Emm Truesdellspreterdco. Mv.&

Emm Truesdellspreterdco. Mv.&

" ' ' MBF" : THE WORLD. WEDNHHIUY BVEWINO, DECEMBER g. IBM. ' " "";"" '"""' W if SWPSJU&IAWFORO pAMMEYEb IE fc Simpson. EHRICH BROS. 1 r 1 IMMENSE CUT IN PRICES, commencing to-morr- ow. 6tb Ave. cor. I5tb St. W Sale of JnfttAuettue. M STAMPED ON A SHOE 1 We take inventory December 26, and our stock is too large for Sale of mm treat Reduction fiTer.J22.St. Great V this time of year. Read what we offer to-morr- ow. These items 0rtental and Domestic MEANS STANDARD OF MERIT, will give an idea of the TREMENDOUS REDUCTIONS IN SAMPLE IK Removal EVERY DEPARTMENT. Sale. SHOES & If RUGS. HOLIDAY SALE OF UTS SLIPPERS, BOOKS. TOYS. CLOAKS. "Jf - Tkree- - of Antiquo K- lots Bugs, Grand Bargains. 0VH T0Y DEPARTMENT IS CROWDED FROM A RPECIAU TItr AUTOCRAT Of THE BRKAK. Trade-Mar- special Inducement Is now offered to early purchasers of IOBN1!in L'NTI'' TUB UESULT OP HO HANDSOMR DOUDLC 4oaising Daghoatan. Yourdes, Our k an IJrery Garment FSAT TADI.E. BV OLIVER WE.NDEI. HOLMES. " CAPES IN FINEST SLIPPERS HK 0UR "N0,ll'0Ll! ASSORTMENTS AND LOW BLACK Holiday Slippers of $1 CLOTH, MELTON, UPPER CAPE TRIMMED I IShamn, Carabagh, Mocca and (luaranler. Men's at a saving from to $2 on every BBAUTIKULLT BOUND IN FINE OILT IN HI, Quality, Sljlr, I'll fc Finish. pair. The assortment is unequalled, and the Inducement Is such TOP. IlUaULAU PRICE HO.. AT J!r.,C,TU1iN,w.DnL,l0i',l nAa' DAV UNT"' "".0-W- " "ITH VELVET COL-- 6oo pairs Ladies' Oxfoids and Jfawis, sizes about 8 ft. by C ft, Krrryllilnir liqnal, LAR. ALSO STYLISH IMPORTED GOLF CAPE1 Slippers 200 styles to J'alj Hs goods should be purchased by all 'DOUBLE-FACE- select from. Our Prices Defy Competition. that these who are seeking for .--- - .SPECIAL UAItRAI.V 'i EXTRA QUL1TV C1IEV- - iH HHk liaHwd at tho following prices to ,ots ,n tvn- Cost to make $2.00 to $4.00 a useful, economical and appreciative Holiday Gift. afr'M .aP'm C t this department. """W dlack and navt IS double) LEADINQ M!JiT.t'",;:3' 1'0,IMKIt rnlCn TO- - pair. Our price Mi Iom (worth t 15. Men's Alligator Opera Men'sP-te- THE BARGAIN WILL " " If Jackets, eenu'ne Slippers, nt Leather Pomps and Oiford BWP Ties CO 0y AT Wool C'lolli, tat In faced, aB 5.75, 9.98, 11.98. n.daerd from 820. a-- MfHfr1 Suitable for Dancing and Evening VaP a K Persiana Capes, $25. f Wear. FINE DOLLS, mm gm gam, A perfect Imitation of Per.lan I.aatb, 21 INCHES HIOII, WITH MOVINO EYES. AND B0 'Bbs.SbH BaBaaf Rugs. (04 SETS DICKENS COMPLETE SHOES AND STOCKINGS, ALFO DOUBLE- - B Smyrna mncli superior Tor appearance or wear, ) Wi aflvaak ssHfi slsilaiassjan H WO f K1D DOLLS. BBWsaW . BBBB BaaaBv. r 30 Inchea lone, .Ilk lined. nBS&&& OVER ILLUSTRATIONS, NICE- - I Q7 J0IS'Tr-- BODY, VALUE FROM "tkajaW MkreaBW ' 9-X- 12 Men's Russet Real Alligator Opera tt., $27.50; Talno $30.00. Really worth 8100. I.Y BOUND IN CLOTH; REAL ( I, Jl I II 00 TO Jl M EACH. AT "asW BV BaB Blaa Slipper $,50 VALUE S3M, AT x 10K ft. $10.75 1 value 920.50. BLVlv. ) HBK 1000 pairs Ladies' Button and Tp PmI B TK Persiana Coats, $30. " ( -- Men's Black Real Alligator Opera "a.a-a-- W Lace Boots, 300 styles to select ifgHj. x tt,, $11.08; aluo $17.50. Perfect lmltatIon,uperlor for appearance HNBa bLbbI LADIES' COATS jjjj . aBBSeV long-- SHpper 1.50 Men's 1N ) from. Cost to make to ' 1 r wear, 28 Incbe. Pateit Uather Pumps . .$1.50 prench $3.00 $5.00 ' tBasV ,;-- ? ft $4.08 Talus $7.00. bVoB BPrnw fine beavers B neatly worth 8100. Men's Wine Real Alligator Opera I KS bBT BB BBBaSatsf AN0 cheviots, with new (ft QQ a pair. Our price $2.85; value $4.60. .,.,....,..,. ,75 WSI . PLAITED BACKS, ilH IH I Theatre Capes, 20. Slipper ......... HHP7 " HALF SATIN (QJ0 Skjc 5 ft., $1.08; value $8.00. ) IH Velvet Bodices, Men's Brown Real Alligator Opera MEN'S CREOLE SLIPPER. V,3,T T,,E as the wo ,.r'S:V"R...n. a 8 In., 3.3S. 22. ". lM ft la. sift! $1.00; value Slipper ,50 T.ErTaSnS"TlSl 5 Id1 ".Tlviw CROWDS ARE TREMENDOUS. 99" IfJK i lb 6 la. x 8 ft., 08o.; Taiue $1.83. Crepon Skirts, 22. GOOD VALUS, SOLD ALL OVER AT He. YD. 811k lined. MEN'S GOAT OPERA SLIPPERS. , Art Embroidery Dopt. Uand-mad- o (Dantau) kM FURS. f JfE jjteymega Chiffon Waists, 26. Jm ummc " quality, correct SHU lined. "aaV JAPANESE EMBROIDERED LAMBREQUINS, Jljljf ,'KHgs, best jaW TABLE COVEnS, SCARFS. SOFA CUSHIONS, BROOK MINK ANIMAL NECK SCARrS AND copies of high-grad- e Indian and Hoire Skirts, 30. BaaaajBj4m JBr c AT THE LOWEST PRICES EVER BEFORE CHILDREN'S SET'S, COLLAR AND MUFF, IN HB bilk lined. W AV QUOTED IMMENSE SALE OF THESE GOODS WHITE ICELAND LAMB, SATIN-LINE- pairs Boys' and Youths' Laced Jrj Persian carpets: m HO 400 HH POPULAR FOR HOLtDAY PRESENTS AT WORTH J 25 EACH, L Theatre Crowns, '5. Men's Dark Maroon Goat AND Shoes, no two pairs alike. Cost "' $17.08; valno $27.50. Opera rirfV FORMER PRICES; B, UX.15 ft, And ma.y other bargalsa In valuable supper ALSO, 1,000 SILK LAMBREQUIN8, GOLD AND BlaBBa .SaBVaKa, to make $3.00 to $4.00 a pair. Far '1,50 YARDS '"S 8,08' Talno $14.00. Garment., Dinner and Reception Uowna, Gmim&yHfc11 l.tOO BLACK, ALL SILK) S,LK BMBROIDERLD. ALL SHADES, FULL TL-- f Our price aH BBb Men's SATIN RHADAME. POSITIVELY I I JrBa H Opera Cloak., Imported Cloth and Velvet Brown Goat Opera Slipper ,50 Men's Black Dongola Creole OM SIZE, FORMER rillCl! J3 OS, AT JPJPJE f 8x9 ft., $4.48; value $0.50. and Cape., lor Carriage, Htrert OOOD VALUE AT Mc ) I iW BWaaamV ILBBBBVa Cat. Men's Tan Russia Calf Opeia Slipper, with Elastic Side . $,75 BBv T 4 jr-- 7 ft, $2.08 ( value $4.00. and Brenlns Wear, lirrry Garment fitted free .f charge. Slipper 1,50 MEN'S "FAUST" SLIPPER. mW , Hall Bags, 8 ft vride x 12 ft. Men's Tan Goat Opera Slipper . ,25 jIT , alRCQQ 02(1f.HC IH "BV SWEEP CAPES. 17 IN. LONO. OF each; 5.00. Bft-aa- bBTH SIBERIAN LYNX I 'Ittgi valuo f fjfj QfiW eaWaBW AND ASTRA B 93.08 Deutsch & Co., Men's Black Goat Opera Slipper, p IlllbO'J UUUIfUl Mi ar aV CHAN, BOTH STiLES LINED I Q Fifth Ave., cor. 22d 5t. Calf, Leather Trimmed . 1,25 7.80) ROBES AND DRESS W,T" ,IEAVY 7C HK'1; Large assortment of Goat Skin Patent J& w PATTERNS IN 5,000 SILK SCARFS, GOLD EM an SATIN, LAROBj.j COLORED AND BLACK DREsS GOODS, MAK- - STORM COLLARS, WORTH 1 50 1 pl-- Men's Black Goat Opera Slipper . W BROIDERED, ilCVVV FRINGE. WEREliP JpHJE' &&Bt in nn combination inn AfS s $k INO SEASONABLE EACH; PRESENTS. NEATLY :5KVCH, AT TUu 300 pairs Men's Patent W ' at very attractive ROLLED AND BOXED, AT LOWEST PRICES Leather effects, prices. RUPTURE CURED. MEN'S GOAT HOUSE Calf Laced SLIPPERS. s$f " J& EVER KNOWN; AND 1,000 DRESS PATTERNS. MfRSADDETDC and Shoes. Cost to CONTAINING FULL DRESS, 7 TO I YARDS. E. make to pair. The Improved Klaatlc Trun U tb Wff IIAl F llOl $4.00 $5.00 a .Our' ' onlrtrusitn L ' 6ft Avenue, 13th to 20th Street. eil.tence that Is worn will) absolute comfort CHEVIOTS, WORTH 1100, WILL price , IJii 1.H' eltht and dar, as It rvtalni Hi. rupture und.r th. BE SOLD FOR, EACH, WRAPPERS OF ENOMSII OUTINO FLANNEL Fl, ,, exercise or wvereit .train, and will slant WITH FANCY 111001761 f.fJlAlfO H" a permanent and speedy rare without regard ta IN LIOHT STRIPS. TRIMMED ITlHOOkiS j the Men's tiiick Dongola Faust BRAID AND RUFFLES, VERY LARGE SLEEVES, UkUAIiOl ; , Help Wanted Male. theaceof patl.nt; examination free I,adrla ii hr''"Kmt 1'f.l attendance for l.dt.l, (nd for pamphlet. JBBBai ALSO FLEUCKD LINED FLANNEL-- CHILDREN-- S fJlONBMAEONS WANTED; clllitns only.' Appir Slipper $2,50 --fiaaaaV HEAVY GRETCHEN CLOAKS. $2 BsMfHW EMBROIDERY OR CASHMERE 99 ta Stared a McPcnaatt mill L It Jrroma ava, BXi and HH Uroadway. cor, l'ith .1.. New Yorlc. B ETTE. WITH WITH DEF.P MILITXRY CAPES. SIZES ( TO 1 (i" Bf It Yn Men's Black Goat Everett Slipper. S, 50 Men's Red BB THESI: COME IN DARK STRIPES, YEARS, VALUE 6 73. Goat Faust Slipper . 2.50 "BB TRIMMINOs ABSOLUTELY. ALL AT WORTH J 50 EACH, Men's Goat House 1,00 Phln Slipper . Men's Russia Calf Faust Slipper . 2,00 WE FURNISH FLATS My lino of Men'ti Holiday Slippcra comprises tho newest ideas alsafagf. in ahnpea and beat .f--a Ikat! COMPLETE! AMP UEADY F01t nOUHEKlT.'riNO material and tho workmanship. 1,000 DRESS PATTERNS, bBbBV flD - -- n H bB.'bbI SB. sssaB? WaLaB BbBBBI BJ ON YODIt OWU TKHMS OP PAYJ1IC5T. ffs Alao larde assortment of All. Wool Pelt Shoes Slippers I QO1 and AND ENGLISH BBBBBI BY XUUENtJB AfWORTMKNT OF AM. OltAHI-- lip sUnNlTWlK. for men, women and 1 - aBBBaesar aaaVBaB? bbI 'Tai BBWBaa BBB V 200 I'ATTKRNH OK OAIU'KTIMI. children, at prices that wl astonish the most SATEENS, ZEPinRS BBBa BaBV sal WBaBadsBf 111 BbBbBb BAMBOO IUI1CII, KNAMKI.1.K1) ANU HOAMOIIK SUITS.

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