, MEMORIAL TO THE QUEEN, PRESENTED BY THE NATION;AL SUNDAY LEAGUE. The following letter has' been 1"eceived, announcing the presentation of the Memorial:- WhitehaU, 7th July, 1860. Sm,-I am directed by Secretary Sir George Lewis to acknowledge the receipt of your letter of the 2nd instant; and to inform you that he has had the honor to lay before the Queen the Memorial, signed by a large number of gentlemen, which accompanied your letter, in favor of opening the National Museums, Picture Galleries, &c., &c., to the Public on Sunday afternoon. I am, Sir, your obedient servant, H. WADDINGTON. Mr. JOHN HBAP, 4, Beaufort Buildings, Strand. TO HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY VICTORIA, BY THE GRACE OF GOD OF THE UNITED KINGDOM OF GREAT BRITAIN AND IRELAND, QUEEN, DEFENDER OF THE FAITH. The Memorial of th8 undersigned connected with Literature, Science, and th8 Fine Arts, Prof688ors of diver• Universitie1, g-c., gc., HUMBLY SHEWETH, That your Memorialists take it for granted that Museums and other collections of a similar character are established for the instruction and moral improvement of the people; and that in proportion as such Institutions are made available for popular education do they fulfil the purposes of their origin. That the labors an<l necessary avocations of the great body of the community leave little or no opportunity of visiting such Institutions during the week, when they are open to the public, and hence that the main object of their formation is lost to those whom they are intended to benefit. The Sunday, as a day of rest and leisure, when the thoughts of men, released from the engrossing labor of mere existence, turn naturally to. the beauties of the Universe, and to its Creator, is the time most fitted for the exercise of the reflective faculties; and your Memorialists being firmly convinced that all true education must tend to the reverence and love of the Deity, believe that if such Institutions as above enumerated were open to the people on Sunday Afternoon, it would be an inestimable boon to the laboring population, would raise up an opposing principle to intemperancti and immorality, and in every way advance the condition of the people. YOUR MEMORIALISTS therefore pray your Majesty to lend your Royal countenance to remove all restrictions and impediments, so that the National Museums, Picture GaUeries, Botanical Gardens, and similar collections, as well as those of parochial or municipal foundation through­ out the United Kingdom, may be opened to the public on Sunday Afternoon. NAMES OF MEMORIALISTS. NOTB.-Thoee marked (D) have died since signing the Memorial. 1 Sir J. F. W. Herschell, Bart., 25 J. H. Foley, R.A. D.C.L.,. F.R.S., M.A., 26 Edwd: Alfred Foley, sculptor F.R.S.E., Hon.M.R.I.A., 27 Richard Redgrave, R.A. F.G.S., M.C.P.S. 28 F. J. Williamson, sculptor 2 General Sir John Burgoyne, 29 J. T. Willmore, A.R.A. Bart., G.C.B., K.C.B., 30 George Raphael Ward, artist Inspector - General of 31 Daniel Maclise, R.A. Fortifications 32 Frederick Goodall, A.R.A. 3 Lord Stanley, M:P., D.C.L. 33 Ed. Armitage, artist 4 Sir John Villiers Shelley, 34 Samuel Cousins, R.A. Bart., M.P. 35 Augustus Egg, A.R.A. 4A William Scholefield, M.P. · 36 Henry Enfield, Secretary 5 Sir Edwin Landseer, R.A. Masters in Lunacy oA William Frederick Wither- 37 Henry Cole, C.B., South ington, R.A. Kensington Museum 6 Patrick Macintyre, F.S.A., 38 W. P. Frith, R.A. F.R.G.S. 38A Samuel Lucas 6A S. ·A. Hart, R.A. 39 NormanMacleod,Ass.-Secre­ 7 G. D. Leslie, artist tary South Kensington 8 G. A. Storey, artist Museum 9 David H.oberts, R.A., F.S.A. 40 Tom Taylor, M.A., Secretary 10 John Gibson, R.A., sculptor General Board of Health 11 Thomas Creswick, R.A. 41 John Simon, F. R. S., 12 Abraham Cooper, R.A. F.R.G.S., Medical Officer 13 E.W. Cooke, A.R.A. General Board of Hee.Ith 14 Chas. Landseer, R.A. Keeper 42 Shirley Brooks, journalist 15 William Mulready, R.A. 43 Thos. Graham,M.A., F.R.S., 16 Alfred Edward Chalon, R.A. D.C.L., F.G.S., Master 17* John Sheepshanks of the Mint 18 J. R. Herbert, R.A. 44 P. M. Roget, M.D., F.R.S., 19 George Stewart, Government 1tl.R.I.A., F.G.S., School ofArt,Macclesfield F.R.A.S., V.P.S.A. 20 W. Boxall, A.R.A. 45 Richard Owen,M.D.,L.L.D., 21 Frederick R. Lee. R.A. F.R.S., F.L.S., F.G.S., 22 W. E. Frost, A.R.A. V.P.Z.S., Professor of 23 Alfred Elmore, R.A. Palmontology in the Go­ 24 George Jones, R.A. vernmentSchoolofMines, • Donor of the Sheepshanks Collection. · 3 Hon. M.R.S. Ed., Hon. 71 Robert Bell, author F.R.C.S.I., Director of 72D Benjamin Travers, F.R.S., the Natural Hist.ory De­ Surgeon - Extraordinary partment British Museum to Her Majesty the Queen 46 James Yates, M.A., F.R.S., 'i8 Peyton Blakiston, M.D., F.L.S., F.G.S. F.R.S. ' 47 Thomas Wakley, Coroner for 74 Richard Quain, F.R.S. Middlesex 75 William Ogle, Fellow of 48 Thornton Hunt, journalist Corpus College, Oxford 49 Frederick M. Evans (Brad- 76 Charles Wheatstone, f .R.S., bury and Evans) ProfeBBor Experimental 500 Douglas Jerrold, author Philosophy King's Col. 51 Mark Lemon, author 77 William Newmarch 52 W. Bradbury (Bradbury and 78 Edward Evans Evans) 79 Albinus Martin, C.E. 53D Frank Stone, A.R.A. 80 W. M. Fellowes 54 Edward N. Hogarth, artist 81 George Long 55 Alfred Dickens, C.E. 82 H. H. Vaughan, M.A., Re­ 56 W. H. Wills, journalist gins ProfeBSor of Modern 57 Charles Dickens, junr. History, Oxford 58 Edward H. Pigott, journalist 88 Henry Sharpe 59 Charles Dickens, writer of 84 George Langworthy, Alder- books man, Manchester. 60 Francesco Berger, composer 85 W. Hutchins · of music 86 W. J. Fox, M.P. 61 Charles A. Collins, artist 87 H. W. Blake, M.A., F.R.S. 62 Rev. F. J. Foxton, Radnor­ 88 J. P. Fearon, F.G.S. shire 89 Richard Moore Lawrence, 63 A. W. Hoffman, Ph. D., . M.D. _ L.L.D., F.R.S., F.c.s., 90 M. Digby Wyatt, Honorary Professor of Chemistry Sec. R.I.B.A., F.S.A. Royal College of Che­ 91 J.B. Heath, F.R.S., F.S.A., mistry, Geological Mu­ Consul-General for Sar­ seum dinia 64 R. N. W ornum, Keeper and 92 W. Durrant Cooper, F.S.A. Secretary National Gal­ 93 Henry Farrer, F.S.A., artist lery 94 William Jones, F.S.A., Sec. 65 Edward Tudor Scargill, As- of the Russell Institute sistant-Sec. Statistical 95 Henry Shaw, F.S.A., arti&t Society 96 Richard Cull, F.S.A., Hon. 66 F. W. Haddon, Statistical Sec. Ethnological Society Society 97 Charles Harwood Clarke, 67 G. Wrottesley, Capt. Royal B.A., F.S.A. Engineers 98 C. Stansfield, R.A. 68 Robert Dundas Thomson, 99 John Partridge, artist M.D., F.R.S., F.C.S., I 00 J. D. Morell, Her Majesty's ~'.R.S.E., Prof. Chemis­ Inspector of Schools try St. Thomas's Hospital 101 S. Sturgis, Prov. ABBignee 69 Lyon Playfair, C.B., Ph. D., Insolvency Court F.G.S., F.C.S., F.R.S. 102 Edward Goodall, artist 70 E. S. Symes-, M.D., L.S.A. 103 Edward A. Goodall, artist 4 104 Robert Wakefield, F.L.S. 138 R.R. Noel, Captain 105 Thomas Gibson 139 Sir F. W. Slade, Q.C. 106 H. D. W oodfall 140 M. Mahony, M.D., Inspector­ 1()7 Robert Hannah, artist General of the Army 108 J. Palgrave Simpson, author Medical Depot 109 W. G. Gowing, M.R.C.S. 141 Harvey Lewis, High Sheriff 110 Edward Fawkes County Kildare 111 William Gowing 142 A. Bullerby 112 Henry Doyle, artist 143 W. F. Byng 113 James E. Doyle, artist 144 toraine White, Captain 114 C. U zielli 145 A. Milne, C.B., F.R.G.S. 115 Warrington W.Smyth,M.A., 146 Thomas Coates F.G.S., F.R.S., Chief 147 Charles Deane Inspector Crown Mines 148 R.H. Browne 116 Robert Hunt, 1!'.R.S., Keeper 149 T. Rutherford, A.B., Bar- Mining Records rister-at-law 117 Robert Ferguson, M.D., Con­ 150 Richard Arrabin, J.P. sulting Physician King's 151 C. J. Skeet College Hospital 152 G. H. Buckton 118 George Bishop,jun.,F.R.A.S. 153 H. W. Pickersgill, R.A. 119 Stephen Henry Lee, Captain 154 Henry T. Wells, artist 120 A. P. Fletcher 155 H. C. Barlow, M.D. 121 W. J. Little, M.D., Senior 156 J. S. Trelawney, Bart., M.P. Physician to the London 157 W. C. Bennett, author Hospital 158 J. Bennett, F.R.A.S. 122 Arthur Houlton, Quarter- 159 A. Vicanno Master General's Office 160 Robert Porrett, F. R. S., 123 W. A. Commerell F.R.A.S., J<'.A.S., F.C.S. 124 P. S. Franklin 161 F. W. Newman, B.A., Pro­ 125 John Wood, Commissioner fessor London'University of Lunacy, London 162 David W. Marks, Professor 126 J. P. Farquharson, Major London University 127 Robert Grove, Lieut.-Colonel 163 T.
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