11 EIIIIIIiIIEI fi l l f i l l l l l I | l l A l t a i 8 j ANTS COLLECTS CRACCUM is a source of free expres­ sion, information, and mindless drivel o v u EN 1 for Auckland University Students and the University community. CRACCUM is not the official publication of the Auckland University Students’ Associa­ Regular tion Inc or of the University of Auckland. Both bodies do not endorse, agree with, or even relate to any opi­ Agenda ................... ...... P5 nions and/or students expressed within Editorials, like Governments, are transient affairs, CRACCUM. The editors do not editorial may have the glamour of your attention Arts....................... p8 & 9 necessarily endorse such views either, if only they could understand them. Crac- few moments, but all too inevitably it will be lost ui TIM S Banqueting on a Bursary .. cum is 6l years old. the heaving, slipping piles of paper that typify Newspi ....... P5 Address: 2nd Floor, AUSA. offices, rubbish bins, and student flats. It may be li INTER Brad’s Barysphere........ ......pl5 Postal: CRACCUM, c/o AUSA, Private but it need not be forgotten. Bag, Auckland. In the same way that editorials come and go (as lCCUM: There’s b CRACCUM is published by the Camelcomicality........... ...... ph Auckland University Students’ editors, if they can be prized from their chairs), mtting up candids Association. Governments. This year’s government may not be you like to elab< Chaplain’s Chat........... ......pl6 Phone: 390-789 ext 840. year’s government, and the permanency or transiencl: When we first 1< Editors: David Ward, Vicki Turner, Pat the current visitors to the Beehive is up to you. t the West seeme Cheep Eats................ Stodart, Ewen Smith, Kerry Hoole, ional developmei ....... P5 Derek Craig, Rachael Callender. What I am talking about, dear readers, is ‘fl Advertising Manager: Wendy Lawson, Recovery’/ ‘User Pays’/ ‘Ripping students off, call it with no clover-l< Classic Cars.............. ......pl8 Ph 390-789 ext 841. you will. The Government has just released a coup! uckland is Roseb Crossword ................. ..... p22 Typesetting: Barbara Hendry reports which make it clear that ‘Cost Recovery’ is gi iy by* a footbric Printing: Print Corp, Tauranga. ahead. That’s right, it’s no longer POSSIBLE, but PI New Zelanad to Gig Guide................. ......pl4 BABLE. Universities, both students and staff, havel***"****^**' been using their voice as a pressure group effectively. 1|J|(J tll C Horrorscopes ............. ...... pl6 the example of proposed cuts in health expenditure, lr the doctors and nurses who leap up in horror, andtl ther an< In There.................. ......p22 Helpers, Contributors, and action to prevent or limit cuts. These people are the W riters termediate PROVIDERS of the service (in this c gie mate Polly Ticks................ ......plO Miriam O’Connor, Susey, medicine). It is they who will lose their jobs when «»»•••••••••• Letters.................... ......p22 Shelley, Wendy, Droid, Wayne, public can’t afford health care. CRACCUM would 1 ry to replace the f Carl, Wish-wash, Gort. to see Universities follow the lead of the M edical servii 'im’s Team. We’ll Religion................... ......pl6 Last week’s Atlantis feature was The University Staff should be making far more m iere’ll be a few c< written by Shelley Turner. about Cost Recovery, in an effective way that can’t be ut a hospital, it’s Sports ..................... ...... pi 8 nored. Students can protest, and they by all means mi gains for the West but it is after all the University staff who will remain! jk that is why thii longest, and face drastic reductions in the numbers ofp aest for the balai pie enrolling in their courses. er of the thing is fs Features C o s t R ecovery involves th e re p a y m e n t by students and and four Na many thousands of dollars after they complete tl ie the government Back in the USSR ........ pl2 & 13 degrees. It is now being considered very, very, seriou and Nuclear miss Tim Shadbolt....... and unless action is taken against it NOW, it will bei >f course we woul< ....... P3 late. In the interview opposite this page, Tim Shad! dn’t feel it was w Custom or Cruelty....... p6 & 7 says, ‘We weren’t radicals. We were just ordinary studs!* ******** *V ** and we didn’t want to go to Vietnam’. Tim’s generatpftS JU S I 4i AUSA Autumn General Meeting pi 9-21 were forced into protest by the threat of being sent to fil i _ w in the Vietnam war. ■ KIIU tV Gorillas Invade the Globe .......pi 7 It is this sort of direct threat that demands ACTIVE I* ............ •••••• position from ordinary students. You don’t need to ba radical, you just need to dislike the prospect of a mass! bill for your degree. ■ririrM*Th re? For more information on Cost Recovery, the executiJp^^k .er< . running an inform ation/action stall in the cafe extensidays at during lunch times until Easter. Please make the eff p re to visit it. so you had to resi on of this? \\ Yes, I was th e 5 decided that soci David (George) Ward generally organise at night, we held ti lecturers along j I you know, it wa: g done at night, b socials. c~ J IT D p y a V jut then t = 1 ;V-': JL were fee By GARY LARSON ew up •••••••••**•*< were in the mine out of twelve Ight to bear withi iper social, a dai llers were mea :al activities. S me about the d ly associated \ cost of a band, hat time the Um I usually cost al I i ther $500 on pror t you could have ind for a lot of st I I mean our ren so you’ve gc lomics. A nd so I ise a social whe i’t got fifty cer » \m umwwi Prwi iwian *>-s 2 ◄ CRACCUM MARCH 30 T i r n S h a d b o l t affairs.il tention So to promote it I invented a band, ‘The Doorhandle ’ musicians around, and they got together and just had a e lost uni TIM SHADBOLT S e c t and I did through CRACCUM a series of articles bit of equipment and just started a bit of a spontaneous y Newspal about their tours of Australia, and just to the media, the thing, and of course everyone had a great night, and peo­ m ay bell INTERVIEWED... Star and Herald, and when I gave forum talks I always ple love a bit of chaos. It was just absolute chaos. mentioned some news item regarding this band that was But then of course the reports came in about this and d go (askcCUM: There’s been reports in the m edia o f T im ’s coming over and the social that we were going to have. that and damage done, and the number of people, so they hairs), so putting up candidates in the parliamentary elections, I generated a fair bit o f interest in it, and it was the first I think voted no confidence in me as Social Controller n ot be 1 you like to elaborate o n this? 1 dance done like a video-dance where they just play tapes, which meant I was obliged to resign. transienci i When we first look ed at it ab ou t a year ago, we but in those days it was records and we hired all this equip­ you. ght the West seem ed to be a deprived area in term s ment, it was big amplifiers and things, and the band was ...but everyone was really en­ rs, is '( tional developm ent, our m otorw ay is a real p o o r my brother and a few of his bodgie mates from Massey. call it with no clover-leaf things. The industrial area of To disguise it we built this stage out of scaffolding that joying it! ckland is Rosebank Road, and that’s linked to the a coupli was sort of like a big pyramid, and they were at the top ay by a footbridge, it’s about the only industrial v ery’ is gi of it with strobe lighting flashing on them and all that. New Zelanad to have a footbridge. So we thought E , but PI It was just all sort of bull-shit you know, we distorted CRACCUM: The current Student radicals at Universi­ a ff, have the sound a little bit, and everyone was saying, ‘God, ty just don’t exist. D o you have any advice for the poten­ ectively. id the band was my they’re just like the Rolling-Stones’^ Jbrilliant.# .................... enditure. tial student radical in today’s conservative climate? ror, and ither and a few of his ...it was all just cardboard box TIM: I don’t go along with this theory that we were more radical, or that we were more idealistic, or that we were (fnThifjdgie mates from Massey. stuff....................................... more motivated or anything. It was direct personal threat bs w henr It was really going well, and everyone was thrilled, and - the Vietnam War. The average soldier I think most peo­ would v to replace the four West Auckland Labour MPs ple know these days, was n-n-n-n-nineteen, and we were it was just packed, it was the biggest ever, but dical ser /im’s Team. We’ll put L abour back in G overnm ent then the main amplifier we were feeding it all through blew eighteen basically, and didn’t want to go.
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