Al!1stral iaVl S~steVVJatic BotaVl~ Societ~ NEWSLETTER Index to Volumes 51-70 Print Post No.: 241437/00036 ISSN 1034 -1218 AUSTRALIAN SYSTEMATIC BOTANY SOCIETY IN CORPORATED Office Bearers President Dr M.D. Crisp Division of Botany and Zoology Australian National University GPO Box 4 CANBERRA ACT 2601 Tel (06) 249 2882 Fax (06) 249 5573 Email Mike. Crisp@ Vice President Secretary Treasurer Dr J.A. Chappill Dr C. Puttock Dr P.G. Wilson Department of Botany Australian National Herbarium National Herbarium of NSW University of Western Australia GPO Box 1600 Mrs Macquaries Road NED LANDS W A 6009 CANBERRA ACT 2601 SYDNEY NSW 2000 Tel (09) 380 2212 Tel (06) 246 5523 Tel (02) 231 8158 Fax (09) 380 1001 Fax (06) 246 5249 Fax (02) 251 7231 Email [email protected] Email [email protected] Email [email protected] Councillors Dr T. Entwisle Dr J. Clarkson National Herbarium of Victoria Queensland Herbarium Bird wood A venue P.O. Box 1054 SOUTHYARRA VIC 3141 MAREEBA QLD 4880 Tel (03) 655 2313 Tel (070) 92 1555 Fax (03) 655 2350 Fax (070) 92 3593 Email entwisle@ botany. Affiliated Society Papua New Guinea Botanical Society Australian Botanical Liaison Officer Mr L.W. Jessup Royal Botanic Gardens Kew Richmond, Surrey. TW9 3AB. ENGLAND. Tel44-81-940-1171 Fax 44-81-332-5278 Austral. Syst. Bot. Soc. Newsletter Index Volumes 51-70 1 INTRODUCTION ASBS Newsletter Index Issues 51-70 of the ASBS Newsletter Part 3-Issued June 1994 Number Date Editor(s) This is the third part of a consolidated index 51 June 1987 Helen Hewson September to all issues of the society's Newsletter, which 52 1987 Helen Hewson 53 December 1987 Helen Hewson Council decided would be the most practical 54 March 1988 Barbara Bamsley means of accessing the considerable amount of Alex George information that this periodical contains. The 55 June 1988 Barbara Bamsley index has been compiled over a number of Mike Crisp years by several members of the society. To all 56 September 1988 Barbara Bamsley of those contributors we are very grateful, and Mike Crisp council hopes that you will find this a very 57 December 1988 Barbara Bamsley useful compilation. Actually, it is compulsory Mike Crisp for all members to use it at least once a month! 58 March 1989 Barbara Bamsley The data for this third part of the index are Mike Crisp in three groups:- taxonomic names (including 59 June 1989 Barbara Bamsley Mike Crisp latin binomials and trinomials, as well as all 60 September 1989 Barbara Bamsley higher categories), personal names (including Mike Crisp authors), and subjects (including titles of arti­ 61 December 1989 Barbara Bamsley cles, as well as particular topics). Mike Crisp Parts of the subject index and author index 62 March 1990 Barbara Barnsley have already been published in the Newsletter, Mike Crisp covering issues 54-57 (57: 26-28), 58-61 (61: 63 June 1990 Barbara Bamsley 21-23), and 62-65 (65: 39-41), which were Mike Crisp compiled by Barbara Bamsley & Mike Crisp in 64 September 1990 Barbara Bamsley Canberra, and issues 66-69 (69: 31-34) and 70 Mike Crisp (74: 32-35), which were compiled by David 65 December 1990 Barbara Bamsley Mike Crisp Morrison in Sydney. The remainder of these 66 March 1991 David Morrison two indexes has been compiled by David Morri­ Barbara Wiecek son. 67 June 1991 David Morrison Council decided to compile a thorough Barbara Wiecek index to the scientific plant names from issue 1 68 September 1991 David Morrison through to issue 60. This was done by Kirsten Barbara Wiecek Cowley in Canberra, and the data are now main­ 69 December 1991 David Morrison tained as a computer database. This third part of Barbara Wiecek the index includes all of the data from issues 70 March 1992 David Morrison 51-60 inclusive, covering the period from mid Barbara Wiecek 1987 to late 1989. The data were checked and edited by David Morrison. The remainder of A brief review of the history of the Newsletter is this index has been compiled by David Morri­ provided in ASBS Newsletter 66: 4-14. son. 2 Austral. Syst. Bot. Soc. Newsletter Index Volumes 51-70 TAXONOMIC NAMES Abelmoschus 70: 37 Acacia albizioides 53: 90 Abutilon 57: 18; 61: 15; 65: 31; 68: 29; Acacia anarthros 58: 5 69: 20 Acacia aneura 69: 4 Abutilon albescens 55: 15 Acacia ashbyae 52: 18 Abutilon indicum ssp. guineense var. albescens Acacia beckleri 70: 22 55: 15 Acacia brandegeana 58: 6 Acacia 51: 1; 53: 21, 26, 52, 53, 54, 87-91; Acacia caleyi 63: 11 54: 12, 13, 15; 57: 16; 58: 1-13; 59: 1, 2, Acacia califomica 58: 6 8; 60: 42, 48; 61: 24; 62: 24; 63: 1-4, Acacia cambagei 68: 5 11, 24; 64: 36; 65: 32, 42; 66: 9, 22, 32; Acacia catechu 53: 1 67: 35; 68: 38; 69: 12, 20; 70: 39 Acacia colletioides 68: 10 Acacia subgen. Acacia 53: 89, 90; 58: 1-8, 10 Acacia confusa 53: 90; 54: 12 Acacia subgen. Aculeiferum 53: 89, 90; 58: Acacia constricta 58: 7, 8 1-8, 10, 11 Acacia cou1teri 58: 5 Acacia subgen. Faidherbia 58: 8 Acacia cyperophylla 60: 42 Acacia subgen. Heterophyllum 53: 89; 54: Acacia dentifera 58: 11 12; 58: 1, 2 Acacia dictyophleba 58: 6 Acacia subgen. Phyllodineae 53: 89; 58: 1-8, Acacia dolicocephala 58: 6 10, 11 Acacia estrophiolata 69: 4 Acacia sect. Aculeiferum 58: 2 Acacia famesiana 53: 88, 90; 63: 1; 69: 4 Acacia sect. Alatae 58: 2 Acacia gentlei 58: 6 Acacia sect. Botrycephalae 53: 90; 58: 2, 5, 8; Acacia glandulifera 58: 6 59: 1 Acacia harpophylla 65: 27 Acacia sect. Filicinae 58: 2, 8 Acacia homalophylla 53: 2 Acacia sect. Heterophyllum 58: 2 Acacia jensenii 58: 6 Acacia sect. Juliflorae 57: 18, 19; 58: 2; 61: Acacia kauaiensis 54: 12 15; 65: 32 Acacia kempeana 69: 4 Acacia sect. Lycopodiifoliae 58: 2, 5, 6, 8 Acacia moirii subsp. recurvistipula 58: 5 Acacia sect. Monacantha 58: 2 Acacia newbeyi 57: 16 Acacia sect. Phyllodineae 58: 2, 8, 9 Acacia nilotica 53: 87, 90; 63: 1 Acacia sect. Plurinerves 57: 19; 58: 2, 5; Acacia omalophylla 53: 2 61: 15 Acacia oswaldii 68: 9 Acacia sect. Pulchellae 53: 90; 58: 2, 5, 8 Acacia papyrocarpa 70: 37 Acacia sect. Pulchelloidea 58: 2, 8 Acacia paradoxa 58: 6 Acacia sect. Spiciflorae 58: 2 Acacia penninervis 53: 90 Acacia sect. Uninervea 58: 2 Acacia pinguifolia 68: 6, 7 Acacia series Botrycephalae 53: 89; 58: 1, 2 Acacia podalyriifolia 63: 11 Acacia series Filicinae 53: 89; 58: 1, 2 Acacia pycnantha 68: 8 Acacia series Gummiferae 53: 89, 90; 58: 1-3 Acacia rigidula 58: 7, 11 Acacia series Phyllodineae 53: 89; 58: 1, 2 Acacia rotundifolia 68: 8 Acacia series Pulchellae 53: 89; 58: 1, 2, 11 Acacia salicina 68: 4 Acacia series Vulgares 53: 89; 58: 1, 2 Acacia schaffneri 58: 6 Acacia subseries Alatae 58: 2 Acacia sulcata 58: 6 Acacia subseries Brunioideae 58: 2 Acacia tetragonophylla 69: 4 Acacia subseries Calamiformes 58: 2 Acacia tropica 58: 5 Acacia subseries Continuae 58: 2 Acacia vemiciflua 58: 6 Acacia subseries Juliflorae 58: 2 Acacia victoriae 58: 5; 69: 4 Acacia subseries Plurinerves 58: 2 Acacia willardiana 58: 5, 13 Acacia subseries Pungentes 58: 2 Acaciella 58: 8, 9; 59: 1 Acacia subseries Uninerves 58: 2 Acaena magellanica 64: 14 Acacia albida 53: 88; 58: 1, 4, 8 · Acanthaceae 67: 39 Austral. Syst. Bot. Soc. Newsletter Index Volumes 51-70 3 Acanthococcus gracilaria 52: 12 Almaleea 66: 25 Acer subintegrilobum 56: 8 Alnus 56: 6 Acer subproductum 56: 8 Alnus maccoyi 56: 8 Aceraceae 53: 61; 56: & Alnus muelleri 56: 8 Acianthus 65: 38; 67: 2 Alomia 53: 65 Aciphylla 53: 60, 61 Alseuosmiaceae 53: 73, 77 Acmena resa 53: 1 Altemanthera 65: 30; 69: 21 Acmopyle 64: 4 Amanita 70: 35 Acmopyle pancheri 52: 15 Amanitaceae 70: 35 Acronychia 64: 5 Amaranthaceae 51: 1; 53: 84; 65: 30; 69: 21 Acrotriche 53: 71, 76 Amaranthus 65: 30; 69: 21 Actinidiaceae 53: 56 Amentiferae 61: 2, 3; 63: 18; 70: 18 Actinodium 61: 15 Amphicarpum 69: 3 Adenochilus 67: 2, 7 Amphiroa stelligera 52: 12 Adenochilus gracilis 67: 7 Amyema 69:4 Adenochilus nortonii 67: 6, 7 Amyema linophyllum 66: 5 Adenostyles 53: 69 Amygdalaceae 68: 36 Adriana 65: 32; 68: 29; 69: 21 Amylotheca dictyophleba 66: 5 Aegilops 67: 17 Anacampseros 53: 41, 42 Aegilops aestivum 67: 17 Anacampseros sect. Tuberosae 53: 42 Aenictophyton 66: 25 66: 25 Anacardiaceae 53: 53 Agathis 58: 26; 64: 4 Anadenia 63: 12 Agathis ovata 52: 15 Anadenia caleyi 63: 11, 12 Agathis robusta 52: 15 Anadenia montana 63: 12 Agave 68: 18 Anagallis arvensis 68: 11 Ageratum 53: 65 Andersonia 53: 71, 73, 74; 69: 20 Aglaia 58: 32 Andraeaceae 65: 32; 69: 22 Agrimonia 53: 56 Angianthus tomentosus 52: 13; 66: 28 Agropogon 53: 14 Angophora 51: 12; 53: 92; 54: 16; 55: 12; Agropogon littoralis 53: 7, 13 56: 15, 33, 39; 58: 25; 59: 13; 66: 22, 24 Agrostis stolonifera 53: 13 Anisacantha 53: 82, 84 Aidia 69: 16 Anisotome 53: 60, 61 Aizoaceae 53: 8; 59: 10; 65: 36; 67: 40; Annonaceae $3: 53; 61: 14; 68: 36 69: 28 Anomozamites muelleli 56: 7 Akaniaceae 53: 23 Anthaenantia 69: 3 Albizia 53: 88; 58: 4, 5, 12 Anthaenantiopsis 69: 3 Albizia series Pachyspermae 53: 90 Anthistiria 63: 7 Alismatidae 64: 30; 67: 39 Anthocerotales 65: 31; 69: 21 Allocasuarina 60: 21; 63: 14; 66: 15, 27; 67: Anthotium 61: 11 23-27; 68: 15, 16; 70: 16-18 Anthyllis 53: 14 Allocasuarina littoralis 65: 8, 9, 11 Anthyllis barba-jovis 53: 7, 10 Allocasuarina torulosa 59: 12; 65: 8-11 Aotus 53: 45 Allosyncarpia 53: 92 Aotus phylicoides 53: 45 Alloteropsis 63: 13; 64: 5, 6 Aotus subspinescens 62: 19 Alloteropsis angusta 64: 6 Apiaceae 53: 52, 59, 60, 61; 57: 17; 64: 14; Alloteropsis cimicina 64: 6 65: 31; 69: 20, 21, 28; 70: 34 Alloteropsis gwebiensis 64: 6 Apiaceae tribe Caucalideae 53: 52 Alloteropsis homblei 64: 6 Apocynaceae 56: 8; 65: 31; 69: 20 Alloteropsis latifolia 64: 6 Apocynocarpum sulcatum 56: 8 Alloteropsis paniculata 64: 6 Apocynophyllum crassum 56: 8 Alloteropsis papillosa 64: 6 Apocynophyllum etheridgei 56: 8 Alloteropsis quintasii 64: 6 Apocynophyllum kingii 56: 8 Alloteropsis semialata 64: 6 Apocynophyllum mackinlayi 56: 8 Alloteropsis semialata subsp.
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