Book Title <Chapter No> V1 - MM/DD/2010 INDEX Symbols AFP. See Apple Filing Protocol AGL, 35 \ (backslash), NVRAM variables, 199 Air Drop, 8 ?? (question mark-double), dyld, 114 alarm_expire_timer, 380 alarm_lock, 380 allmemory(1), 160, 161 A alloca(), 138–139 AllocatePages, 189 -a, 126 AllocatePool, 189 aapl, 193 allocation fi le, B-Tree, 642 ABIs, 779–780 alloc_size, 469 abnormal_exit_notify, 438 _AllowedClients, 257 aborts, 270 al_port, 380 ABRT(), 534 alternate data streams, 611 Absinthe, 173 AMFI. See AppleMobileFileIntegrity ABT, 268 amfi_*, 563 Accelerate, 35 Amfid, 244 accept(), 240 Animation, 201 Access Control Lists (ACLs), 578, 608 APIC. See Advanced PIC accessory_device_arbitrator, 244 APM. See Apple Partitioning Scheme Accounts, 35 App Store, 11, 25–26 accountsd*, 244 AppKit, 35 ACLs. See Access Control Lists AppKitScripting, 35 -acm, 578 apple argument, 130 acpi_*, 329 Apple Filing Protocol (AFP), 582, 651, 652 act_set_astbsd(), 325 Apple Partitioning Scheme (APM), 570–572 act_set_bsdast(), 536 Apple policy modules, BSD, 560–563 addDisk, 576 Apple Protect pager, 491–493 AdditionalEssentials.pkg, 216 Apple TV, 11–12 AdditionalSystemVoices.pkg, 216 AppleACPIPlatform.Kext, 329 Address Family (AF), 650 APPLE_BOOT_GUID, 193 Address Space Layout Randomization (ASLR), 12, 122, AppleEvents, 72–79 131–132, 173, 548–549 AppleFSCompressionTypeZlib.kext, 612 AddressBook, 35 COPYRIGHTEDAppleIDAuthAgent() MATERIAL, 242 ADD_TO_ZONE, 469 AppleMobileFileIntegrity (AMFI), 89–90, 331, Advanced PIC (APIC), 270 562–563 Adv-cmds, 14 AppleOnBoardSerialBSDClient, 656 AEDebug*, 73 AppleProfile*, 155 AEServer, 73 appleprofilepolicyd, 242 AF. See Address Family apple_protect_pager_setup(), 493 AF_, 650 AppleScript*, 35, 72–79 afc, 246 AppleShareClientCore, 35 affi nity, CPU threads, 415 AppleTalk, 35 AFFINITY_POLICY, 421 APPLE_VENDOR_NVRAM_GUID, 195 affinity_tag, 421 /Applicants, 23 AF_INET, 677 /Application, 25 793 bbindex.inddindex.indd 779393 99/29/2012/29/2012 55:56:50:56:50 PPMM Book Title <Chapter No> V1 - MM/DD/2010 applications – backing store applications ARM_ARCH, 12 bundles, 24 arm_init, 311 containers, Lion, 84–97 ARM_THREAD_STATE, 109 debugging arm_vm_init(), 311 crashes, 170–176 array, 255 hangs, 173–174 AS, 302 sampling, 173–174 asctl(1), 84 defaults, 30–32 A_SETCOND, 557 Java, 44–45 AsianLanguagesSupport.pkg, 216 NeXTSTEP, 4, 24 ASL, 70–71 OS X, 24–32 -asl_in 1, 70 Application Frameworks layer, 15 aslmanager, 242 Application Services, 18 ASLR. See Address Space Layout Randomization Applications, 26 assemblies /Applications, 23 ARM, 784–786 ApplicationServices, 35 mnemonics, 783–784 Application.System, 257 assert_wait, 406, 414 Application.User, 257 assert_wait_deadline, 430 <app>.pkg, 216 Assetsd, 244 Apsd, 244 AssetsLibrary, 35 ApTicket, 213 AST. See asynchronous system trap Aqua, 17–18 AST_*, 406, 424, 426, 430 arbiter, kernel, 262 ASTs. See Asynchronous Software Traps arch(1), 100, 101–102 ast_taken(), 425–426 architecture asynchronous interrupts, 431 ARM, 519 asynchronous kernel, 268 Intel, Mach physical memory management, 465–467 Asynchronous Software Traps (ASTs), 275, 423–427 kernel, 261–287 asynchronous system trap (AST), 325 XNU, 302–305 Atc, 244 Mach atd, 231 Intel, physical memory management, 465–467 atomicity VM, 447–462 ARM, 788–790 modular, 712–713 Intel, 787–788 OS X, 518 atrun, 231 PPC, 518–519 Attribute B-Tree, 640–641 arg_ptr, 304 Audio*, 35 arg_string, 304 audit(), 61 arguments, XNU boots, 329–331 audit_*, 60–61, 352 argv[], 326–327 AUDIT_ARG, 557 ARM, 12, 14 auditctl(), 61 architecture, 519 auditing, OS X, 59–62, 556–558 ASLR, 549 auditon(), 61, 557 assemblies, 784–786 AUDIT_SYSCALL_*, 557 atomicity, 788–790 authentication, 80 Darwin, 5 auto-boot, 212 EFLAGS, 296 autofsd, 587 exception vector, 268 Automator, 36 Intel trap handlers, 275–278 automount, 587 interrupts, 296 autorun, 237 iOS, 5, 261 AVFoundation, 35 kernel, 267–268 locking, 788–790 machine_init, 316 B multithreading, 787 registers, 776–779 -b, XNU boot argument, 330 SWI, 280 Background Color, 199 VM, 447, 791 BACKGROUND_APPLICATION, 423 voluntary user/kernel transition, 280–282 BACKGROUND_POLICY, 421 __arm__, 12 backing store, 452, 497 794 bbindex.inddindex.indd 779494 99/29/2012/29/2012 55:56:51:56:51 PPMM 10 Book Title <Chapter No> V1 - MM/DD/2010 BackupAgent – BSD BackupAgent, 173 installation images, 214–225 Backupd, 242 Mach zones, 470–471 bad_info, 395 traditional, 183–185 Baker, 11 XNU barriers, 256, 790–791 arguments, 329–331 BaseSystemBinaries.pkg, 216 kernel, 299–340 BaseSystem.dmg, 214, 215 Boot Camp, 204 BaseSystemResources.pkg, 216 boot loader, 184 Basic Input Output System (BIOS), 183–185 Boot Logo*, 199 Basic Security Module (BSM), 59 Boot Services, 188–191 BBTicket, 213 boot-args, 193 BeepGen, 191 launchd, 228 Berkeley Packet Filter (BPF), 701–705 nvram, 329 BigBear, 11 boot_args /bin, 22 dTrace, 202–203 binaries Lion, 201–202 BSD process creation, 516–522 Revision, 202 EFI, 187 Version, 202 ELF, 15–16 boot-command, 212 Mach-O, 522–525 boot.efi, 187, 195, 204 portability, 46, 502 BootServices, 201 __stubs, 115 EFI GUIDs, 192–193 universal OS X, 194–210 executables, 98 boothowto, 326 file(1), 99 boot-image*, 193 kernel, 100 BootMGR, 184 Mach-O, 102–105 bootsArgs, 304 OS X, 99 BootServices, 201 processes, 99–111 BOOT_SERVICES_TABLE, 188 Snow Leopard, 99 boot-signature, 193 Tiger, 6 bootstrap server, 234–235 widgets, 47 bootstrap_cmds, 300 /bin/csh, 21 bootstrap_server, 235 binding, Mach, 415 Bourne Again shell, 20 binfmt, 516 Bourne shell, 20 /bin/ksh, 21 BPF. See Berkeley Packet Filter /bin/sh, 20 bpfattach(), 702 /bin/tcsh, 21 BPF_WORDALIGN, 705 binutils, 102 bplist, 26 /bin/zsh, 21 bridge, 678 /bin/zsh -i, 241 BSD, 22, 45, 501–536 BIOC*, 702, 705 advanced aspects, 519–563 BIOS. See Basic Input Output System Apple policy modules, 560–563 bit shifting, 785 ASLR, 548–549 Blazakis, Dionysus, 561 cache, 545 bless(1), 204–206, 215 disk image fi les, 589 bless(8), 204–206 EFI, 203 block fragmentation, 624 heirlooms, 55–65 blockCount, 639 implementing, 503 BLOCK_IO_PROTOCOL, 190 initialization, 318 /bn/bash, 20 I/O Kit, 737, 769–771 Bom, 217, 613 kqueues, 555–556 bond, 678 ledgers, 398 Bonjour, 6 MAC, 318, 558–560 bool, 254 Mach, 343, 501, 510–512 boot, 183–225 tasks, 395 disk image fi les, 590–591 malloc(), 541–544 EFI, 185–210 _MALLOC, 479 iBoot, 210–214 mcache, 545 795 bbindex.inddindex.indd 779595 99/29/2012/29/2012 55:56:52:56:52 PPMM Book Title <Chapter No> V1 - MM/DD/2010 bsd – CARenderServerSBUserNotifi cationUIKit.statusbarserverbulletinboard.*.chatkit memory allocation fi le, 642 management, 539–549 Attribute, 640–641 pressure, 545 catalog, 633–640 mincore(2), 456 deletions, 636–637 msync(2), 454, 458 forks, 639–640 network stack, 649 hard links, 639 OS X, 501 insertions, 636 packet fi ltering, 693, 697 lookups, 634–636 POSIX, 501, 503 permissions, 637–639 system calls, 284–287 soft links, 639 processes, 504–508 components, 630–645 control and tracing, 525–529 defi nition of, 625 creating, 512–525 extent overfl ow, 640 groups, 507–508 header node, 627–629 lists, 507–508 HFS+, 624–645 software, 535 journaling, 642–643 structs, 504–507 volume header, 631–632 suspension and resumption, 529 hot fi les, 641–642 signals, 529–536 insertions, 624 handling by victims, 536 catalog, 636 hardware, 534 nodes, 625–627 slab allocators, 545 random access, 624 sysctl(8), 552–555 search, 624, 629–630 system calls, 47–48 updates, 624 threads, 508–512 buffer overfl ow, 131 objects, 508–510 bundle, 248 UNIX, 501–502 bundles work queues, 550–552 applications, 24 XNU, 49–50, 501, 504 Finder, 25 zones, 541–544 frameworks, 32–34 bsd, 307 Info.plist, 26 BSD(4), 167 NeXTSTEP, 4, 24 bsd_ast(), 536 OS X, 24 bsd_info, 510 Quicklook, 18 bsd_init(), 318, 320–325, 326, 544, 673 byteordering, 100 bsdinit_task(), 227, 325–328, 530 bsd/kern_descrip.c, 601–602 bsd/kern/kern_descrip.c, 603–604 C bsd/kern/mach_loader.c, 522–523 bsd/kern/makesyscalls.master, -c, dtruss, 151 285–286 C++, I/O Kit, 737, 740–741 bsd/kern/uipc_domain.c, 673 C++, 302 bsd/net/if_var.h, 680–681 cache, 23, 121, 545 bsd/net/kpi_protocol.h, 677 shared library, 121 -bsd_out, 70, 71 Unifi ed Buffer Cache, 484, 488, 596 BSD.pkg, 216 Calaccessd, 244 bsd/sys/file_internal, 602–603 CalendarStore, 36 bsd/sys/mount.h, 591–592 CALL, 279 bsd/sys/mount_internal.h, 592–593 call psignal(), 535 bsd/sys/protosw.h, 672–673 call_continuation(), 420 bsd/sys/sysent, 285 callnum, 156–157 bsd/sys/user.h, 508–510 calloutart, 508 bsd/sys/vnode_if.h, 597 canblock, 469 bsd_utasbootstrap(), 325 cansignal(), 535 bsd/uxkern/ux_exception.c, 529–533 can_update_priority(), 430 BSM. See Basic Security Module Carbon, 34, 122 bsm/security, 307 Carbon, 36 bstree, 253 CARenderServerSBUserNotificationUIKit. BTNodeDescriptor, 625 statusbarserverbulletinboard.*.chat B-Tree kit, 245 796 bbindex.inddindex.indd 779696 99/29/2012/29/2012 55:56:52:56:52 PPMM 10 Book Title <Chapter No> V1 - MM/DD/2010 Cascading Style Sheet – core dumps Cascading Style Sheet (CSS), 45 CodeRequirements, 717 widgets, 47 CodeResources, 29–32, 717 case sensitivity, 21, 619 codesign(1), 80, 86–87, 110 cat(1), 88–89 CodeSignatures, 717 catalog, B-Tree, 633–640 Collaboration, 36 deletions, 636–637 com.apple.audited.plist, 59 forks, 639–640 com.apple.blued.plist, 237 hard links, 639 com.apple.Boot.plist, 199 insertions, 636 com.apple.decmpfs, 612, 613 lookups, 634–636 com.apple.dock.extra, 247 permissions, 637–639 com.apple.iokit.matching, 237 soft links, 639 com.apple.kpi*, 714 Catalog Node ID (CNID), 633–634, 635 com.apple.syslogd.plist, 233–234 catch_mach_exception_raise, 533 com.apple.WindowServer.plist, 235–236 CC, 302 Comex, 11, 12 CCALL, 274 commpage, 318 CD-Audio File System (CDDAFS), 581 compartmentalization. See sandboxing CD-ROM File System (CDFS/ISO-9660), 582 compression, 7, 612–617 CFBundle*, 27, 248, 257, 718 compute_averages, 411 C++filt, 300 compute_priority(), 429 CG(11), 167 Computer Hardware Understanding and Development CGXServer.
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