< Give Now' ~, .. ,.,\,~ f.A» ' To Help' Maintain the ~f~lld~!!~ War Memorial ~i ,_f1.:_1t1,,1.1 I ro'sse.ID ..~. Center 'Hom, pJ Ih. NffiJl " 1t.I,eb."al TV. 2-1900 ,CompZ.ete New~: ,cover~g"~of All' the 'Poin~es" VOLUME 13-NO. 42 , GROSSE,po'l~nt Mr~f;iIGA~f octOBER Ib,' 1,952' Entered: u. Second C1asa Matter lit the Post Office at Detroit, M1ch.. Fully Paid Cjrc~'ation _. DEADLINES Ready to Start. Annual 'Torch .Dtive'Ganvass New High School Five Pointes~-~ of the WEEK HarperW oods As Compiled b, ,b, Auditorium-Gym Seek Solution Grone' PO;1It, News Termed. Necessity Engineers Make Report' On ThUrsday, October 9 Survey to Representative's' GO V'E R NOR" STEVENSON of Six ,Municipalitie~ cracks that the Republican Party President of Dads' Club 'Reviews Reasons Why Voters is a "do nothing, care nathing, know nothing" party, always "an Should Approve Passage of Bond Issue for Representatives' from each hour, a dollar, an idea too late." Campus Struc~ure of the Grosse Pointe commUne '" * lit DECEMBER DRAFT for the Last Wednesday night the Grosse POinte Board of Edu..; ities and from Harper WoodS' army to take 47,000 men, Navy, cation officially approved the submission to the qualified met with a consulting engi. Marine Corps and Air Force do voters of the community, of the question of whether or not a neer of Beyster, Inc" last Fri- not intend to place call in Decem- n.ew auditorium-gymnasium shall be built on the High School day to hear a. survey progress ber. campus .. A bond issue proposal to cover the cost of such a r e par t culminating f 0 U r . '" . building will be submitted at a special election to be held months of study of a proposed Friday, October 10 some time shortly after the first of the year. U.S. COURT af Appeals today This week, arguments in favor~ , joint disposal system for the set aside the convictiQn of Denis af the proposed building are municipalities. W. Delaney, ousted internal rev~ again advanced by J. Lamar The me~ting concerned, itself enue collector of Massachusetts, Newberry in the following "Re- Bee' r Brawl only with prelimiriary discussion who had been charged with ac- Submission of Resolution to the of the proposal, which was made cepting bribes, Ruled that the Grosse Pointe Board of Educa- COS tly Part,y out of concern for the develop-- publicity attending the case pre- ! tion." ment of a' more economical plan cluded a fair trial, ...'"... F Y th to dispose of all refuse and to ., * • The Arguments ,or 0US, find a method that would provide "HUMAN SEA" TACTICS used We, who have been closely complete disposaL by fanatical Chinese Reds in connected with 'Grosse Pointe . Incineration Favored battle for White Horse peak. High School feel that there is Fines, and Costs Assessed Th >4 Reds mass 16,000 fresh troops MR.S' FRAN K COUZ E N S J r. 0f 1239 Au du b on, Grosse P ointe P ar,k d'1VlSIona" 1 chaIrman,. out 1ines pans1 f or stl'll a dl're need for greater Gym- Aga"lnst Part",c',pants., Two methode recommendedugg t d b disposalth -, tud .. nasium-Auditorium facilities in s es eye s y within easy striking distance of the Fourth Annual Torch Drive to her area and district chairman at a recent meeting in the Grosse Pointe War Memo- Licenses Are Revoked was that of incineration. There the strategic height which over- rial building. The Park women, will call on 'all homes in their division during the drive being held Oct. 14 to Nov. 6, the community and particularly are three different locations un.. at the High School. looks Chorwon Valley. Shown with Mrs. Couzens are, left to rigp.t, MRS. JAMES B. LEWIS of 912 Bedford; MRS. CHARLES SHERIDAN of Last winter a very comprehen~ The wild beer party that der advisement at the present . '" 1310 Nottingham; MRS. PHILIP W. SLOAN Jr., of 1378 Audubon; MISS MA~Y LOUISE KEANE of 1007 Harvard; sive survey was made which was held in a St. Clair avenue time where an incineration ,plant Saturday,' October 11 MRS. ED'WARD R. HARRIGAN of 1241 Devonshire; ,MRS. HOWARD SIMON of 1080 Balfour; MRS. THOMAS B. Mc- thoroughly investigated the Gym- home Saturday night, October might be constructed, about. 1~ GOVERNOR STEVENSON re- CARTHY of 1208 Audubon; MRS. GEORGE M. BOLTON of' 921 Pemberton; MRS. HARRY W. REBERDY of, 950 nasium-Auditorium facilities1 ,in 4, ended in heavy penalties ~l~t,f~~:e ~~~S:~e~~~~e1i~~ oj asserts stand on explosive civil rights and tidelands oil issues in Trombley; MRS. CONSTANCE B. SCHROEDER of '.1167 Kensington; MI\S. PAUL BALDWIN of 1166 Whittier; MRS. all Class A secondary schoo s in for some of the teen-agers in- released as to estimated costs of speech Friday night before Dixie W. C. McLAUGHLIN of, 1031 Bishop; and MRS. M. L. VAN DAGENS of 1316 Somerset.... ~~~~ig~~u~~e r:~r~ai~i{i~~ ~~~hvalved. the project. , Democrats'that marks his major , I the results of this survey, which At a special session of Justice It was suggested that the~'" campaign bid in the South. '" '" '" .Park to Hold City~sParking Authority ICoach Line ~~~:iVS~~d;o:~~~~~bl:ha~U~~~~% ~~U{;~l~~\~~~~~?\~~~g:n~O~~~ ~;~~~~r~r:if~~li~fesd~~~1~d~ • IKE RETURNS to theme of a Pointe High School has the worst bationary periods on six of ten pasal plant to' other neighboring "middle way" approach to the solution of America's domestic Open House' To Be Givell Job of Solving Asks Pointes ~~~~i~~esinO~~~g~la~~dAa~~~~ ~~ar~e~ ryOUtityW~~li~eadasb~~s~~~~~~:i~~n~~r:k:i~~:~~ and foreign problems. Says he ' F P · the worst in the Mid-west-in orderly persons. the plant. will not apply extreme$ when fact, a very poor second to the On~ Pays $125,' ,Not Part of Authority,~J" t!ealing with major poli,cy issues. On Oct. ,22, 23 ProhIern ,at R, eer, ,eatio, n Site or.. er,mltS' Class B Schools., I G:eorge MIller, 18, of 577 St. These ,user~~ ,however,' would .' ..' _:- " "O'f' f " L' ' ",'., , . , '" ':r .,>" ": ~'.' ;., , " . ~ugges.ts To!"r, . I Clal:, was fined $100 and charged .notbe members of. t~~,auth9~ity Sunday, ~tober 12 Residents Invited to Visit I -street Par:&ing, ~r:ea:-.,M• .y! ,Be--Created on Portion ck Three "Grant., Request 'Which '-1. WIsh.:+t~re'-possIbl~;-at thIS- $25-ln-court--<:o~ts. .. .. , -<t'fie~-livePoinie.s~.nd" -Harpel' , CHINESE COMMUNISTS cap- Municil"\al B,uilding and See Lakefront Property: Spec,i~"'1 Committee I Will Enable COrYll"\any to moment, to take you on a tour James FlanmgCl?' Jr., 18, 636 Waods)'operating the plant. The ture crest of White Horse Moun- I"" H Id T M I"" of the Auditor'ium and the Gym- Notre Dame, receIved a, $25 fine farmation of such an ajithorliy tain for the twelfth time in six Many Changes Made ' 0 s wo eetmgs Obtein Tax Rebate- nasi urn to more strongly empha- an,d was charged $10 10 costs. is granted under a State act which days of bloody fighting. Battle The problem of providing an off-street parking area on Oil size our points. " WIlford Jackson, 17, of 816 Bed- permits two or more communities has cost the Reds an estimated City authorities of Grosse ~t the lakefront park of the City of Grosse PO,inte will be Let's t~ke up the, A,ud:~arlun:. ford; Leo?ar~ Anderson, 18, 1161'1to enter a joint operation for 10,000 soldiers. Pointe Park will hold an open . d Rtf Ofth Lak FIRST,-In the audltanum, It Wayburn, Mlchael Sutton, 1~, of refuse disposal and also 'allow. .. '" h alre at the city council meeting next Monday night it was epresen a Ives 0 e e is only possible to seat about one. 530 Notre Dame, each recelve,d a bond issue ~ finance the pro. ouse in the municipal bund~ learned this week. i; , Shore Coach Lines, Inc. have third of the student body at any the same fine and costs as FlannI. ject ' . THREE SMALL CHILDREN I and a Chester, California. groc~ ing on October 22 and 23, from Funds to purchase additional fer of power to act on the park- appealed. to the administra- one time. Many of the assemblies gan. Fine and costs against Sut- . cery store owner whO' had just 3 p.m. until 8 p.m. each day. land for a parking area adjacent ing si~uation. tJve bodIes of the Woods, of the school through necess.n,y, ton, however, were sus'pended. Economy of such ~ plan would drawn $7,100from a bank to cash ~he affair will offer the resi. to the recreation site were to The special committee held two Shores, and Park for a permit must be held in the gymnasium License:<;Revoked eventt~a~y?e reahzed thro~gh dents of the Park an opportqnity have been 'provI'ded by the pro- t' d' th t ,:.. t t th .. l' with the students sitting on the Both Sutton and Jackson had the ellmmatlon of separ.ate lJlck~ payroll checks for loggers in the I ~ m~e lOgS, ur10g e pas weei'. 0 opera e on e munlClpa 1- ups f ga b ge d ubb h to' acquaint' themselves with the posed, ,.bond l'ssue of $260,000 th f' d' , 1 f h' h floor. Not a very lady-like pro- their driver's licenses revoked for 0 r a an r.
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