The Boggy Creek Basin consists of cludes a re-regulation dam approximately Southeast Planning Clear Boggy Creek and Muddy Boggy nine miles downstream which satisfies low- Region Creek. The drainage basin contains 2,400 flow requirements of the U.S. Fish and Wild- square miles in Pontotoc, Coal, Atoka, Bry- life Service and evens out fluctuations an and Choctaw Counties. Atoka Lake and caused by power releases. Power facilities REGIONAL DESCRIPTION McGee Creek Lake are the major impound- at Broken Bow Lake include two 50,000 Atoka, Bryan, Choctaw, Coal, Johnston, ments in the river basin. The water in up- kW generators which are fed from 317,320 McCurtain, Pontotoc and Pushmataha are per Muddy Boggy Creek is generally hard ac-ft of power storage. the eight counties that comprise the with high chloride and moderate sulfate Hugo Lake, the largest lake in the South- Southeast Planning Region (Figure 29). concentrations. Downstream of Atoka, east Planning Region, is located on the The regions terrain varies from the rug- the water becomes moderately hard with Kiamichi River in Choctaw County. This ged Kiamichi Mountains to the rolling, lower sulfate and chloride levels. High Corps project provides flood control, alluvial plains of the Red River. Stream turbidity and nutrient levels exist along water supply, water quality, recreation, and surface water sources are abundant the entire branch. Water in Clear Boggy and fish and wildlife mitigation. Hugo was in the region which is noted for its vast Creek is relatively hard with moderate completed in 1974 and contains 808,300 timber resources. turbidity and moderate levels of chlorides ac-ft of flood control storage that was The Southeast Region is projected to and sulfates. completely filled during the floods of have the second lowest overall water de- The Kiamichi River flows southeaster- 1990. The lake also contains 121,500 ac- mand of any planning region in the year ly through Pushmataha and Choctaw ft of conservation storage which yields 2050. McCurtain County, with its large Counties. The drainage basin encompass- 64,960 af/yr (58 mgd) of water supply and timber and related industry, is a county- es 1,830 square miles, including Sardis 100,800 af/yr (90 mgd) for water quality specific exception. Ada, Durant, Hugo and Reservoir and Hugo Lake. Water in the control purposes. Idabel are the largest cities in the region. Kiamichi River is of high quality with little McGee Creek Reservoir is a Bureau of The regions climate is mild with annu- mineralization. The water is moderately Reclamation project on McGee Creek, a al mean temperatures varying from 62 to turbid and classified as soft. tributary of Muddy Boggy Creek, in Ato- 64 degrees. Rainfall is abundant, ranging The Little River flows southeasterly ka County. Completed in 1987, the from 40 inches per year in the west to through Pushmataha and McCurtain projects purposes include water supply, more than 56 inches in northern McCur- Counties before entering Arkansas. The water quality control, flood control, rec- tain County. Annual evaporation ranges Mountain Fork and Glover Rivers join the reation, and fish and wildlife mitigation. from 56 inches in western areas to 48 Little River in McCurtain County. Pine The reservoir, which has a drainage area inches in the east. Creek Lake and Broken Bow Lake are lo- of 171 square miles, reserves 85,340 ac- cated on the Little River and its tributar- ft of flood control storage and conserva- WATER RESOURCES ies. Turbidity levels and nutrient levels are tion storage of 107,980 ac-ft which yields moderate. The water quality is generally 71,800 af/yr (64 mgd) of water supply. Stream Water good and suited for all uses. Oklahoma City, in the Central Planning Re- The regions major streams include the gion, has the allocation rights to 40,000 Red River, Little River, Kiamichi River, Blue MAJOR RESERVOIRS af/yr (35.7 mgd) of the yield. The City of River, Clear Boggy Creek, Muddy Boggy There are six major impoundments Atoka, Atoka County and the Southern Creek and the Washita River. With the ex- within the Southeast Planning Region (Ta- Oklahoma Development Trust have allo- ception of the Red River below Lake Texo- ble 31). Atoka Lake, located on North Bog- cations totaling 20,000 af/yr (17.9 mgd). ma, the regions streams contain good gy Creek in Atoka County, is a water sup- Pine Creek Lake, located on the Little quality water which is generally suitable ply lake owned by the City of Oklahoma River in McCurtain County, was complet- for all uses. City. Built in 1964, the reservoir provides ed by the Corps of Engineers in 1969 and The Red River is the largest and longest 125,000 ac-ft of conservation storage provides flood control, water supply, wa- stream within the Southeast Planning Re- yielding 65,000 af/yr (58 mgd) of good ter quality, recreation, and fish and wild- gion. The water contains high levels of dis- quality water. The water is transferred via life mitigation. The lake currently has 412, solved solids and chlorides through much pipeline to Lake Stanley Draper in the Cen- 030 ac-ft of flood control storage and of Bryan and Choctaw Counties. Down- tral Region for use by Oklahoma City. The 46,610 ac-ft of conservation storage. stream of its confluence with the Blue Riv- pipeline has a capacity of 90 mgd. When water supply demands require, the er, Boggy Creek(s) and Kiamichi River, the Broken Bow Lake is a Corps of Engi- conservation pool is raised to 70,560 ac- river is of acceptable quality for most uses. neers impoundment on the Mountain Fork ft (49,400 ac-ft of water supply; 21,160 The Blue River flows southeasterly River in McCurtain County. The multipur- ac-ft for water quality purposes), result- through Pontotoc, Johnston and Bryan pose reservoir, completed in 1970, pro- ing in a yield of 94,080 af/yr (84 mgd) for Counties to its confluence with the Red vides water supply, flood control, recre- water supply and 40,330 af/yr (36 mgd) River. The rivers drainage basin is ap- ation, hydropower, water quality, and fish for water quality control. Weyerhauser is proximately 80 miles long and contains and wildlife mitigation benefits. The reser- the only significant user of the water, 676 square miles. There are no impound- voir has 450,160 ac-ft of flood control stor- which is of excellent quality. ments on the Blue River and its water is age and 152,500 ac-ft yielding 196,000 Sardis Lake is a relatively new lake in classified as hard with moderate levels af/yr (175 mgd) for water supply and wa- Oklahoma. Formerly known as Clayton of inorganic turbidity. ter quality needs. Broken Bow Lake in- Lake, the impoundment was completed by 104 Canadian River Francis Allen Creek Muddy Brook Sandy Ada Creek Leader Canadian SCISSORTAIL PARKER SARDIS (ADA) LAKE Boggy Boggy TUSKAHOMA PONTOTOC Creek Creek Stonewall Clayton Roff COAL Fork Creek Boggy River Blue Tupelo Black River Coalgate ATOKA Buck Big River RESERVOIR PUSHMATAHA Eagle Smithville Creek Little w Creek Fork asa River TUPELO ick Delaware h C Creek Ten Stringtown Lehigh Creek Kiamichi Creek Pennington Mile CHICKASAW Mountain Creek Mill Bromide Glover Mill Buffalo Creek Creek North Creek Atoka Boggy BUCK Clebit Cloudy JOHNSTON CREEK Cedar Creek Creek KELLOND Creek ATOKA McGEE Little Clear CANEY RAVIA Coleman CREEK MOUNTAIN RESERVOIR BROKEN DURWOOD Ravia BOW LAKE Blue Kiamichi Tishomingo Antlers River Rock Washita River PINE CREEK 105 Boggy LAKE SANDY CREEK LUKFATA M o u n Creek t Kenefic Caddo Creek Gates a in River HUGO Wright Soper LAKE City Fork CHOCTAW Broken Bow BRYAN Boswell Creek Fort Towson Creek Hugo Bokchito Whitegrass BOSWELL River Durant HUGO LAKE Valliant LAKE River River Little River River (ULTIMATE TEXOMA ARKANAS Calera DEVELOPMENT) Garvin Idabel BENNINGTON Red Haworth Island Creek Bayou Colbert McCURTAIN Achille E X A T S Red Red River Hendrix Kemp River Reservoir, Existing or Under Construction OKLAHOMA COMPREHENSIVE Reservoir, Authorizedl Modification WATER PLAN Reservoir, Authorized Figure 29 Reservoir, Potential SOUTHEAST Mainstem PLANNING REGION Tributary Mapping and Graphics - Oklahoma Water Resources Board the Corps in 1983 on Jackfork Creek, a tribu- Coon Creek in Coal County, is used by the mate conservation storage), Bluestem tary of the Kiamichi River, in Pushmataha City of Coalgate for water supply, flood (840 ac-ft), Lake Nanih Waiya (1,064 ac- County. Authorized uses include flood con- control and recreation. The lake was built ft), Lake Ozzie Cobb (833 ac-ft), Lake trol, water supply, recreation, and fish and in 1965 and contains 3,437 ac-ft of con- Raymond Gary (1,681 ac-ft) and Lake wildlife mitigation. The lake contains 121,670 servation storage. Schooler (306 ac-ft). ac-ft of flood control storage, 270,270 ac-ft of conservation storage, and yields 156,800 OTHER IMPOUNDMENTS AUTHORIZED DEVELOPMENT af/yr (140 mgd) of good quality water. There are numerous other NRCS There are four authorized water sup- projects and private reservoirs in the ply projects in the Southeast Planning MUNICIPAL LAKES Southeast Planning Region. These small Region. Boswell Lake is an authorized There is only one municipal water sup- lakes, which provide irrigation water and project on Boggy Creek in Choctaw Coun- ply lake in the Southeast Planning Region. various recreational opportunities, in- ty. The reservoir, as initially authorized, Coalgate City Lake (SCS-#2), located on clude Clayton Lake (953 ac-ft of approxi- would contain 1,096,000 ac-ft of flood Table 31 STREAM WATER DEVELOPMENT Southeast Planning Region FLOOD WATER WATER
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