TIMELINE OF EVENTS EUROPE AND THE FRANK FAMILY Nov. 11, The Central Powers declare defeat and an armistice is signed, ending World War I. 1918 June 28, The Treaty of Versailles is signed, which strips Germany of its colonies; limits its military; 1919 forces it to concede 13% of its prewar territory, which includes 10% of its population; and makes it pay reparations to the Western Powers. The Treaty also contains the "War Guilt Clause," which holds Germany solely responsible for starting World War I. Aug. 11, After Imperial Germany is defeated by the Western Powers, a new parliamentary democ- 1919 racy, known as the Weimar Republic, is established. Political cartoon depicting the Sept. 12, As part of his intelligence gathering position within the German Army, Hitler attends a crushing weight of reparations 1919 meeting of the German Workers Party (DAP) and joins a month later. imposed upon Germany. Feb. 24, The DAP changes its name to the National Socialist German Worker's Party, also known as 1920 the Nazi Party. The Nazi Party sets out certain aims, such as national unity based on racial 1921 After being voted in as party chairman, Hitler names himself Führer (“leader”) of the Nazi Party. Nov. 11, Hitler leads the Nazis in a failed attempt to overthrow the local Bavarian government, 1923 later known as the Beer Hall Putsch. After the Putsch fails, Hitler is arrested and the Nazi Hitler (bottom left) during March 3, Hitler is convicted of treason and sentenced to five years imprisonment, of which he only WWI. 1924 serves nine months. While in prison he writes his nationalistic manifesto, Mein Kampf. 1925 A paramilitary group known as the Protection Squadron (Schutzstaffel-SS) is established to serve as Hitler's personal bodyguards. By 1939, the SS will evolve into the elite guard of the Nazi Reich and be charged with carrying out the "Final Solution." May 12, Otto Frank and Edith Hollander are married in Aachen, Germany. 1925 1926 Hitler’s autobiography Mein Kampf is published, which outlines his race-based nationalist agenda. Edith and Otto Frank, 1925 Feb. 16, Margot Frank is born in Frankfurt, Germany. 1926 June 12, Annelies (Anne) Marie Frank is born in Frankfurt, Germany. 1929 Oct. 29, “Black Tuesday.” The American Stock Market crashes, sending a rippling effect throughout 1929 economies around the world and Germany is devastated. 1933 The Gestapo (State Secret Police) is established. Hyperinflation left the Ger- Jan. 30, Hitler is appointed Chancellor of Germany by President Paul von Hindenburg. man economy in shambles, 1933 rendering the Reichsmark useless. Spring The Franks move to Amsterdam, Netherlands due to increasing tensions in Germany. 1933 TIMELINE OF EVENTS CONTINUED... Feb. 28, After the Reichstag is deliberately burnt down, President von Hindenburg, at 1933 Hitler's urging, issues the Emergency Fire Decree. This suspends all individual rights as well as gives the central government the authority to overthrow state and local governments. March 22, Dachau concentration camp is founded outside the town of Dachau (Germany) to 1933 incarcerate political opponents. April 1, The Nazi leadership declares a national boycott on all Jewish businesses and medical 1933 and legal practices. Reichstag after being deliberately Aug. 3, President von Hindenburg dies, leaving Hitler as head of state as well as head of set on fire, 1933. 1934 government and was named Führer and Chancellor. Sept. 15, The Nuremberg Laws are passed. The Reich Citizenship Law stripped Jews of their 1935 German citizenship and the Law for the Protection of German Blood and Honor out- lawed marriages between Aryans and Jews. The laws outlined a definition of who was Jewish and who was Aryan based on ancestry and physical characteristics. The Nuremberg Race Laws provided the legal framework for the systematic persecution of Jews in Germany. March 11, Germany annexes Austria in what is known as the Anschluss. 1938 July 6, Delegates from 32 countries convene at the Evian Conference to discuss Jewish ref- Nuremberg Law poster outlining mischlinge (“mixed race”). 1938 ugees fleeing Nazi persecution. The majority of countries, including the United States, are unwilling to lessen their strict immigration restrictions. Sept. 9, Germany annexes the Sudentenland (German speaking territory of Czechoslovakia) 1938 Nov. 9-10, Kristallnacht (“night of broken glass”), a state sponsored pogrom in Greater Germa- 1938 ny, results in the destruction of hundreds of synagogues and thousands of Jewish July 31, German authorities begin to establish ghettos in occupied Poland. Ghettos were 1939 enclosed districts that isolated Jews by separating Jewish communities from the non Children in Antwrep, Belgium -Jewish population. wearing the compulsory yellow Sept. 1, Germany invades Poland, leading Great Britain and France to declare war. star. They were deported to Ausch- wtitz in 1943. 1939 May 10, Germany begins the invasion of Denmark, Norway, the Netherlands, Luxembourg, 1940 and Belgium, as well as France. Nov. 15, German authorities order the Warsaw ghetto to be sealed, confining more than 1940 350,000 Jews in an area of roughly 1.3 square miles. April-June Nazi Germany invades Yugoslavia, Greece, and the Soviet Union. 1941 Ruins of a synagogue destroyed Sept. 1, All Jews in the Reich are mandated to wear a yellow Star of David with the word during Kristallnacht in Dortmund, Germany. 1941 "Jew" inscribed inside the star. TIMELINE OF EVENTS CONTINUED... Oct. 15, German authorities begin deportations of German, Austrian and Czech Jews to 1941 ghettos, concentration camps, or extermination camps in occupied Poland. Dec. 7, Japan attacks the U.S. fleet at Pearl Harbor, causing the U.S. to enter the war. Ger- 1941 many declares war on the U.S. several days later. Jan. 30, Reinhard Heydrich, chief of the Reich Security, convenes the Wannsee Conference, 1942 where he presents the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question” to leaders of the Ger- man State and the Nazi Party. The "Final Solution" was the code name for the sys- tematic annihilation of European Jews. March Sobibor, Belzec, Chelmno,and Auschwitz-Birkenau become fully operational exter- Anne writing at her desk in 1942 mination camps, followed by Treblinka in July. Amsterdam. June 12, Anne Frank receives a diary for her thirteenth birthday. 1942 July 5, Margo receives a call-up notice to report for deportation and the family decides to 1942 go into hiding the next day. July 13, The Van Pels family, another German-Jewish family, joins the Frank family in hiding. 1942 Nov. 16, Fritz Pfeffer joins the Franks and Van Pels family in hiding in the Secret Annex. 1942 Jewish women and children walk Feb. 2, Germany is defeated at Stalingrad, Soviet Union, which turns the tide of the war towards the gas chambers at Ausch- 1943 from Axis to Allied victories. witz-Birkenau. May 1944. April 19, Upon the news that the Warsaw ghetto is to be liquidated, a group of Jews take part 1943 in an armed uprising. They fought for a month before being defeated. March 19, German troops occupy Hungary and immediately set out to deport the Hungarian 1944 Jewish population, the last intact Jewish community in occupied Europe. Within a few months, 70% of the Hungarian Jewish population is killed. June 6, The Allies invade Western Europe (D-Day). 1944 Aug. 4, The residents of the Secret Annex are discovered and arrested. Deportation of Jews during the War- 1944 saw ghetto uprising. May 1943. Sept. 4, All eight residents of the Secret Annex are deported to Auschwitz-Birkenau. 1944 Sept. 1944 Hermann Van Pels is gassed shortly after arriving at Auschwitz-Birkenau. Oct. 1944 Anne and Margot Frank are transferred to Bergen-Belsen concentration camp in Germany. Dec. 20, Fritz Pfeffer dies at the Neuengamme concentration camp in Germany. 1944 1945, date Auguste Van Pels dies at the Theresienstadt camp in Czechoslovakia. Peter Van Pels Bergen-Belsen concentration camp unknown dies in Austria at the Mauthausen concentration camp, days before it was liberated. after liberation by the British Army. TIMELINE OF EVENTS CONTINUED... Jan. 6, Edith Frank dies at Auschwitz-Birkenau. 1945 Jan. 17, SS units begin the evacuation of the Auschwitz camp complex by forcing prisoners 1945 on "death marches." Jan. 27, Otto Frank is liberated from Auschwitz by the Soviet Army. He is first taken to a dis- 1945 placed persons camp in Odessa, Russia and then to France before returning to Am- sterdam. The Frank family. April 15, Bergen-Belsen concentration camp is liberated by the British Army. 1945 April 30, Hitler commits suicide in his command bunker in Berlin, Germany. 1945 May 7, Otto Frank arrives in Amsterdam, where he is reunited with Miep and Jan Gies. He 1945 concentrates on finding Margot and Anne. May 7, The German armed forces surrender unconditionally to the Western Allies. 1945 June 3, Otto Frank visits a Mrs. Brilleslijper who was with his daughters in Bergen-Belsen. 1945 She tells him of Anne’s and Margot’s deaths in Bergen-Belsen. Hermann and Auguste Van Pels Aug. 6 & 8, The United States drops the atomic bomb on the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945 Japan. Sept. 2, Japan surrenders unconditionally. World War II officially ends. 1945 Nov. 20, The International Military Tribunal in Nuremberg, Germany, begins a trial of 21 (of 1945 24 indicted) major Nazi German leaders. It is the first time that international tribu- nals are used as a postwar mechanism for bringing national leaders to justice Summer Anne’s diary is published in the Netherlands. Her diary is translated into English five 1947 years later. Oct. 5, The Diary of Anne Frank, a play by Frances Goodrich and Albert Hackett, premieres Peter Van Pels 1955 on Broadway.
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