EngravedTiy AH.Rteta-e [BOoTf^Offl^S WA§[Ftf, HISTORY METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. By ABEL STEVENS, LL.D., AUTHOR OF "THE HISTORJf OF THE RELIGIOUS MOVEMENT OF THE EIGHTEENTH CENTURY JJTLLED METHODISM," ETC!. VOLUME II. %\t Jllanihtg ~ani) i£ raining of gmtruait pciljobisnt. PUBLISHED BY CARLTON & PORTER, 2 M U L B E E K Y - S X U E E T. 1864. Entered according to Act of Congress, in the year 1864, by CARLTON & PORTER, in the Clerk's Office of the District Court of the United States for the Southern District of New York. CONTENTS. BOOK II. FEOM THE BEGINNING OF THE REVOLUTIONARY WAR, TO THE EPISCOPAL ORGANIZATION OF METHODISM, 1775-1784—CONTINUED. CHAPTER VI. Page Reuben Ellis 39 CONFERENCES AND PROGRESS FROM Le Roy Cole 40 THE BEGINNING OF THE REVOLU- John Dickins 41 TIONARY WAR TO THE ORGANIZA- John Littlejohn 42 TION OF THE METHODIST EPISCO- Prominent Characters of the PAL CHURCH. Ministry of these Times. ... 42 Tage First Conference in Virginia, Annual Conferences before the 1778 43 Organization of the Church. 11 Troubles of the Times 43 Their Character and Po"wers. 13 The " Sacramental Contro- Philadelphia Session of 1775. 13 versy " 46 Important Success 14 James O'Kelly 46 John Cooper 15 Richard Ivey 47 Robert Lindsay 15 A Scene in his Preaching. ... 48 William Glendenning 15 John Major 49 William Duke 16 Power of his Eloquence 50 John Wade 17 Henry Willis 51 Daniel Ruff at Abbott's Fam- Philip Gatch retires 52 ily Altar 17 Garrettson's Reminiscences of Edward Dromgoole 18 the Early Ministry 52 First Baltimore Session, 1776. la Its Character 19 CHAPTER VII. Freeborn Garrettson joins it. 19 CONFERENCES AND PROGRESS FROM Great Prosperity 20 THE BEGINNING OF THE REVOLU- Methodism tends Southward 20 TIONARY WAR TO THE ORGANIZA- Nicholas Watters 21 TION OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL James Foster 21 CHURCH CONTINUED. Isham Tatum 22 — Francis Poythress 22 The Two Conferences of 1779. 56 Richard Webster 24 'The Sacramental Controversy Session of 1777 25 followed by a temporary Scenes at it 25 Rupture 59 Continued Success 25 The Right of the Question 60 " The " Sacramental Question 2ii Vindication of the Sacrament- Caleb B. Pedicord 80 al Party 61 John Tunnell 34 John llaggerty 60 b . CONTENTS. Pnge Pag* Nelson Eeed 67 He introduces Methodism into Philip Cox .' 70 Brooklyn 110 He calls out Bishops M' Ken- IraEliis 110 dree and George 71 John Easter Ill Scenes in his Ministry 71 Sessions of 1783 112 Conference of 1780 73 Continued Success 112 Conclusion of the Sacramental Proceedings 112 Controversy 74 Small Number of Married "William Partridge 82 Preachers 113 James 0. Cromwell 82 William Phoebus 114 Thomas Foster 83 Thomas Ware 115 Caleb Boyer 83 Characteristic Interview with George Mair 83 Anbury 118 Scenes in a Love-Feast 83 Isaac Kollins's Death 123 Ignatius Pigman 88 Asbury's Letters to Shadford Beminiscences 88 and Wesley 126 CHAPTEPv VIII. CHAPTEE IX. CONFERENCES AND PROGRESS FROM CONFERENCES AND PROGRESS FROM THE BEGINNING OF THE REVOLU- THE BEGINNING OF THE REVOLU- TIONARY WAR TO THE ORGANIZA- TIONARY WAR TO THE ORGANIZA- TION OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL TION OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL OHORCH CONTINUED. CHURCH—CONCLUDED. Conference of 1781 90 Conferences of 1784 130 Union confirmed 91 Wesley's Counsels to the Proceedings 91 Preachers 131 Progress 91 Proceedings 132 Sketches of Preachers 92 First Obituary Notice 134 j Jeremiah Lambert 92 ! Methodism Crosses the Alle- Joseph Wyatt 93 i ghanies 134 Philip Bruce 93 Mountaineer Local Preachers 135 j His last Words to his Confer- The " Three Bishops " 136 ence 94 Memorable Pioneers 136 Joseph Everett 95 Historical Importance of the Character of the Ministry . 101 -Local Ministry 138 Sessions of 1782 102 Sketches of Preachers 140 Asbury and Jarratt 103 Isaac Smith 140 Prosperity of the Year. 105 "Wilson Lee 145 Sketch of Peter Moriarty . 106 John Smith 147 "Woolman Hickson 109 William Jessup 148 BOOK III. ORGANIZATION" OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. CHAPTEE I. He is "chimed" out of his Church PREPARATIONS FOR THE ORGANIZA- 153 Joins Wesley TION OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL 153 CHURCn. Importance of his Services.. 154 Sketch of Thomas "Vasey 155 Dr. Thomas Coke 150 He sacrifices a Fortune for His early Life 151 Methodism 155 CONTEXTS. Pafro Paga His Services > 165 Coke and Asbury elected Su- Richard Whatcoat 1 57 perintendents or Bishops... 1S3 His Appearance and Character 157 Whatcoat's Account of the His early History 158 Proceedings 183 His Labors and Sufferings in Coke's Sermon at the Conse- Ireland 1G1 cration of Asbury 184 Necessity of Wesley's Measures Character of the Conference . 184 for America 102 Preachers present 186 Condition of American Meth- Were their Measures in ac- odism 102 cordance with Wesley's In- Condition of the Protestant tentions? 189 Episcopal Church 163 Expediency of the Episcopal Wesley solicits Ordinations Title of the New Church . 191 from the Bishop of Lon- don for America 1G4 CHAPTER IV. Fletcher's Interest for America 10-t ORGANIZATION OF THE METHODIST Rankin's Interview with him . 104 EMSCOPAL CHURCH—CONTINUED. Wesley's Consultation with Coke 165 Legislative Proceedings of the _. Conference 195 The Ordinations at Bristol. 166 Wesley's Opinion on Church Its Records 195 Polity 107 Wesley's "Large Minutes" . lyt> Voyage of Coke and his Com- Wesley's Prayer Book for panions to America 168 American Methodism 197 Gowns and Bands 198 Their Arrival at New York . 170 At Philadelphia 170 The Articles of Religion 199 At Dover 171 Wesley's continued Superin- At Barrett's Chapel 17-' tendence recognized 199 The " Slavery (Question " 199 The Functions of Bishops, CHAPTER II. Eiders, and Deacons defined 200 BISHOP COKE IN" AMERICA. Printing of the Minutes 201 Salaries, or "Allowance" ... 201 Coke itinerating before the "Fees" 202 Christmas Conference 174 " " The Preachers' Fund . 203 Sketch of "Black Harry' 174 " The General Fund " 203 Scenes on the Peninsula 176 Baptism 204 Black Harry's preaching 170 The Lord's Supper and Class- Ware's Account of Coke .... 177 Meetings 204 The Bishop meets his English Associates, with Asbury and CHAPTER V. Black, of Nova Scotia, at Abingdon 179 THEOLOGICAL AND ECCLESIASTICAL They are received at Perry CHARACTER OF AMERICAN METH- Hall '. 179 ODISM. Coke and Black's Account of Wesley's Abridgment of the the Place 179 Forty-nine Anglican "Ar- Preparations for the Confer- ticles" 205 ence 180 Its Positive Features 206 Its Negative Features 206 CHAPTER III. Papal traces effaced 206 The Sacraments 207 THE CHRISTMAS CONFERENCE—OR- Wesley's Opinion of Baptis- GANIZATION OF THE METHODIST mal Regeneration determ- EPISCOPAL CHURCH. ined by his Articles 207 The first General Conference 1.81 Distinctive Opinions of Wes- Lovely Lane Chapel 181 ley not mentioned in the Wesley's Letter to the Ameri- American Articles 208 can Methodists 182 i Wesley's Arminiunism 208 b . CONTENTS. P*e*e Page His Doctrine of Assurance 210 His Functions 225 "Christian Perfection" 212 The "Helper" 226 Dr. Whedon's Statement 213 His Duties 226 Doctrinal Liberality of Meth- His severe Regimen 227 odism 216 How a call to preach is to bn Did Wesley design the Ameri- determined 228 can "Articles " to be a Term Ceremony of Reception in the of Church Membership ? 217 Conference 228 Peculiar Theological Attitude General Ministerial Discipline 230 of Methodism 218 Field Preaching 230 The Ecclesiastical System of Visiting from House to House 231 the New Church 219 Uprooting of Popular Vices. 231 Its Synodal Bodies 219 Studies 232 The General Conference 219 Importance of Knowledge 232 Its Early History; 2iy Pastoral Care of Children 232 The Annual Conference 220 Fasting 233 Its Primitive Character and Preaching Habits 233 Proceedings 221 Conduct toward one another. 284 Heading of the " Appoint- Self-denial 235 ments" 222 Circulation of Books 235 The Quarterly Conference . 223 The Methodist Society 235 Its Original Festival Character 223 The Class-meeting and Class- Classification of the Ministry. 224 leader 235 The Bishop ._ 224 Other Officers 235 His extraordinary Powers and Symmetrical Polity of the Amenability 224 Church 236 The "Assistant" or Preacher Its New Historical Position. 236 in Charge 225 BOOK IV FROM THE ORGANIZATION" OF THE METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH TO THE FIRST REGULAR GENERAL CONFERENCE, 1785-1792. CHAPTER I. Primitive Quarterly Meetings. 247 Contests EPISCOPAL TRAVELS OF COKE AND with Slavery 247 ASBUBT, FROM THE CHRISTMAS First Conference in North Car- olina CONFERENCE TO THE FIRST REGU- 248 Coke and LAR GENERAL CONFERENCE, 17S5- Asbury Dining with 1792. W ashington 250 Position of the Church on Slav- The New Church 239 ery 250 Its Statistical Strength 240 Its Failnre 251 Its Territorial Range 240 Coke Returns to Europe 252 General Approval of the New Asbury Itinerating 252 Organization 242 In Charleston 253 Coke Journeying Northward. 243 Lays the Corner-stone of Cokes- Southward 244 bury College 254 Perils and Adventures 244 Sketch of the Institution 255 Jarratt and Slavery 246 Its Destruction by Fire 259 CONTENTS. Pagre Page Coke in Europe 260 Conversion of Edgar Wells.. 299 He is Attacked by Charles Methodism founded in Charles- Wesley 260 ton 300 Vindicated by John Wesley. 260 The First North Carolina Con- Projects Methodist Missions.. 260 ference 301 The Wesleyan Mission Scheme Deplorable Fate of Beverly an Inspiration of the Christ- Allen 302 mas Conference 260 Lee advances northward and Coke Sails with Missionaries prepares to enter New En- for Nova Scotia 261 gland 303 Providential Adversities 261 Thomas Ware on Salem Cir- Sublime Results 264 cuit, N. J 305 West India Methodist Mis- Conversion of Captain Sears. 306 sions 264 Review of Two Years 307 " Emancipation Eve '' 265 Ware in the State of New York 308 Coke at the First South Caro- Striking Examples of his Use- lina Conference 266 fulness 308 Methodism in the Further His Adventures among the South 267 Holston Mountains 309 Coke Itinerating 267 He Labors in North Carolina.
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