I S O L A T I O N 1 I S O L A T I O N INDEX 04 . OPENING 06 . OVERVIEW 10 . SPEECHES War and occupation 15 .. Embargo, threat of war and lawlessness 17 .. Isolation of Prisoners 20 .. Political isolation in the USA 24 .. Isolation and international-scale torture 28 .. Breaches of rights to resistance and organisation 37 .. Tribunal: Isolation, black list and law 46 . PRISONER’S MESSAGES 48 . NEWSFLASH F-Type prisons - Turkey Prison repression - Basque country Anti-terrorlaws and black lists - Belgium & Denmark 50 . CONCLUSION 2 I S O L A T I O N IV INTERNATIONAL SYMPOSIUM AGAINST ISOLATION POLITICS December 16th – 19th 2005 Cinéma Espace, Paris FOREWORD Politically spoken, the term isolation is in Turkey, occurred in December 2000, in led to concrete ideas and plans for an in- usually linked to physical and social which 28 revolutionary prisoners putting ternational collaboration. Characteristic seperation of political prisoners. But ex- up resistance to their transfer to new built of all the International Symposiums periences made by political fighters for F-type prisons were killed by guards in against Isolation was a strong spirit of op- freedom and democracy all over the charge of this transfer. timism and an excitingly demonstrated world show, that isolation is more exten- and expressed solidarity among all partic- sive than we might think. In addition to ipants. the isolation of political prisoners, isola- In this brochure you find all the speeches tion also includes the act of ignoring and held at the IV International Symposium silencing any kind of political resistance against Isolation, which was held in Paris. by non democratic means, among which The speeches are, as well as the event it- we find black lists, „anti-terror“ laws, ar- self was, in thematical order. The first tificial borders, embargos, declarations of chapter is about isolation of peoples and war, wars per se and the negation of dem- countries; the second about isolation of ocratic rights. As we can see, the impact political prisoners. In the third chapter of isolation is not only felt by the people you find the isolation of political move- mounting political resistance, but also felt Istanbul: Thousands against the 19th December massacre ments and organisations, while the fourth in any kind of oppositional political work; is about isolation in general, black lists isolation is a self-defense tool of imperi- In Turkey 4.500 revolutionaries are kept and „anti-terror“ laws. alism. in prision; most of them witout any com- IPAI Since 2002, both people and organisa- prehensible charge and exposed to torture c/o Stiftgasse 8 tions personally affected by isolation and and isolation. F-type prisons are exem- A-1070 Vienna different international movements, inter- plarily for the politics of destroying oppo- [email protected] ested in linking their struggles with oth- sitional thoughts and association. The ers, meet once a year at the "International struggle of the revolutionary prisoners Symposium against Isolation" to ex- and their families and friends outside con- change experiences and in order to find a tinues for 6 years without interruption a way to practice solidarity. nd took the lives of 121 people. The "International Symposium against While the focus of the first and the second Isolation" is organized by the "Interna- symposiums, which took place in Noord- tional Platform against Isolation" and wijk in 2002 and Florence in 2003, was takes place every year around December on exchanging experiences and ideas, the 19th and 22nd. This date was not chosen third and fourth, which took place in by chance. It reminds the prison massacre Berlin (2004) and Paris (2005), already Mr. Ahmed Ben Bella, honorary president of the symposium 3 I S O L A T I O N OPENING by the International Platform against Isolation WAR – OCCUPATION – text to protect the world from the commu- build up the ideological base for the fas- EMBARGO nists. These organisations were united in cist, imperialist aggression. If the words the whole world under the umbrella of the are in place, the propaganda mechanism, The reality of today is: It is attempted to NATO. The pentagon has started to work that Hitler tried to create with Göbels, has bend and enslave the peoples by deaths, as a central base of these organisations. been applied with the international press blood, tears, torture, poverty and misery. Besides the armaments and war prepara- agencies and the TV, radio, newspapers From the slavery society until today, the tions in the colonialized countries and the and magazines, shortly with a huge medi- fate of humanity and of the people is de- other allied countries with imperialists, al army of all countries. Showing the so- termined by always bigger destructions the armies of these countries have been cialist block as target, they wanted to keep and massacres. re-educated on the base of the war against the people who were fighting for inde- While technology is developing with cap- the entire people, and they were formed pendence, democracy and socialism all italism, also the ruthlessness and greed both for a civil war and if requested as a over the world under their control and to for profit of the exploiters have increased. force of aggression against socialist coun- continue the system of exploitation and We even could say that the ruin and mas- tries. repression. sacres during wars of the past are nothing The police organisations in these coun- in comparison with those nowadays. Ac- tries had been fed as well with a fascist NEW WORLD ORDER, tually, the number of war victims is not at ideology, hostile to the people, and they GLOBALISATION ETC… thousand, but it is at hundred thousands were transformed into organisations of and millions. torture and massacres. The secret servic- In the period after the fall of the socialist While even during the Second Imperialist es, military and civil intelligence organi- block, exploitation and terror practises Distribution War, which is known as the sations have been recruited appropriate to have reached a higher dimension. biggest war, the number of those who lost their lives had been twenty or thirty mil- lions, more than a million children have lost their lives just as a result of the 1st Gulf War. Again on the African continent, which doesn’t really interest anyone, in the civil war that was incited by the imperial- ist forces, millions of people where brutal- ly murdered within a very short period. Some hundred of millions of people have lost their lives in the course of regional and civil wars, provocations, embargos, bombardments as well as poverty and hunger which have intensified by the im- perialist exploitation after the 2. Imperial- ist Distribution War. EAST BLOCK, COLD WAR While imperialism on one hand attempts the same aggression mechanism and they The end of the existence of the socialist to rule the entire people by intimidating were formed as professional murderers countries, which imperialism had to take them with occupation, provocations and and provocateurs against the people. to account in its attack against the people, wars, it has carried out a politics of paral- Apart from these military organisations, the imperialist aggression has increased. ization by border violations and sabotages both in support of World Bank, IWF etc. While attacks, like the bombardments on and by unlimited armaments and war institutions on economical level, and in Yugoslavia or the occupation of threat. In order to develop nuclear support of the collaborating fascist leader- Afghanistan and Iraq, couldn't be made weapons that could wipe out the whole ships, there has been the attempt to create during the existence of the socialist mankind, it has strongly increased its ex- a mass basis for them by organising par- Block, today countries can be bombed, ploitation on the entire people. At the ties and civil fascist organisations in each mineral resources and wealth of a country same time it couldn't give up to strength- country. can be plundered and occupied based on en the fear of the "communist ghost over The press institutions were made com- information of the CIA. the world". pletely dependent during that period and In these wars there are used napalm It has created counterguerilla organisa- they were used very efficient in order to bombs, depleted uranium and humane tions in every single country, with the pre- distort the knowledge of the people and to hostile weapons still experimented, but 4 I S O L A T I O N the countries and people who suffer from ciless war and occupation politics and to peoples; black-lists' and anti-terror laws these attacks are neither allowed to raise bring the future of the people under against popular movements and organi- their voices nor to explain their problems mortgage. sations; isolation torture and terror to the world public. Iraq is not the single example. The same against. Free Algiers’ first president For instance, in Iraq, it has been proven politics have been used in Afghanistan Ahmed Ben Bella was the honorary pres- that there were no nuclear or chemical and Yugoslavia. Today, also Cuba, Korea, ident of the 4th International sympo- weapons found. Syria, Iran and others are on the list of sium, where revered experts, institutions With the isolation politics by means of the targets. and organisations participated. Former imperialist and collaborating media the political prisoners, prisoners’ solidarity voice of the Iraqi people was silenced, OTHERS MEAN THE organisations, lecturers, writers, resist- while the war provocateurs were shown WHOLE WORLD ance organisations, political parties were like defenders of "democracy and peace". exceptionally well represented and si- With the military surrounding by NATO- The aggression that is first of all directed multaneous interpreting to Turkish, Eng- member states and local governments by the USA, doesn't only concern these lish, French, German, Arabic and Span- who collaborate with the USA, such as countries.
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