THE BYRON SHIRE ECHO Advertising & news enquiries: Mullumbimby 02 6684 1777 Byron Bay 02 6685 5222 Byron Bay Fax 02 6684 1719 [email protected] featured on [email protected] Available early Tuesday at: Arts pages 20 http://www.echo.net.au & & 21 VOLUME 22 #16 TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 25, 2007 22,300 copies every week REVENGE OF THE WORDS ndustry IEstate Splendour in the dark: protest pushes on Dishy weekend for Taste Victoria Cosford for the Ready Steady Cook Your Gourmet for their ele- The tail-end of Saturday was show, with Anthony Telford gant offering of Eggplant rained out, but by Sunday demonstrating puff pastry Charlotte with Puys lentils morning there was only sun- baked with a fi lling of frangi- and babaganoug – but highly shine and ground-drying pani cream, chocolate and recommended were Lis- winds for Day Two of the banana. There were Laugh- more’s Zen Sushi for beauti- Taste of Byron Festival. With, ing Clowns, Juzzy Smith, a fully presented sushi with for the second year in a row, unicyclist, a vast area of tables clean clear fl avours; Byron the glorious beachfront loca- and chairs where groups of Bay Chilli Company for their tion, its theme was chillis, people congregated to eat immensely popular Fish and just about every fi fth stall and drink – and there were Tacos served with a choice of was a chilli company selling the food stalls. one of their award-winning its fi ery products – with rep- Unlike previous years, sauces; and, again from Lis- resentation from as far away there was a conspicuous more, Fire in the Belly piz- as Victoria. absence of some of the better zeria whose owner Rod had As the morning wore on known local restaurants dis- amazingly managed to con- the heat lifted and the crowds pensing mini serves of glam- vey to the site a two-tonne swelled – by early afternoon orous dishes; there seemed to concrete wood-fired oven Ocean Shores Community Centre blacked out as the meeting started on Sunday. there was the satisfying buzz be a preponderance of cur- from whose volcanic womb of a successful event. There ries more than anything else. he was extracting his fantastic Story & photo Eve Jeffery been estimated at over fi ve carried on the wind. ‘If you was a stage and music and at The winner of the Taste of pizzas. Over 200 people gathered at million dollars, this fi gure, in can hear the ripple strips, one point lines of sassy danc- the Community Centre in his opinion, is more about you’re going to love Splen- Byron Signature Dish went The Byron Bay Beach ers; up the north end was a Ocean Shores on Sunday expenditure than injection of dour,’ he said. not even to a restaurant any- Resort was another popular crowded tent of spectators afternoon to have their say on funds into the area. He sug- Jones Road resident and way but to catering company stall, especially for their sig- the issues surrounding the gested that the actual injec- neighbour to the proposed nature dish of Nougat Crepe DA for the proposed 2008 tion of funds was closer to festival Helen Artup also with Raspberry Coulis, a fat Splendour In The Grass fes- $200,000 or about ten dollars shared her concerns for fi re parcel bulgey with a creamy, tival at Yelgun. per head and he questioned and other safety issues. She nutty fi lling in a sea of lolly- Former senator Norm the value of what we were said, ‘The DA lied. It said all red berry syrup. Cheese Sanders welcomed all those getting for our $10. He residents had been contacted. Please was selling little plates gathered and pointed out to believes not much more than I haven’t been contacted.’ of superb cheese pairings the audience some people of the infl ux of drunk drivers, Many other speakers stood with muscatels, and at the public interest including drug users with reported up during the afternoon Seaton Fire Chilli stand Ballina MP Don Page, Byron increases in violent and alco- including Sue Arnold of Aus- owner Lynne Seaton Ander- Shire Councillors John Laza- hol related sexual offences. tralians for Animals, who son from Murphy’s Creek in rus, Jan Mangleson, and Tom He went on to say that the commented on the absence Queensland was proudly Tabart, Greens candidate for type of people attracted by of festival organisers in the showcasing her own chilli Richmond Giovanni Ebono the festival were more likely room. ‘It is really important chocolate (using Callebaut), and later Mayor Jan Barham. tent dwellers than money that you all know that the a sublime-looking Chilli Mr Sanders then continued spenders. developers were invited but Chocolate log cake and chilli by saying, ‘This is a protest ‘The jobs created are not they declined saying this was cashews among other beauti- meeting, this meeting is not local,’ said Mr Waldersee, a protest meeting, which it is fully packaged chilli prod- to ask what people think. We ‘about 15 full time local jobs not.’ ucts. are here to stand up against are created and the rest of the There were two lone voices Disappointingly, there was this.’ jobs are the musicians and in favour of the event, both at representation by one coffee The majority of those in artists etc.’ times inaudible due to heck- company only, Coffeeprince attendance voiced their Local resident Chris Coady ling from the larger group. from the Byron Arts and assent. At this point the lights was very passionate about his The first, Jan Mangleson, Industry Estate, with a long and all power to microphones concerns including those of who felt that the youth needed slow queue of disgruntled and amplifi cation went out. fi re safety and other social, a cultural outlet and that this punters complaining that, The fi rst speaker for the noise and environmental festival was their expression given the region we live in, afternoon was Bob Walder- issues. ‘This should be of that culture. She also felt a there should have been sev- see, a professor in tourism knocked back on the environ- that youth was unrepresented eral more coffee outlets to management at the Queens- ment alone, like Lot 107,’ he at the meeting. The second service the masses. land University of Technol- said pointedly in the direction was Get Rocked event organ- On the whole, however, it ogy, who said that though of the mayor Jan Barham. iser Katie Watts who felt com- John Boland of The Byron Bay Chilli Company has a terrible time was a well-attended event in reports about the cash fl ow Norm Sanders raised a pelled to respond the accusa- tasting the first of the margueritas made by five different local a sunny Sunday atmosphere into the Byron Shire from technical issue of sound inver- tion that the council and bartenders for the Jose Cuervo Marguerita Competition that was of smiling faces, good smells Splendour In The Grass have sion and the nature of noise continued on page 8 part of the weekend’s Taste of Byron Festival. Photo Lou Beaumont and festive fun. PROPERTY INTRODUCING The North Coast’s leading INVESTING INFO home and investment lending specialists NIGHT Thursday 4 October, 7.00pm Independent fi nance brokers with over 35 lenders, including all major Bookings essential, call 6680 7183 banks, working to fi nd the right loan for you. to reserve your place SHERIDAN PROPERTY& FINANCE SERVICES HOME LOANS • PROPERTY COURSES AND COACHING • BUYER’S AGENT TELEPHONE 6680 7183 2 September 25 , 2007 Byron Shire Echo www.echo.net.au Local News Far north coast women unite Steiner Spring Fair "03UFFOLK0ARK in the fi ght against cancer 3ERVICE#ENTRE This October, the Cancer ‘The idea of Girls Night Council is giving Far North In is simple – just invite your 0HONEÈÈnxÊΣ££ Coast women a meaningful friends over and donate the reason to ditch the boys and money you might have spent -6 Êfff get together with the girls, on a night out, to help with the Byron Bay com- women fi ght cancer.’ £ä¯Ê"vv munity once again uniting Girls Night In will raise >ÀÊ-iÀÛV}ÊEÊ to support this year’s Girls money for research and sup- iV >V>Ê,i«>ÀÃIÊ Night In. port into women’s cancers "ÞÊ>Û>>LiÊvÀÊ ‘Around 260 women in such as breast, cervical, 2ALPH+YNOCH Ó{ÉäÉäÇÊÌÊΣɣäÉäÇ *OHN7RAIGHT our region are diagnosed ovarian, and uterine cancer. 1«Ê«ÀiÃiÌ>ÌÊvÊÌ ÃÊ>`° with breast or a gynaeco- ‘Last year residents from "ÕÀÊÀi«ÕÌ>ÌÊÃÊ}ÀÜ}ÊÌ ÀÕ} ÊÕÀʵÕ>ÌÞÊÜÀ>à «ÊEÊ iÃÌÊ>««À>V ÊÌÊÃiÀÛV}ÊÞÕÀÊÌÀ}Êii`ðÊ7 ÞÊÌÊwÊ`Ê logical cancer each year. the Far North Coast raised ÕÌÊvÀÊÞÕÀÃiv]ÊÌ>iÊ>`Û>Ì>}iÊvÊÌ iÊ£ä¯Êvv°Ê ÊÊÜÌ Ê And with 60 dying from over $31,500 which was fan- ,>« ÊÀÊ ÊÜ° these cancers, we need the tastic!’ said Carolyn. ‘This 6 Ê9"1Ê1- Ê"1,Ê, Ê "1,/ -9Ê ,¶ women of the Far North year we’re aiming to raise +Õ>ÌÞÊ-iÀÛViÊqÊ+Õ>ÌÞÊ*i«i Coast to get together now to even more to go towards IÊ ÝVÕ`iÃÊÀi}ÊV iVÃÊ>`ÊÌÞÀià keep the girls together women’s cancers.’ later,’ said Carolyn Forbes, To host a Girls Night In Community Relations Coor- call 1300 65 65 85 or visit dinator for the Cancer www.girlsnightin.com.au. Council’s Far North Coast The Cancer Council will regional offi ce. send out a host kit. SHORES DENTAL New landcare offi cer ‘I’m here to help.’ That is the world even better.’ message from new Landcare Colin is employed by community support offi cer Brunswick Valley Landcare À>Ê i>ÊEÊÃÃV>ÌiÃÊÊ Colin Hastie.
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