Publication of Mission Trails Regional Park Foundation MMiissssiioonn TTrraaiillss RR ee gg iioonnaall PP aarrkk NN ee ww ss Volume 15 Number 4 Fall/Winter 2004 New M ission Trails W elcome to Featured Tracking Team David Lee Park Inhabitant After four years of working Coyote with m em bers of the San Diego Tracking Team on m onitoring criti- You gotta love W ile E. Coyote! cal wildlife corridors in Mission His antics and misadventures, trying to Trails Regional Park the Mission catch the speedy roadrunner, have enter- Trails Tracking Team (MTTT) has tained us for years. As ridiculous as he been born! It started as a data- may seem, he manages to cheat death as gathering m ission to help insure he exhibits his cunning and stamina. But proper wildlife protection in the W ile E. inhabits a cartoon world and event of future widening of SR 52 possesses only a few of the positive adjacent to Mission Trails. Now it traits of his real world brethren. has blossom ed into a twenty-two Coyote cunning and crafti- person team of enthusiastic track- ness are legendary as is evident in ers chom ping at the bit to hit the countless Native Am erican stories trails, learn new skills and m ake a and songs. These tales usually tell positive difference. Our new track- of the coyote using his talents to ing team , m any of whom are ex- get the better of various wildlife perienced Trail Guides, will join David Lee joined Mission neighbors or of their beating him at the core of dedicated trackers and Trails Regional Park in May his own gam e. Its innate intelli- bring their unbridled enthusiasm 2004 as Center Director I at the gence and opportunism have en- to our team . This should help us Kum eyaay Lake Cam pground. abled the coyote to prosper and ex- expand from three transects to His responsibilities include m an- pand its territory, from the prairies m any m ore throughout our ever- aging the operation of the and arid west, by capitalizing on expanding park. Kum eyaay Lake Cam pground as the European people’s expansion This is a critical tim e for well as assisting the Ranger Mission Trails with open space ex- staff. He has worked for the City Coyote, continued on p. 4 pansion plans and land acquisition of San Diego Park and Recrea- in high gear. Now is the tim e to tion Departm ent for eight years. get it all in place to have a baseline David spent three years working to m onitor future changes. The as an Assistant Center Director MTTT program brings people from for the Martin Luther King Jr. all walks of life, with a com m on Recreation Center and Mountain love of California’s unique habitats View Recreation Center. He en- and wondrous critters together to joys playing basketball, spending learn and then share their knowl- tim e with fam ily, friends, dog edge with park patrons from all and pet lizard and being part of over the world. Tracking skills the Mission Trails Team . David enhance their insatiable curiosity. is a valued addition to our staff Without the Penasquitos/San and we welcom e him into the Tracking, continued on p. 4 MTRP fam ily. PAGE 2 MISSION TRAILS VOLUME 15 NUMBER 4 A Message From Mission Trails Regional Park Foundation Councilm em ber Jim Madaffer Board of Directors We rely on m em ber Shirley Horton, I am urg- Joseph C. Morse ing our California legislators to President grants and Nancy Acevedo private fund- oppose the Controller’s rescinding Vice President ing as well as of grant funds and support return- Dorothy Leonard allocations ing of those grant funds. Secretary Treasurer While I applaud the State’s from the City Jim Austin of San Diego efforts to be fiscally responsible Marjorie Ferrante for Mission Trails Regional Park and dem onstrate good stewardship Gene Hatton (MTRP). As you can im agine, it over taxpayer’s m oney, I believe Gary Krueger, O.D. they have gone overboard in this W alter Odening, Ph.D. was very alarm ing when the J. Carlto Morse II State of California recently de- case by changing the rules in the Betty Ogilvie cided to renege on prom ised fund- m iddle of the gam e. It’s clear this Johnnie Perkins ing for parks. The State Control- is m ore an issue of the State Park W illiam L. Sperling, M.D. and Recreation Director and the Donald E. Steele ler rescinded $15 m illion in un- Connie W ood spent m oney on park projects. State Controller locked into a fight The State Controller is trying to with our park caught in the cross- Advisors change the rules from requiring fire. The MTRP Foundation has Patrick Abbott, Ph.D.. done an exceptional job in applying Professor, Departm ent of Geological that projects receiving state fund- Sciences ing be com pleted in three years for, receiving and adm inistrating San Diego State University instead of five years. This applies grants. Dorothy Leonard, Secre- Hon. Sue Braun to grants that already have tary/Treasurer of the Foundation, San Diego City Schools Board M em ber, deserves special kudos. Also, I Retired signed contracts. This action will Hon. Jim Ellis affect 14 projects. These con- think that the City of San Diego California State Senator, Retired tracted state-funded projects are staff who work at the park as well Hon. Barry Jantz now under way, on tim e, and a as those who work on behalf of the Council M em ber, City of La M esa park are outstanding. Hon. Lucy Killea priority to our com m unities. President and CEO He also singled out four There is no justifiable rea- International Com m unity Foundation,, grants for in-depth audits. One of son for withholding state grant Retired those four in question is a m oney awarded to MTRP and I California State Senator Retired intend to fight on behalf of our Hon. Jim Madaffer $985,000 grant to the MTRP Council M em ber, City of San Diego Foundation. The allocation was treasured park. I urge you to as Hon. Judy McCarty for the first phase of the new well. Please write your legislator Council M em ber, City of San Diego, East Fortuna Equestrian Staging and tell them you want funding Retired restored to all park projects in the Hon. Dick Murphy area. M ayor, City of San Diego The situation m ay have City of San Diego. Michael R. Pent changed by the tim e you read As always, I welcom e hear- Past Chair M ission Trails Citizens' this. However, what I want you ing your com m ents regarding Mis- Advisory Com m ittee sion Trails Regional Park or any Citizens' Advisory Com m ittee to know is this. 1) Ultim ately, it Past President M ission Trails Regional appears MTRP won’t be severely other issue. Call m e at (619) 236- Park Foundation affected. We, m eaning the City of 6677 or send an em ail to jm adaf- Hon. Larry Stirling San Diego and the MTRP Foun- [email protected]. I invite you to Superior Court Judge, retired California State Senator, Retired dation have already spent a m a- visit m y Web site at Jim Madaf- jority of the state grant m oney fer.com . and the project is steadily m oving forward toward com pletion. I am optim istic that the audit will Recycle your glass, plastic show there are no problem s with this project. I should point out and alum inum at Kum eyaay Lake that the state did withhold the Cam pground. Containers are located final installm ent of nearly in the day-use parking lot. $100,000 for this project. 2) In partnership with State Assem bly- VOLUME 15 NUMBER 4 MISSION TRAILS PAGE 3 Closed to cam ping KK uu mm ee yy aaaayy LL aakk ee CC aamm pp gg rroouu nndd Tuesdays & W ednesdays break apart that jum bled m ass of Tracking Tidbits hair and bones to find all the as- Squirrel Tactic sorted treasures that tell us Mission Trails "speaks" to where the anim al has been, what I’d like to share a study I read us all the tim e. There isn't a trail he has been eating recently from the California Acad- that doesn't tell us som ething and how healthy em y of Sciences/UC about the wildlife that live here. his hom e range is Davis. It seem s that Tracks and signs are everywhere; right now? our cuddly, we just have to open our senses to Best of all, "defenseless" Califor- "hear" it. Som etim es it's a whisper it's som ething eve- nia ground squirrels - a bent twig showing a deer ryone can find! have developed a stopped to nibble on som e m us- The trick is - it warning that only a tard; som etim es it's a shout - a always com es back rattlesnake could distinct bobcat track in m ud or to this - listening love; the first delib- deep deer rubs on a willow trunk. with all our erate anim al signal Of course, m y favorite is scat! senses; becom ing known to be com m u- What easier way to engross (and m ore aware and- nicated via heat! gross out!) the younger set on sensitive to our your interpretive walks than to im m ediate environm ent.
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