Designation Date of First Basic Pay / Name Type of Name & Address Roster Sl. No & Office Application Pay in Pay Option-A Option-B Option-C Option-D S/D/W/O Flat D.D.O. Category Address (Receving) Band Deputy Commissioner of Police Sri Sudhir Chandra Karmakar Pumpman, Office of the Jt. Commissioner of 1 3/2/2000 Special Branch , Kolkata Police Paschim Barisha O.D.R.C. Bidhan Nagar Becharam Chatterjee Late Kudiram Karmakar Police, (INT),14, Lord Sinha Road, Kol-71 14, Load Sinha Road, Kol-71 U.D.A. Asstt. Secy. & D.D.O. Kaden Bhuta Baburam Ghosh Road, 2 Home (CLE) Deptt. Election Wing. 24/02/2000 Home Deptt. Ibrahimpur R.K. Ghosh Road Pema Wangay Bhutia Tollygung 21 N.S. Road, Kolkata-1 K. Balraj Rao Head Asstt. Zonal Health Office, Zone No-II 3 28/03/2000 11, Central Sinthee 48 Tangra Road 64/99 Belgachia Road Paschim Barisha Late K. Ganiya Dum Dum Road, Kolkata-74 175/A, Dum Dum Road, Kol-74 Medical Technologist (Lab) Jyotsna Maji Accounts Officer 4 Calcutta National Med. College 14/03/2000 48, Tangra Road Samiran Bhaumik Calcutta National Medical College 32 Gorachand Road, Kol-14 MGDA,Ward Master Office, Chittaranjan Seva Acounts Officer,Chittaranjan Seva Sadan & Mridul Chandra Dey, Baburam Ghosh Road, 5 Sadan & Shishu Sadan Hospital,37, S.P. 25/04/2000 Shishu Sadan Hospital,37, S.P. Mukherjee Becharam Ibrahimpur Lt. Sri Lalmohan Dey Tollygung Mukherjee Road, Kol-26 Road, Kol-26 Typist Grade-I Executive Engineer-I Rrishnendv Roy 6 Planning Division Housing Dte. 16/05/2000 Planning Division Housing Dte. Regent Park Moor Avenue Ibrahimpur Baburam Ghosh Road Late Bibhuti Bhusan Roy 1 K.S. Roy Road, Kol-1 1 K.S. Roy Road, 1st Fir. Kol-1 Recoed Supplier Md. Parwej Alam O/O the S.E.H.C.C. No-II T.A. to S.E.H.C.C. No-II 7 21/09/2000 37, Belgachia Road 64/99 Belgachia Road Ibrahimpur Late Md. Shamsuddin Ansari P-II, C.I.T. Road P-II, C.I.T. Road, Kol-14 Kolkata-700014 Upper Dividion Asstt. Rajeev Chanda Finance (Audit) Deptt. Finance (Audit) Deptt. 8 7/12/2000 Baishnabghata Road Ibrahimpur Baburam Ghosh Road Paschim Barisha Mr. Bablu Chanda Writers Bldgs, Govt. of W.B Writers Bldgs. Kolkata-01 Kolkata-01 Group - D Accounts Officer, West Bengal Mangal Das 9 Finance Department, Audit Branch 14/6/2001 Secretariat 37, Belgachia 64/99,Belgachia Ramkrisha Ghosh Road A.K. Mukherjee Road Late Jhandu Das writer's Buildings, Kol - 1 Writer's Buildings. Duftry Suresh Singh II Register Vigilance Protocol 10 High Court, Appellate Side, 17/7/2001 Andul Road , Howrah Becharam Baburam Ghosh Rd. Paschim Barisha Sri Durga Singh High Court, Calcutta Calcutta Sepoy - 14990 Deputy Commissioner of Police Ujjal Dey Sarkar 11 "B" Coy. 1st Bn K.A.P. D.H. Road, 17/7/2001 1st Bn. Kolkata Armed Police, Baburam Ghosh Road Baishnabghata Becharam Chatterjee St. 37 Belgachia Late Narayan Ch. Dey Sarkar BodyGuard Line, Kol- 27 Body Guard Lines, Kol -27 Assistant Computer, Gr - 1 Joint Dir., Audit & Account Bureau of Applied Bureau of Applied Economic & Statistics, govt. of W.B. & Eocn . Statit., Govt. of W.B., Debasish Deb 12 N.S. Buildings, 3rd floor, ' B' block, 1, K.S. Roy Road, 4/9/2001 N.S. Bldg. 3rd floor, 'B' block, 1, K.S. Roy Bidhan Abasan R.K. Samadhi Road 37, Belgachia Road 48, Tangra Road Lt. Santosh Kumar Deb Kol - 1 Road, Kol - 1 Senior P.A. Dipankar Das Gupta Asst. Secretary & D.D.O. Bidhan Abasan 13 Finance (Audit ) Deptt. Block III, Writer's 4/10/2001 11, Central Sinthee R.K. Ghosh Road Roypara, Sinthee Lt. Dilip kr. Das Gupta Finance Deptt. Writer's Buildings, Kol - 1 Salt Lake Bldg. , Kol -1 Upper Division Asstt. Joint Milk Commissioner (Accounts) Sri Sankha Roy 14 Dte. Of Dairy Development Central Dairy 10/1/2002 Central Dairy 64/99, Belgachia Road 37, Belgachia Road Late Sagar Roy 64/99, Belgachia Road, Kol-37 64/99, Belgachia Road, Kol-37 Upper Division Asstt. Prasanta Kumar Mandal Labour Deptt. 15 Labour Deptt. 15/01/2002 R.K. Samadhi Road Bidhan Abasan (Salt Lake) Becharam Chattagee St. Paschim Barisha late Bankim Behari Mandal Writers Building's Kol-01 Writers Building,s, Kol-01 Lower Division Clerk Accounts Officer Sri Anupam Sarkar O/O the District Election Officer O/O the District Election officer 16 29/01/2002 O.D.R.C. Paschim Barisha Becharam Chattagee St. Baburam Ghosh Road Late Gurudas Sarkar (Kolkata North), Kolkata Election Office (Kolkata North) Kolkata Election Office Jessop Bldgs. 63 N.S. Road, Kol-01 Jessop Bldgs. 63, N.S. Road, Kol-01 Industrtrial Group-B Principal Bikash Chandra Saha Baburam Ghosh Road, Regent Park Moor Avenue Ashoke Avenue 17 Industrial Training Institute Tollygunge 19/03/2002 Industrial Training Institute Late Kanai Lal Saha Tollygunge Tollygunge Tollygunge Tollygunge 24, Chandi Ghosh Road, Kol-40 24, Chandi Ghosh Road, Kol-40 Accounts Officer, West Bengal Ratnasri Chakraborty Upper Division Asstt. 18 18/04/2002 Secretariat Finance (Acc.) Deptt. Roypara Central Sinthee Rani Harshamukhi Road Sunil Chakraborty Writers Building's, Kolkata-01 Writer's Building's, Kol-01 Group -D Pravat Kumar Swain Registrar (Vigilance & Protocol) 19 High Court, Applate Side 11/7/2002 Paschim Barisha Andul Road Becharam Chattagee St. Lata Bharat Swain High Court, Calcutta-01 3, Esplanade Row West , Kol-01 Asstt. Electrician Motilal Prasad Kahar O/O the Asstt. Engr. (PWD) Ex. Engr. Calcutta Electrical Division 20 16/07/2002 Lake Gardens 193, Andul Road Ibrahimpur Road Becharam Chatterjee St. Late Jamuna Prasad kahar W.B. Electrical Sub-Division 45, G.C. Avenue, Kol-13 Writers Building's , Kol-01 Peon Netai Sadhukhan O/O the Commissioner, Commercial Tax Asstt. Commissioner, Commercial Taxes 21 20/08/2002 Baburam Ghosh Road Baishnabghata Paschim Barisha Becharam Chatterjee St. Late Subodh Ch. Sadhukhan W.B. Burrahbazar Circle 14, Beliaghata Road, Kol-15 14, Beliaghata Road, Kol-15 Partha Sarkar U.D. Assistant Register, RR & R Deptt. 22 2/1/2003 21, Baburam Ghosh Road Moore Avenue 11, Central Sinthee 37, Belgachia Lt. Naliniranjan Sarkar RR & R Deptt. Block - I, 3rd floor, Writer's Buld. Kol - 1 Block - E, 3rd floor, Writer's Bulds. Kol - 1 A/Cs Officer, Women & Child Dev. & Social U. D. Assistant Deepak Roy Welfare Deptt. G - Block, 3rd floor 23 Women & child Dev. & Social Welfare Deptt. 7/1/2003 64/99, Belgachia Roy Para R.K. Ghosh Road Baburam Ghosh Road Lt. Ananda Mohan Roy Writer's Buld., Kol -1 G - Block, 3rd floor, Writer's Buldgs. Kol - 1 Sepoy - 17242, 6th BN 'C' Coy, K.A.P Sourab Ali Deputy commissioner of Police 6th BN K.A.P 24 Deputy commissioner of Police 6th BN K.A.P 16/1/2003 Becharam Chatterjee St. Paschim Barisha 193, Andul Road Baburam Ghosh Road Akbar Ali 7, D.H. Road, kol - 27 7, D.H. Road, Alipur Body Guard Lines, kol - 27 Constable No - 17048 Kshema Kanta Singha Deputy Commissioner of Police Special 25 Special Branch, kolkata Police, 14, Lord Sinha Rd. Kol - 22/4/2003 37 Belgachia Rd. 64 Belgachia Rd. Sampamirja Nagar Becharam Chatterjee St. Hira Lal Singha Branch , kol. 14, Lord Sinha Rd. kol - 71 71 (S.P.S) Stage Shifter Administrative Officer, Madhududan Mancha, Ugrasen Lenka 26 Madhusudan Mancha, I&CA Deptt. Govt. of W.B. 2, 24/4/2003 I&C.A. Deptt. Govt. of W.B. 2, Gariahat Road, Baburam Ghosh Road Ibrahimpur Road O.D.R.C. Late Gunanidhi Lenka Gariahat Road , Dakshinapan Kol - 68 Dakshinapan, Kol - 68 Constable No - 15258 Samarendra Nath Ray Deputy commissioner of Police Traffic Dept. 27 Bhawanipore T. P. Guard. 31/1A, Belvedere Rd. 24/4/2003 Paschim Barisha Becharam Chatterhjee St. Baburam Ghosh Rd. O.D.R.C Late Naduram Ray 18, Lalbazar street , Kol - 1 Kol - 27 Constable No - 19191 Ratan Oraon Deputy Commissioner of Police 28 'E' Coy, 6th Bn. K.A.P. Body Guard Line 27/5/2003 Paschim Barisha Becharam Chatterhjee St. Baburam Ghosh Rd. Ibrahimpur Road Tulshi Oraon Body Guard Line 7, D.H. Road, Kol - 27 7, D.H. Road, Kol - 27 Additional Joint Legal Remembrances, Office Surajit Biswas, UDA, Office of the Legal Rememberancer,2 & 3, K.S. 29 8/7/2003 of the Legal Rememberancer,2 & 3, K.S. Roy Andul Road , Howrah A.K. Mukherjee Paschim Barisha Supriya Biswas Roy Road, City Civil Court, Kol-1 Road, City Civil Court, Kol-1 R.K. Ghosh Road Mali (Group- D) The Principal , Goenka College of Commerce & Pravash Sinha 30 Goenka College of commerce & B.A. 7/8/2003 B.A., 210, B.B. Ganguly St. Kol -12 R.K. Ghosh Road 37, Belgachia Road 64/99, Belgachia Road Late Biswadeb Sinha 210, B.B. Ganguly St. Kol - 12 Peon Pradyot Kumar Sardar Register & D.D.O. L &L.R Deptt. 31 L & L R Deptt. Writer's Building. Block No. IV, 1st Floor, 23/9/2003 Becharam Chatterjee St. Ibrahimpur Road 193,Andul Road Baburam Ghosh Road Prahlad Chandra Sardar Writer's Buildings, Kol - 1 Kol- 1 U.D.Assistant Shree Swagata Halder Group - J, Finance (A) Deptt., G- Block, 1st Floor, Asst. Secretary & D.D.O. 32 30/12/2003 Andul Road , Howrah Paschim Barisha Becharam Chatterjee St. Lt. Khagendra Nath Haldar Writer's Building, Kol - 1 Finance Deptt. Writer's Buildings, Kol - 1 Upper Division Asstt. Special Officer Jayanta Mukharjee State Vigilance Commission, W.B. 33 20/01/2004 State Vigilance Commission, W.B. Bidhan Abasan R.K. Samadhi Road Amitava Mukharjee Under P & AR Deptt.
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