b£^^-^#^^^^^3l - City 'College** second televi­ sion broadcast, **Form and De­ sign in Art," Trill be presented - Saturday at S» over ' station WABD.' This will be the sixth pro- £12-1 -. snuB m a series of 26 r Calling the requests '"less than satisfactory,'* aiuf indi­ being presented^ by the Board, Dr- Ord way Teaxf;former chairman- o^ t^e ®ifci# of cating they are the absolute minimum necessary for the of Higher Education under the Higher Education, declared last night that the municipal normal operations <rf the coming year* President Bueil G. title, "Panorama.'* The four colleges are "reasonably clean** of Communist and other Gallagher has-submitted the City College Budget for 1954- municipal colleges are partici­ subversive infraences. 1955 to the BoardVof Higher Education. Prom there it will pating' in the series. Ott WiiCA-s ^^EepoTt to-the People'' program go to the budget director's office and then to the Board of ^ • • ••••-.-•.•:. > present chairman of the BHE, Joseph: B. Estimate for finai approval- Tead praised the • N,' The proposed Jtmdget asks for current set-up which finds a $8,023,191^S>~*" 4^ fir- "ee%it in­ special committee of the crease over "this year's appropria­ BHE Investigating subver­ tions. The increases represent a" sives in the city colleges. $180,288 request for operation of "It certainly looks like this the Maifhattanvilte campus, and Lloyd May Testify . committee represents- the in­ mandatory salary increments. The long-awaited conclusion; of the Board of Higher '* evitable way in which to pro* President Gallagher said that Education trial moved a step closer* to reality yesterday eeed,"* he commented. there is no assurance that the afternoon, as suspended basketball coach Nat Holman Dr. Cavallaro declared that the requested ¥tmds. will guarantee rested his defense after^ a tedious ajl-day session. The responsibility of the BH&la these the growthj and stability of City hearings will re-convene next Monday at noon. proceedings is "clear enough.** It College, and warned that "reduc­ Assistant Corporation Counsel must, he said, "conform, to Section tion below -the present askings Andrew- Mollen, prosecuting for. with respect to any City College, Dr. Ordway Dr. Joseph 90S of the City Charter, &ie Civil -would in iny judgment be dis­ the BHE, has Indicated that -be players. "What proof could I Tead CaTallaro Service laws, and the Feinberg astrous. * may call former Chairman of the have that a boy is playing dis­ law. Those proved guilty must be "Our desires for the four col­ honest?" he asked. "Certain rdismisaed.** . _ 1 Hygiene Department l^rank Lloyd leges of J^^efW York City may one things should not'be done in sound : in rebuttal of some of the testi- There will be no wjholesaie ques­ day^come to fruition,** Dr. Gal- basketball, bat they,, are done mony which ha* bee^ olf ered. All ,, tioning tactics'imposed on the lagher~said^*%ut all of us realize J5«r«rtheless. *0n municipal college teachers, Dr. that «*> present jump in appro­ ' Testimony was later httrodueed Mrs, Dorothy Heflman, fashion '•-Vv-?l-' •.-«•**' Cavallaro went on. Instead, the- priations 5s ftosajfele under- the Jby Pat ^Kennedy, veteran college director for McGreeay, Werring work of the- CommiBoe will be- present cuSeumstancea,^ and pro referee, in which l»e eor- and Howell, will take part in a ; carried qut^ through the .use of In a report issued Sunday by roborated Hoh?nan> opinion. "I_ quesiionuari^w*To^twy''gn^wn^rnwr vg the BHET Sai^^'/B^Ch^iX^EP&i' have never seen able to deter­ in Fashion,'' aU membera of the faculty and chairman* of the- Board, enipo«K, mine," Kennedy said, ^whether a tonight at 7 in 1220. administration. sized the . increased amount of player misses a shot purposely: Other notables scheduled to ap­ f unds_ comingfrxrta - other ^sources or because of human failure. I pear on the panel are Robert Discussing other issues of im- than the City-for - the^support of can unequivocally state that it is Bart and Jill Everhart of Bart- port to the municipal college*, both Dr.: Tead and Dr. Cavallaro the municipal jcoj^fces.;~ impossible for any coach to so Everhart "" Associates; Michael agreed that municipal college sal­ The report revealed that of the "^aetermine."' Weinberg, assistant to the vice Regarding his attitude toward president of Saks Fifth Avenue; aries "are nof too attractive as' total receipts /ttr-~«fc 1952-1953 *" of:, .today.** — school - year,/ 60 "pes* cent came Madison Square Garden, Holman and Wendy Kahn, Orbacb>« buyer. from the > City, 20*pert cent from admitted that he. had never rec­ The 1953-1954 booklet describ­ However, Dr. Cavallaro said, the state, 2 per cent from the fed-. ommended the withdrawal of ing the Retailing Cooperative "I am hopeful that Mayor-elect era! government "•" and ' the - rest CCNY from the Garden, but Training Program has recently Wagner will follow through on from student * fees,'* endowments -T added, "I don't think the factor of been issued. — his campaign promise and- give and- misceJlfcneouy*ources. Madison Square Garden was a Now In its seventh year of the teachers an overall increase State fuuds^are- received for material reason for the scandal.** operation, - the retailing woek- of $750 a year. I em. highly in support of the teacher education Cross-examined* by Mollenon study program is one of nine of­ accord with a minimum, increase program and federal grants come Nat Hobaan his previous statement Uutthe fered at the school, each operat- of at least that much. under the GI BJfl of Rights. that will then remain before the <Cewtmoed an Page 2) " ing in a separate business field. Discussing possible expansion this trend toward - a trial committee retires to censider of curricula. Dr. Tead asserted itarerdiet wjU %e SM• m• liwi* fcfc that he was in favor of a two- municipal rnTwpsi,*l>r. Cavattaro HHMY w|Mw"iiMo1[wuiisiiIii foi year general education program said, "it can be anticipated that •and suspended assistant for those who want to continue the City will not in the future Bobby Sand. their education but do not .have have to carry .the full load by Questioned yesterday on his To Settle Hoop Dispute the qualifications for one of the itself, that the "state and federal failure Ur recognise anything un­ city colleges.' These individuals governments will, as in recent usual in some of* the "dumped'* Unless final efforts to secure a neutral court materialize represent a "terribly important years, assume^ some share of the games, Holman declared that he to the satisfaction of both parties, there is a distinct possi­ ^segment of the population,** Dr. costs." had "no -suspicions whatsoever" bility that the dispute over the site of the traditional CCNYi Tead said. NYU basketball game will-jresult in a cancellaton <*£ the contest. The matter was brought to a the end and side lines, made play Service Frats Gain head last week when the College's on the court hazardous. SA Flowers Faculty Committee on Intercol­ Gilloon revealed yesterday, fol­ On CiubB&ard and legiate- Athletics • voted unani­ lowing a discussion with Faculty Any fraternity "which is inherently a service^frater­ mously to tjphold a _ Manager ^of Athletics Arthur * DesGreV, that be was attempting nity as indicated by their charter and their actions" will p r e V'i o-u slv The Sigma Alpha flower sale, -passed by to negotiate for rental of the have a seat on Inter-Club Boardr—as well as on Inter-Frater- ld nlty CouncH —and an ICB Faculty - Stu­ Fordham gymnasium as the site ~^ ^^ throughout the School last Alpha Phi. Omega and Alpha dent Commits of the fray. Dr. DesGrey pointed Wednesday. afternoon, sold more' vote on all matters except Delta Sigma that only recognized those pertaining to frater« tee. on Intern" out, however, that even .houki &** igOO roses^ and carnations, service frats with seats on the collegiate Ath­ nity business. these efforts prove successful, the MtUng a totai of $n0 jfo^ of Board. These fraternities and the letics. declar­ This, anxesaiment to the Inter- 11 others on campus are required ntatter would again have to be Club Beard Charter waa -passed ing that *Hhe to sit on IFC. brought before: the^FCTA fOrap^ warthe dmonie the purchass collecte so f wila nel gwo flatog- last Wednesday by a vote of 85- CCNY - NYU proval. 6-2, as. a . compromise decision Any other* fraternity wishing bas ke t-bati Beaver coach Dave PofiHtsky for the School. after two heatetily debated' ses­ recognition as a service frater­ game sched­ expressed- a keen disappointment The Flower Sale Committee is nity, within the definition of the sions by the Board: uled for March Dr. a&out GiHoon*s objectiona. "Our currently endeavoring to find a amendxnent, may submit this re­ 4 he played at the City College court is comparatively narrow," The motion, propeaed, eriginal- manufacturer who wilt provide a- iy at the ICB* meetiae; of Novem­ quest, "for recognition to ICB gymnasium." m he said; **but stitt within the-speci­ flag with black lettering on ~m ber 4, was defeated at that time; Ouulnaan Marty Rivye. James V. Gilloon, Jr., athletic fications of the^-ules. We haven't &s was a substitute motion to al­ : In tike other actwn undertaken director at NYU, had previously had a serious accident on that lavender background. io w the service frats to sit on the ICB, the "remaining |1I9 of fees - ^requestetl that the game be court—and that includes Hygiene Bob Dubiel and Sid Kamerman, Board without povFer to vo)te^ -played at University Heights for classes—in ail the years i*-ve been co-chairmen of the Sale, announc­ monies tioned, closing here.
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