-------- —-7X-. cc;r.5 _ .^O SCA rH C-S_________r :rTY. L^ - y - ; ^ C T l a : < c_X r t e l m <^ o d i nS i o r m n f : ^ h r tm T t a f t ir iin M i(d e a s t ^ Z “ Toaay^s f q r ^ l ........... ^ H— ^ -r ^■^Sunny^arid-vrtrnici —gsrNdlhfeiFaiqohBr^----- ~ A| n i a i y j l » ^ ~ - L -i^ l iord-Vftriablffwirwinds?towB-near^O.’^—• — | ^ A 2 ! ■ - . .1 JERUSALEM — Thee blbargaining V i cctlm l s hall really just began Thursday. [through - A9 -.A I ^ ^CCTdes^f; bloba:^W and— bwKtl pretense that each otiier’sr’s iclaims to ■ , De;e^ortaes V ■ J h : . ♦ - »— - __________ the land were beat ipnorc iunr—-Ait) ’■ I; ,pts in niaiue nnH thft Pnlesttniflns.n'grcitfed5 it was ________ Folks in Blaine CountyCt are battling' ;ime.lo_si! down and.lmn over a proposal to.btLban^hootmg within the details o f now they cona m 1'"= s||l= ' ’ o n c .is h o)W » Palestinians coming __ - I.SOO feet o f any resid bysidtfr- - I will have access to the B l ■ Leaders-iromboth sidesIcaacknowl-. ion>while-IscacLkccps_ edged that most o f the v “ v?;s■ Ihe b order at th e A llen- ___ _ Call him ‘Kyzetser’ ahead. The first, step is ini __ ing Palestinian au to n ^ cr YasscrArafaLis Jikc;_ • ■--------ifhe-Twln-PaUs-CoiCounty sherifPs-dnig---------- Gaza Strip'and’West Bank sniffing German sheshepherd pup finally “ lake 0 didim -View o f h av in g his Jericho. A rough outline opped by an Israeli bor^ P«geB1 . ready worked out m moAT ■l-.rfeLnagQtiatiQna in Noiwav : «i^irr«.^wherc the borders “1 wfliild sav 80 percent^ • b m a i n B — open-to-negotiation-on imf cmmcnt “will keep it as tioni”. Rabin told,.Labpr.Pi 3ssiblc.’— r.---------------- ■ ers hc'iire befo rc'th c rdCOgisigninon ac- iss sure, how Palestinian ___JLaiwsiiitseeks^ijmmsrs^- - cnrds w ere announced. -------— policc c an .WO.: - That outlme — basicallyally a aepla- . ----------A .law suit in .5 thh XDistrict Court asks' cs*^w'l^lcstioian el^Cil _ijatiQiij>LncgotiotjnE4)xLn' >y-July-1994-havc,not_ i— ^w hother-lawa-wcrejg-broKca"in~ap^ —~ gdes into efTect-a-mgnth-i —TigncdrTliuii Jit sand^itati ■gin m u c o u rd =B lv,e th e - through the hourglass for|rimplcmcn- ir ,ight'o?r"'uturn to about 70,000 — tatlon-in-six-m oa th s^ T hat, 5-who-flgd-the-Jericho- both sid?s sign it Monday ; the 1967 Middle Eost 'eets of Gaza City-Thursdr s d a y in s u p p o r t o f th e ' ington as .planned,-Palest: rad is afraid i f it agrees—~Palestlnlan~refugees f s o'march throufl.h the strei “Vr^ war. Blit Israi ira its o f Y a s s e r j tonomy will start on or befb o forcA pnl I o f tliesc refugees, the 3 fPLO-lsraeli recognltloiHon agreem ent. The banrnners bear drawn portrait ZZ Z ^D om inantjoinnnners ~ ■ Arafatand o th er PLO0 le a d e rs . ------- n iere^re-difficnirgpejnestions' to ■ Please %eS7«3REe»IEST/A2-^s< R e e k:y y Ward^ and ihc Buh]------ boys’ team p.6stedi bbig victories at the _____ Jerome InvitationdcrI cross co u n try m e e t “ 1 U .S .5a e r ia l .........Pag* AS- - -- F ^ , B aseb^ copyca'cats F o ffiaiini m m r cm r nn e i i - -- MBjor-League-own•wne'rs voted to make j i m f srfiF e their game/looljC more.ore. like basketball and rtKem from[ 1her sickbed . football, w antingI ththe baseball playoffs ' Twin Faiills resident fflilmnoxes i _____and-swiiching.tO:.throh^-diyjsions_iin_each_____ ~ Salm~~........ g o n Soo m a lis le a g u e ;;, Pail«A5 Tim es-N cw s w riter^ ■ The Associated PPie ress ■ __________________ TW IN FA LLS - A^ cccouple of would-be ’ np nnmhgr thisLw eck-^^J MOGADISHU,lU, Somalia — American ” — when they-called ii-TwirwinFalls-woman: rara ' Cobra helicoptersl?rs fired on Som ali w om en The two callers pro:promised on inheri- H . and children Tliunhursday in what the United ~ ^Different-drumjnuneF^----------------------- -------------tancc«nd*a-oontcsH>ria,ri7«» p f y n n.QQQ.but ...... Stations cluimcdd_w»s y, .a_‘.'la.st:rcsort" effort __ Stephanie D avis w asn’tn ’t taken in.. ■ to keep them fromom killin”g p9acdcccpcrii. ■ ’ A ' si-yicflr-old ihushusician has taken up .»ni.^»ii-ihi!iJ>trfci:LW»is lit-_______ atilQ^ b y tb c b ^ n k s o f . „.;:In8leAd,.Davjs..qucstlestioncd-th^allers ■ R ■■ NeaiUy lesiUcms ^ ' about-theirphone numbmbcrs and-addrcsses, tcrcd with the bodiilodies o f as m any a s 100 So- • snokesman-sai^-a-Bakistgni-------------'■ and o ne^i4iK 3D C n'di7 dnuns. soldier-\^kiUc£Ucd-and three Americans and -• • • —' p w b _ >y In hftT q ife tio n sl shehe Isnid 'n m a d a v . ' -.... « 5 " - nvcrpakistanis'wcrwcre'injured. ^ 11 never be the same •tMy c a r drotn w ill n ... The pencekeepoepors hnd come under fire - ------ ;d cross-exomining— -f-;, __ Take a hard ridide ■ ___ ^ from when 1 started t _________ from-hcayy_weapoiapons by Somali militiamen________ ^ .Endurance ndmggTTs~ihc*iftwesrBport-— ii — - ■ and were tiyingpo-wtthdraW-wIien to women ____ nc Tuesday when a ing challenge to reaceach the Wood River The first fcall camc and children joirjoined in the attack with _ _.mnn.tQld,her she hadid iinherited “a great ^ i i i t t ------- grenude»^nd^mal deal of money," butIt t«to get it she must ^ Stqckwcll. “ send lilin S300. ----------------------------- _ (h e e h i e f - t ^ t T - m i l i t a r y -------------- Davis, 537T!nd"CDnfEmfined-to-bcd-wdih ---------Ii. spokesman, initialltially said a mob of women multiple sclerosis andmd Parkinson’s dis- . ——I _and children wasas sswarming over the U.N. _ .......d id n ’t b u y into it 9 it, but couldn’t get . ------- ANDYABSmmwTlm*^ vehicles w hen-theTie 1hcircoptcrs-firedxn them — ~ : any-information fromtt ththe caller:-------------- ---------- i!confIned.t61bed_dueJoTo Illness, w as not fdole-ce'd“— 20m m ctuinorinoris. • - • . — —Shinett^ght-It..... ... ...........- ^ -r—^ ■ ” ■ Thtf next day, anottotlier-matrcalled.-say-^Stef Bphanle-Davl8,-who-is'ci ------------------baler,-howeveiT-.■eiT-ho-said-thc-womcnjmd----------- ^ w ealth . _______ Bringing s ecrtt con „ _J?^,P?vishod^^eitiiit into the final round b y titelephone co n men witlvlth stories o f Instant we ______ I children hadjojnccined.miniiamcn.in.attaddng ------------- awimrtodcould-win—-c—— -the-soldiers-from'am'behind-walls-lihing-thc------------- niileFfo^r his aAcr a callcillcr told her she would~wi sweepstakes prize lii luiuin. Png«A8 imibfer.'bankaccount, ,addr( a n d 'p h o n c num bcr.r; ilie b a lk e d r sw bering over roadblcdblocks in their way. Davis’ credit-card numl rc.strictcd, she te lle r callcdedtlic l shcri fT. ome address. sayming thc. infprm ation _was resi I and children \wrtc_combal------- -------- sociiil security a n d homi ................................N o o n e; ctcalling with such acams vwill women am ----------- “|-didn*rgivc-him-an3■aivthing;^he-said:— saidr- -----r - —ontSrrStockweU-sa Vn 82-year-old Kimberlyy vwoman rc- h a v e a n y luclfuck witli Davis, elicoptcrs came in they shot “ ------ W e lir s h c d id lcUHin:Him'one thing: D avis ■ - A n to squclch things like this. II’m “When the helic hB-llvcd^herc-T-win^-portc:ted-a-*imiliif .scaHLt^TTwin.Falls “I like to ; . behind the wulls.-and the toIH“the caJicr thaTShB- y/hen it comescs to gunmei\ be boding counties con- CounLinty shcrifT s d eputies lu-si P n i r - --------w om en iirid d llldildren re who were actively en- , Falls; Jerome and Gboc iw S480 from trying to mamake tlic wwld run smootlil Public servicei bbeckons verge - the middle of the Snoke River, womimn n was aboutio withdraw gaged as combata^tants as well. StOCkwelI-------^----- - bank'account to send lo LosLc Angeles- Davissaid.d. •, ' Gen. Colin PowelArell s a y r h e fe e ls a n • liccording to th e m ap.’ h e r b said. “Whoeverr w.was behind the walls was obligation “to do somethingso In public ----------- ' shot at. — ^ after-retiring buib u t - t h a t - d o ^ ’t n^ean'. ' , , "T here w ere somcsoi people swarmiqg on , ^ poliHcs'npw.: r r .-l ."I the roadblocks,.bu..but noudirectly-Qiuthc_ve-:ii-ii-.-^. i r P m am Ai i l hides ...-nnd thejc hhelicopters shot down the ; m iddle b f-th e roa-road-to-pcrsnade'people to A ffigawftJE leave.” S to ck wdlsaid; ellj — ....................... ........... beaAlnthelioi[ions’ den ------- Thc-:ioddcnt-.Wii^w.iis’.surc to fire th e debate^ ---------T ho'death”o f a ■fellbwTibstagcfel is re- riiir e p o iIf. I in the U.S. Cong;5ngress over Americah'ih- ‘' counted by Terry' AAnderson in his ac- w o e ^ e i ^ifcOUIMcii s a y s : volvcmcni_ ill SonSomalia and'to add fuel to __^wiirit b f his oitleal in Lebanon...................... " «r c . the argunicnls of'sofsbinc U.N. members, no-............ ~ | 1 has not paid off^in terms o ; . Pa0«C1 tio n s •— the Scholastic Aptituctude T est and v estm en t ht ■ tubly Italy, that[ thtthe United Nations has lost Hie Assodated Press icvcment.’’ __ __________ th e AlAmerican College Test —- Ihave shown dent achicvi Uelaw- sight .of its liumaimim|tarian mission in the opourrates are— “ A L E CVfl i a group representing state — ^W A SH IN G TO N Sp'SpenBing js up but only n nJX .
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