Pacific Affairs VOL. XXIV, No. 2 JUNE 1951 The Korean Crisis and the Commonwealth F. H. Soward 115 The Western New Guinea Problem L. Metzemaeks 131 Freedom of Person in Asia and the Pacific Bruno Lasher 143 NOTESAND COMMENT Security in the South West Pacific Norman D. Harper 170 Some Requirements for Technical Progress in Asia D. R. Gadgil 178 Japanese Memoirs-Reflections of the Recent Past NobMa Ify 185 A New History of Asia W. Eberhard 190 BOOKREVIEWS I95 Notes on Contributors to This Issue 224 Articles in Pacific Affairs do not represent views of either the Institute of Pacific Relations or the National Councils of which it is composed. The editor of Pacific Affairs is responsible for the selection and the acceptance of articles. Responsibility for opinions expressed in articles published, and for the accuracy of statements contained in them, rests solely with the individual authors. Pacific Affairs is published quarterly at Richmond, Va., by the Institute of Pacific Relations. Arthur H. Dean, Chairman, Pacific Council; William L. Holland, Secretary-General; Philip E. Lilienthal, Editor; Mary F. Healy, Associate Editor. Executive Office: I East 54 Street, New York 22, N. Y. Printed at Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A. Subscription price, $4.00 per year, post free; single copies, $1.00. Entered as second-class matter at Richmond, Va., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1951,Institute of Pacific Relations. BOOKS REVIEWED IN THIS ISSUE PEKINGDIARY, by Derk Bodde NEWCHINA. FRIEND OR FOE?,by Alun Falconer Michael F. M. Lindsay 195 THEGOVERNMENT AND POLITICSOF CHINA,by Ch'ien Tuan-sheng 1. T. Pratt 197 LA CHINE,DU NATIONALISME AU COMMUNISME, by Jean-Jacques Brieux Mary C. Wright 199 MAOTSE-TUNG, RULER OF REDCHINA, by Robert Payne K. R. Sabarwal 200 NATIONALISMAND LANGUAGEREFORM IN CHINA,by John De Francis A. F. P. Hulsewe 201 THEUNITED STATES AND JAPAN,by Edwin 0. Reischauer G. R. Storry 202 ASPECTSOF JAPAN'SLABOR PROBLEMS, by Miriam S. Parley Shichiro Matsui 204 SHUSHIN:THE ETHICSOF A DEFEATEDNATION, by Robert King Hall T. P. Leggett 204 JOURNEYTO THE MISSOURI,by Toshikazu Kase Sheila Harden 205 SOUTHASIA IN THE WORLDTODAY, edited by Phillips Talbot W. Macmahon Ball 207 THEDEVELOPMENT OF UPLANDAREAS IN THE FAR EAST, Volume 2, by E. H. G. Dobby, Pierre Gourou, G. C. W. Chr. Tergast, E. de Vries and Shannon McCune Glenn T. Trewartha 209 DE LANDBOUWIN DE INDISCHEARCHIPEL, Volume 111, edited by C. J. J. van Hall and C. van de Koppel ]an 0. M. Broek 212 OM DE VRIJHEID.DE NATIONALISTISCHEBEWEGING IN INDONESIE,by D. M. G. Koch Willem Brand 2 I 3 THE LIFEOF MAHATMAGANDHI, by Louis Fischer Richard Symonds 213 INDIAN-AMERICANRELATIONS Guy Wint 214 PAKISTAN:THE HEARTOF ASIA,by Liaquat Ali Khan Wilfred Cantwell Smith 216 JAPANESEECONOMIC RECOVERY AND PAKISTAN,by Hassan Habib THE ECONOMYOF PAKISTAN,by Mushtaq Ahmad REPORTOF THE UNITEDKINGDOM INDUSTRIAL MISSION TO PAKISTAN,1950, by Lord Burghley and others 1. Russell Andrus 2 17 HALFOF ONEWORLD, by Foster Hailey Roger Levy 219 A HISTORYOF CANADIANEXTERNAL RELATIONS, by G. P. deT. Glazebrook H. S. Ferns 219 REMOVALAND RETURN,by Leonard Bloom and Ruth Riemer Galen M. Fisher 221 SOVIETPOLITICS-THE DILEMMA OF POWER,by Barrington Moore, Jr. Jane Degras 221 THESOVIET IMAGE OF THE UNITEDSTATES, by Frederick C. Barghoorn Max Beloff 222 Pacific Affairs VOL. XXIV, No. 3 SEPTEMBER 1951 The Communist Problem in East Asia: An Asian View M. N. Roy A Western View W. Macmahon Ball The Chinese Peasant and Communism Mary C. Wright Demographic Dilemma in Indonesia H. de Meel The Indonesian Federal Problem Lawrence S. melstein NOTESAND COMMENT The Prospect for Asian Trade Unionism F. W.Dalley The Political Orientation of Japan G. B. Sansom BOOKREVIEWS Notes on Contributors to This Issue Articles in Pacific Affairs do not represent views of either the Institute of Pacific Relations or the National Councils of which it is composed. The editor of Pacific Affairs is responsible for the selection and the acceptance of articles. Responsibility for opinions expressed in articles published, and for the accuracy of statements contained in them, rests solely with the individual authors. Pacific Affairs is published quarterly at Richmond, Va., by the Institute of Pacific Relations. Arthur H. Dean, Chairman, Pacific Council; William L. Holland, Secretary-General; Philip E. Lilienthal, Editor; Mary F. Healy, Associate Editor. Executive Office: I East 54 Street, New York 22, N. Y. Printed at Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A. Subscription price, $4.00 per year, post free; single copies, $1.00. Entered as second-class matter at Richmond, Va., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1951, Institute of Pacific Relations. BOOKS REVIEWED IN THIS ISSUE PAGE THECHINESE IN SOUTHEASTASIA, by Victor Purcell H. 1. van Moo4 313 MENSEN VRIJHEIDIN INDONESIE,by C. A. 0. van Nieuwenhuijze A. Arthur Schiller 316 INVESTMENTIN EMPIRE, by Daniel Thorner N. V. Sovani 318 THEROAD TO PEARLHARBOR, by Herbert Peis M. Matsuo 320 THEOCCUPATION OF JAPAN, SECOND PHASE: 1948-50, by Robert Fearey E. E. Ward 322 AMERICANMILITARY GOVERNMENT IN KOREA, by E. Grant Meade C. Kondapi 324 THEKOREANS AND THEIRCULTURE, by Cornelius Osgood Dorothy W. Allan 325 A HISTORYOF CHINA, by Wolfram Eberhard Herbert France 326 THECHINA STORY, by Freda Utley Randall Gould 327 HONGKONG IN ITSGEOGRAPHICAL SETTING, by S. G. Davis Su Ting 329 OUTOF THISWORLD, by Lowell Thomas, Jr. B. 1. Gould 329 L'ASIE SOVI~TIQUE Violet Conolly 330 WHITESETTLERS AND NATIVEPEOPLES, by A. Grenfell Price Harro Bernardelli 330 THECASE OF GENERALYAMASHITA, by A. Frank Reel P. Ratnam 331 THEROOSEVELT MACARTHUR CONFLICT, by James K. Eyre, Jr. MACARTHUR:MAN OF ACTION,by Frank Kelley and Cornelius Ryan N. D. Harper 332 PRESSURESON CONGRESS,by Fred W. Riggs N. Wing Mah 333 THEUNITED STATES IN WORLDAFFAIRS, 1950, by R. P. Stebbins William L. Holland 334 By Sir George Sansom Author of The Western World and Japan and Japan: A Short Cultural History This volume is based on a series of lectures delivered last year in Tokyo under the joint auspices of the Japan Institute of Pacific Relations and Tokyo University. 94 pages, $2.00, cloth INSTITUTE OF PACIFIC RELATIONS 1 East 54th Street, New York 22, N. Y. Pacific Affairs VOL. XXIV, No. 4 DECEMBER 1951 PAGE Peace or War with China? C. P. FitzGerald 339 The Unification of India, 1947-1951 Holden Furber 352 Japan and Far Eastern Development Leon Hollerman 372 NOTESAND COMMENT The Clash of Cultures in Ball John Coast 398 Evacuee Property in India and Pakistan Joseph B. Schechtman 406 An Indian Prophet Guy Wint 414 Current Research Projects of the Institute of Pacific Relations 419 BOOKREVIEWS 426 Notes on Contributors to This Issue 338 Index to Volume XXIV 449 Articles in Pacific Affairs do not represent views of either the Institute of Pacific Relations or the National Councils of which it is composed. The editor of Pacific Affairs is responsible for the selection and the acceptance of articles. Responsibility for opinions expressed in articles published, and for the accuracy of statements contained in them, rests solely with the individual authors. Pacific Affairs is published quarterly at Richmond, Va., by the Institute of Pacific Relations. Arthur H. Dean, Chairman, Pacific Council; William L. Holland, Secretary-General; Philip E. Lilienthal, Editor; Mary P. Healy, Associate Editor. Executive Office: I East 54 Street, New York 22, N. Y. Printed at Richmond, Virginia, U.S.A. Subscription price, $4.00 per year, post free; single copies, $1.00. Entered as second-class matter at Richmond, Va., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Copyright, 1951,Institute of Pacific Relations. BOOKS REVIEWED IN THIS ISSUE PAGE FAILUREIN JAPAN:WITH KEYSTONESFOR A POSITIVEPOLICY, by Robert B. Textor Kazuo Kawai 426 THEJAPANESE VILLAGE IN TRANSITION,by Arthur S. Raper and others Richard K. Beardsley 428 SPECIALBUSINESS INTERESTS AND THE OPENDOOR POLICY,by Charles S. Campbell, Jr. Dorothy Borg 430 HARTAND THE CHINESECUSTOMS, by Stanley F. Wright 1. K. Fairbank 431 LESPOPULATIONS MONTAGNARDES DU SUD INDOCHINOIS, by Dam Bo Georges Condominas 433 REDSTORM OVER ASIA, by Robert Payne W. Macmahon Ball 435 THEBRITISH OVERSEAS, by C. E. Carrington T. Inglis Moore 437 THEBRITISH COMMONWEALTH OF NATIONS, by Sir Ivor Jennings THECHANGING COMMONWEALTH, edited by F. H. Soward C. Hartley Grattan 438 CANADA.A SHORT HISTORY, by Gerald S. Graham CANADAIN WORLDAFFAIRS, September 1941 to May 1944, by C. Cecil Lingard and Reginald G. Trotter CANADAIN WORLDAFFAIRS, 1944-1946, by F. H. Soward W. I. Iennings 441 THEAUSTRALIAN FRONTIER IN NEWGUINEA, 1870-1885, by Donald Craigie Gordon 1. W. Dauidson 442 PLANNINGMICRONESIA'S FUTURE, edited by Douglas L. Oliver Tadao Yanaihara 443 AMERICA,by Yasaka Takagi Galen M. Fisher 445 CONTRIBUTORS TO THIS ISSUE INCLUDE W. MACMAHON BALL-Professor of Political Short Cultural History, Revolution in China (forth- Science, University of Melbourne; author of Na- coming) and other books. tionalism and Communism in the Far East (forth- HOLDEN FURBER-Associate Professor of History, coming) and other studies of Far Eastern affairs. University of Pennsylvania; recently Visiting Lec- RICHARD K. BEARDSLEY-Assistant Professor turer in History, University of Madras; author of of Anthropology, University of Michigan; engaged John Company at Work. in research in Japan, 1950-51. C. HARTLEY GRATTAN-Author of Introducing DOROTHY BORGÑAutho of American Policy and Australia and numerous studies of Commonwealth the Chinese Revolution, 1925-28. affairs. JOHN COAST-Formerly with the British diplo- LEON HOLLERMAN-Formerly an international matic service in Bangkok, and now on leave from trade economist with SCAP, Tokyo; now at the the Indonesian Foreign Office; author of a forth- University of 'California. coming book on Indonesia. SIR IVOR JENNINGS-Vice-chancellor of the GEORGES CONDOMINAS-Lived in a Moi vil- University of Ceylon; has written widely on the lage, 1948-50; author of "Ethnologie de l'Indo- development of the Commonwealth.
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