MANCHESTER FOCUS SPORTS WEATHER Town Republicans This ‘show stopper’ Nowobilski happy Rain stays tonight; endorse panel’s slate has weak moments with round at GHO clearing Saturday ... page 3*1 ... page 11 ... page 15 page 2 Manchester, Conn. — A City of Village Charm Friday, July 26, 1985 — Single copy: 25<t Panel OKs non-militaty aid to Contras Bv E. Michael Myers similiar supplies to the Contras. It will have to be the boys with as It takes on the distribution role. aid, embarassing many House spending level United Press International striped trousers and cutaway Democrats who worried about thi‘ "I do not see any way the House The bill goes to both chambers The divided conlerees dropped 2 coats," he said, meaning the State political effects ol doing nothing to will do it," Chairman Dante for approval However, the Senate language on laniily planning that WASHINGTON - In a major Department and its Agency for pressure the Sandinistas toward Fascell, D-Fla., of the House and Hou.se a|)propriationscommit- would have denied any assistance foreign policy victory for Presi­ International Development — a democratic reforms Foreign Affairs Committee told tees must authorize the to any organization working uith dent Reagan, a House-Senate non-military group that oversees Sen. Richard Lugar, R-Ind., chair­ expenditures. On ,)une ti the Senate apiiroved China, which some congressmen conference committee today en­ the distribution of economic aid. man of the Senate Foreign Rela­ Approval of aid forthe estimated $.18 million in non-military aid lor ha\e accused ol perlorming dorsed $27 million in non-military tions Committee. "This i«^I1tpiek- Lugar was warned by Rep. Lee LI.000 guerrillas came three the Contras and the House passed coerced abortions and infanticide aid for the anti-Sandinista guerril­ ing (demanding a CIA hble)." Hamilton, D-Ind., chairman of the months after the House, upset with $27 million shortly afterwards las fighting the Cuban and Soviet- The .idministr.ilion had also Rep. Henry Hyde.C R-111,, an House Intelligence Committee, the riA role in Nicaragua ;ind supported Nicaraguan •The overall b ill provides $(> 2 asked lor $100 million in m ilitary ardent backer of the Contras, said that a CIA role would wreck fa iling to see any real benefits in billion in military assistance government. passage of the bill aid lor the I’hilippines. bill the 6 The assistance is attached to the it was "dum b" that Congress the covert program, killed a $438 million below the adniinisira conlerenee lim iletl it to $70 million modest $14 m illion aid lull ptis.sed $12.7 billion foreign assistance bill would not allow the agency with "I have qualms," he said in lion's reiiiiesl in non lelhal assist.nice uni by the Senate but it denies the White House a experience in dealing with the dropping the idea. But he cauti­ Kconom ic aid was set at $ ,'i ,'i lorm s, and eom m iinie.il ions c(|uii> chief goal — allowing the CTA or rebels — the CIA — to distribute oned that the State Department Immediately afterwards Nica billion Other amounts increased meni and called for relorms in the Defense Department todistrib- the assistance. should "not be harassed every raguan leader Daniel Ortega vi­ the bill to more than $12 7 billion its armed forces Kconomie aid ute the clothes, food, medicine and "But the House will not allow it. nnin* iinno ih(> w ay" by Congress sited Moscow seeking economic $200 million less than the current was set at $110 m illio n Town faces suit over cycle arrest Bv Susan Vaughn was taken to Ihe hospital lollowing Herald Reporter the accident and Decesare told police he was also going to be A 20-year old Manchester man examined at Ihe hospital claims he was mistreated by two Howard continued lo make re Manchester police officers when marks that became "more abr.i he was arrested June 21 on sive and profane. " and ignored / y k Brookfield Street in connection three warnings by Johnson to he with a motor vehicle accident quiet Johnson said in his report An attorney for Curtiss G Howard also resisted altempts % Howard II. of 8 Bolton Center by the officers lo pal him down and J Road, said in a notice of a pending handcuff him, .lohnson said How lawsuit against the town that ard then broke free anil wrapped Howard was "physically injured his arms around .lohnson from and abused and denied his civil behind, according lo .lohnson's rights" by Manchester police report officers Howard Beelerand Robert Johnson broke free of Howard, Johnson. The notice was tiled with hui tost bis Yialon. maee and gun the town clerk Wednesday holster during the sciilfle, he said In their reports on the arrest, Johnson said he then stru i k U both officers stated that they each Howard once in ihe area of his knee hit Howard once on his legs with a with his baton Howard was 5rj'lr baton in an effort to subdue him. subsequently handcuffed and They claimed that Howard res­ taken to Ihe police station. isted several attempts to subdue Beeler also said in his report Ihai and arrest him when he attem pted lo handcuff Howard, the man "vigorously m Howard was charged with breach of peace and interfering resisted. " Wlien Howard pulled k : with an officer in connection with away and continued lo resisl attempts to be arrested. Beeler L his actions and comments at the W«h scene. He was charged with said he struck Howard on Ihe back reckless driving in connection with of his legs with a baton the accident Beeler said in his report lli.it % i The incident occurred at about "due to Ihe large gathering around 6:20 p m just outside the football Ihe accident scene, " he attempted Herald photos by Pinto field at Manchester High School lo subdue Howard as quickly as while graduation ceremonies were possitile "only using Ihe amount ol Winning a mouthful under way Police said I hey force m;cessary to elfeil the ob.served Howard leaving Ihe high arrest ' Jennifer Patnode, left, attempts Thursday to catch a school parking lot at a high rate of Police said today that Ihe speed After turning onto Brook incident has been under invesliga floating apple, while Danny Griffin, above, demonstrates field Street, he passed one vehicle tion and that three witnesses have his success at the game. The apple-bobbing session took in a no-passing zone, then struck been interviewed They said that place Thursday at Center Springs Park. Paticipants were another car from behind, police they have not been atiic to reijch said Howard and lhal he lias not in costume. The activity was part of a program submilted a complaint lo the conducted by the town Recreation Department. Howard was thrown off his police motorcycle, but wiis not injured, I’olice spokesman Gary Wood the initial police report said said tile iiivesligation was under The first officer at the scene was taken in a n I u- i p a l i o n o I O’Neill contends tax issues Johnson. Beeler arrived as a com plaints Shell backup. The charges against Howard In their reports, both officers have been set for pre trial hearings said they struggled with Beeler on Aug 1 in Manctiesler Superior concerts while attempting to arrest him Court. cause switch from Moffett Johnson said Howard made a .Neither Howard's attorney, canceled sarcastic remark about injuries to Jolin Q Gale of Hartforil, nor a HARTFORD (U PI) - Gov. formally announced his the driver ol the vehicle he hit, town attorney couid be reached lor William A. O'Neill, facing a likely candidacy. Tonight's performance at the Nicholas Decesare, 70, of .Ol Arnott comm ent on tfie claim s this Manchester Bicentennial Band Road. Decesare's wife. Jeanne, 66. challenge next year from fellow O'Neill also hasn't made a m o rn in ij Shell has been canceled because 2 Democrat Toby Moffett, says the formal announcement, but said In of the rain, the band shell former congressman has lost the interview Thursday that he coordinator said this morning. ground by softening his support for expects to file papers creating a The concert has not been a personal state income tax. campaign committee within 60 rescheduled, said coordinator O'Neill said he is picking up days. Hudson’s AIDS support from people who had been Ralph Maccarone backing Moffett's challenge O'Neill said he expects he will The Manchester Senior Citi­ against him but are now upset that have to raise $2.5 million for a zens' Band and the Beethoven Moffett is no longer firm ly promis­ primal^ and general election Chorus were to have performed. campaign, if Moffett is successful raises awareness ing to work for tax reform 6 including an income tax. in forcing a primary next year. "The last time I ran, back in " I f tie did make one tactical By Delthia Ricks 1982,1 though a million dollars was mistake, I certainly think that he United Press International lost a tremendous amount of horrendous, to have to raise that Get back! Doctors treat star kind of money to run fur the support when he walked away Homosexual rights groups governorship. If there is a primary with special drug from -his support of the income WEST SACRAMENTO, Calif. around the nation are hoping Rock involved as well, that money will tax," O'Neill said. (U PI) — Nori Carlson has re­ Hudson can do for AIDS what — see page 5 not be enough," he said.
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