A BATURPA7, AUGUST M, 1940 ■t TWELVB AmdtMlrr ’Etmtlnit XMaBi Av4rags Dally Clrodatlon Vor the IMoatb of Joly, 1140 How Indians Kept Warm in Nntting Time M a n e h e s ie r Alves to Shoot Open Model About Town ❖ THE TEA ROOM D a te B ook At Camp Perry Btanber cS the AoSIt lU ia, e— ttnued cool toalgM and Baieaa et OtreulatloBe Tuesday. N l M a n holdliiff tar town Home Aug. 31 Today . , aaart Mon«lay a New Tork aUte Aug. i»-24. —' TaU Cedara Joy- SUNDAY ^ A c Manchester-— A City ViUage Charm N iM n t, W alUr Chanoekl, 23, ar- land. Dougfaarty lo t b First on List of Qual- n3ad here over a week ««o for G. E. Keith Company to Next W Mk fiers for Qvilian Team V0L.LIX..N0.279 AdvartMag aa rags ItJ MANCHESTER, C0NN„ MONDAY, AUGUST 26, 1940 drialBC wiUiout a Ucenae. The Furnish Demonstra* (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE THREE CRNTB M awad waa picked up in Tor- Aug. 36-8ept 3. — K. of C. Car­ Following Trials. DINNER U U ilM ton laat night on a warrant tion Home. nival at Main strM t grounds. laaiiad here. Chanoekl had failed Cotnfaig Eveata Native Calves^ Liver and Bacon to jyiepar In court when notified. WiUiun B. Pape, of Waterbary, a meeting of the building Sept '4. — Reopening of public Roast Turkey Roast Chicken school! for 1940-41 school year. haa mailed to the men who took Kobert B. Burton. 67, of Mt. committee which haa built the paft In the trial shoot for the Con­ VaraoB. New York, waa arrested Chamber of Commerce Demon­ necticut civilian team to go to Our Menu Includes At AU-Times: hut night on Center street stration Home on High street It Camp Perry, Ohio, the names of A Variety of Roasts - Steaks and Chops ebarged with speeding. He waa waa voted to open the house, com­ Guards Back all who qualified. Highest in Um and Fresh Sea Food released for court appearance pletely furnished for p\iblic Inspec­ Massed German Raiders Make Reply when he posted a $20 bond. tion from Saturday, Aug. 31 list is' Jack Alves o f Mancheeter. through and Including Sunday, This Morning who will go to the camp. The 883 Main Street 0pp. St. James’s Church The members of the Senior Ep- Sept. 8. matcbca will be shot during the Worth League of the S. M, E. As It is a email house the fur­ first three weeks of September, "NO LIQUORS — NO BEER — JUST GOOD FOOD” ^urch will go swimming and then niture dealer aelected to fur­ ■Two Companies ArrlTe but the exact dates will be later have a hot dog roast at (Coventry nish it was drawn from a list of given to the members pf the team. lake tonight Everyone is asked those interested and the choice At Railroad Station The team from Connecticut will to be at the church promptly at fell to The G. E. Keith Furniture Shortly After Midnight be selected from among the first First British Attack on Berlin 6:80. Co. They will have complete Juris­ 14 on the list who have qualified. diction over the furnishing of the Thla la being done because six of One of 33 Indian •‘flreplacea’* found by Mathias SplMs on The Senior Epworth League of house and the equipment shown Company K, Infantry company, thoae who have qualified will be Ksg’s Hill Manchester Green (above) which were said to have BLUE CASTLE INN JL the South Methodist church will therein. and Headquarters Company, local unable to go to Perry this year, been u.->ed to heat aboriginal wigwams when the river Indiana were HOME OF GOOD FOOD meet at the church at six o’clock units of the Connecticut National because of the change In the date Bombs Paint Angry *N ight Scene in London in lowu on nutting trips threa centuries ago. o f the shoot from other years. tomorrow evening for a worship Guard, returned from camp from DINE AND DANCE [^Contracts Signed service. • With Jack Alves of Manchester S— Legion Annual northern New York this morn­ heading the list because of the STEAKS We Have the Food Hurtle Across Coast ing. high score be made In the trial he CHICKENS Tou Bring the Drinks Mr. and Mrs. Louis W. Stoltrn- (W e Fumlnh Set Ups) berg and young son of Henry The two companies left camp at will be among the team members. FRIED CLAMS No Cover Charge street, are spending their vacation Monday Night Indian Chestnut Field There is but one other Manchestn CHICKEN CHOW MEIN For 6,747 Planes; 10:30 yesterday morning' and ar­ No .Minimum Charge with Mrs. Stoltenberg’s family at man among the first 32 who quali­ BLUE PLATES rived In Manchester at 12:30 this No Corkage Charge East Sumner, Me. fied, Marcel Donze. He Is the 21st FULL COURSE DINNERS morning. The baggage car con' man on the list, but he will not go Along 30-Mile Front; Officers to Be Elected On Hill Near Horan St. 8SS EAST MIDDLE TURNPIKE — MANCHESTER The regular -meeting of Mlan- tainlng the equipment o f the two to the camp this ^ear. The team Cash Still Tied Up And Reports for the companies was set off on the side will be selected from among the tonomoh Tribe No. 58. Improved tance west of the Indian’s cabin. Order of Red Men. will be held track to the south of the passenger following: Past Year Will Be Read Fireplaces Used by Fiwt One day Mr. Rialey Invited the station and details from both com­ 1. Jack Alves. Manchester; 2. Monday night at 8 o'clock In the Mohegan Into his house for a dish Sports Center on Wcll.s .street. Re- .Viiierirans Are Still panies were imloadlng the equip, Taddy Szczepanek, Wethersfield Defense Cainimission Re-1 Average Housewife W'alks offlcor.s of succotash. Four Waves Attack freshnients will‘d•11*^ beI .served...... • after/ The annual election of ment and bringing it to the ar­ 3. E. G. Reislng, Hartford; 4. John Eight Miles Every Day of Dllworth-Comell Post. Ameri­ Intact; Named After "You like what nfkn’s succo­ mory this morning. There was ports Standing As of the meeting. J. Wilcox, Wethersfield; 5. Charles can Legion wdll be held Monday tash?” asked Rialey after the more than the usual amount of A Mohegan Indian. D. Stevens, New London; 6. Rod' Aug. 17 to Roosevelt; British Skirt Spectacu­ I .Mysterious I'lanes Engage Nazis Blast Dover, Chan* night at 8 o’clock In the Legion meal. equipment to be unloaded this ney L. Belden, West Hartford; 7. IVe H av e Boston, Aug. 26.—(d')—Here's The Brotherhood of ti^eSfmamiel ” Him all right but not like Kag s good one for housewives to I In Sky-Writing Task lAitheran church will^Jtmd its an­ Home. Leonard street. Annual morning as the Headquarters E. J. Baird, New Haven; 8. R. S. Funds for Aircraft lar German Anti-Air­ nel ‘Hell Comer’, Within a few weeks the fall squaw make. You come Kag’s spring on husbands who com­ nual outing this afttunoofi at the reports of aU Legion committees Company Is called upon to carry JosionowskI, New London; ;9. M. will be read and tiled at the meet­ house - you like succotash she plain how hard they work. craft Fire to Drop i lytmiijn, Aug. 26.—1.^; .Mys- Boy Sebut eftmp' site on \Birch frosts will have started to paint much more In the way of equip­ R. Canfield, Wethersfield; 10. J. 8. Program Await Pass­ Folkestone and South ing, and the final vole on the pro­ make aure.” ment than the Infantry company. Eowler, New London; 11. William ; Dr. Rudolph G. Johanson, teriou.x sky-writing planex were Mountain roaiK Gars will leavV^hc posed change in the post by-laws the woodlands, with reds and yel­ Indian Succotash age of Defense Bill.. Incendiary Bombs on j reported over a southeast Eng­ Forelanil; Hitler Sends church between i and 2 o'clock for The members of the company were O. Breuler, New Haven; 12. John l Oakland, Calif., reported tb the will be taken. lows ending the growth of all sum­ One day Rialey was in the neigh­ land town this morning, those \yhb desire transportation. kept at the Armory and It will be T. Sullivan, New London; 13. Carl 2000 Used National Association of Chiro­ Fringe of City; Popu­ Bombers Toward Lon* borhood of K ag’s cabin on the hill The officers named by the post mer flowers and garden things. late this afternoon before they podists today that the average i The planes first made what at meal time and he told the In­ R., Green, Wethersfield; 14. i Bulletin! nominating committee and to be Already the evening air hints at will be dismissed. lation Huddles in O I- looked like a giant question don Sixth Time in 3 ra Young of 77 Garden dian couple he waa ready for hla Charles K. Rhodes, Wethersfield; I housewife walks eight miles a submitted to the post for a vote Wa.shington, Aug. 26.— day in dusting, sweeping, shop­ mark, then followed with an et Is visiting her cou.sln, Jean blackened tomato vines and beans I m#al of succotash the way the Another Camp 15. A. J. Wallace, Wethersfield; lars and .Shelters Three Monday night are; Commander, (A P ) — Chairman Sheppard ping. etc. arrow p<jinling down toward Days; Fail to Pene* Morgan of Danbury.
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