www.ukrweekly.com І НІ" rPublished by the Ukrainian National Association Inc., a fraternal non-profit association! Ukrainian WeeHу Vol. LIX No. 31 THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 4, 1991 SO cents Defense says newly released photo Bush notes importance of republics proves John Demjanjuk's innocence in historic trip to Ukraine's capital JERSEY CITY, N.J. - A copy of a laborers called "Ivan Grozny" (Ivan the Pledges support for principles, not personalities photograph of two Treblinka death Terrible). camp guards newly released to the John Also included in the newly released by Chrystyna N. Lapychak importance as the second largest re­ Demjanjuk defense proves Mr. Dem­ materials, Mr. Nishnic told The Kiev Press Bureau public in population after the Russian janjuk's assertion that he is a victim of Weekly, are biographical information SFSR, and as an economic powerhouse mistaken identity, said Edward Nishnic, on Marchenko and physical descrip­ KIEV — Upon his historic arrival as a major producer of agricultural and a spokesman for the Demjanjuk De­ tions of the guard. "There are at least aboard Air Force One at Kiev's Boryspil industrial goods. fense Fund and the Demjanjuk family^ 100 mentions of Ivan Marchenko in Airport on Thursday, August 1, U.S. The president and Mrs. Bush received The photo, which was among docu­ these materials," Mr. Nishnic said. He President George Bush became the first a rousing welcome at the airport and mentation received by the prosecution added that also among the materials are American head of state to visit Ukraine throughout the day as thousands of team earlier this year, was released to three statements from one Nikolai since Richard M. Nixon in 1972. people lined the streets all along the the defense on July 25, Mr. Nishnic Shalayev, known to be Ivan's accom­ Following two days in Moscow for route of his lengthy motorcade, either to noted. plice. the signing of the strategic arms reduc­ catch a glimpse of the American leader or to protest against the new union It shows two guards, one of whom As a result of the new information, tion treaty between the U.S. and the So­ treaty. has been identified as M.K. Tkachuk Mr. Nishnic reported, the president of viet Union, the president and first lady and the other as Ivan Marchenko, who, Israel's Supreme Court, Judge Meir traveled to the Ukrainian capital for a Following a welcoming ceremony according to the defense, is the real Shamgar, said that the court would hear half-day whirlwind tour and meetings with the traditional bread and salt "Ivan the Terrible." defense arguments on August 14 calling with Ukrainian leaders. presentation and playing of the Ame­ Also released to the defense were for Mr. Demjanjuk's release without The visit by the president was inter­ rican, Soviet and Soviet Ukrainian some 200 to 300 pages of statements and bail. preted by top Ukrainian officials, national anthems by a military honor guard, Ukrainian SSR Supreme Soviet documents from the 1986 Soviet trial of Mr. Nishnic went on to note that leaders of Ukraine's Parliament, as well Treblinka guard Feodor Fedorenko. as the pro-independence opposition, as Chairman Leonid Kravchuk welcomed upon seeing a copy of the photo of the American leader and his entourage. According to Mr. Nishnic, among the Tkachuk and Marchenko he had ob­ a sign of a slowly shifting U.S. policy in materials are two pre-trial statements served similarities between Mr. Dem­ regard to the Soviet republics, parti­ "Mr. President, we attach very great dealing with the aforementioned photo janjuk and Marchenko. "When you see cularly Ukraine, seeking to gain more importance to your visit to Ukraine and of two camp guards. the photo you can tell it's not John autonomy and even independence from we think it will be another step in impro­ In one statement, guard M.K. Tka­ Demjanjuk, but you can see similari­ the "center" in Moscow. ving relations between our two coun­ chuk, who was shown the photo on ties," he commented. It was also viewed as a recognition by tries," said Mr. Kravchuk in his wel- June 2,1950, identified himself as one of the Bush administration of Ukraine's (Continued on page 2) "I think the mystery of'Ivan' has been the men in the photo, but said he did not solved and his identity has been con­ recall the name of the other guard. firmed," Mr. Nishnic said. But, he News analysis Another guard, Vasylenko, stated on added, "We have to be ready to battle March 18,1961, that me t wo men in the the OSI tOffice of Special Investiga­ photo are Tkachuk and Ivan Mar­ tions, the U.S. Justice Department's Bush visit to Kiev raises stakes chenko. He went on to state that Nazi-hunting unitj which has said it Marchenko is the man who operated would still deport Mr. Demjanjuk to the the gas chambers and whom Jewish USSR" if he was acquitted in Israel. in debate between Moscow, republics by John Hewko the world was focusing on more Special to 1 he Ukrainian Weekly violent and dramatic events in Mos­ Senate amendment requires U.S. aid KIEV — Ukraine, once considered cow, the Baltic republics and Azer- I a bulwark of stability among the baidzhan, Ukraine was experiencing be directed at democratic republics I Soviet republics, has come out of a relatively peaceful political and I hibernation to become the principal cultural renaissance. UNA Washington Office Assembly of America, the Joint Baltic І force for political disunion and the Few republics suffered from the American National Committee, the I central player in blocking Mikhail system created by Stalin and Lithuanian-American Community, the WASHINGTON - The Senate on | Gorbachev's attempt to revive the Brezhnev as did Ukraine. Up to 6 Congress of Russian-Americans, ihe July 29 adopted an amendment to the I Soviet Union as a federal structure. million Ukrainians perished during State Department Authorization Bill American Latvian Association, the | By coming to Kiev, President George the forced famine of the early 1930s; (H.R. 1415) requiring that U.S. govern­ Estonian American National Council, | Bush has put Ukraine on the interna- decade^ A Russification almost ment aid to the Soviet Union be directed and Project for Peace (supporting | tional political map, thus raising the eliminated the use of Ukrainian in to the republics whose governments are democracy in Georgia). | stakes in the ongoing debate between the country's eastern and southern democratically elected. In introducing the amendment, Sen. | the republics and Moscow over the provinces, as well as in Kiev, the The legislation was introduced in the Dole stated: "Adoption of this amend­ f future of the Soviet Union. capital. A nation of 52 million people ment could not be more timely. Our U.S. House of Representatives on Although it was perhaps never so lay largely forgotten and unnoticed national policy has certainly been March 22 as H.R. 1603 by Reps. David I envisioned, Mr. Gorbachev's pere- by the outside world. Bonior (D-Mich.) and Jerry Lewis (R- moving in the direction of a more direct l stroika has turned out to be as much During the course of the past year, Calif.) and in the U.S. Senate on April assertion of our support for the move­ I a process of national rebirth among hundreds of thousands have rallied 18 as S. 860 by Sen. Robert Dole (R- ments or freedom in the Baltics and the \ the non-Russian republics, as of an in Zaporizhzhia, Berestechko, Kiev, K-ansas) and Paul Simon (D-I1L). H.R. republics. The president's recent meet­ I attempt to reform and rebuild a Lviv, Ternopil and other cities to 1603 has 65 co-sponsors in the House ing with Russian President Yeltsin can I struggling economic system. While celebrate the country's abandoned while S. 860 has eight co-sponsors in the be seen in that light. feasts and commemorate the deeds of Senate. "More important, right now, Presi­ f| John Hewko is a I S. attorney its ancestors. The industrial eastern The bills were drafted by Sen. Dole dent Bush is en route to Moscow for the ff cvtrenth working t", h ic\ a^ an provinces and its miners have begun 4 and Rep. Bonior working with a coali­ summit. He will go on to Kiev, the || advisor to ihe Ігкгичк:сп ^^"hatuent. to demand econonv' indepe^dcn tion of East European American ethnic capital of Ukraine — a stop that will |1 Ihe wVu?r\i?fv\ ч.їi,i fhjhariuieare dence from Moscow, western U- organizations Including the Ukrainian surely be seen as one sign of our support It stria І, /?п (ЛУК. (Continued cm i^agc 1) National Association, the Armenian (Continued on page 2) 2. THE UKRAINIAN WEEKLY SUNDAY, AUGUST 4, 1991 ? No. 31 Soviet Union," said the president. draft treaty, considerable concern Bush notes... At the airport, the president and the Bush visit... was raised over a number of the areas (Continued from page 1) first lady were also met by Ukrainian in which joint jurisdiction is to be coming remarks, translated from U- (Continued from page 1) Prime Minister Vitold Foicin, Foreign granted to, and the manner in which krainian into English. Minister Anatoliy Zlenko, Mykola kraine is demanding complete inde­ property is to be divided among, the "Your visit reflects the changes which pendence. Ukrainian has become the Khomenko, head of the Ukrainian union and Ukraine. Several Ukrai­ have taken place in our countries and in Parliament's Secretariat, Bohdan working language of the vast majo­ nian commentators have suggested the world as a whole...Your visit to rity of the deputies in the Parliament.
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