal prisons under tbe Smith tlon Thought. on "'* Futuro" w•• tors oC United Press International, fiance of a Supreme Court man­ Act - National Chairman Eliza­ "I'm very concerned that some Into the Future given by TOIl McCarrol, ene. voiced the implication that he and date to make public its ,member­ beth GurLey Flynn and National of my c~ituents have been ar­ tlve dHft for .~ .....,Icot. 1,170 stud'nb will be ,redu.ted thl. m.mlng, to the Congressional leaders are go­ ship lists, says. it would not cqm· Secretary Benjamin J. Davis. rested in tOO South. and I'm look­ Charles H. ROllnb.um, D4, low. City, typic. I Dr. Norman B. Nelson, dean of of 10 m.ny SUlowan, who will rac.iv. d.,r.es I.. v, "hind the coli... lif•• nd face the werld. the College of Medicine, admlnls· ing down tbe same road. ply in atfy way .with ,tbe ruling, Ever since t~e )950 passage of ing into the situation," Lane said. tered the Physicians Oath (a mod­ claiming it outlaws the party in a Subversive Activities Control Later, nine riders from NeM' Or­ ....ay, looles Inti an unknown futur.. About -D.lly low.n Photo b,. L.rry R.poport The United States would continue ern adaptation of the Oath of Hlp. the United States. Law, Congress and varioW! govern­ leans - including four wbi.te girls to press Cor an international' in­ pocrates) to the araduates and spection system, Kennedy said, but Gus Hall, the party's general ment agencies have been trying to - were arrested in the raiload secretary, said the Supreme Court terminal. Provost Harvey H. Davis ,ave he added significantly: force the party to register as a Coo d, His District Rippe,d greetinp from the UJliver.ity. decision earlier this week "asks tool of Moscow and surrender its Police took ... four w..... ,lrl. BULLETIN "If w. e.nnot ,tach an agrH' At the dental convocation, 211 the Communist party to com~t membership lists. , and • ,..".. tIri Into cuttory ment, w. want It eltar ttlat the suicide." .• when they sat totafher In ..
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