E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 115 CONGRESS, FIRST SESSION Vol. 163 WASHINGTON, TUESDAY, JULY 25, 2017 No. 125 House of Representatives The House met at 10 a.m. and was caster with my colleague, Representa- cation and hands-on skills that they called to order by the Speaker pro tem- tive SMUCKER. can use right out of high school in pore (Mr. JOHNSON of Louisiana). Thaddeus Stevens College of Tech- skills-based education programs or in f nology provides a bridge out of poverty colleges like Thaddeus Stevens College for some of the poorest citizens of of Technology. By modernizing the DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO Pennsylvania through a high-skill, Federal investment in CTE programs, TEMPORE high-wage technical education. Grad- we will be able to connect more edu- The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- uates are filling the skills gap in Amer- cators with industry stakeholders and fore the House the following commu- ica, as there is a 99 percent placement close the skills gap that is in this coun- nication from the Speaker: for graduates of its high-demand pro- try. There are good jobs out there, but WASHINGTON, DC, grams. people need to be qualified to get them. July 25, 2017. Founded in 1905, Thaddeus Stevens I have proudly championed the I hereby appoint the Honorable MIKE JOHN- College of Technology educates Penn- Strengthening Career and Technical SON to act as Speaker pro tempore on this sylvania’s economically and socially Education for the 21st Century Act be- day. disadvantaged students as well as other cause it puts emphasis on advancing PAUL D. RYAN, qualified students for skilled employ- policies and promotes good-paying Speaker of the House of Representatives. ment in a diverse and ever-changing jobs, and it works to see that everyone f workforce. It offers 22 innovative tech- from all walks of life can have the op- MORNING-HOUR DEBATE nical-based majors that educate stu- portunity to succeed. Mr. Speaker, I dents for numerous job opportunities. witnessed this firsthand at Thaddeus The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- From architecture to automotive stud- Stevens College. ant to the order of the House of Janu- ies and from masonry to mechanical This school is an outstanding exam- ary 3, 2017, the Chair will now recog- engineering, there are many career ple of the transformative power of edu- nize Members from lists submitted by paths for students to pursue. cation. The college is a national leader the majority and minority leaders for The hands-on nature of the program in technical workforce development, morning-hour debate. allows students exposure to the experi- and it works to break the intergenera- The Chair will alternate recognition ence, problem-solving ability, and tional cycle of poverty for millions of between the parties. All time shall be skills that will be used throughout students through career and technical equally allocated between the parties, their careers. Many students enter the education. and in no event shall debate continue workforce after their studies, while For the fourth consecutive time, The beyond 11:50 a.m. Each Member, other others may choose to pursue higher Aspen Institute has named Thaddeus than the majority and minority leaders level degrees at 4-year colleges and Stevens as the top 2-year technical col- and the minority whip, shall be limited universities. lege in Pennsylvania. I congratulate to 5 minutes. Thaddeus Stevens College is also the school and all of its students. It is f aware that the cost of education often truly a shining example of strong ca- places a financial strain on both the reer and technical education programs RECOGNIZING THADDEUS STEVENS student and their family. Grant pro- at work, and its graduates enter the COLLEGE OF TECHNOLOGY grams are offered to assist students workforce armed with the knowledge The SPEAKER pro tempore. The who are financially disadvantaged to and skills they need to succeed and Chair recognizes the gentleman from serve a rich diversity of students. pursue the American Dream. They are Pennsylvania (Mr. THOMPSON) for 5 Last month, I was proud this House learning to earn. minutes. unanimously approved my bill, the f Mr. THOMPSON of Pennsylvania. Strengthening Career and Technical Mr. Speaker, yesterday, I had the privi- Education for the 21st Century Act. RECOGNIZING GRANDPARENTS AS lege of touring Pennsylvania’s only The legislation aims to restore rungs CLOSE FAMILY MEMBERS State-owned 2-year technical college, on the ladder of opportunity because The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Thaddeus Stevens College of Tech- all Americans deserve a good-paying, Chair recognizes the gentleman from nology, named after an individual, a family-sustaining job. Illinois (Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ) for 5 minutes. former Member of Congress that served CTE has established itself as a path Mr. GUTIE´ RREZ. Mr. Speaker, I in the era of Abraham Lincoln in this that many high-achieving students think the President has a lot to learn Chamber. I was pleased to be in Lan- choose in pursuit of industry certifi- about families. In my opinion, families b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H6217 . VerDate Sep 11 2014 02:31 Jul 26, 2017 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A25JY7.000 H25JYPT1 H6218 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE July 25, 2017 should be protected and families should Supreme Court, which would ulti- I met Hadar’s parent in south Florida remain intact wherever possible, but it mately determine the fate of America’s earlier this year, and they told me is clear the President has other no- commitment to refugees and religious about their son, his love of freedom tions. tolerance will determine the case later that inspired his service to Israel and In the President’s world, families can this year. their just cause. and should be cut off from healthcare But in the meantime, over the objec- On August 1, 2014, 23-year-old Hadar coverage. So he is working with Repub- tions of the President, grandparents was killed by Hamas terrorists. His licans to take coverage away from 20 to are officially part of the family and body was then dragged away from his 30 million Americans so they can say have a bona fide relationship that al- home and into an underground tunnel. they made good on a campaign prom- lows them, under the law, to bypass the Hamas terrorists then stripped him and ise, regardless of the consequences in President’s attempt to keep them out. left his clothing and took his body with real people’s lives. Thank you, courts, for recognizing them. For nearly 3 years, Hamas has In the President’s world, children, es- and defending families and giving our held Hadar’s remains from his parents, pecially his children, don’t have to be President a lesson in the obvious. who merely want to give their son a honest when they apply for security Mr. Speaker, on Sunday, I learned proper burial. clearances or disclose all their meet- about a tragedy in San Antonio where Mr. Speaker, Israel is one of our ings they had with the Russians. a truck packed with immigrants was strongest allies, our greatest ally, and In the President’s world, children and discovered and at least 10 people were our support sends a clear message to grandchildren can be convenient polit- killed. The truck had no ventilation or all terrorists, including Hamas, that ical props, like when a 6-year-old air-conditioning. There was no water the United States will continue to granddaughter is sent into the Oval Of- for those inside who had paid a lot of firmly stand with Israel and its people. fice to interrupt an interview with The money to risk their lives to live in No parent should ever face the heart- New York Times, especially when the America—10 dead and another 20 near break of outliving a child, but those interview isn’t going well for him. death, some of them children, under who do should expect a proper burial. But grandchildren and grandparents the hot Texas sun in an apparent smug- Hadar’s parents have been denied that in the President’s world do not have a gling operation. basic decency by the Hamas terrorists ‘‘bona fide’’ family connection when it You see, if you cut off legal immigra- that murdered their son. So today I am comes to being refugees. In the latest tion channels and make people wait urging those holding Hadar to let him decades for a visa, if they are eligible incarnation of his Muslim and refugee come home so that his parents can say to apply at all, it strengthens the ban, the President excluded grand- good-bye. hands of smugglers. If you turn asylum parents from the category of those SOLIDARITY WITH VENEZUELA seekers around, in violation of our own close family members—only in the Re- Mr. CURBELO of Florida. Mr. Speak- laws and international law, those seek- publicans’ mind. er, Venezuela, once a beacon of eco- ing freedom are driven into the arms of Well, let me tell you something. If nomic prosperity in South America, smugglers. the President can be interrupted by his If, by going through our legal system has descended into chaos and turmoil. grandchild to shake up an interview in requesting asylum, your entire fam- An oil-rich nation, it now struggles as that isn’t going so well, I can ask my ily becomes vulnerable to deportation, Maduro’s policies have led Venezuela grandson to help me make a point here being sent back to a place you fled be- to having the hemisphere’s highest in- in Congress.
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