Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/27/2012 8:41:05AM OMB NO. 1124-0002; EKpks:Febraary;.-28,'-20T4 U.& Department of Jpstice Supplemental Statement. Washington,^ 20530 Pursuant to' the..Eoreign,Agents RegistJpa.tion. Act of 19i38^:as amended rgiv'.".v;:--€ .::••:•-:• irirr . 9 for Six Month Period-Ending July 31,2012 1-.REGISTRANT 1, (a):Nanie of Registrant «. .{hiifogfetration No. WesternHemisphere:$trategies,l.LG .(c) Business AddresslesiiofRegistrapt 501 Brickell KeyDrivie: Saite 602 7 Miami, PL 33131 2l Mas .there :te^ '#:,lfan&aydyal: (IJ: Residence addressees)-; Yex;0 NffQ (2) Citizenship ' -:7 :Yes[j NoD (3) 'Occupation " NoD . ( ,(K):I ffatforganization:' H: (f)'.Name YesD ^0:H; (2) Ownership or control 7^ •y'es!-D No® (3). Branch offices ' ¥esC3 No. a (c) ..Expjsinvfitlly all changes, ffian^jridtcatecian Items (a):and .fb'),ab§ve. IF THE REGISTRANT IS AN- INDIVIDUAL, OMIT RESPONSE TO ITEMS X 4, AND 5{a). 3. If you have previously fifed Exhibit C. state whether any changes therein have occurred'during this 6 month reporting period. Yes • No H ., If yes, have you filed an amendment to the .Exhibit C7 Yes-D. Mo O Ifto. please attach the required ametidroertt. [ the I \hibiiC7for which no pnntoi form is. prauJeA consists or'<i tree cop* ot the charter .tlicics ut iRvQ<|H>r;.5i»si, .(SAOCuition, ami h> laws- of a wgls-trant that c an (H^iim/auiin {-\ wjner of the requ'taneni lo file .in Fshbn C nu^ (V tttaned for good tame upon »rmen applicalion to the Assiitau Atkunej Ueiieral. National Secunft Divisitm I S nei<attmemot'»u"-uce. Wa^hingfua IX'lt^P, formerly;eiRMi!|54: ^ I-ORM ssu-2 Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/27/2012 8:41:05 AM Received; by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/27/2012 8:41:05 AM (RAGE'2). 4. (a) Have any persons ce^edaetii%:as: partners, oiK YeS:.D No B " . J;fv'^.jliroish.the7foUownginfprtttWoti: Name " Position .Date Connection Ended (b) Have anv persons become paft#rev .officers, diK^ YesC 7NQ:® '"'"' •-.•••.-• If yes. furnish the following information; Name Residence Address; Citizenships l?(isition Date.Assumed 5. id) f las any person named in'Item 4(b)::r«3efed services Jirecth in furtherance of the interests of any foreign principal'? YesD 'No B ' " ' Ifyes, identify each7sueh person and describe the service rendered; (b) During this sK month reporting period. hu.s the registrant hired as employees or in am other capacity, am persons who rendered or will render set \ ices to the registrant directly in furtherance of the interests of am foreign principalis) in other than a clerical or secretarial, or in a related or similar capacity? \ cy Q V E3 Residence Address;. Citizenship Position .Date Assumed"; tcj Ha\ e any employees or indi\ iduais, who ha\c filed a short form registration statemen%;terjiiihated:their. employ rtterit:©!} . connection with the regisuum during this 6 month reporting period? Yes Z3 No K - '•' ? Ifyes. fumbh the following information: Name Position or Connection :Date'Terminated .(d) Have any employees or individuals, who haw filed a short form registration statement, terminated their connection with any foreign principal during this 6 month reporting period? Ye» • No B If yes. furnish the following information: Name ' Position or Connection ForeignLprihcTpal Date'terminated 6..Have short form registration statements been tiled by all of the persons named in I term. 5(a) and Sib) of the supplemental statement? Yes D No D . I f no. list- names of persons who have not tiled the required statement. ' • N/A Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/27/2012 8:41:05 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/27/2012 8:41:05AM •• . (PAGE3 j :7 ».-;FOREIGNFRIM€rRA:L .WMWWMIIWMMI.M.^^ jiiM....«..--i..i...»»»^..w..^-^»-wW^w..».L.ji.... - \„mm»e». —!.••.» in-ii. • ""'••*•" .i.Mi...fM"'W"»"M"""^"»"w'»«'»»"»iiim •.•••••»••..• ••W.U.HWIIIII.III "-'•• .-.'- • 7>, :Has your connection with- any •••foreign principal; ended/during this 6 month reporting period? Yes O No- 3 If yes, furnish the fotl0wing;ihiormatidri- :Ee>feigrs Principal ';., Date of Termination • S.rBayeyotiaetjttifj^ Yes B ' 'Nd'Q- B:yes,fumish'#;:fcibwingji»fom'atibn-: . Name and Address of Foreign Principalis) Date Acquired Taipei Economic & Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) . Janpary 5, 2012 4201 Wisconsin Avenue, NW ' Washington, DC 20016 ' 'ilieMorocearfcAmer^ July 1,2012 1220C'Street«N#7Suite'411 • : 87 In additiootetfaose named in Items 7 and:8?-iiany, &t-:fere%Hjnneipal|;sf? whom you C0ntinued%#pr«^ ftrnWifh reporting period; None ' fO. (a) I lave you filed exhibits fcr-the rieMy acquired foreign- pracipalfsjfeif any, listed in,ltent;$? Exhibit A1 Yes M, No H Exhibit B4 Yes @; No Q If no. please attach the rcquircdesBibit. (b) Have there been any changes in the Exhibits A and B previously filed for.anj foreign principal whom you represented during this.six month period? Yes • Nol if yes, have you filed an amendroe»pp;1he|e;ftxhibtt8? Yes D No B if no, please attach the requiredistttfradmertt. 2 The terra "fordftn principal" ineittaev n addition to those defined ro.vMum 1ih)iiftfte <\u an individual unytit/atnnt am ot whose arm itic&aadree'ijy or indirectly supervised, directed, controlled, financed, or MibsiAji-J in v>hMc OJ ir iiuior purt tn a foreign government, foreign political path foreign orejiii/attoii ssi fiKcigii mdiv ntual (See Rule 100(a) l9j). A registrant who represents more th.w one lo-fign prmup.il is requited to let m the statement* he i.lei under the Act ODI> thos* principals S'or-ivhom he is not entitled t«>'claim exemption under Section 3 of the Act (See Utile -t»S ; 5 Vhc Eshibit A. which is filed OR form N'Sf/-* O onrush CKM-i - 7i ->ei* turth ne mtormatiorr requited to be divJoseii concerning cash foreiyn principal 4 The Exhibit B. which is filed on Form KSD-41 fnrnierlj CHVE-I5S) -.em fo-irth the inlwmaftor- concerning the .agreement or aniets-Unding between the registrant and the foreign principal. Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/27/2012 8:41:05 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/27/2012 8:41:05 AM fPAG£;4) III-ACTIVITIES ; ,••.,,,..,,„•.•. —-i — ___ __ ___ _ , i, 1 _~ _. __ ,..,.-..,--,.,,„- . __ , : _i_ ; .,., ,, il. Duritig;this-.6;morith rep0rtiii'g:pepbd;.:have you.engaged in any activities' for or: rendered any services to any'foreign principal, • •?i^ed:.iiiVfte^ YesS NoD If yes,;.idenltfy-each foreign principal;and.describerin.ftll-'detaifvour.activities and services:. Piease.seMO'helow 7 . — •—;y. .. , ":— ;—-—• 1 — • • -—• :!.-—•••————. .... .....,.,..., .. v. 12. During this 6 month reporting period, have you 'pn f^Hiy'f<of--^y;-fi^ijgiii--'^iri;c:ipaI engaged in pdlitical-acfivity^ as-defined'Miow?- Yes B NoD . ' '.7' : If ye*, identify each such foreign principal and describe in full detail all such political activity*Mdieating^among.SKwthings, : the relations, interest* and policies sought to.be influenced and themeans employed toiehfev^fep ' ' arranged, sponsored or delivered speeches, lectures or radio and f V broadcasts, giye;detai!s•as',to;dites?-piaces of"%liveiy,,-'•. names of speakers and subject matter. • , Please see attachment "••••' 13. fn addition to the above described activities, if any. have you engaged in activity on jour own behalf which benefits your foreign principally? YesD No 50 ;ilpsj;descrite-ftiiy. 5 'the term "politicil actittty' means am .tctmh thai ihe person embaying in !wlie%ei wil, o' thsHKe person intends, to. in am wjv inllueiceativ agencj or oftkial of the (iovemmtnt of the irtmf Sire* or any *ee:ion or the rtuohe «ithm the t rased Mates with ieiere«ee to formulating, adopting oi elmgmg the domestic or foreign policies of the S 'nited States or <*rh reference to poiitiejl or ;>ub<i<. intere .is policies, or retaiur:- ot a government of a foreign- country or a foreign poLnca) rxtm Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/27/2012 8:41:05 AM Received by NSD/FARA Registration Unit 08/27/2012 8:41:05 AM (PAO&S) I¥ - FINAN.€IA£-piFORMAf IOJX 14. (a) RECEIPTS-MONIES During this 6 month reporting period,, have yo« received.|rotn any foreign7iirmcipl.narried in.items 7, 8,-or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for.of.in the intereste'of any such fpfeigrt:pHn income:or money either as compensation orotherwisef Yfes B No;ED If no, exp1ainm*lvy; Ifyes, set forth below in the required, dettlfand- separately -foreach foreign principal ah aceowiit of such monies,5 Date ; FromvWhom Purpose -Amount: January 2012 iwm Representation $15,000: feiSrudtyapK: 'Representation $1x000 TECRO Mafeh;20T2 ;Representation $15»Q00 TECRO April'2012-:' presentation $15,000 TEGRO May'2012 Representation: $15,000 TECRG June;20J2; Sfepresifitation $-1-5$0Cf 'TECRO' Mly-Xm :MACP gepresentatiort $20,000 $110,000 fotal m •RlfEiPiS.-fllNDRAISING CAMPAIGN -Duririg^hisStrionth reporting period, liaye-yda: received^ as-part of a fithdraismgeanpaigiti, :any moneyoii behalf of-atty : foreign',,p'rih'ciparnanied in items 7, isor9of thisstatera:ent'? YesD 'UoM Ifyes,: haveyou;fifed an Eshibit-0 to your:registration? Yes O MoG If yes,-ihdiette.the.date the'EkMbit D was fil:ed„: 03te;_ :(c): RECEIPTS-THINGS OF VAH7E During this 6 month reporting period, have you received any thing of value' other than money from any foreign principal named in items 7, 8, or 9 of this statement, or from any other source, for or in die interests of any sueh foreign principal? Yes D No H Ifyes, ffifhishthefollovving information; : fewpfrineipal: ' Dae;R&el«ed 1Jiihg:d£ValusK Purpose 1 t>. 7 A registrant u retfuirwi w file m t'xttihit D it he coileeiv or recenes coninbtffitHv loan*, mursevj, or other thing-, of taitte for A foreign principal *.
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