. V? Four Page Colored 20 Pages Today Comic Section Three Sections •Ml,. XIII, No, 2 WOODBRIDGE, N. J., FRIDAY, MARCH 20, 1931 PRICE THREE CENTS CONTROVERSY ON ZONING PLAN CONTINUES Board To Purchase ROTARY HEARS MAN HURT WHEN DISCOURSE ON TRUCK SMASHES PROPERTY OWNERS IN Fire Extinguishers FOREIGN CLUBS INTOCOAL CAR BATTLE ON ZONING OF For Various Schools Robert Coan Tells Of Customs Hits Moving Freight Train At Of English and French St. George Avenue Crossing. Report Show* Only Two In All Schools In The Entire Town- Clubs. Talk Interesting, Thrown Out Of Truck. AMBOY AVENUE FROM ship, One Not In Working Condition—Required By Law- Matter Brought To Attention Of Board Through Iselin APPOINT COMMITTEES GATES NOT WORKING Complaint—Board Appropriates $500 For Baseball Robert Coan, a member of the Joseph OizerowiU, forty-nine, of GROVE TO MAIN ST. At The High School—Colonia Residents Complain faculty of Rahway high school, in Applegarth road, EnjrlishtowiL was an address to the Woodbridge Rbtn- badly injured last night at 9:20 In his report Mr, Love gave the rians yesterday noon, told of impres- o'clock, when the truck he was driv- , .,1 ()nly two fire extinguishers sions of international Rotary gained ing, owned by Jack's Quality Pro'- E. C. Moffett Has . ,' ;„ all the schools of Wood- followingg attendance record: dayys REQUESTED TO ibl 106481 d t 98 by him while abroad recently. "Theduce Market, Inc.,> of (H8 Orange , ,u,,. township although the law re-possible, 106,481; days presentr , 98,- fellowship, friendship and ideals of street, Newark, crashed into a mov- ,,..• them in all educational insti- 886%; ; dayys abBent,, 6,50, 04 M Mavei ; r ! service exist the same across the ing freight train at the St. George Article In "Steel" ' !. ,,n< waa brought out at the meet- age attendanced , 5,470470. percent of at-sea as they do here, but conduct at avenue crossing of the Philadelphia , uf the Board of Education Mon- SIGN_PETIT1ONS tendance, 93.74; times tardy, 310;the meetings is a bit different," said and Reading raifroad. Woodbridge Man Ranked .'•,'. night, by Roy E. Anderson. total enrollment, 6,148; vocational Mr. Coan. Oieierowitz was rushed to the With Leading Metallurgists C. F. Schrimpe Fires Opening Shot In Renewing Of Heated of these, Mr. Anderson re- school 50; pupils transported by bus, "In the Englis__.._h. clubs," continue__d_ Bahway Hospital by Frank McMil- .,1, is in the Hopelawn school, 827; pupils' transported by trolley, the Rahwayan, "the Rotarians do notllan, of 16 Temple.place; Irvuigton, In Country. Battle On Zoning Of Green Street Territory—CommiMton contains no- fire-extinguishing 14. call each other by first names as we where he was found to be suffering other, he said, is in work- Dr. J. Ji Collins' report for Keaa- by n Hears Edgar Hill Requests—Sewaren Man Favors and is in the Avenel do here, nor do they sing. However, from possible fractures ef the skull In the March issue of "Steel," bey and Hopelawn showed 378 exam- they do stand and give a toast to and shoulder, cuts and lacerations published principally for those in- Scrapping Of Ordinance—Sayi Commission Not inations in Keasbey, with 36 defects, about the head and shock. He was . hoard decided ten purchase ne- the King. That, I believe, is equiv- terested in the production, proces- Getting Consensus Of Opinion At Public Hear. I tii 2 cardiac cases, 30 tonsil and 2 den- given medical attention by Dr. Or- .' lire extinguishers at the next alent to the singing of "America" sing, distribution and use of that -iiry tal cases. In Hopelawn there were ton. His condition ts said to be fair. ing*—Other Suggestion* and Objection!. and Mr. Anderson was in-512 examinations with 28 defects, 2 here in United States. The toast is Metal, E. C. Moffett, of 118 Pros- cardiac, 1 skin and 25 tonsil cases. not directed toward the King as an The gates at the crossing were pect street, Woodbridge, a member |' to ascertain tfie number re- individual, but toward the country out of order. Anthony Ragucci, of of the Board of Education and a Upon"th« continuance of the squabble relative to the zon- Three sets of History of New Jer as a whole. The meetings are very Port Reading, the gateman, had flag- well-known resident of the township, „.. matter of flre extinguishers »ey booKs were accepted by the dignified" ' the motor traffic with a lantern. has a lengthy article entitled "New ing of the territory between Grove avenue and Main street on brought before the board by E. board, two for Woodbrldg« and one ..Whna in Tm, England," Mid the. o. ite aide of the tracks, Carburizing Bath Affords Increase Amboy avenu*, it was decided by the zoning commission at KnsiifnOnnign,, didistricr t clerk, at its last for the Fords schools. Mr. Coan, "I went to the secretary it is doub ul if he could be seen by In Depth of Case." The story, of ,.(,nK after Mr. Ensign's attention Professor 'Love gave a short talk i of Rotary there. He was a jeweler. Oizerowitz. About four or five, cars course, is purely a technical one, but its second public hearing Monday night, in the Municipal , been directed to a complaint by on his recent trip to Detroit. 11 was given a fine reception, and of the train, which was traveling into ranks with the feature articles in building, to have the property owners interested in having It Mattenson, president of the ise- He also announced that he will after the meeting, the secretary took Port' Reading, had passed the cross-the magazine, Republican Club, that there were make a building survey of the entire me through the Cathedral at Truo ing, when the truck, traveling south Mr. Moffett, of the American the section zoned either .residential or business, present a ii- lire extinguisher. s in the portable township which will cover expansion and showed me various other points crashed into a loaded coal car. Cyanamid Company, is reconteed as signed petition embodying their respective wishes in order .. .,1.1s of Ieelinli . for the next fifteen years. He stated of interest. Oizerowitz was thrown clear of theone of the leading metallurgists in II11- Board also held its annual re- that while in Detroit he met John I "In London, at a Rotary luncheon, demolished truck which was tossed the country and is constantly pressed that the commission may arrive at a solution to the problem. ,„ (Mnization meeting, the same of- Kuhn, former Woodbridge high I sat next to Sidney Pasquale, a very to one side of the toad. It is sup-with demands to address men wh©The zoning map presented in the proposed ordinance, calls i,,".^ being chosen. They are Mel-school .student, who is now a teacher, distinguished figure in Rotary Inter- posed that neither the engineer nor rank foremost in the various steel > ii H. Clum, president; Maurice P. in that city. I national. The speaker at this meet- the fireman heard the crash, for theindustries in the country. Only last for a Class A Residence zoning of these lands. Mr. Dunigan reported that con- in* was Lord Barrington. He wastrain did not stop. The freight wu Monday, the Woodbridge man ad- h irnpan,- vice-president; E. C. En- a After more than an hour of bicker- property owners of the Green street jn. district clerk, and Albert Lar- struction work on the first floor of '' that one would expect a lord to in charge of Conductor Bleacher dressed a meeting at Cleveland, ing, arguing and the voicing of vari- section of Woodbridge, petition your i custodian of school funds. Com- new Public School No. It is well un-| Continued on page four and Engineer Orth, both of Norris- Ohio, on technical steel matters. ous opinions, Chairman of the zoning body to recommend to the Township • iiiucs will be named at the next dcr way and that work ifl progress- town, Pa, commission, Thomas J. Moran, called Committee for passage of the lonlnr HI • tinj;. inff favorably. | Officer Andrew Simonsen investi- for a vote from the property owners plan as it is now constituted; that L it was announced that the Easter The matter of increasing teachers' < gated the accident. The wrecked in the section mentioned. When itto say, that that section of StIE - truck was towed to the Speedway was discovered that some who were r.,,;;liays will begin on .Thursday, salaries was discussed, and it was do-1 Benefit Show To George avenue from Grove avenue April 2, Bnd reopen on Wednesday, cided that although the Board had Garage. not property owners or residents to Main street, Woodbridge, be con- April K. School sessions will close for sufficient funds at its disposal, the were rising for th« voU, and that sidered as grade "A" residential ter- i „ year on June 19, with a total of matter should be laid on the table ' Enlists In Navy Be Given Toujght things were in a gentral state of ritory. lyj'iiays credited. This is one dayuntil next meeting In view of the ex-. chaos, the commission, through its "We take this position for two dis- II.IIVC than the number required by isting business depression. J. W. Einhorn, Of Fulton KNIGHTS HOSTS tinct reasons: law. Superintendent of Schools John WilBam T. Farr headed a delega- "(a) We believe that this suction A. Love reported. St t Apprentice Seaman By Avenel Arts and Crafts some renewed, were heard by Mr.is distinctly residential. Mr. Love announced that 58 of the tion of Colonia residents who com- TO CHAPTER AT Moran, the chairman and other mem- "(b) A large majority of us were JI seniors of the high school will RO plained about the manner in which Enjoys New Lire.
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