VOL. XLI., NO. 107. Classified AdTertising on Page 6- ‘ MANCHESTER, CONK., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 4v 1927: riisaSN' PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS THIS PADLOCK NO Bury Politics in Exploration B O J m WORK BOOZE,BARRIER FIGHTINGPLANS Protected from Cops 2 Boys GROWS: GIVES Who Passed Hooch Through OUST ECONOMY Hole in Floor. ' TOWNraOBLQi New Britain Feb. 4.— John A T W « G T 0 N Smi'gel, 42, of 24 Orange street, was found guilty in po­ lice court today bn two counts Retirement of All Selectmen of liquor law violations. Ac­ Administration Quits Its cording to the police who raid-, FREAKISH BIG GALE U. 5 . Pact. ed his home last night, when - - I Next Year Would Serious­ the officers tried to enter the Fight With Preparedness cellar of Smigel’g home they ROUGH IN PRANKS For Defense is Reported found the door of the cellar Men in Congress on Army ly Handicap Town; Likely padlocked and an iron bar <?> placed to block their entrance. Candidates Sought. The police sent to a fire de­ and Marine Corps. DOING TALES TO partment station, procured Bombards New Haven Train, Fang, Defender o f Shanghai crowbars and broke the door PAY 3 MILLION Wlietlier or not Manchester has down. In the cellar they found Washington, Feb. 4.— ^Virtually Plays Hob at Boston and Against Cantonese, SaU outgiown its present form of gov­ two young sons of Smigel nine Young Vanderbilt Says He abandoning its fight with the pre­ ernment -will be thoroughly tested and twelve, whose duties were Will Settle Up If it Takes during the next year when the reins to hand up the liquor as fast paredness bloc in Congress, the-ad­ Elsewhere. 50 Years. To Have B e p Badljr Beat­ will be given over to a new Board as wanted through hole in ministration today speeded up of Selectmen. Robert V. Treat, the floor. plans to whip the Army, Navy and present chairman of the board, has When Judge Ailing learned New York, Fe'i. 4.— Corne­ en in Battle; British Cabi­ told The Herald that he positively the prisoner had a wife and Marine Corps into shape for any Ne Haven, Feb. 4.— The south­ lius 'Vanderbilt, Jr., former publisher of Tabloid newspa­ would not be a candidate for re- eight'children, he fined Smigel emergency. bound federal express of tho New ■ election next fall. The- other mem- Approval by Congress.of supple­ pers, is copking his own meals net Will Stop Troops li $G0 and gave him a suspend-’ Haven railroad traveling through a and doing “ hack writing” in a [ ) hers have intimated they would not ed sentence of thirty days. mental budget estimates totalling seek the office again. That their husbands once headed opposed political parties is not to mar gale of wind today had a series of kitchenette apartment on Fifth $8,500,000 requested by President the_adventure upon which Mrs. Theodore Roosevelt . (left) and Mrs. avenue to pay off his debts, Nationalists Give Abso^ The proverbial “ political pot” Coolid,ge within twh days, will start minor mishaps that ended without isn’t beginning to boil so early in Tho’inas Preston. Jr. (right). Grover Cleveland’s widow, have set out. harm to the train and passengers. amounting to approximately recruiting for both the Army and' Sailing on different ships, they are to join each other in Rio de Janeiro $3,000,000. Manchester, but it's a serious ques­ LT. GOV. BRAINARD the Martne Corps. More than A heavy baggage truck was blown lute Safety Gnaranfee. tion the town must face in the very and thence continue an exploration of South America together. from a Greenwich station platform Vanderbilt is determined 5,000 men will be added to the na- that no one “shall lose a cent near future. The present board has tion’.s fighting force before. July 1. directly against the engine and then served intact for three years. The for having trusted in me and AT A. O.H . BANQUET Taking advantage of the situa­ was hurled in a wreck two tracks Shanghai, Feb. 4.— Siin Chupn business of running a town grows away. A portion of the fence be­ my ventures.” tion, the “ Big Navy” bloc in Con­ “ I’m going to pay off every almost unbelievably in that time. SACASA DECLARES CHARGE TROOPERS tween tracks at New Er,,-*h6l!e was Fang, defender of Shanghai asainst gress renewed its fight to over­ cent if It takes me 50 years,” Manchester’s $100 a ye»r men are the Cantonese, has suffered a stag­ come the opposition of President blown against tli-} eng'ine, which young Vandqrbilt said. "I’m forced to give five times as much Coolidge to the Senate’s three flung the piec,?s iu ev*..rv direction. of their own hours as did boards Principal Speaker at 50th turning out stories as fast as I gering defeat in the neighborhood cruiser amendment to the naval HR WILL FIGHT ON FAKED GUN SHOTS Finally while running through Mott can write them. I need money of Hangchow, according to tellable that preceded this one. supply bill. 'This remained, as a Haven the train dislodged its over- Waddell Busy, Too and I’m going to work.” reports received here. sole subject of difference between i-ead wires, w in aid of the wind, His output Includes maga­ Town Treasurer George H. Wad­ Anniversary — lonergan the president and Congress on the The battle Is reported to have dell, who is also clerk of the Board and was held no until repairs could zine articles, motion picture national defense. he made. scenarios and a novel at high been light insofar as casualties go, of Selectmen is the only full time -Army First Victory Kellogg Declaration of Non- Three Dropped in New Jer­ man who actually works with, the Also Speaks. Smashes Things In Hub. speed. hut the defeat of Sun Cbuan Fang The first sign of a change on board. A considerable part of Mr. ’ Boston, Feb. 4.— Greater Boston is regarded as ominous here as it Waddell’s time must be given to the part of the administration Recognition No Surprise, sey Meaney Siege Case was visited by a high wind today is not likely now'that he can re­ came when the Army supply bill matters other than those which Distinguished speakers extolled that left a trail of fallen trees, tan­ organize his forces and stem the was passed to provide for 118,750 gled wires and broken windows. HND BAD HOLE !N Cantonese drive on Shanghai. concern the Selectmen. His job, too, the merits and the accomplish­ has grown bv leaps and bounds, and men next year despite the presi­ Says Nicaraguan. With Grave Accusation. Burglar alarm companies rushed Following reports that Shanghai the complete retreat of the board ments of the Ancient Order of Hi­ dent’s budget message for an Army about the business districts as Will hot be occupied by the Canton­ will heap more and more work bernians on the occasion of Man­ of 115,000. Virtually cno opposi­ shattered plate glass windows sent ese, refugees are again flocking tion was offered by administration- DILL-WHITE BHL upon his shoulder's. chester Division No. I ’s 50th anni­ Puerto Cabezas, Nic., Feb. 3.— Trenton, N. J-, Feb. 4.— Three in alarms. here. wheel-horses to the change. Because of the size the town’s versary of the organization, ob- In Cambridge 'a telegraph pole There are reports that the Catt- Within two days the President (Delayed)^— “ I shall continue to de­ state troopers who took part in the business has reached an entirely servnd In the Knights of Colum­ on Huron avenue snapped off and tonese Intend to drive to the gates has recommended that thd Army, fend the rights of my country until siege of the Meaney home at Jut- new board would face a maze of bus hall last night. More than 200 carried away telephone, electric of Shanghai and rest there, making now between 109,000 and 110,000, I am no longer capacitated to re­ nd, which resulted in the death Radio Act Fails to Assert U. seemingly unimportant items that members of the order, the auxiliary f Miss Beatrice- Meaney,' were to­ light and trolley wires. A police de­ no effort to occupy the internation­ must be tended to carefully. It be brought to 115,000 men before sist the armed ’ hostilities of the tail was thrown around the district al settlement. and a number of invited guests^ July 1. Carrying out of this rec­ day suspended from the force by would take some time before the were present. American forces.’ Col. H. yorman Schwartzkopf because of the live wires, . - Fang Cashing In. members could acquaint themselves ommendation will speed the' work A big glass window in the Lloyd S. Ownership of Ain Fili­ Officers of Sun Chuan Fang’s A turkey dinner, served by Cat­ of the Army General Staff in re­ This' was the reply made today superintendent of the organization. with the simple routine work let erer Max Walker pf Hartford, put jewelry store on Boylston street forces appeared at the internation­ cruiting the enlisted strength to by Dr, Jua,n Sacasa, Liberal leader, The three men, Lieut. Daniel F. al race meeting today and ordmrsd alone the new and bigger problems the diners in the mood for the ex­ Rogers, Corporal Matthew A. Daly crashed to the sidewalk. Windows buster Threatened. that arise every day. It would be 118,750 in the next fiscal year. to the statement made In Washing­ It stopped because additional tax­ cellent talks which followed.
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