https://ntrs.nasa.gov/search.jsp?R=19820016673 2020-03-21T09:11:52+00:00Z N O T I C E THIS DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED FROM MICROFICHE. ALTHOUGH IT IS RECOGNIZED THAT CERTAIN PORTIONS ARE ILLEGIBLE, IT IS BEING RELEASED IN THE INTEREST OF MAKING AVAILABLE AS MUCH INFORMATION AS POSSIBLE E82-10271 IT-L1-04132 AgRISTARS JSC-17408 -Made available under NASA sponsorship in the int1,:rr Ft ct car,v ,(ir^r1 w^ ' c dis- A Joint Program for sernination of Earth Resourres Survey Agriculture and ' vn infonndr!01 1 ,i,iil willhoui liability ny use mode thereot." Resources Inventory Surveys Through Aerospace Inventory Technology Remote Sensing Development March 1982 SELECTION OF THE ARGENTINE INDICATOR REGION MAR 2 a 1982 C. J. Ramirez and C. R. Reed (E8i-1Ul i?i ALL:w.lUti 01' 1xlh A1%GhNTibh Nd1-24549 INUICATUL uL^li,h iLUCk111-1-J hr,y1LIUOrit,y duct Cldndy elm eut) 1Uu E il^.: Ai.)/,,11 ^ Aj1 CSLI U1C Uucls 3 UU171 T Y Lockheed Engineering and Management Services Company, Inc. 1830 NASA Road 1, Houston, Texas 77258 f t`^^p1 GF co,., q111 ush Lyndon B. Johnson space Cw*,'w Houston, Texas 77058 .m .yvr NCY FILMED IT-L1-04132 JSC-17408 SELECTION OF THE ARGENTINE INDICATOR REGION Job Order 72-415 4 This report describes the Argentine Indicator Region selection activities of the Inventory Technology Development project of the AgRISTARS program. PREPARED BY C. J. Rami rez and C. R. Reed APPROVED BY R. W. Payne ' Manager Technology Evaluation Project Office Carroll, Manager !- Crop Applications Department LOCKHEED ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT SERVICES COMPANY, INC. Under Contract NAS 9-15800 Fo r Earth Resources Appl i cati ors Division l - Space and Life Sciences Directorate NATIONAL AERONAUTICS AND SPACE ADMINISTRATION LYNDON B. JOHNSON SPACE CENTER HOUSTON, TEXAS March 1982 LEMSCO-16874 i i i PAGE BLANK P30T FILMED PREFACE The Agriculture and Resources Inventory Surveys Through Aerospace Remote Sensing is a multiyear prograrn of researc), development, evaluation, and application of aerospace remote sensing for agricultural resources, which began in fiscal year 1980. This program is a cooperative effort of the U.S. Department of Agriculture, the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (u.S. Department of Commerce), the Agency for International Development (U.S. Department of State) , and the U.S. Department of the Interior. The work which is the subject of this document was performed by the Earth Resources Applications Division, Space and Life Sciences Directorate, Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center, National Aeronautics and Space Administration, and Lockheed Engineering ,end Management Services Company, Inc. The tasks performed by Lockheed Ene i neeri ng and Management Services Company, Inc., were accompl isheJ unde. Contract NAS 9-1-:800. A portion of the L,^boratory for Applications of Remote Sensing (LARS) Contract Report 112878 is re.prodi:ed in appendix A. v NI;tC Lui, 4G PA6E 6LA14K NOT FILMED CONTENTS Section 1. INTRODUCTION ........... ............................................ 1 .1 INDICATOR REGION (IR) CONCE P T .................................. 1.2 ARGENTINE WHEAT, CORN, AND SOYBEAN IR .......................... 2. SUNA?CRY., ............................. ...................00..04...... -. 3. DESCRIPTION OF THE SELECTED ARGENTINE IR ............................. 3-1 3.1 ARGENTINE PHYSICAL DIVISIONS .................................... 3-1 3.2 THE PAMPAS ...................................................... 3-3 3.3 DESCRIPTION OF THE AGRICULTURE REGIONS WITHIN THE SELECTEDARGENTINE 17 ........................................... 3-5 3.3.1 FOUR MAJOR AGRICULTURE DIVISIONS .............................. 3-5 3.3.2 ARGENTINA'S AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT PLAN ..................... 3-8 3.4 GENERALGE...••.••,••••••,.••••.,.AL CHARACTERIZATIONOFWHEA1'.CORN` • . : 3-9 3.4.1 WHEAT ......................................................... 3-9 3.4.2 CORN.,, ........................................................ 3-10 3.4.3 SOYBEANS ................... see ..... .. ...... ,......... .... ...... 3-11 4. GENERAL CHARACTERIZATION OF OTHER ITEMS OF INTEREST PERTAINING TO AGRICULTURE IN THE IR ...................... 4-1 4.1 CROP CALENDARS .................................................. 4-1 4.2 CONFUSION CROPS ................................................. 4-17 4.2.1 SUNFLOWERS .................................................... 4-17 4.2.2 SORGHUM ....................................................... 4-17 4.2.3 FLAX...........,. ............................................. 4-18 4.3 CROPPING PRACTICES .............................................. 4-18 4.3.1 CROP ROTATION PATTERNS FOR WHEAT .............................. 4-18 vi Section Page 4.3.2 CROP ROTATION IN THE CORN REGION 0! r THE PAMPAS (REF. 12)...... 4-18 4.3.3 VARIETIES OF WHEAT, CORN, AND SOYBEANS ........................ 4-20 4.3.4 IRRIGATION .................................................... 4-20 4.3.5 USAGE OF INSECTICIDE AND HERBICIDE FOR DISEASE ANDPEST CONTROL .............................................. 4-?0 4.4 SOIL ............................................................ 4 -21 4 .5 CLIMATE ......................................................... 4-22 4 .6 LAND SAT DATA .................................................... 4-22 4 .7 GROUND OBSERVATIONS IN ARGENTINA ................................ 4 -24 4.8 POTENTIAL PROBLEMS ANTICIPATED FOR PROPORTION ESTIMATION AND LABELING RCURACY ................................ 4-50 5. CONCLUDING REMARKS ................................................... 5-1 6. REFERENCES ........................................................... 6-1 7. BIBLIOGRAPHY ......................................................... 7-1 Appendix A. WHEAT STATISTICS METHODOLOGY IN ARGENTINA ............................ A-1 B. NONSTATISTICAL DATA COLLECTION ....................................... B-1 r TABLES Table Page 1-1 ARGENTINE CROP STATISTICS FOR '971-78 ............................... 1-3 (a) 1977 area used fur planting/percentage of Argentine land used for planting ............................... 1-3 (b) 1977 production harvested/percentage of Argentine production ........................................... 1-3 (c) 1978 area planted/percentage of Argentine land used for planting .............................................. 1-4 (d) 1918 production harvested/percentage of Argentine production ........................................... 1-4 Z-1 SUMMARY OF CHARACTERISTICS STUDIED IN THE ARGENTINC INDICATOR REGION .................................................... 2-2 4-1 SUBREGIONS AND CROP CALENDARS FOR PROVINCES OF INTEREST ............. 4-2 4-2 CROPS AND SUBREGIONS INCLUDED IN HISTORICAL CROP CALENDARS.......... 4-2 4-3 CROP CALENDAR, DATES OF PLANTING AND HARVESTING ..................... 4-3 4-4 CROP ROTATION FOR WHEAT IN REGIONS OF INTEREST........... 4-19 4-5 AVAILABLE LANUSAT ACQUISITIONS IN THE IR ............................ 4-25 4-b LANUSAT UATA ORDER FUR ARGENTINA IN 1980-81 ......................... 4-48 ix fs F ,I I ' ...P Ii, n. ^r I^1 .I`6ii NOT (1LI'114.0 Fi gures Figure Page 1-1 The wheat, corn, and soybean IR for Argentina ....................... 1-5 i 1-2 The Pampa region of Argentina indicating corn, wheat, and soybean zones. (Secretaria de Estado de Agrlcultura y Ganaderia, Servicio National de Economia y Sociologia Rural Campana Agricola 1978-79, 9uenos Aires, Argentina)............ 1-6 3-1 The four major physical divisions of Argentina (ref. 3) ............. 3-2 3-2 The Humid Pampa of Argentina (ref. 4) ............................... 3-4 3-3 The four major agricultural divisions of the Humid Pampa in Argentina (ref. 4) ................ ..........0.................... 3-6 4-1 Subregions of the provinces in the Argentine IR (ref. o)............ 4-4 4-2 Crop calendar for northern Santa Fe Province, subregion I ......................................................... 4-5 4-3 Crop calendar for southa;n Sants Fe Province, subregion ;I-N ...................................................... 4-7 4-4 Crop calendar for northern Buenos fires Province, subregion II-S...................................................... 4-9 4-5 Crop calendar for Entre Rios Province, subregion III ................ 4-11 4-•6 Crop calendar for southern Buenos Aires Province, subregion IV ........................................................ 4-13 4-7 Crop calendar for Cordoba Province, subregion V-N ....................................................... 4-15 4-8 Precipitation isohyets in the 1R .................................... 4-'3 4-9 ERIM/UCB ground observations taken in Argentina on February 16 to 30, 1981 ................................ 4-50 a ` xi r' PKECEDViG Pw,GE BLANK NOT FILMED ABBREVIATIONS AgRISTARS Agriculture and Resources Inventory Surveys Throug*1i Aerospace Remote Sensing ERIM Environmental Research Institute of Michigan FAS Foreign Agriculture Service F SR foreign similarity region IR indicator region I TO Inventory Technology Development LACIE Large Area Crop Inventory Experiment LARS Laboratory for Applications of Remote Sensing NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration UCB University of California at Berkeley ^1 USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture U SGP U.S. Great Plains xiii The Inventory Technology Development ( ITD) proj ect is one of eight rnAjor projects within the Agriculture and Resources Inventory Surveys Through Aerospace Remote Sensing (AgRISTARS) program (ref. 1). An objective of the ITD project is to develop advanced technology for
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