INSTITUTE FOR NATURE CONSERVATION OF SERBIA Dragan PAV!CEV!C & Michel PERREAU {editors) BELGRADE, 2008 Advances in the studies of the fauna of the Balkan Peninsula Monograph n'22 Papers dedicated to the memory of Guido Nonveiller p. 215-239 THE GENUS HADESIA MULLER, 1911 AND THE PHYLOGENY OF ANTHROHERPONINA (COLEOPTERA, LEIODIDAE, CHOLEVINAE, LEPTODIRINI) by Michel Perreau (1) & Dragan Pavicevic (2) (1) Universite Paris 7 case 7139, 2 place Jussieu, 75251 Paris Cedex 05 France, e-mail: michel. perreau@univ- paris-diderot .fr (2) Institute for Nature Conservation of Serbia, Dr. Ivana Ribara 91, 11070 Novi Beograd, Serbia, e-mail: [email protected] SUMMARY. The genus Hadesia is revised. Two new species are described. Hadesia vasiceki weiratheri Zariquiey is upgraded to the rank of species. Several new localities are listed. Identification keys are given for the species of the genus Hadesia and for the genera of the subtribe Anthroherponina. KEY WORDS. Coleoptera, troglobitic species, Bosnia & Herzegovina, Montenegro, Anthroherponina. 1- INTRODUCTION The representatives of the genus Hadesia Muller, 1911 lives in Herzegovina and Montenegro. Up to now, it contained one species with two subspecies nominotypical Hadesia vasiceki vasiceki Muller, 1911, found only in a single cave: Vjetrenica pecina in Zavala and Hadesia vasiceki weiratheri Zariquiey, 1927, known from the type locality: Vojvode Dakovica pecina in Grahovo (Montenegro) and from jama Bravenik in Grab, near 'frebinje (Herzegovina) (PRETNER, 1974). Recent samplings in jama Bravenik and new localities in Croatia (spilja pod Gromackom Vlakom near Dubrovnik), Herzegovina (peCina Veliko Datlo in Korita) and Montenegro (Krivosije, Duboka jama near Knezlaz, and in Vodena jama in the Dragaljsko polje near Umac) make a revision of this genus necessary. The result is the increase the number of species of the genus to 4 with the description of two new species: one for the population of Veliko Datlo peCina and the other for the population of Jama Bravenik, and by the upgrade of the subspecies weiratheri Zariquiey to the rank of species. 2- METHODS The microscopic slides of female genitalia have been obtained after treatment in KOH 0.1 N, coloration with Azoblack and inclusion in Euparal or DMHF. The photonic pictures were made on a microscope ZEISS axiolab with a digital camera SPOT. SEM pictures have been taken on a scanning electron microscope JEOL JSM 840A after metal coating. The phylogenetic analysis has been performed with the software PAUP. The following abbreviations for collections and institutions are used: HZMZ: Hrvatski prirodoslovni muzej, Zagreb, Croatia; MZBS Museo de Zoologia, Barcelona, Spain; CACT: Achille Casale, Torino, Italy; CDCK: David Ceplik, Kosice, Slovakia; CDPV: 216 Advances in the studies of the fauna of the Balkan Peninsula Dragan Pavicevic, Belgrade, Serbia; CGDY: Gejza Dunay, Kralovce, Slovakia; CJLK: Jan Lakota, Ruzomberok, Slovakia; CMPR: Michel Perreau, Paris, France; CPMG: Pier Mauro Giachino, Torino, Italy; CRLJ: Roman Lohaj, Kosice, Slovakia. Where necessary, the sign '/' separates different labels of a specimen. 3 - DESCRIPTION OR REDESCRIPTION OF THE TAXA Genus Hadesia Muller Hadesia l'vliiller, 1911: 175, type species Hadesia Va.Sicceki Miiller, 1911 (monotypy) DESCRIPTION. Length 6.7 to 7.6 mm. General shape of the body elongated, with narrow head and pronotum, and wide elytra, eyeless, wingless and weakly pigmented. Head approximately 1. 7 times as long as wide (fig. 7). Surface strongly microreticulated, with some strong points on the occipital part only, with no occipital carina. Insertion of the antennae located before the first quarter of the length of the head. Second antennomere very short compared to the other antennomeres, much shorter than the first and the third ones. Labrum trapezoid with long setae on the dorsal side (fig. 7), and with a median notch on the anterior edge (fig. 13). Maxillae short with brushes of setae and sensillae both on the galea and the lacinia which is reduced (figs. 11 & 12). lVIaxillary palps with long first and second palpomeres, and a very short terminal palpomere (fig. 11). Labium with two rows of long setae on the ventral side and a high triangular longitudinal structure on the dorsal side (fig. 10). Labial palps extremely short, the second palpomere transverse (fig. 10). Mandibles angulate in dorsal view, the apex flat and vertical with 7 small teeth (figs. 8 & 9). Thorax: pronotum narrow, slightly wider than the head, the widest part in the middle, 1.5 to 1.56 times as long as wide according to the species and the specimen, without a marginal lateral carina, but with a thin marginal anterior and posterior carina. Dorsal surface smooth, with no setae, with very tiny punctures and a superficial microreticulation, the macroscopic aspect shiny. Shoulder with a lateral deep groove (fig. 23). Scutellum wide and long, widely covered by the pronotum. Elytra around two times as long as wide. Elytral sculpture rough with randomly disposed short (probably hydrophobic) setae, the macroscopic aspect matt and silky (fig. 28). Preapical region of the epipleuron more or less interrupted according to the sexes and the species. Humeral region of the epipleuron more or less thickened according to the species (figs. 24 & 25). Abdomen: mesosterna! carina interrupted, the mesocoxal cavities widely confluent (fig. 26). First abdominal ventrite with a carina roughly parallel to the anterior edge (figs. 26 & 27), delimiting a smooth surface with a weaker microreticulation and a shiny aspect, between the anterior edge and the carina (fig. 27). Such a smooth plate exists also along the anterior margin of the other visible ventrites (fig. 26) but the carina occurs only on the first one. Appendages: femora enlarged in the basal parts. Protibias without a longitudinal and lateral row of little spines and without an external apical spur. Mesotibias and metatibias without an apical ring of spines of equal length. Empodium of tarsi with two setae. Claws widely dilated (fig. 29). MALE. EJytra: preapical region of the epipleuron with a weak sinuosity. Abdomen: metasternum without lateral hollows as are in females. Appendages: all tarsi five segmented and not dilated. M. Perreau & D. Pavicevic: The genus Hadesia Muller 217 Aedeagus: median lobe long, strongly curved, thick with a prepical widening (in dorsal view) and an apical expansion in lateral view (figs. 30 to 33). The thickness of the prepical part of the aedeagus is variable according to the species, varying from a strong hump (H. vasiceki Muller), to an hardly perceptible sinuosity (H. lakotai n. sp, H. weiratheri Zariquiey). The length of the apical expansion varies also according to the species. Internal sac with a long and slim stylus (figs. 34 to 37). Parameres thin, slightly shorter than the median lobe, with four setae, two short subapical ones and and two apical one which are variable in size. The size of the two apical setae varies within populations and cannot be used as a specific discriminant. Genital segments: urite IX reduced to a ring, as most of Leptodirini. FEMALE. Elytra: preapical region of the epipleuron with a tooth followed towards the apex of the elytra by an indentation. The size of the tooth and the depth of the indentation are variable according to the species (figs. 14 to 16). Abdomen: first abdominal visible ventrite with two deep lateral hollows (fig. 26). Appendages: protarsi four segmented, meso and metatarsi five segmented. All tarsi not dilated. Genital segments: ventrite VIII without expansion on the anterior edge. Urite IX with reduced sclerified parts, without appendicular parts (gonocoxites and gonosubcoxites, cf. Deuve, 2001 for terminology), with the epipleurites reduced to small circular lateral plates and the mediotergite reduced to a semicircular arc (fig. 21). Spermatheca long and curved, with the apex differently shaped according to the species (figs. 17 to 20). Four species are presently recorded in the genus. 1. Hadesia vasiceki Muller Hadesia Va.Siceki Miiller, 1911: 175. loc. typ.: Hohle bei Zavala (Herzegovina) [= pecina Vjetrenica] Hadesia Va.Siceki J. Miiller, 1911: Jeanne!, 1924: 426. Hadesia Va.Siceki Miill.: Winkler, 1925: 144. Hadesia Vasiceki Miiller: Fagniez, 1927: 23. Hadesia Va.Siceki J. Miiller, 1911: Remy, 1940: 2. (Biology) Hadesia vasiceki J. Miiller: Gueorguiev, 1990: 269. DIAGNOSIS. Habitus in fig. 3; in addition to the characters of the genus: humeral region of the epipleuron thickened (figs. 23, 24). Female preapical indentation of the elytral epipleuron deep (fig. 14). Spermatheca regularly curved, rounded at the apex (fig. 17). Aedeagus with a strong dorsal preapical hump and a long apical expansion (fig. 30). DISTRIBUTION. Bosnia-Herzegovina: Vjetrenica pecina in Zavala, in the Popovo polje. Croatia: spilja pod Gromackom Vlakom in Orasac not far from Dubrovnik (2 females seen in HZMZ). DISCUSSION. Up to now H. vasiceki was only known from the type locality: Vjetrenica pecina. We have examined two females from spilja pod Gromackom Vlakom in Croatia (B. Jalzic, in HZMZ) which fit the main morphological diagnostic characters of this species. 2. Hadesia lakotai n. sp. TYPE MATERIAL: holotype d', Bosnia and Herzegovina, peCina Velika Datlo in Korita, 21.06.2003, S. Ognjenovic leg. (CMPR). Paratypes: 1 d' and 2 ~' same data as holotype, S. Ognjenovic and J. Lakota leg. (CDPV, CJLK, CMPR); 1 ~' same cave, 13.09.2003 (CJLK); 1 d', same cave, 24.07.2005 (CJLK). All specimens have been found dead but in fairly good conditions. 218 Advances in the studies of the fauna of the Balkan Peninsula Figure 1. Hadesia asamo n. sp. in jama Bravenik (photo: 1\!I. Perreau). M. Perreau & D. Pavicevic: The genus Hadesia Miiller 219 Figure 2. The entrance of jama Bravenik (photo: M. Perreau). ADDITIONAL MATERIAL: 1 <;J (debris) 23.06.2003 (CJLK); 2 <;J (debris) 24.07.2005 (CJLK); 1 d (debris) 11.08.2007 (C!viPR); two pairs of elytra (CDCK), all specimens in the same cave. DIAGNOSIS. Habitus fig. 4; In addition to the characters of the genus: size slightly less than the other species (generally less than 7 mm whereas more than 7 mm for the other species).
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