THE WESTFIELD LEADER THE UADINC AND MOST WIDELY CltCUUTED WEEKLY NEWSFATEM IN UNION COUNTY [NINTH YEAR—NO. 40 Entered as Second Class Matter Post Office. WettBeld, N. J. Published WESTFIELD, NEW JERSEY, THURSDAY, JUNE 16, 1949 Every Thursday. iiincil Acts To $3,Jfl Seen Cost Suggest M A. M. Of DDT Spray Free Parking Holy Trinity, Junior High Spring St. For 1 c*t field In Business Area Graduations Feature Week Mrs. Chapman Make* Would Extend sjeet Reaches End of Finl Study of Methodt MC; BFgunJThree Yean Ago Orchard Instead Water Contenmthm UM«J in Chatham Of lerrU Place HTCS till ps toward th« conclusion of the first phase in the Spring Urged by Compmy UNwrite lipiovement project were taken Monday night by the Town It would cost Westfield approx- A free hour of parking from S Graduate 51 When it introduced an ordinance providing for the purcnase of imately 13,960 to spray Westfield la ardar to laaiam wa to 9 a. m. w*s recommended last Mitttaf v piece of property needed. Hearing on the measure wai set with a DDT solution ifor 15 sum- night at a meeting of representa- ext meeting of the council June 27. mer weeks, according to figures of tives of civic groups, the Board of Father Dunn to 4».(ai. th. Mb CcrkM Irt an to improve the section, the New Jersey Experiment Sta- Realtors and the Business Associa- AddreM Oaaa Uatai Water C*. ha* ^uprises the "junction of tion in New Brunswick, after the tion with Mayor Charles P. Bailey, •4 thai lit* u— ml kmt far •JHS treet and South avenue, original expenditure of approxi- Police Commissioner S, L. Mape«, W imUltMi First street, was first Assails Nunbcr mately I1P.6Q in equipment. This Police Chief John R. Schreibcr and Fifty-one students will b« grad- Twelv* ituAfitl three year ago, during was revealed in a study made by Town Engineer John T. Hopkins, uated from the eighth grade of Junior High w**r i of former Mayor Robert Mrs. William W. Chapman, who Holy Trinity Grammar School in OfBoroBars It was suggested that since the Book of G*M at [Gradually, the town ha» has been leading petitioners in an exercises tomorrow evening at S HT High School ciies Tuctdajr iwalat. effort to have the Town Council V1MUIKJA AIKKBH** town is apparently unable to make p. m. lit. Id'v. Msgr. Henry J. rioui properties an the headway with plans for extending 227 wer. graaaaM of refurbishing; this Claims Average h adopt the plan here. The cost of WaUerson will award diplomas Graduation Today grade, M of tft«a la spraying was originally thought Ferris place from Prospect to Elm and honors and Kev. William J. No date has been get for street, that consideration be Riven group. Bally Ell*a QaHhift i of the project, but it is 1 Per 100 Voter* to be much higher. Pianist to Resume Dunn, assistant paitor at Holy named «r*t IMMMT fta«Nt, that if funds permit, According to Mrs. Chapman, instead, to extending Orchard Trinity Church, will present th* 58 to Receive street from Elm to ~Prospec t as an addresdd s to thh e graduates. Book of GoM m*mb*ri aia j will be done prior to the MOUNTAINSIDE-A revision residents in Chatham, which has Diplomat Here tnony J. Bavoaa, Mm* I* kf th new high school on of the local ordinance controlling used the ppray for three yea re, are alternative. The program will include: Pro- the retail distribution and con- The meet;ng was the leoond to cessional; "Ave Maria," stud«nt u'ey Jr., Bally G^hart, s.venuc. The area will be enthusiastic about the results. Fifty-eight student! will t» grad- Hara.ty, Joy g, Hot, WIMaW sumption of liquor in the Borough With its 21 miles of streets, spray- be held by the group for a discus- body; award of diploma! and hon- approach to the school. of Mountainside, drew opposition Artist to sion of traffic and parking proh- ors, Monsignor Watterson; "Vent uated from Holy Trinity High Howard, Mary M. Lawa* "' ing cost 11,000 from June until School tonight. Rt. Rev. Mtgr, aid C. Urg* Jr., MarilyaI I plea of taxicab operators from two borough residents Tues- frost last year. Tour U. $., Europe kins. The change Creator," student body; address by proposed taxicab ordi- day evening. starting hour for Father Dunn; consecration to the Henry J. Watteraon will award ford, Ruth R*ad, t. AM Based on figures from the Ex. diplomas and confer honors on and 8u*an C. Waa|*f. uld work a hardship on periment Station, the spraying to 9 in the morning, 101 Sacred Heart, student body; ben- tttionx, the council tabled The revision, second hearing of The sponsors of Virginia Acker-1 w g puj members of the dan, and also give Mary Lancaster aa*V* _ which will be held by the Borough machine can cover three miles of man, concert pianist and Uacher, \ J ;,.,.„„„ f " ediction of the Most Blessed Sac- ire for further consideis- nnesams group and was concurred in rament; 'Tunis Angellcun," stu- the addrexi to the graduatec. List were awartUd AattHaa* |*> Council July 12, adds a club license street per hour, and could cover have announced her return to the Musical selection! which will gion priMi ami tk« C«Ua M. MaV had been paased on first the 72 miles of Wentfteld in about by representatives ef the other dent body; act of consecration to f fay 23. Operators ob- at a f 100 fee. concert platform next season aft- the Sacred Heart, graduates; "Tan- have a part in the commencement enion Memorial avalrd* wam a ghM 24 hours. The ptatim estimated groups. i inclusion of all areas Dr. Minor C. K. Jones, Demo- er an absence of five years. turn Ergo," student body and program will be "Praia* to the to Thridora V«tia* MMlnal W %» cratic candidate for council in the that materials and manpower COM Her opening concert will be giv- Tnose who pay the fines for over- Holiest," "Veni Creator," "O Bane- ron D. ituart, principal, town limits ujider the 111 per hour, making- a total cost time parking, the shopping public, "Praise Ye the Father," student eliMl, ft«Mk> ate of 36 cents per per- coming November elections, object- en Oct. 2(S in the Roosevelt Junior body. tissima," "Tantum Ergo," "Cor ed award! afd Dr. 1.J, MMaM t Aa*m>V of |264 for each application. Mrs. High School to benefit the Chil- in the main do not feel that the j the during the'day and ed to the recent publicity result- two dollar ^figure is excessive, an Jesu ffacratiiiimum" and "Good tin, pre.lWaf ta*•aaatifflM [per person at night, cit- ing from the clamping down on Chapman's study revealed that the dren's Country Home after Miss Graduates include: Night Sweet Jems," to be aung cation, pHMatai interval between spraying applica- Ackerman expressed a wish that Informal pool revealed, Only the Doris Margaret Ahl, Marie ised costs. In addition, club sale* in Westfield on Sunday Board of Realtors and the Buninens by the student body. Following at tkt and the proposed move from West- tions depends on weather condi- proceeds of her first recital be Frances Arniino, Frank Jamei Aa. the benediction of the Most Bl*»- gulation* provide an in- tions and other factors. AsHociatinii, were definitely In fav- cites war* given the license fee and higher field to Mountainside of the Elks. given to the home. chenbrenner, Martin Daniel Berg- ed Sacrament, graduate* will sing son on "Men Striving f*r • The B per cent DDT and fuel or of a reduction in the levy to one an, Franklyn Edward Boate, John isuvance. With the number of liquor licenses Following this concert, the pian- dollar. "Adoremus Te" and perform the World" and Bally Gmtart «a "U»» in the' borough at the present time, oil "dry spray" is spread by a Tifa ist has been booked for a series Thomas Bond, Catherine Joanna act of ccnaecration. Tall." Chart** CogMMll M*i •»•' finance permiting dry fogging machine mo'unted on a which will take her to Canada, A suggestion that meters be In- Bunn, Patricia Ann Burke, Mary- Graduates include: [plants in the business the averse?, JoneB claimed, is one aid Urn* Jr., M th* A bar to every 100 voters. Nine li- jeep, Mrs. Chapman declared. Only South America and various parts operative on Monday evenings met ellen ByTqe, Kobert Joseph Car- Classical: Robert Henry Galla- and Marilyn Muwford i certain non-combustible censes are issued at present, The one operator Is required. The light of the United States during the with minor enthusiasm, but the son, Bernadette Ann CocchU, Hel- nun, Kileen Anne Hastings, Mary [are used, was passed on spray kills mosquitos and some spe- en Teresa Cojania, Brian Joseph welcome. Richard CognMM pf» APBCC allowll s ne to wl 100 winter. Later in the season she morning change was considered to Margaret Kelly, Mary Eliiabelh wnted the claw gift U tht atHHaV ig with Councilmal n Con-i* ( ° >' ° «*- cie* of flies, but ig not injurious will concertize in Europe for sev- be qf more benefit. Collins, Mary Louise Connell, Lavelle, Robert John Looineir, twig, fire commissioner, James Paul Cookc, Eileen Helen Rev. Fred E. Mil**, mlnM* 4 to birds and other wildlife. Mrs. eral months and upon her return Moat of those present favored Anne Elisabeth McCue, Marie the First Methodist Charch, gMW i negative.
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