THE LONDON GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 27, 1863. 6.051 would 'consist 'of demands and pretensions put for- for that' purpose,- viz.:—William Anderson Rose, ward by some and 'resisted by others ; and, there Esquire, Lord Mayor of the city of London, and being no supreme authority in such an assembly to the Lord'Mayor of the said city for the time being; enforce the" decisions'of the majority, the Congress •William-Taylor' Copelahd and Samuel Wilson, would' probably separate, leaving maiiy of its Esquires,-Sir-'James Duke, Baronet; Sir' John members- on worse terms with each other than Musgrove, Baronet, Thomas Challis, and Thomas they had been when they met. But if this would 'Sidney,- 'Esquires; Sir Francis Graham Moon, be the probable result, it follows that-no JecK-ase Baronet, David Salomons and Thomas Quested of armaments is likely to be'effected by the pro- Finnis, 'Esquires, Sir Robert Walter Garden, posed Congress. M. "Droujn de L'Huys refers to a Knight, and John Carter, Esquire, Aldermen of proposal made 'by Lord Clarendon in one of the the city of London; Russell Gurney, Esquire, last sittings'of the. Congress of Paris. But Her Recorder of the city of London, and the Recorder Mejesty's Government undersland that proposal io of the said city for the time being; William have reference to a dispute between-two Powers to Lawrence, Warren Stormes Hale,' Benjamin be referred to the good offices of a friendly Power, Samuel. Phillip's,1 Thomas Gabriel, William Feme- but in no way to the assembling of a General ley Allen, John Joseph Mechi, Edward Cohder, Congress. James Abbiss, James Clarke. Lawrence, Thomas Not being able, therefore, to discern the likeli- D(akin, Robert Besley, Sills John Gibbons, Sydney hood of those beneficial consequences which the Hedley Waterlow, and 'Andrew Lusk,. Esquires, Emperor1 of the French promised, himself when A'lderfrieiv of the city of London, and the Aldermen proposing a-Congress, Her Majesty's Government, of the said city for the time being;/Benjamin following-their own strong.convictions, after ma- Scott, Esquire,: Chamberlain of the city of London, ture deliberation, feel themselves unable to accept and the Chamberlain of the said city for .the time His Imperial Majesty's invitation. being ; Frederick Woodthorpe,. Esquire, Town 'You are instructed to give a copypf this despatch Clerk of the 'city of London, and the Town Clerk to M. -Drouyn de L'Huys. of the said city for the time being; Thomas I am, &c.," Chambers, Esquire, Common .Serjeant of the city (Signed) RUSSELL. of London, and the Common Serjeant of the said city for the time being; John Lorkin, Thomas "Pewtress, Daniel Cork, Edward Harrison, .Robert Obb'ard, Samuel Unwin, Thomas Lott, Eugenius ; Aberdeen, October 13, 1863, Penning, "Benjamin Bower,. William Hawtrey, Herbert Lloyd, George Virtue, William Rathbbne, The Queen was this day pleased to confer the" Frederick Farrar, Septimus Read, Thomas Henry .honour of Ktughtiiood upon Alexander Anderson,- Fry, William Jones, Thomas' Turnbull, 'Charles Esq., Lord Provost of Aberdeen. Gammon, Henry -De Jersey, Blomfield Burnell, Charles Edward Fuller, Thomas Scamble'r'Owden, Windsor Castle, November 23,"1863. John Humphreys, John Hawkins Elliott, Joseph The Queen was this day pleased to confer", he Perkins,' Charles Reed, George Scam ell, and John honour of Knighthood---upon -Robert -Porrott Annis, Esquires, Deputies of the city pf .London, Collier, Esq., M.P., Her Majesty's Solicitor- and the Deputies of the said city for the time General. being; Thomas Farhcomb, Esquire, formerly Al- derman'of the said city of London, John Southby Windsor Castle, November 23, 1863. Bridge, Thomas Watkins, Jeremiah Evans, George Headway, William Tylor, William Huihphery The Queen was this day pleased to confer ths P'ilcher, Thomas White, Henry Kebbel. Thomas honour of Knighthood upon Peter Stafford Carey, Corh'ey, William Christie, Robert Butler WhifesideJ Esq.} Bailiff of Guernsey. and John Britten, Esquires, formerly v Deputies of the city of London,. Henry Alworth Merewether, Doctor'of Civil Law and Serjeant-at-Law^ formerly Town Clerk of the city of London, Thomas Baring, Henry "Wollastoh Blake, Henry Hulse' Berens, War Office, November 27, 1863. John' William Birch, Travers Buxton, Arthur The Queen has been-graciously pleased to give Edward Campbell, Stephen Cave, Edward Henry orders for the appointment of Edward St. <luhn Chapman, Robert Wigram Crawford, .William Neale, Esq./ Acting Ch'a'f ge d'Affaires in Japan Cotton, James Pattison .Currie, Bonamy Dobree, during the-absence of Her-Majesty's Minister, to Benjamin Buck Greene, Charles Pascoe Grenfell, be an-Ordinary- Member of the Civil Division of Henry Hiicks Gibbs, John Saunder^ Gilliat, George the Third Class, - or -Companions of the. Most Joachim Goschen, James Alexander Guthrie, Honourable. 0r'der.-of the Bath/ Thomson Hankey, John Benjamin Heath, .Kirk- man Daniel Hodgson, Henry Lancelot Holland, John Gellibrand Hubbard, Thomas Newman Hunt, Charles Frederick Huth, Alfred Latham, Foreign Office, November 24,, 1863. George Lyall, Thomas Masterinan, Alexander . Matheson, James Morris, Sheffield.Neave, George The -Queen.has.- been., pleased to approve of Wardc Norman, Edward Hdwley Palmer, Thomas Mr'. Richard Williams as Vice-Consul at Water- Charles Smith, Clifford Wigram, Thomas Matthias ford for His Royal Highness the Grand Duke of Weguelin, and Ross Donnelly Mangles, Esquires, Mecklenburgh Schwerin. - - Sir Frederick Currie, Baronet, Charles Mills, Russell Ellice, and Martin Tucker Smith, Esquires, Sir James Weir Hogg, Baronet, Colonel William , Whitehall,.'November 6, 1863.: Henry Sykes, Elliot Macnaghten, William Joseph Eastwick, John Harvey Astell, .Henry Thoby THE Queen has been pleased to issue a flew Prinsep, and John Pollard WiH6ughby,; Esquires, Commission 'of Lie'uteriancy for the city'of London, Sir" Henry Creswicke Rawlinson,' Knight. .Co'm- constituting and'-appointing' the several persons mander of .the. Most .Honourable-Order' of :the undeitn:en<ioitsed:t6 be Her Majesty's Commissioners Bath, Lieutenant-Colonel in the Army, Sir'Robert.
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