, ". 58th Year, No. 20 GEORGETOWN UNIVERSITY, WASHINGTON, D.C, Friday. March 10, 1978 Carter Okays Commuters May , '" , " Intercultural Center Funding Get Dorm Rooms by Andy Carter difficult for Admissions" he denied by Miles O'Brien Commuter students will be able to that the problem should be a President Carter signed into law participate in the campus housing "primary argument to kill the pro­ on Tuesday a bill which will provide lotteries if a proposal passed Wednes­ posal. " funding to assist Georgetown in the day night by the Student Life Policy Tom Ritz, Director of Residence construction of a model Intercultural Committee (SLPC) is approved by Life, and a committee member Center. University officials. The measure pointed out that freshmen com­ The provision, a drop in the Fiscal passed on a 7-4 vote with two muters are allowed to live on Year 1978 $7.3 billion SUpplemental abstentions. campus, and that upperclass com­ Appropriations Act bucket, allocated The SLPC also unanimously reo muters who have "special problems" $5 million in grants and $7.2 million commended that more campus hous­ are considered for campus housing. in loan guarantees to be divided ing be made available to transfers. He questioned whether commuters between Tufts University and' Currently, one third of the transfers have a greater need for housing than Georgetown. The money will be used receive housing, as opposed to two out·of-town students. "to establish model Intercultural thirds of other upperclass students, The Rev ..John Bennett, another Centers," stated Rep. Silvio Conte according to an SLPC subcommittee SLPC member, denied claims that (R·Mass.), a proponent of the bill. report, while all upperclass com­ commuters were treated as "second The price tag for Georgetown's muters are excluded from the lot­ class students." Center is estimated at $14 million. tery. Some members of the committee The $5 million grant represents a The committee, which is com­ expressed interest in reevaluating the compromise figure hammered out by posed of students and faculty, entire housing selection process. Dr. a joint House·Senate Conference handled the transfer issue without John Glavin, a professor of English Committee. The original House ver· debate. All members present said and an SLPC member, suggested that sion of the bill included they agreed with the SLPC Residence the lottery might be replaced with an provisions for $9.1 million in direct Life SUbcommittee's argument that individual application process in grants and $7.2 million in loan transfer students have "a very dif­ which "each student was considered guarantees, while the original Senate ficult time finding housing," and that on the basis of some criteria," such version cut out all funding for the Sipho Butheleze, a founder of the South African Students Organization and close associate of the late Steven they should have equal opportunities as campus involvement and partici· Centers. Biko, cited United States imperialism is the "leading ememy" of the South African people at a spe~ch Tuesday to obtain housing. Associate Dean of pation on the floors. Congressional passage of the bill night in Gaston Hall. See Page 3 for story. Student Affairs Bill Schuerman The commuter proposal will now was in doubt for some time as it was stated that the transfer issue is much be sent to Dean of Student Affairs met with widespread opposition less controversial now than four William Stott, and Academic Vice from HEW, the American Council on years ago, when many students President the Rev. Aloysius Kelley. Education and other universities. Where Do G'town Students vigorously opposed the move. Kelley, acting on the advice of Stott, They contended that such funds However, no such consensus de­ will approve or disapprove the policy should not be earmarked for one or veloped in the committee on the change, according to the Rev. two specific universities, but open to Rank In Tenure Decisions? several·year·old commuter student William Sneck, chairman of the all. Critics cited research and fellow­ issue. Schuerman, a member of the SLPC. If Kelley does not act on the ship programs as higher priotity by Kenneth Hafertepe students can expect to be tenured, the poor get poorer. SLPC, said that "to exclude an entire measure within 30 days, he must items. There are two beliefs currently but once a professor is over the Some student leaders realize this, group of students from campus explain the reason for the delay. "Under this bill," Conte said, "the enjoying a great amount of repetition hurdle of student opinion, he still and have decided to play by the rules housing lotteries is discriminatory." schools would pay 50% of the among students discussing the tenure must prove himself in the areas of of the publishing criterion, and base He pointed to studies which show Centers' cost from the Federal situation at Georgetown. They are: scholarship and/or community their attack on tenure decisions by that many commuters "have extreme lang Report .... ,. grants, 30% from repayable Federal 1) that students are powerless over service. defending the publishing record of difficulty fully participating in guaranteed loans and 20% from the questions of rank and tenure at GU; Studen ts, in protesting tenure popular professors. campus life." Lack of access to universities' resources." and 2) that students are likely to decisions, charge that the publishing information about campus activities, increase their influence over the criterion, the central measure of he said, hurts commuters' ability "to University sources told the News Analysis Sent to Veep tenure process in the near future. scholastic ability, has been used to get involved." HOYA, the additional funds for the Last spring one of the under· Schuerman insisted that many project will be raised through privattl The latter suggestion usually centers block the appOintment of popular by Greg Kitsock around the Inter-School Committee. professors. This is true, but it has not graduate academic councils passed a commuters "don't like living at home 8LL Dean James Alatis has resources or through other govern· resolution praising the publishing with their parents." He ,rejected ment grants or loans. Such optimism is probably been done without reason and, as we submitted recommendations on the unwarranted. have seen, it by no means negates the record of a since·departed professor, claims that commuters were less Voicing uncertaintity over the Language School to Academic VP Students are not without con· effect of stUdent input. and a copy of the resolution was inconvenienced by living off campus the Rev. Aloysius Kelley as the final break.ground and completion dates, siderable input into the academic The use of publishing as a given to a reporter from The HOYA. than out·of-town students. "Trav· Assistant Academic Vice President step in a self-evaluation program the decision·making process at George· criterion is important both in 10Jlg­ A quick check revealed that the eling to and from school can take up school began in 1975. Donald Freeze, S.J. told the HOYA town. Much emphasis is put on the term and short· term considerations. scholarly journal cited in the resolu­ to three hours a day for some that three committees have been The report has not yet been computerized rank and tenure cri· A widely pUblished faculty is critical tion did not exist. The academic stUdents," he said. He added that if released to the student body or to created to forge the final proposal. tique forms which students fill out at if a properly stimulating academic council had voted its support with commuters do have an advantage in One will discuss the design of the any of the faculty except the the end of each semester. Student environment is to be maintained. The only the vaguest notion of what the that they can look for nearby departmental chairmen. Alatis'secre­ building, which must be altered opinion is carefully studied at the quality of the learning environment professor had written. off· campus housing in the summer, somewhat from the original plans taI}' said it would not be made public departmental level and at the univer· is inextricably linked to the uni­ Not knowing the name of the then "all other students who stay in until" Kelley has had a chance to due to the slash in funding. Another sity-wideRank and Tenure Com· versity's contribution to the fields of journal in which a professor has been Washington for the summer should will spearhead the fund·raising drive, respond to it, which probably would mittee, according to numerous facul· research and writing. published may seem trivial, but the be removed from the lottery since not be until after spring break. and the last will decide possible ty members. A longer view illuminates the vital question of the quality of articles is they also can seek housing. Would we utilization of space which will be A team of outside evaluators In addition, high administration interests of the university in im­ crucial. The top journals in most agree to that?" he asked. called in last semester as part of the vacated in East Campus. sources admit that the various proving the academic environment. A fields have a multi·year backlog of Opposing the proposal, Associate Said Freeze: "We have a full year study, called for the elimination of committees have, in the past, exam­ university's reputation in the wider accepted articles, and competition is Director of Admissions David Cut­ the Graduate Russian program and to submit the proposal in time to get ined the results of the student-run academic community is, by and fierce. Publication in a refereed tino argued that decreasing the the funding, and we should be ready criticized tM Graduate French pro­ course critique.
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