‐一 ‐ OFFICE OF THE EXE( ‐一 PUBLIC HEALTH ENGINE 「 KⅡAIRPUR cD RANIPUR ‐一 | || NO GB/TC/KHP/ Of2015 1 1 ‐ | ‐」」 KHAIRPUR D「 : / 12015 1 1 」」 NOTiCE INVITING TENDERS ‐ S ¨ ¨ R S O ¨D B Y Ш ¨ P R O C (SBI)S) 一 (SPrRA) ¨‐ F S ‐ N D H P E R ¨ E R A T S T 一F SINDH PERCENTAGE RATE)ARE HERE BY nゞ V「IED FROM THE Tゞ TEF ¨ E R ¨S/CONTRACTORS/COMPANIES FOR THE WORKS LIST ATЪ ヽCHED llN ULES 2010 Estimated Earnest Tender S# Name ofSchemes Pcrlod Cost Monev F€e OPERAT10N&MAINTENAN CE R u al Drainage scheme Muhammad J i l 16,22,000 32,440 3000/‐ 3 Months Vahan Taluka Gambat R u 2 al Drainage scheme Khimitia T a 12,58,000 25,160 1500/‐ 3 Months uka Cambat R u 'al Taluka , C Drainage scheme Ripiri a 17,79,000 35,580 3000ハ 3 Months nbat R u 4 'al Drainage scheme Daraza Shreef I a 14,00,000 28,000 1500/― 3 Monthr ka Gambat Ru 5 'al Drainage scheme Mehro W 29,38,000 58,760 3000/‐ 3 Montlls han Taluka Gambat ´ R 0 u al Drainage scherne Bharo Taluka G a 13,86,000 27,720 3000/‐ 3 ヽ4ont nbat h | 7 -al Drainage scheme Jado wahan Ta 13,34,500 26,690 3000/― 3 1vlt・ nt SI uka Gambat R u 8 -al Drainage schene Khrirah T a 14,00,000 28,000 1500/‐ : l,1ontlls uka Thari Mirwah R‐‐ Nao Goth 19 鋼 ral Drainage scheme 5,00,000 10000 1500/― 3 ヽ46ntlls rito Taluka sobhodero R t ‐ 1() al Drairage scheme Sami Taluka S 。 5,00,000 10,000 1500/― 3lvlontlis rhodero | R 1 Drainage scheme Niwaro T ral 5,00,000 10,000 1500/― 3 Montlis ヽuka Sobhodero つ scheme Umb Taiuka ||| おral Drainage 5,00,000 101000 1500/‐ 3 1NIonths ||| )hodero 一Ⅵ l T lc blank tcndcr forms call bc had floi thc ollicc of tllc undcrsigncd dllring otrlcc 一 on payment of the tender fee, specilied | | 一 hours on any working day uP to ; ■ allainst each work. | | い 2 ThOtclld∝ s輛 ■b6Ecdvcd b¨ kon kュ | || . | g 1:磁 ∬鴇 tlc samc day at 2 00 P M iftllC undcr● 魚轟島f胤胤島 躍 ||‐ | ODcla6d 6n thc ncn dtt ln caSC thC tcndcrs ac callccllc″ rclcctcd Or non rcsponded | tltc ncxt datcs for issuc and opcning、 vill bc as undcr 2"danempti. lssueon 5,Q/Dqll) & openingon R | lhe bidders uho will provide follo\ ing documEnts/inlormatton are eligible to 駐 nirticiDate as Der SPPRA rules 2010 'ii. tendcr ド vatia registration ceflificate of Pakistan tngineering CoLncil for the amount and releva.nt natue ofwork. i/. Full name, permanent addrcss, telephone and fax numbers, e-mail and tht organizational shlcture. V Bio-data of Technical staff employed and to be made available for working on the project. V Details ofworks executed du ng the last five years including copy of certificate for satisfactory completion of$'orks by client. Documentary proof and ownership of available machinery and T&P. List, scope and approximate cost ofworks in hand. Finance stability certificate issued by a scheduled BanI. Affidavit in which the bidder undertakes that it is not involved in any litigation' Affrdavit in which it should be undetaken that the information provided is tnrie atld corrcct xii Affldavit tllat tlle biddcr has not bccn lstcd by any Govcmmcn7Sc■ i Covcnlnlm7ハ■onomous body xlii Rcgistration Oく TN Cc■ illcatc)from incOlllc Tax Dcpallmclltincluding CNIC 4 ihc camcst moncy spcciflcd would bc plcdgcd in tllc llalnc of Exccutlvc Enginccr, PHE DivLion No II Kharpur@Raniptlr in ulc shapc of Cal DcpOsi壼 Om any schcdulcd bank and must bc atachcd with bid documcnts,otllcrtvisc it will not b0 cnt ltalncd 5 if inl17parncr illvolvcd in partncrqllip dcCd,thcn complctc dctalls/instmctioh alld ´ o 儡 棚 Wi蹴 譜訛 l路‖ 7 血 面¨ぴ ■le pro9ェ ing agcncy m響 ●eCt all or al群精鱚 ょょ 四 PPIしヽrtllcs 8 ヽVolks、vill bc cal ncd‐ outaspcIPWDspcciflcations l | 豚 TCυ″ 昭 銀 銀 EER PUBL/Ci“ンιr″ p`G〃√EER力VG Dr/R D/レZSrO'√ 〃SA力 慰DυR@M'V力 釦 〕V fOWarded with colnphments loト ■ Cο Z71S“kkffF C″:グ Z″g"“ P“ た″′αtt E電i″ 7カ α″″′″″興■′グ 勧″ らわ 電 '″ “'ψ “ , b"ルrf7771 E"“ ル助雄″ルアク げルお 轟宅懲傷解ウ "″ "飲 ■ =織 =跳幣′盤 rr.aめ ″α″′ル″ο心 器福 鰍: ″rTお Isο で″麗:鷲寛鳥 誂Z躙 解 iVθ aFrrr″ ″″″CD orr/1お “ ∬ “ 4椛“ 批鶴霧1躙鷲鷲驚I鸞 :イ εο″Rο 7Kαrα `71∴ “ “ ;rl″ ″s'c′ α″″1′ ″た ″ K71α7rp″ ァル riψ ′″ ″ο ″″θ″ “ la面葛5島 暉3″″c″ r7acα クル′ "′ "ψ 7a G7Fl′ο NO″ε″Bθ αra “ 詭 cυf7アε ttS`EER Pυ′″C IE4ι rHDやG力VEauヽc ν′ ■m嘔4/RP駅 @M″7P駅 ….
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