TO:- Planning Committee Councillor Terry Mason , Councillor Matt Ewart , Councillor Penny Allen , Councillor Len Bates B.E.M. , Councillor Chris Benton , Councillor Barry Bond , Councillor Mike Boyle , Councillor Jo Chapman , Councillor Bob Cope , Councillor Brian Cox , Councillor Isabel Ford , Councillor Rita Heseltine , Councillor Lin Hingley , Councillor Diane Holmes , Councillor Janet Johnson , Councillor Michael Lawrence , Councillor Roger Lees J.P. , Councillor Dave Lockley , Councillor Robert Reade , Councillor Robert Spencer , Councillor Christopher Steel Notice is hereby given that a meeting of the Planning Committee will be held as detailed below for the purpose of transacting the business set out below. Date: Tuesday, 20 August 2019 Time: 18:30 Venue: Council Chamber Council Offices, Wolverhampton Road, Codsall, South Staffordshire, WV8 1PX D. Heywood Chief Executive A G E N D A Part I – Public Session 1 Minutes 3 - 6 To confirm the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on the 16 July 2019 2 Apologies To receive any apologies for non-attendance. 3 Declarations of Interest To receive any declarations of interest. 4 Determination of Planning Applications 7 - 106 Report of Development Management Team Manager Page 1 of 120 5 Monthly Update Report 107 - 120 Report of Corporate Director Governance RECORDING Please note that this meeting will be recorded. PUBLIC SPEAKING Please note: Any members of the public wishing to speak must confirm their intention to speak in writing or e-mail to Development Management no later than 1 working day before the Committee i.e. before 12.00 p.m. on the preceding Monday. E-mails to [email protected] Please see Speaking at Planning Committee leaflet on the website for full details. Failure to notify the Council of your intention to speak may mean you will not be allowed to speak at Committee. PUBLIC ACCESS TO AGENDA AND REPORTS Spare paper copies of committee agenda and reports are no longer available. Therefore should any member of the public wish to view the agenda or report(s) for this meeting, please go to A paper copy is available for inspection at the Council Offices, Wolverhampton Road, Codsall, South Staffordshire WV8 1PX. Page 2 of 120 25 July 2019 Minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee South Staffordshire Council held in the Council Chamber Council Offices, Wolverhampton Road, Codsall, South Staffordshire, WV8 1PX on Tuesday, 16 July 2019 at 18:30 Present:- Councillor Len Bates, Councillor Chris Benton, Councillor Barry Bond, Councillor Mike Boyle, Councillor Jo Chapman, Councillor Bob Cope, Councillor Brian Cox, Councillor Matt Ewart, Councillor Isabel Ford, Councillor Rita Heseltine, Councillor Lin Hingley, Councillor Diane Holmes, Councillor Janet Johnson, Councillor Michael Lawrence, Councillor Roger Lees, Councillor Dave Lockley, Councillor Terry Mason, Councillor Robert Reade, Councillor Christopher Steel 8 OFFICERS IN ATTENDANCE Sue Frith, Jennifer Mincher, Manjit Dhillon, David Pattison 9 MINUTES RESOLVED: that the minutes of the meeting of the Planning Committee held on the 18 June 2019 be approved and signed by the Chairman 10 APOLOGIES Apologies for non-attendance were submitted on behalf of Councillors P Allen and R Spencer 11 DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST There were no declarations of interest 12 DETERMINATION OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS The Committee received the report of the Development Management Team Manager, together with information and details received after the agenda was prepared. 19/00373/FUL – 8 CROYDON DRIVE, PENKRIDGE, STAFFORD, SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE. ST19 5DW– APPLICANT – MR JOHN WAINWRIGHT – PARISH – PENKRIDGE Councillor Raven spoke as a ward member on behalf of the neighbour at no.6 and requested that the application was refused, on the grounds that The siting of the development would be likely to prejudice the amenity of the adjoining properties because it would lead to overlooking and loss of privacy, contrary to policy EQ9 of the adopted Core Strategy. Councillor Lawrence considered there were not sufficient reasons to refuse Page 3 of 120 25 July 2019 the application. Councillor Cox commented that on the site visit the proposal was viewed from no.6 and no.8 and there was no reason to think there would be interference with the amenities of no.6, the proposed ridge is lower than the existing and there would be no greater overlooking than at present. Councillor Mason asked for the photographs taken on the site visit to be shown and considered there would not be a significant loss of light to the adjoining conservatory. Councillor Holmes thought the loss of sunlight would be minimal and the proposal was acceptable. RESOLVED: that the application be approved as recommended 19/00017/OUT–LAND ON NORTH WEST SIDE, STAFFORD ROAD, PENKRIDGE – APPLICANT –STAFFORD ROAD LIMITED - PARISH - PENKRIDGE There was one speaker, John Reece, a neighbour, who spoke against the application. Councillor Jo Chapman was concerned about the lack of education places in Penkridge, had concerns about the potential access and commented that there was a very large amount of new development already in Penkridge. Councillor Ford was very concerned, as had fought the Bloor Homes application Councillor Cox commented that there was now a 5 year housing land supply, is another application on the site for 43 apartments and 11 bungalows. Education and other contributions detailed in the Officers report. There are no reasons to refuse, will vote in favour. Councillor Lees asked if the density could be conditioned. Councillor Mason said the description of the application was ‘up to 17’ and therefore a condition was not necessary. Councillor Steel commented that what is approved at outline is not always what is approved at reserved matters. Councillor Reade noted that it was a comprehensive report, supported approval as he thought an appeal would not be successful. It was recommended that condition 11 was deleted, as this could be added at reserved matters stage, if required. RESOLVED: that approval delegated to the Team Manger to issue the decision on completion of a satisfactory Section 106 Agreement and Unilateral Undertaking (UU). If these have not been achieved by 15 October 2019, this application will be referred back to the Planning Committee. Page 4 of 120 25 July 2019 Councillor Bates requested that it was recorded that he had abstained 19/00296/FUL – 2 POPLARS FARM WAY, COVEN, WOLVERHAMPTON, SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE. WV9 5EQ – APPLICANT –MR F BERTA – PARISH – BREWOOD & COVEN There were 2 speakers - Kathryn Robinson against and Mr F Berta (applicant (for) Councillor Sutton spoke as a ward member – she was opposed to the application on the grounds that it was contrary to Policies EQ1, EQ4, EQ11, Appendix 5 (Parking Standards) and Appendix 6 (Space About Dwellings). Proposal was over development of the plot, with a 4.5m long rear garden and no front garden, as it will all be parking space. Existing bungalow will lose its front garden for parking too. Questions the calculations on the size of amenity space. Councillor Bolton spoke as a ward member – insufficient area to accommodate a dwelling and the visual impact would be unacceptable. Councillor Holmes moved a motion for refusal; extra house is a different design and will spoil the character of the area. The hard standing proposed on the frontage could exacerbate flooding. Is over development of the plot. Councillor Cox seconded the motion for refusal. Proposed dwelling would be taller as all other dwellings on this side are bungalows. Out of character in the street scene. Councillor Mason supported refusal. RESOLVED: that the application was refused on the following grounds: The proposed dwelling due to its size, position, scale and massing would introduce an overly cramped form of development which would detract from the established character and appearance of this part of Coven which is largely defined by single storey properties set in spacious plots. As such it would conflict with Policy EQ11 of the Core Strategy and Section 12: Achieving well-designed places of the National Planning Policy Framework 13 MONTHLY UPDATE REPORT The Committee received the report of the Monitoring Officer informing the committee on key matters including: proposed training; changes in National policy; planning appeal decisions (with the latest planning appeal decision appended to the report); quarterly planning enforcement details; and, latest data from the Ministry of Housing Communities and Local Government. The Committee also suggested an additional training around balance of planning applications, particularly around green belt and how this is dealt with at appeal. Councillor R Reade wished to formally thank planning officer Lucy Duffy for her work with regard to 62 Spirehill Lane. Councillor C Steel asked for clarification on published enforcement cases. Page 5 of 120 25 July 2019 RESOLVED: that the Committee note the update report The Meeting ended at: 19:30 CHAIRMAN Page 6 of 120 SOUTH STAFFORDSHIRE COUNCIL PLANNING COMMITTEE - 20 AUGUST 2019 DETERMINATION OF PLANNING APPLICATIONS REPORT OF DEVELOPMENT MANAGEMENT TEAM MANAGER PART A – SUMMARY REPORT 1. SUMMARY OF PROPOSALS To determine the planning applications as set out in the attached Appendix. 2. RECOMMENDATIONS 2.1 That the planning applications be determined. 3. SUMMARY IMPACT ASSESSMENT Do these proposals contribute to specific Council Plan objectives? The reasons for the recommendation for each POLICY/COMMUNITY
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