University of the Pacific Scholarly Commons Student Newspaper, The Pacifican, Pacific Weekly University of the Pacific Publications 12-6-1957 Pacific eeklyW , December 6, 1957 University of the Pacific Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/pacifican Recommended Citation University of the Pacific, "Pacific eeklyW , December 6, 1957" (1957). Student Newspaper, The Pacifican, Pacific eeklyW . 930. https://scholarlycommons.pacific.edu/pacifican/930 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the University of the Pacific Publications at Scholarly Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Student Newspaper, The Pacifican, Pacific eeklyW by an authorized administrator of Scholarly Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. DON'T MISS WHAT? NARANJADO What about It? FIRE AND ICE" NOW ON SALE F TOMORROW NIGHT ; How much? ONLY $6.00 9 TO 1 i Where? PSA OFFICE When? 11:00-2:00 J gxOCKTON BALLROOM C.O.P. — STOCKTON, CALIFORNIA DECEMBER 6, 1957 — No. 12 DR. GOLLIVER DIES THIS MORNING! 1 At 5:00 this morning Dr. George H. Colliver, for 38 years a member of the Pacif­ ic faculty, passed away at his home at 87 W. Euclid. A physician who had been called to the home said the cause of death was not im­ mediately known, but that a cerebral hemorrhage was possible. Dr. Colliver had been ill since November 26, when he had been forced to leave his 54 classes because of the Asian flu. He returned to the cam­ pus briefly Monday night to attend the opening of the Ted Eliopoulus, Ted Switzer, and Julie DeVecchio are shown in First Annual Colliver Lec­ •ene from "The Sign of Jonah" playing tonight in Morris Chapel. tureship, but was unable to ! production is under the direction of COP senior, Jim Achterberg. meet his classes this week. Dr. Colliver is survived by SIGN OF JONAH" SCHEDULED his wife Iva Cooley Colliver, five children and nine grand­ FINAL STAGING TONIGHT children. Pictured in the foreground above is King Mohammed V of Morocco, who this week visited the American Academy of Asian By JOAN BENDER as talented individuals, but, as a part of Pacific, we offer our Studies, COP's campus in San Francisco. In the upper left is Dr. rcellent direction on the part thanks to Neva Aki, as the Queen Pageant And Caroling, Rom Landau of the Academy Staff. The picture was taken in im Achterburg coupled with of the South; Larry Boyd, as the Rabat, Morocco, during Dr. Landau's recent visit to the country. iperb cast places the presen- Judge; Don Osborne, as Archan­ Annual Pacific Event, >n of "Sign of Jonah" in a gel Michael; Arlen Digitale, as 3 all its own. Pacific has Archangel Gabriel; Fred Vallier, To Be Held Sunday Pacific Officials Dow To King; ]y seen a performance of such as Archangel Raphael; Ted Elio- Voices blended in traditional nitude of time and emotion, poulos, as Jonah; Ted Switzer; as carols will unite COP students dramatic portrayal' of guilt, the Man in the Street; Julie De­ Monarch Visits Asian Academy n of Jonah" achieves a suc- and faculty in the true spirit of Vecchio, as the Woman in -the At 6:15 P.M. yesterday, His Majesty King Mohammed V of ful combination of religion Christmas as they join together Street; Gordon Townsend, as the Morocco arrived at the American Academy of Asian Studies in San intellect. The plot centers Sunday evening for the annual Merchant; and Tricia Beattie, as Francisco. The Academy is a school of the College of the Pacific. ind a group of actors .who are Christmas Pageant. the Prompter. This is the first time that a reigning monarch has visited COP in he process of rehearsing a Tonight's performance will be This candlelight ceremony of , the object of which is to its 106 year history. the final presentation so be sure caroling has become a traditional al the chief individual behind The King, in his only San Fran-+~ to be there. affair on campus and is designed destruction of Germany in to bring a truer, deeper signifi­ cisco appearance, paid tribute to his good friend and biographer, id War II. Intricate and clev- cance to the Christmas season by executed changes occur uniting everyone together for a Professor Rom Landau. Mr. Lan­ Dr. Beckwith To Work dau spent much of his time while ughout the hour and a quar- common purpose. performance in which the With New Computer in Morocco last summer prepar­ The A Cappella Choir, under ing the King's biography (a spe­ ence is suddenly transported Dr. Arthur Beckwith, chairman the direction of J. Russell Bodley, cial copy of which was the King's irough the ingenious mind of of the COP business administra­ will start the caroling at 7:30 at gift to President Eisenhower) — theater—from the present to tion department, will participate AKL and will then proceed to preparing and editing the king's old Nazi Reich and to the in research and training at the each living group. After AKL speeches for his American visit, don and Ninevah of the Old Western Data Processing Center they will go to Zeta Phi, Manor and advising the Moroccan dele­ ament. Terror and damnation at UCLA, which has been selected Hall, South Hall, West Hall, gation in preparation for their ne­ ugh the ages is described by for the first installation of one of performers as they, in turn, North Hall, Annex H, Omega Phi, gotiations with the American gov- ( the world's newest, fastest, and Archania, Epsilon, Alpha Thete, me representatives of each ernment. most retentive electronic com­ Tau Kappa Kappa, and will be After greeting the King in the puters. joined by members of the faculty careful execution of this Moroccan manner with milk and The giant computer, called the at the home of President Burns. of transformations is an IBM 709 Electronic Data Process­ dates, Professor Landau present­ The procession will then ad­ ed the College of the Pacific del­ able example of the imag- ing Machine, is valued at $4 mil­ ROM LANDAU vance to Stagg Tree for the sym- egation which was headed by n and ability of "Jonah's" lion, and its use is being given to boylic presentation of gifts of President and Mrs. Robert E. the University by the Interna­ food for the needy by the Halls. Burns. Others in the party in­ STUDENTS MUST ntually a n accusation i s tional Business Machines Corpor­ by the group deterrhining After this a tableau, "The Other cluded Dean and Mrs. Potter, ation without charge. GET POLIO SHOTS lilty party. As the play con- Wise Man," by Van Dyke, and Dean and Mrs. Betz, Dean Row­ The first of a whole new gen­ house caroling will be presented land, Dean Diefendorf, Professor BEFORE JAN. 7 i though, it is likely — and Miss Richards, head nurse at eration of large scale computers in the Conservatory. Jean Avery and Mrs. Eiselen, Mr. Elliott Tay­ bly inevitable — that each West Memorial Infirmary, em­ developed by IBM, the 709 is ca­ will narrate the tableaux. Refresh­ er of the audience will lor, and Mr. Glen Davidson. Hal phasizes that students who wish pable of some impressive accom­ ments will then be served in the on this decision, Barnett served as the COP pho­ to take free polio shots must do rould be a difficult task to plishments. Tt can make up to dining hall. tographer. 2,400,000 "decisions" per minute so before the end of this year. lently praise the skill dis- The sponsors of the pageant in terms of true and false an­ Mr. Landau will be teaching on Students may still receive their 1 by each actor in his or are CRA, PSA, and the faculty. the Stockton campus during the first, second, or third shots with­ espective role. The solem- swers, can memorize over 1,000,- Bob Gough is general chairman 000 bits of information, and can spring semester. out charge. However, after the of their environment (the of the pageant, Don Baldwin is read, write, and compute simu - Copies of the book, Mohammed first of the year the health de­ 1) creates a suitable locale the caroling leader, Carolyn Hen­ V, King of Morocco by Mr. Lan­ partment will discontinue its sup­ i emotional drama such as taneously. Any word in the com­ derson is irf charge of refresh­ puter's memory can be locate dau, may be purchased from the ply of free vaccine to the infirm- of Jonah." ments, and Donald Hudson is in and made ready for use in only I ary. h a great amount of pride charge of "Project Toys for Tots." Academy. wing these people, not only 12 millionths of a second. Poge Two THE PACIFIC WEEKLY, DECEMBER 6, 1957 MUSIC TO HIGHLIGHT NEXT CONVOCATION by george • ATTENTION: Next Thursday, Dec. 12th, a unique convocation I (Fasel, that is) will be given in the Conservatory. A concert of 'light' music will be I PUT A PADLOCK ON THOSE PUKSE STRINGS, Chi l rt ,y F , d0 n b h presented under the theme "Mas-1 sales are here. The local merchants who put up their I.t.^ « ,«rnd c|0 . i I»»~ S * » < focific Shjdent Association. t*Acto°Moich 3,1879 ' of ' PMt 0,fic,< «««•". California ters and Moderns." decorations sometime in the vicinity of the Fourth of Ju] Inviting faculty, students and Editor to make sure you don't forget are rubFing their sweaty Wes Brown Assistant Editor outsiders to "take a break," the I palms in anticipatory glee over the fortunes they will re, Business Manager ...Joan Ulrich program will consist of such in- season, Managing Editor ..John Boston ..Salvador Cortes teresting works as a piece for [ Society Editors double brass choir by Gabrieli, a Christmas sale season is that time of the year when all Circulation Editor Jan Gaston, Joan Bender Rosemary Eggen Beethoven woodwind quintet, and usually marked up 15% are marked up 25%, just to keep SZ&Z Bob Bersi' Geor9e Faie'< Linda Mckinnon, RichardEMiM.Tom Gaud a very melodic 'suite' for two the spirit of things.
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