Agenda Planning Committee Date: Wednesday, 7 February 2018 at 10:00am Venue: Town Hall, St Annes, FY8 1LW Committee members: Councillor Trevor Fiddler (Chairman) Councillor Richard Redcliffe (Vice-Chairman) Councillors Christine Akeroyd, Jan Barker, Michael Cornah, Neil Harvey, Kiran Mulholland, Linda Nulty, Liz Oades, Heather Speak, Ray Thomas. Public Speaking at the Planning Committee Members of the public may register to speak on individual planning applications: see Public Speaking at Council Meetings. PROCEDURAL ITEMS: PAGE Declarations of Interest: Declarations of interest, and the responsibility for declaring the same, are matters for elected members. Members are able to obtain advice, in writing, in advance of meetings. 1 1 This should only be sought via the Council’s Monitoring Officer. However, it should be noted that no advice on interests sought less than one working day prior to any meeting will be provided. Confirmation of Minutes: 2 To confirm the minutes, as previously circulated, of the meetings held on 10 January 2018, 1 17 January 2018 and 18 January 2018 as correct records. Substitute Members: 3 1 Details of any substitute members notified in accordance with council procedure rule 25. DECISION ITEMS: 4 Planning Matters 3 - 109 5 Blackpool Airport Enterprise Zone Masterplan Consultation Report 110 - 113 6 Unauthorised Advertising Enforcement 114 - 122 7 Enforcement: Land Off Fairfield Road, Hardhorn, Poulton-Le-Fylde 123 - 129 8 Appointment to Working Groups 130 - 131 INFORMATION ITEMS: 9 List of Appeals Decided 132 - 137 Page 1 of 137 Contact: Lyndsey Lacey-Simone - Telephone: (01253) 658504 – Email: [email protected] The code of conduct for members can be found in the council’s constitution at http://fylde.cmis.uk.com/fylde/DocumentsandInformation/PublicDocumentsandInformation.aspx © Fylde Borough Council copyright 2018 You may re-use this document/publication (not including logos) free of charge in any format or medium. You must re-use it accurately and not in a misleading context. The material must be acknowledged as Fylde Borough Council copyright and you must give the title of the source document/publication. Where we have identified any third party copyright material you will need to obtain permission from the copyright holders concerned. This document/publication is also available on our website at www.fylde.gov.uk Any enquiries regarding this document/publication should be sent to us at the Town Hall, St Annes Road West, St Annes FY8 1LW, or to [email protected]. Page 2 of 137 Planning Committee Index 07 February 2018 Item No: Application Location/Proposal Recomm. Page No: No. 1 17/0568 LAND TO NORTH OF WEETON ROAD / WEST OF Refuse 5 A585 KIRKHAM BYPASS, MEDLAR WITH WESHAM, PRESTON, PR4 3NA OUTLINE APPLICATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF UP TO 190 DWELLINGS WITH ACCESS FROM WEETON ROAD AND ALL OTHER MATTERS RESERVED 2 17/0952 12 LOWFIELD CLOSE, NEWTON WITH CLIFTON, Grant 37 PRESTON, PR4 3SY TWO STOREY SIDE EXTENSION, REPLACEMENTOF FRONT PORCH WITH EXTENSION TO PROVIDE WC, AND EXTENSION TO THE EXISTING REAR DORMER. 3 17/0966 FAIRBANKS FARM, FLEETWOOD ROAD, Grant 44 GREENHALGH WITH THISTLETON, PRESTON, PR4 3HJ CHANGE OF USE OF EXISTING DOMESTIC CURTILAGE TO ALLOW SITING OF TWO STATIC CARAVANS AND TWO TRAILER CARAVANS (TWO PITCHES TOTAL) TO PROVIDE ANCILLARY LIVING ACCOMMODATION FOR USE BY FAMILY MEMBERS PROVIDING DAY-TO-DAY CARE FOR THE OCCUPIERS OF FAIRBANKS FARM 4 17/0971 84 CLIFTON STREET, LYTHAM ST ANNES, FY8 5EJ Grant 54 ERECTION OF GLAZED CANOPY TO CLIFTON SQUARE ELEVATION INCLUDING BALUSTRADE AROUND AND ALTERATION OF EXISTING WINDOW OPENINGS TO ALLOW ACCESS TO EXTENSION/OUTDOOR COVERED SEATING AREA. 5 17/0997 LAND OPPOSITE 15-23 RIBCHESTER ROAD, Grant 62 LYTHAM ST ANNES ERECTION OF SIX TWO STOREY DWELLINGS IN TWO TERRACES WITH ASSOCIATED CAR PARKING. 6 17/1000 11 TROUTBECK ROAD, LYTHAM ST ANNES, FY8 Grant 77 2LN TWO STOREY SIDE EXTENSION AND SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSION. 7 17/1012 SWARBRICK HALL FARM, SINGLETON ROAD, Grant 82 WEETON WITH PREESE, PRESTON, PR4 3JJ Page 3 of 137 ERECTION OF REPLACEMENT AGRICULTURAL STORAGE BUILDING. 8 17/1013 SWARBRICK HALL FARM, SINGLETON ROAD, Grant 89 WEETON WITH PREESE, PRESTON, PR4 3JJ ERECTION OF AN AGRICULTURAL STORAGE BUILDING 9 18/0011 84 CLIFTON STREET, LYTHAM ST ANNES, FY8 5EJ Refuse 96 RETROSPECTIVE APPLICATION FOR ERECTION OF GLAZED EXTENSION TO CLIFTON SQUARE ELEVATION WITH RETRACTABLE GLAZED SCREENS TO FRONT AND SIDES 10 18/0045 16 SPRING HILL, FRECKLETON, PRESTON, PR4 1TF Delegated to 104 Approve PROPOSED TWO STOREY & SINGLE STOREY REAR EXTENSIONS. Background Papers In accordance with Section 100D of the Local Government Act 1972, the background papers used in the compilation of reports relating to planning applications are listed below, except for such documents that contain exempt or confidential information defined in Schedule 12A of the Act. • Fylde Borough Local Plan (As Altered) October 2005 (Saved Policies) • Joint Lancashire Minerals and Waste Local Plan • Fylde Local Plan to 2032 (Submission Version) December 2016 • Bryning-with-Warton Neighbourhood Plan • Saint Anne's on The Sea Neighbourhood Development Plan • National Planning Policy Framework • National Planning Practice Guidance • The Community Infrastructure Levy Regulations 2010 (as amended) • Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations 2010 (as amended) • Strategic Housing Market Assessment (SHMA) 2014 and Addendum I and II November 2014 and May 2015 and Housing Market Requirement Paper 2016 • Five Year Housing Land Supply Statement at 31 March 2017 (as amended July 2017) • Strategic Housing Land Availability Schedule (SHLAA) • Consultation on Additional Evidence in Support of Fylde Local Plan to 2032 – August 2017 • Other Supplementary Planning Documents, Guidance and evidence base documents specifically referred to in the reports. • The respective application files • The application forms, plans, supporting documentation, committee reports and decisions as appropriate for the historic applications specifically referred to in the reports. • Any additional information specifically referred to in each report. These Background Documents are available either at www.fylde.gov.uk/resident/planning or for inspection by request at the Town Hall, St Annes Road West, St Annes. Page 4 of 137 Planning Committee Schedule 07 February 2018 Item Number: 1 Committee Date: 7 February 2018 Application Reference: 17/0568 Type of Application: Outline Planning Permission Applicant: Taylor Wimpey UK Agent : Limited, Richard George Towers and Jane Marjorie Towers Location: LAND TO NORTH OF WEETON ROAD / WEST OF A585 KIRKHAM BYPASS, MEDLAR WITH WESHAM, PRESTON, PR4 3NA Proposal: OUTLINE APPLICATION FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF UP TO 190 DWELLINGS WITH ACCESS FROM WEETON ROAD AND ALL OTHER MATTERS RESERVED Ward: MEDLAR WITH Area Team: Area Team 2 WESHAM Weeks on Hand: 30 Case Officer: Kieran Birch Reason for Delay: Held in abeyance at applicant's request If viewing online this is a Google Maps link to the general site location: https://www.google.co.uk/maps/@53.7948777,-2.8965543,1108m/data=!3m1!1e3?hl=en Summary of Recommended Decision: Refuse Summary of Officer Recommendation The application is for an outline application for 190 dwellings on a 9.3ha agricultural site located on the north site of Weeton Road and on the west side of the A585, on land allocated as Countryside in the Fylde Borough Local Plan and in the Local Plan to 2032. The A585 forms the boundary for the settlement of Wesham. The residential development of Countryside land in contrary to Policy SP2 of the Fylde Borough Local Plan and Policy GD4 in the Local Plan to 2032, as such the development is contrary to the allocations in the adopted and emerging development plan. Fylde at this moment in time is able to demonstrate a five year supply of housing and as such there is not the requirement to support developments that are sustainable unless they cause significant and demonstrable harm. The ecology of the site has been considered and the evidence submitted shows the development would not impact upon protect species. The highways impact of the development is acceptable with appropriate conditions and contributions. There are no objections from LCC Highways with regard to traffic generation or safety, nor are there any drainage issues with the site, no drainage consultee has objected to the development. The approval of 190 dwellings on this unallocated site would be at odds with the Development Strategy in the Local Plan to 2032 skewing the development in this area to a level beyond what is considered appropriate and which has been carefully considered in the Local Plan making process. It would distort the distribution of development and could Page 5 of 137 threaten the delivery of other sites as well as adding additional pressure to existing infrastructure. Officers also consider that the development will be cause visual harm to the landscape character of the area as well as to the setting of Wesham due to the scale and location of the development. As such the proposal is not considered to deliver sustainable development and therefore the presumption in favour set out in the NPPF does not apply. The adverse impacts of the proposal would outweigh the benefits and the proposal is considered to be unacceptable having regard to the NPPF. The proposal is therefore recommended for refusal. Reason for Reporting to Committee The application is a Major application and whilst the recommendation is for refusal and so the application could be determined under delegated powers, the Head of Planning and Housing has decided that the amount of recent development in this area and scale of the application is such that it is appropriate that the application be determined by Committee. Site Description and Location The application site is 9.3ha of green field agricultural land located on the west side of the A585 Fleetwood Road and north of Weeton Road. Hedgerows with intermittent trees form the boundary to the site which comprises grazing land and is split into two fields divided by a hedgerow running across the middle of the site in an east-west direction, a Public Right of Way (PRoW ref.
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