IN THE COURT OF THE DRCS (MARKETING) IN THECOURTOFTHE DRCS(MARKETING) OFFICEOFTHEREGISTRAROF CO-OPERATIVESOCIETIES,ODISHA, BHUBANESWAR OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR OF CO-OPERATIVE SOOETIES, ODISHA, BHUBANESWAR DISPUTE CASE NO.-287/2019 DISPUTECASENO.-286/2019 IN THEMAnER OF: IN THE MAnER OF: MANAGINGDIRECTOR, MANAGING DIRECTOR, ...............PLAINTIFF ODISHASTATECOOPERATIVEBANK LTD•.• ......... PlAlNTIFF ODISHASTATECOOPERATIVEBANKLTD......... -:Versus:- -iversus.. Smt. Namita Pattnaik & others .. .........DEFENDANTS Sisir Kumar Mishra & another ..... ......... OEFENDANTS Dated: 18.11.2020 No.21161 legal-I (B) Qated:18.1L2020 No.21159 Legal-liB) To To 1) Smt. Namita Pattnaik, W/o- Basanta KumarSahoo Sisir Kumar Mishra, 5/0 - Harihar Mishra 11 Prop- Tarini Art & Craft Prop-MIs Sangam Electrlcals Present Address: Permanent Address: Plot No.- 584, Trimurty Bhawan , SaheedNagar, At· 5amuka Sahi,P.O/PS, Ranpur, Dist - NaYilgarh,PIN-752026 Bhubaneswar, Dist- Khordha M... Def. No.1 Present Address: Plot No.3, NearDAVSchool.Unit - 8, 2) Asit Kumar Pattnaik M••• Det. No. 1 PO/PS-Nayapalli,Bhubaneswar ·751012, Dist- Khordha OffiteAddress: Asit Kumar Pattnaik, Steno 21 Naruttam Kanhar 010 - Ex.Engineer,Civil Works Division,O.S.E.B Mahila IVikasSamabaya Nigam Bhoi Nagar, Bhubaneswar- 7, Dist- Khordha M.M... Def. No.2 Present Address: Qr.No. VII/7, Unit- 1, AG Square, PO- G.P.O. PS- Capital 3) Manjushree Pattnaik, Wlo- Asit Kumar Pattnaik ghubaneswar, Dist - Khordha .....Def. No.2 Present Address: Plot No. 584, Trimurty Bhawan, SaheedNagar, Whereas, the Odisha State Co-operative Bank ltd, (Plaintiff) has preferred the dispute caseu/~68 of Shubaneswar, Dist- Khordha M...... Oef. No.3 O.(.S Act -1962 for passingan award of Rs.3,18,412/- (Rupees Three Lakh Eighteen Thousand Four Hundred Twelve) onty as on 31.12.2018 against you with further interest and cost. Whereas notice Whereas, the Odisha State Co-operative Bank Ltd, (Plaintiff) has preferred the dispute case u/s-68 of issued to you by R.P. with A.D. returned un-served. Now therefore, take notice through this O.(.S Act -1962 for passingan award of Rs.2,25,811/- (Rupees Two Lakh Twenty FtveThousand Elcht publication to appear before the Court IS above at 81t!Floor, Heads of Department Building, Hundred Eleven) onty as on 30.09.2018 against you with further Interest and cost Whereas notice Bhubaneswar-1 on 18.12.2020 at 11AM to defend the case failing which the matter shall be decided issuedto you by R.P.with A.D. returned un-served. Now therefore, take notice through this publication to appear before the Court as above at 81~Floor, Headsof Department Building, Bhubaneswar- 1 on on merit asper law. 18.12.2020 at 11AM to defend the casefailifll which the matter shall be dedded on merit as per law. By order of the Court Byorder of the Court S. Mohapata" S. Mohapatlra Sub - Asst. Recistrar Sub - Asst. Reclstrar Co-operative Societies,ILegal) Co-operatlve Societies, (Lepl) IN THECOURTOFTHEDRCS(MARKETING) IN THECOURTOF THE DRCS(MARKETING) OFFICEOFTHEREGISTRAROF CO-OPERATIVESOCIETIES,ODISHA, BHUBANESWAR OFFICEOFTHEREGISTRAROF CO-OPERATIVESOOETIES,ODISHA, BHUBANESWAR DISPUTECASENO.-28S/2019 DISPUTECASENO.-284/2019 IN THEMAnER OF: MANAGING DIRECTOR. IN THE MATTER OF: ODISHA STATE COOPERATIVE BANK LTD....... .••••.•••••••••PLAlNTIFF MANAGING DIRECTOR. ........•••.•.•PLAINTIFF ODISHASTATE COOPERATIVEBANK LTD . -:Versus:- Ramakant Rath& another .. ............... DEFENDANTS -:Versus:- Dated: 18.11.2020 Sri Mrutyunjaya Sethi & another . DEFENDANTS No. 21171 legal-I (B) To 11 Hotel NISAN,Prop: Ramakant Rath,S/o - Kunjakeshari Bath Permanent Address: NO.21177Legal-I (B) Dated: 18.11.2020 At- Baramunda BusStand, PO-Baramunda, PS-Khandagiri Bhubaneswar, Khurda To Present Address: 1) Sri Mrutyunjaya Sethi, Slo - KashinathSethi Plot No. 708, SaheedNagar, PO/PS-Saheed Nagar, Permanent Address: Bhubaneswar, Khurda . 751007 M... Def. No.1 Plot No. -166, Forest Park,Bhubaneswar,751009 Present Address: Prop.-Agrani Electricals,Plot No. 83, Bapuji Nagar, 21 Binapani Rath,Wlo- Ramakant Rath Bhubaneswar,!(hurda, 751009 _...Def. No.1 Present Address: Plot No. 708, SaheedNagar, PO/PS-SaheedNagar, 21 JugalChandraNayak Bhubaneswar, Khurda- 751007 _ ..Def. No.2 Permanent Address: Plot No. 156, Unit-III, PO/PS-Kharvel Nagar Whereas, the Odisha State Co-operative Bank ltd, (ptaintiff) has preferred the dispute caseu/~68 of _...Def. No.2 Shubaneswar,Dist- Khurda O.C.SAct -1962 for passing an award of Rs. 6,41,683/- (Rupees Six Lakh Forty One Thousand Six Whereas, the Odisha State Co-operative Bank Ltd, (Plaintiff) has preferred the dispute case u/~68 of Hundred Eighty Three) only as on 30.09.2018 alalnst you with further interest and cost. Whereas O.C.SAct -1962 for passinl an award of Rl.l,02,563/- IRupees One Llkh Two Thousand Five Hundred notice issued to you by R.P.with A.D. returned un-served. Now therefore, take notice through this Sixty Three) only al on 30.09.2018 alainst you wtth further interest and cost. Whereas notice issuedto publicltion to appear before the Court as above at 8" Floor, Heads of Department Building, you by R.P.with A.D. returned un-served. Now therefore, uke notice throulh this publication to appear Bhublneswar- 1 on 18.12.2020 It 11 AM to defend the caseflilina which the matter shill be decided before the Court IS Ibove at S'" Floor, Helds of Oepartment &Uildine. Bhubaneswar-l on 18.12.2020 at on merit as per law. 11AM to defend the casefliling which the matter shall be decided on merit as per law. Byorder of the Court By order of the Court S. Moh.patlra S. Mohapatara Sub - Aut. Rec1arar Sub - Asst. Registrar Co-operatlve Societies, (Legal) Co-operative Societies,llepl) IN THECOURTOF THEDRCS(MARKETING) IN THE COURT OF THE DRCS (MARKETING) OFFICEOFTHE REGISTRAROF COOPERATIVESOCIEITIES,ODISHA, BHUBANESWAR OFFICE OF THE REGISTRAR OF CO-OPERATIVE SOCIETIES, ODISHA, BHUBANESWAR DISPUTECASENO.·281/2019 DISPUTE CASE NO.·283/2019 IN THEMAnER OF: IN THEMAnER OF: MANAGINGDIRECTOR, MANAGING DIRECTOR, ODISHASTATECOOPERATIVEBANKLTD... ... PLAINTIFF ODISHA STATECOOPERATIVEBANK lTD ........ .... PLAINTIFF -:Versus:- -:Versus:- Sri Banambar Mallick & another . • DEFENDANTS Sri Dhirendra Nath Sahoo &another . ......DEFENOANTS NOTICE No.211G3Legal-I (B) Dated:18.11.2020 No.21167 Legal-I is) Oated:18.11.2020 To To 1) Sri Banambar Mallick, 5/0 -Manguli Mallick Permanent Address: 1) Sri Dhirendra Nath Sahoo, 5/0. Late Gobinda eh. Sahao At- Singhanathpur, PO-Patapur, Banki, Cuttack Permanent Address: Present Add ress: AtjPf). Mabarampur, Via - Oolasahi, Dlst. - 8hadrak At - RegionalCollege Chhak,Anand Bazar, Present Address: Unit-IX, Bhubaneswar, Khurda "._ ••Def. No. 1 At- G-24, Unit -IV, Market Bhubaneswar, Dist - Khurda woo.Def.No.1 2) Puma Ch. Behera Permanent Address: At- HataSahi,PO-Sritramchandrapur 2) KashinathMajhi, Service PS-Sakhigopal, Dist- Purl Present Address: Qr. No.- F/90,Jayadurga Colony, Present Address: .....Def.No.2 0/0- Chief Inspector Factomists& Boilurn Finance Deptt. Unit -VlII, 8SSR __ ...Def. No. 2 Unit - III, Bhubaneswar, Khurda Whereas, the Odisha State Co-operative Bank ltd, (Plaintiff) has preferred the dispute case u/s-68 of Whereas, the Odisha State Co-operative Bank ltd, (Plaintiff) has preferred the dispute caseu/s-G8 of O.CS Act -1962 for passingan award of As.61,S55/- IRupees Sixty One Thousand FiveHundred Fifty O.CS Act -1962 for passingan award of Rs.1,96,820/- (Rupees One Lakh Ninety Six ThouSllnd Ellht Five)only apinst as on 28.02.2018 you with further interest and cost. Whereas notice issued to you Hundred Twenty) only as on 30.09.2018 against you with further interest and cost. Whereas notice by R.P.with A.D. returned un-served. Now therefore, take notice through this publication to appear issued to you by R.P. with A.D. returned un-served. Now therefore, take notice through this before the Court asabove at 81toFloor, Headsof Department Building, Bhubaneswar- 1 on lS.12.2020 publication to appear before the Court as above at 8'" Floor, Heads of Department Building, at 11AM to defend the casefailinl which the matter shall be decided on merit as per law. Bhubaneswar- 1 on 18.12.2020 at 11 AM to defend the casefailing which the matter shall be decided on merit as per law. Byorder of the Court By order of the Court S. Mohapatar.! S. Mohtlpatara Sub - Asst. Reclstrar Sub· Asst. Re,larar Co-op.ra'ive Socleti.. , (Lopl) to-op .... Iv.Societies, (Lopl) IN THECOURTOFTHE DRCS(MARKETING) IN THECOURTOFTHEDRCS(MARKETING) OFFICEOFTHE REGISTRAROF COOPERATIVESOCIETIES,ODISHA, BHUBANESWAR OFFICEOFTHEREGISTRAROF CO-OPERATIVESOIOETIES,ODISHA, BHUBANESWAR DISPUTECASENO.·278/2019 DISPUTECASENO.·279/2019 IN THEMAnER OF: MANAGINGDIRECTOR, IN THEMAnER OF: ODISHASTATECOOPERATIVEBANKLTD... .........PLAINTIFF MANAGINGDIRECTOR, -:Versus:- ODISHASTATECOOPERATIVEBANKLTD.. PlAINTIFF .....DEFENDANTS Sri Trilochan Das& another ..... -:Versus:- Sri Surendra Nath Mantri & others. OEFENOANT5 No.21155 lOlal· I (B) Dated: 18.11.2020 To 1) Sri Trilochan Das,Slo - Bishnu CharanDas No.211S1 Legal·I(B) Oated:18.11.2020 Permanent Address: To At- Singidl, PO- Kantana, 1) SriSurendr. Nath Mantri, 5/0 - Jaladhara Mantrl Via- Rajkanika,OIst-Kendrapada Permlnent Address: Present Address: At- Kanti, PO - Baharana,Via- Balikuda, Dist. - Jagatsinghpur Hotel Kalyani,Saheed Nagar Market, _...Def. No.1 Present Address: Bhubaneswar, Khordha Plot No.- 46, JayadurgaNagar,Budheswari, Bhubaneswar,Khurda .....Def. No.1 2) Ajaya Kumar Barik, Prop- Santoshi Travels Permanent Address: 2) Bhikari CharanTarania, W/o- RamakantRath At
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