The Community Structure of Insects on the Stored Traditional Chinese Medicinal (TCM) Materials in Shandong Province, China

The Community Structure of Insects on the Stored Traditional Chinese Medicinal (TCM) Materials in Shandong Province, China

Proceedmqs of the 7th Internationol WOI kuu) Conference on Stored-product Protectum - Volume 1 The community structure of insects on the stored traditional Chinese medicinal (TCM) materials in Shandong Province, China Liu Guilm", Ye Baohua", LI Zhaohui", Zheng Fangqiang", Liang Xiaowerr , Liu Yongh2 and LI Changzheng! Abstract One hundred species of insects on the stored Traditional Methods Chinese Medicinal (TCM) matenals belonging to 10 orders and 43 farmhes were Identified m 20 regions of Shandong Survey methods Provmce , China The commumty structure of msects on the Survey reqions stored TCM matenals m different regions was analysed, Twenty representitrve survey regions involved are showing that the mam group m the commurutres was Yanzhou, Jmmg , Zhangdian , Omgdao , Dezhou, Yucheng, coleopterous msects (72 species, makmg up 72% of the LaIWU, Rizhao, Bmzhou, Weifang , Zhucheng, LmYI, total number of species) and Then was Iepidopterous insects Liaocheng, Changqmg, Zaozhuang, Laiyang, Dongymg, (9 species, accounting for 9 % of the total number of Iman, Heze and Taian The msect commumty structure of species) The number of coleopterous species m 20 regions Taian TCM matenal station was studied in detail in a ranges from -+ to 37, accountmg for 61 54 - 90 00% (80 72 tamporal sequence ± 7 67%) The dominant species m different regions Samplmg procedure were studied The results indicated that Sieqobucni Five quadrats were taken from each kmd of TCM paniceum (L) PlOOIO interpunciella (Hubner) and matenals One kilogram TCM matenal from each quadrat Sitoplulus zeanuus (Motschulsky) etc were the dominant was examined by siftmg first and then dissecting the species m the communities matenals The insects examined were identified and the The number of species and mdrviduals on the stored TCM number of species and their number of individuals per kg matenals peaked dunng July and August were recorded Data analysis The dommant species m stored TCM matenals were analyzed by Berger-Parker's index (d) Introduction d=N, Nt The Traditional Chmese Medicinal (TCM) matenals have N, the number of dorrunant species played an Important role m preventing and treating diseases, N, the total number of all species which are accepted and used by international society more and more extensily at present Because the TCM matenals Results and Analysis are subject to attack by many kmds of pests dunng storage, more attention was paid to research on the pests on stored The community structure of the insect on stored TCM matenals The authors made mvestIgatIon mto the TCM materials III Shandong province (Table 1) msects m stored TCM matenals storehouses m Shandong The mam group m the commumty of msect on stored Provmce from 1993 to 1996 The msect commumty TCM matenals was coleopterous msects (accountmg for structure of 20 regIOnswas also analysed 72 0 %), the next was lepldopterous msects (9 %) Hymenopterous, hemipterous and dipterous msects, etc as enemies of pests were lower m number of speCies, but they I Department of Plant ProtectIOn, Shandong Agncultural Umverslty, Tamn 271018, Shangdong, Chma could exert a eVident control effect on the pests So these 2 Tamn Traditional Chmese Medlcmal Matenal StatIOn, Talan enemies played an Important part m stablltzmg the msect 271001, Shalldong, Chma commumty on stored TCM matenals 109 Pl'OceedlHg;, of tile Ti]: lntei natvnui! WfJlhlllY COl/fel'cl/cc Oil 5tmcd-p/(xllict PmtcetlOll -Vollimc Table 1 The species component of msect commumtv on stored TCM matenals III Shandong Province (ll}l)6) Thysanura Coirodentia Dermapteia Hemiptera Coleoptera The number of species 2 2 .3 72 percentage/ 'K ) 2 2.372 Lepidoptera Diptera Hymenoptera Chelonethida Acanna The number of species l} -1 2 2 5 percentagei %) 9 2 2 2 5 the first III each commumty (80 72 ± 7 67(/<,) The The msect commumty structure of 20 regions following was lepidopterous But because of the differences The community structure of the insect on stored TCM III stock of matenals III different storehouses and III control matenals from 20 regions IS seen III table 2 Table 2 showed level, the results differed III each region For example, that the group component of msect commumty structure ot there was tew species m Dongying 20 regions was smular Coleopterous insects were ranked Table 2 The insect community structure of 20 regions III Shandong Province (1996) Coleoptera Lepidoptera Hymenoptera Others Total ( , Region 5 .c 5 G[ 5 e.o 5 (c 51 Iman 1.3 81 25 625 2 12 50 0 0 16 Dongying 4 tlO 00 20 00 0 0005 Heze 17 85 00 2 10 00 500 0 0 20 Laiyang 7 70 00 2 20 00 0 0 10 00 10 Zaozhuang 8 61 54 4 .30 77 00 769 1.3 Changqmg 11 68 75 .3 Itl 75 625 625 16 Liaocheng 10 83 .3.3 i:l .33 0 0 tI .3.3 12 Lmyi 25 89 21 .3 57 2 714 0 0 28 Zhucheng 9 90 00 0 () 00 10 00 10 Welfang 13 86 67 6 67 0 0 667 15 Binzhou 9 81 82 2 18 18 0 000 15 Riznao 13 86 67 667 0 0 667 15 Dezhou 16 88 89 5 56 556 0 0 18 Yucheng 9 90 00 10 DO 0 000 10 Jming 17 7727 2 909 2 909 455 11 Zhangdian 22 84 00 2 8 DO 400 400 25 Qmgdao 16 76 90 4 1l) 05 476 00 21 1 Laiwu 15 75 00 .3 15 00 "- 10 00 0 0 20 Talan .37 77 08 .3 5 56 2 .3 71 6 11 12 48 Yanzhou 17 80 95 .3 14 28 476 0 0 21 5, 80 72±7 67 11 79 ± 7 47 3 64 ±.3 94 .3 76 ± 4 19 S the number of species 0'c percentage 110 Proceedmgs of the 7th Internaiumal Worhng Conference on Stored-product Protecium. - Volume 1 the properties of the commumty to much extent Ploiui Dommant species of the insect communities on uuerpumciella (Hubner) , 5ttophtlus zearnaw stored TCM material in Shandong Province (Motschulsky) and Trioolium [erruinneum. Fabricius etc The dominance (d) of dominant species m the was the dominant species m many regions Other dommant communities was calculated by Berger-Parker's mdex The species were Carpophtlus dtmmtatus (Fabncms ) m dominance of the first three dommant species III each region Zhangdian and Rizhao and G1,bbtumaequmoctmle Boieldieu was listed m table 3 Table 3 showed that each region had m J man The differences m dominant species among regions Its dorrunant species respectively StegobLUrn pomsceum arose from kinds of TCM materials, their stocks and control (L ) was the Important dominant species III many regions level etc ( the maximum dommance was 0 5963), so It can dommate Table 3. The dommant species of the msect communities on stored TCM matenals from 20 Regions in Shandong Province (1996) The first The second The tlurd region species d species d species d Yanzhou Lasuxlerma serncorne o 2360 Rhuopertna domuuca 0 1491 Araecerus [asciculaius o 1304 Immg StegobLum pan weurn o 5282 Trtbolium [erruqmeuni 0 1711 Siiophilnu: zeanwtS o 0733 Zhangdian Carpophtlusdunuluitus o 1220 Plodw mierpunciella o 1098 Typhaea stercorea o 1098 Qmgdao Siiophilus zeanwtS 0 3333 Tribolium [erruqineuni 0 0769 Sttotroga cerealella 0 0769 Dezhou SLtophtlus zeamals 0 2316 StegoblUm paniceuni 0 2211 Ahasverus advena 0 1368 Yucheng Stegobwrn pamceum 0 4032 Plodw tntel'punctella 0 3978 Gtbbwm aegumoctmle 0 0806 Lmwu Stegoblum pamceum 0 5017 Plodw mterpunctella 0 1322 Ephestw cautella 0 1186 RJ.zhao Carpophtlus dwndmtus 0 3030 Typhaea stercol'ea 0 2576 Cal'todem ruflCollw 0 0909 Blnzhou Sttotroga cerealella 0 2941 TnbollUm ferrtlgmeurn 0 1765 Stegobmm pamceum 0 0882 Welfang Plodw mterpunctella 0 1935 Ahasverus advena 0 0968 Tnbolturn ferrtlgmeurn 0 0968 Zhucheng Stegobwm pamceum 0 5963 Tnbolwrn ferrtlgmeum 0 2569 Tenebraulesnzauntamcus 0 0367 LmYI Tenebrmdesnzazmtamcus 0 2349 SdophLlus zeanwtS 0 1745 StegobLum pamceurn 0 1611 Lmocheng PlodLa mterpunctella 0 6053 SLtophtlus zeamaz-s o 0789 CryptophLlus mteger o 0526 Changqmg Tnbohum ferrugweurn 0 1985 Plodw mterpunctella o 1832 Glbbwm aegumoctwle o 1756 Zaozhuang Necrobw rufwolllS 0 5614 PlodLa mterpunctella o 1228 Derrnestes frnchn o 0702 Lmyang Plodw mterpunctella o 1923 Cryptophzlus mteger o 1923 Carpophtlus dmtmwtus 0 1538 Dongymg Stegobmm pamceum o 3077 Plodw mterpunctella o 3077 SLtophLlus zeanwtS 0 1538 Jman GLbbLumaegumoctwle o 3140 Plodw mtel'pltnctella o 2397 TrLbohum ferrugmeum 0 1983 Heze Mesanwrphus mlllger o 6429 Ahasverus advena o 1378 Stegobwrn pamceum 0 0510 Tamn Mesorlwrphus mlilger o 3581 LasLodernw sel'rtcorne o 1220 Typhaea stercarea 0 1061 d dommance mdex a year was coleopterous msects, accountmg for 50 - 100% DynamiCS of the insect community on stored TCM of the total number of speCIes The number of speCIes and materials m temporal sequence mdlVlduals peaked dunng July and August because of chmate The msect commumty structure of Talan TCM matenal factors ThIS penod was the key bme to conserve the TeM statlOn was studIed from May, 1994 to May, 1995 (Table matenals So better measures must be adopted to control the 4) Table 4 showed that the mam group m dIfferent tIme m pests 111 Proceedmgs of the 7th Internatwnal Workmg Conierenee on Stored-product Protectwn - Volume 1 Table 4. The msect community structure of Taian TCM matenal station m temporal sequence CMay, 16, 1994 - May, 5, 1995) Coleoptera Lepidoptera Hymenoptera Others Total Date S % S % S % S % ST May 16,1994 266670 0 0 0133 33 3 June 2, 1994 2 50 00 2 50 00 0 000 4 July 1,1994 16 88 89 15560 0 1 556 18 July 15,1994 16 84 21 15260 0 21053 19 Aug 16,1994 17 94 44 15560 000 18 Sep 1, 1994 7 77 78 1 1111 1 1111 0 0 9 Sep 19,1994 9 81 82 1 909 1 909 0 0 11 Oct 11,1994 13 86 67 1 6 67 0 0 1 667 15 Oct 27,1994 10 100 00 0 0 0 000 10 May 18,1995 6 60 00 2 20 00 1 10 00 1 10 00 10 S the number of species % percentage dommant species m Zhangdian and Rizhao did not reflect the Conclusion and Discussion real situation of the two msect commuruties

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