FREE Vol. Vol. 3, 4, No. No. 11 17 Published Every OtherPublished Wednesday Every Other Wednesday www.venturabreeze.com June March 1 – June 10 14, - 23, 2011 2010 OnO April 21 Ventura BotanicalB Gardens presentedp their third annual Spring Gar- den Tour. The tour featured the gardens of 7 Ventura homes designed by both professionals and by creative homeown- e r s . T h e t o u r i s o n e o f the major fundrais- ers for the develop- ment of the proposed Ventura Botanical Gardens to be located in Grant Park above city hall. Many of the hhomes also had local aartisans and businesses shshowing and selling ththeir fi ne products, art anand jewelry. approved all changes before the vote was City to save taken by the city council who passed the CED Basketball new rules in a vote of 4-2. pension costs Newly hired city employees will be part of a “Tier II” group. This newly formed Tier committee coach found II group will receive 2 percent of their fi nal with new rule salary multiplied by the number of their meets guilty by Rebecca Wicks years of service to the city with eligibility The former men’s basketball coach beginning at age 60 or as it is commonly re- The City Council okayed a measure at Ventura College Greg Winslow has ferred to as “2 at 60.” The same employees in Ventura earlier this month to create a second tier been found guilty, by a Ventura County hired before June 2011 will be classifi ed as The National League of Cities’ of employees who will now follow sepa- Superior Court jury of misappropriation part of the Tier I group of employees receiv- (NLC) prestigious Policy Steering Com- rate guidelines as to when they can retire of public funds and has been sentenced ing “2 at 55.” mittee on Community and Economic and what amount they will draw from the to a year in jail. Tier I sworn police offi cers received “3 Development (CED) met recently in city upon retirement. The reduced benefi ts He was found guilty of three felony at 50.” This means a 50-year-old offi cer Ventura at the invitation of its Vice Chair, take effect this month. Police and non- counts: misappropriation of public who receives a $100,000 salary can retire Ventura City Councilman Neal Andrews. safety personnel will need to work an ad- funds, failure to repay public money and after working for the city for 30 years with Fifty elected offi cials on this committee ditional fi ve years to receive the same pen- grand theft, by Judge James Cloninger. a $90,000-a-year pension. Going forward from across the United States prepare sions as their more veteran peers. Sworn The judge admonished him for cheating the newer hired Tier II police offi cers will legislative recommendations for Congress fi re personnel pensions remain the same. and felt that this was a very sad situation need to work fi ve additional years to earn and the Federal Administration on eco- Unions representing city employees when winning is everything at any cost. Continued on page 5 nomic issues faced by cities. It is widely regarded as the most infl uential policy The prosecutors had asked for a advisory body of the NLC. three-year jail sentence. Besides the jail The Ventura committee meetings sentence he received fi ve years’ probation were characterized by robust discussions and must make restitution payments. of the partisan gridlock in Congress, the Coach Winslow must report to jail Federal budget, and the negative impacts June 17 to start serving his sentence. that were being felt by cities all across the The amount of restitution that he nation. The constant question was, if this must pay will be determined at a later bipartisan and highly diverse group rep- date. resenting all dimensions of the national political spectrum can work together productively to devise constructive solu- tions to our national problems, why can’t Federal offi cials? For this issue’s Much of the three day working ses- sion was devoted to reviewing the adverse Face of effects of recent cuts in Community De- velopment Block Grant (CDBG) funds, Ventura which are a vital part of most cities’ fi nan- cial resources. In Ventura these funds are by Johanna Spinks critical to the City’s ability to maintain the De Anza library and have been used see page 10 to fund many of the supported housing Breeze writer, and Occidental College student/athlete Ryan is sure that he could programs for disadvantaged populations take the new welterweight champ Victor Ortiz in a wresting match. The new champ over the years. They have underwritten an was feted at a gala ceremony at the Watermark. See page 16 for the whole story. effective small business loan program, a Continued on page 5 2 June 1 – June 15, 2011 Ventura BREEZE Treat Yourself to a Relaxing Massage... You deserve it! hair & make-up massage nail care 9LVLW skin care & waxing XVRQ Don’t put it off any longer! Offering a personalized massage program with Custom Scented Oils. (805) 628.3535 1023 e thompson blvd, ventura 2XUWKDQNVWRDOORXUPLOLWDU\ 3ULYDWH7RZQ&DU SDVWDQGSUHVHQWIRU\RXU 6HUYLFH GHGLFDWLRQWRRXUFRXQWU\ 9HQWXUD&RXQW\6KXWWOH,QF WRWDORQHZD\ RQHZD\ URXQGWULS H[FOXVLYHIRUXSWRSDVVHQJHUVRQO\ 6WDUWLQJ$SULOIXHO VXUFKDUJHZLOODSSO\ 7R/$;6DQWD%DUEDUDDQG%XUEDQN 'LVFRXQWVIRUJURXSV DQGFKDUWHUV 3ULYDWHGRRUWRGRRUVHUYLFH 3ULFHLQFOXGHVJUDWXLW\ 3LFNXSDWKRPHRURIILFH Depart Ventura 4:30am • 6:30am • 8:30am • 10:45am • 1pm • &RUSRUDWHPHHWLQJVDQGHYHQWV 3:15pm • 5:30pm • 7:30pm 'RFWRUVDSSRLQWPHQWV 0HQWLRQWKLVDG • Oxnard departs 15 minutes later. DQGUHFHLYH • No departures: 7:30pm Vta, 7:45pm Oxn, &DVLQRV:LQHULHV RIIWKH URXQGWULSIDUH 9:30pm LAX-on Saturdays only. 12+,''(1)((6 IRU-XQH-XO\DQG Depart LAX $XJXVW 6:30am • 8:30am • 11am • 1pm • 3:15pm • 5:30pm • 7:30pm • 9:30pm +ROLGD\,QQLV FKDUJLQJDGD\IRUSDUNLQJ 1RFKDUJHLIGURSSLQJRIIRQO\ &DOO 1DYLJDWRU'U9HQWXUD36& ZZZYHQWXUDVKXWWOHFRP HWLFNHWVRQOLQHDWZZZYHQWXUDVKXWWOHFRP 7&336& Ventura BREEZE www.venturabreeze.com Your Hometown Paper Ventura BREEZE June 1 – June 15, 2011 3 Opinion/Editorial ■ The opponents ducted a Sobriety Checkpoint on May 27 had the wrong thing terminated. of the downtown on Thompson Blvd. just east of Sanjon ■ Because artwalk is no longer spon- parking meters have Rd. In an effort to advertise the Sobriety sored by Ventura City a privately funded The Ventura Breeze is your free local community submitted over 10,000 Checkpoint and market it as a deterrent and run artwalk is being planned July newspaper published every other Wednesday and signatures that signed to drunk driving, a large message board circulated throughout Ventura and to many locations 23&24. For more information about the in Ojai and the Channel Islands Harbor located the petition to put an was placed in the downtown area of Ven- proposed ArtWalk(and how you can be in Oxnard. Sheldon Brown initiative on probably tura, indicating that there was a sobriety involved) go to www.westsideartwalk. Publisher PUBLISHER the November ballot checkpoint in progress in Ventura. com and keep reading the Breeze. Sheldon Brown to vote on whether paid parking should Announcing it has always seemed ■ So California “preacher” Howard [email protected] not be allowed in Ventura. The Camping (his brain, and those signatures must be submitted of his followers must always be PET EDITOR to the county for approval. camping) is now predicting that Professor Scamp The county takes random the world will end on October [email protected] verifi cation of the signatures 21 instead of a few weeks ago as CONTRIBUTING WRITERS to determine if they should he predicted. His didn’t explain Tim Pompey • Rebecca Wicks verify all of the signatures. At why he was off by 5 months but least 6,337 signatures must Nanci Cone • Karlene Lang stated that “I feel so terrible that be valid, or 10 percent of Ven- Mira Reverente • Veronica Johnson my doomsday prediction did not tura’s 63,367 registered voters, come true” which shows what James Spencer • Shirley Lorraine to qualify for the November a compassionate caring person Sheli Ellsworth • Emily Thiroux ballot. that he is that he is concerned Michael Kohli • Kimberly Castro Even though the initiative that most of us are not dead as Eric Garnier • Sloan Reberick is mainly meant to remove the he predicted. Linde Carlson • Annie Gabriel parking meters downtown it So if any of you believe that CONTRIBUTING PHOTOGRAPHERS actually will mandate that this will happen in October John Ferritto • Bernie Goldstein all future paid parking would please send me all of your money Kristeen Campbell need to be approved by a 2/3 and I promise to give it back to majority vote. Parking fees in The Ventura Breeze will go to any lengths to cover a story as seen you if it doesn’t happen. Perhaps INTERNS place prior to 2006 would be here at the recently started demolition at the future site of the pro- if he read Hebrew or Latin he Erik Schiemann – Brooks Institute exempt (such as the parking posed Community Memorial Hospital. Photo by John Ferritto would have been more accurate Brooke Demchuck – Ventura High School structure at the Promenade). of his analysis of the Bible. Kathryne Duckwitz – Ventura High School City Attorney Ariel Calo- Speaking of religion (sort of) Danielle Peak – University of San Diego nne would not comment on the legality odd to me but they just want to get recently 4 seniors came to my door pros- Lisa Lugo (and ramifi cations) of this measure until the message across that you could be elytizing their religion. I really resent SENIOR ADVISORS he is asked to do so by the city council if stopped and checked so stay sober and it this, our homes should be our sanctuary Nanci Cone • Suz Montgomery it makes the ballot.
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