1 26 B.AR:r-· A.C&:. NORTHAl\IPTONSHI RE. (KELLY S 6o a·cres of glebe, with residence, in the gift of the BARN.ACK RURAL DISTRICT COUNCIL. .Bishop of Pete:rlborough, and held since 1904 by the Rev. Meets at the Stamford Workhouse monthly at 12 noon. La ·Grange Leney [\I. .A. of Trinity College, Dublin. Here The district comprises the parishes of: Bainton, Bar­ is a Wesleyan Methodist chapel. The poor's est>Ste of nack, Southorpe, Stamford, Baron St. Martin With­ so acre-s produces about £8o yearly, of which £10 is out, Thornhaugh, Ufford, Wansford, Wittering & assigned to educational purposes and about £35 is ex­ Wothorpe. The area is 15,256 acres; rateable value, pended in fuel and clothing for the poor ; the balanc~ £ ; the population in 1901 was 1,973 is used in the maintenance o·f the property. Peter­ Chairman, Marquis of Exeter, Burleigh House, Stamford borough and Ely cathedrals, Thorney, Crowland and Clerk, Richard Mills English, 40 Broad street, Stamford :Bury St. Edmunds abbeys and several beautiful Treasurer, Meaburn S. Young, Stamford churches in the counties of Northampton, Rutland and Medical Officer of Health, Thomas Porter Greenwood, Lincoln, including Holland in Lincolnshire and Marshland 36 St. Mary's street, Stamford in the county of Norfolk, are built a:most entirely of the Surveyor, James Morriss, Barnack rag stone, formerly obtained from quarries in this neigh­ Sanitary Inspector, Hilliam, Stamford bourhood. Walcot Hall, the property and residence of H. James Griffith Dearden esq. D.L., J.P. is an ancient PILSGATE, a hamlet, nearly 3 miles from Stamford, building, and was formerly the seat of the Earls of was by a Local Government Order, dated March 25, Gainsborough. The Marque~s of Exeter is lord of the r.887, amalgamated with ·Barnack, and the whole desig­ manor of Barnack, and .J. G. Dearden esq. is lord of nated the hamlet of Barnack. The children attend the manor of •Southorpe. There was formerly in this Barnack school. parish a summer residence of the .Abbots of Peter­ Wall Letter Box cleared at u.ro a.m. & 6.35 p.m. week borough, and the foundations of the buildings can ~·et days only be traced. The .soil is of a light gravelly nature ; sub­ SOUTHORPE is a civil parish, I mile south from t~oil, gravel with rock; the land is principally arable. Barnack and 5 miles from Stamford. The area is 1,881 The area is 2,937 acres o.f land and 24 of water; rate­ acres; rateable value, £r,735; the population in 1901 able value, Barnack and Pilsgate, £6,740; the popula. was I39· tion, including Pilsgate, in rgor wa.s 6r4 ; the popula­ tion of the eoclesiastical parish in I'90I was 8o6. The children attend Barnack school Wall Letter Box cleared at 5·45 p.m. week days only • Parish Clerk, James Sells. Police Station, .Albert Maye.s, constable in charge Public. Elementary School (mixed), for r58 children; Post, !M. 0. & T. 0., T. LM. 0., S. B. & A. & I. Office.­ average -attendance, 13r; Thomas Moore Whitman, Benjamin Loweth, sub-postmaster. Letters received master from Stamford by .a me·ssenger & delivered in Barnack Carriers.-Grooby, from .Ashton, through to Stamford, on at 7.30 & 12.30 p.m. Pilsgate 7 a.m. & Southorpe 8. I5 fri. & lback the .same day ; Pearson, to Stamford, daily a. m. ; the letter box closes at ro.45 a. m. & 6.10 p.m Railway Stations. Letter lJox, Barnack terrace, cl~ared II a.m. & 6.20 Great Northern, John Turner, station master p.m. ; no delivery of letters on .sundays Midland, Matthew .Adams, station master B.ARN.ACK. Inkley John Parkinson, ooal dealer & Wigginton Florence (Miss), grocer Atkinson Mrs boot maker Woolhouse John, farmer Jack.son Jane (Mrs.), Mill Stone P.H Collins ChaTles PILSG.ATE. Dalton Robert Sisson Loweth Benjamin, grocer, draper, & Leney Rev. La Grange M . .A. The post office Fowke Mrs. Pilsgate house Rectory Morriss James & Edwin, farmers,The Nottingham Edward, farmer Lodge Smallev Skelton, farmer COMMERCIAL, Morriss J ames, overseer & assessor Stanger Jas. farmer, The Grange farm Andrews .Alfred, registrar of birt·hs & of taxes deaths for Barnack sub-district, re­ Sandal! Richard, farmer SOUTHORPE. lieving officer & vaccination officer, Sharp Waiter, baker Dearden James Griffith J.P., D.L. Barnack division, Stamford union Smalley Henry, Fox inn Walcot hall Clark Clifton, blacksmith Sowter Edward, baker Bradley Charles, farmer Cox Matthew, beer ret. & wheelwright Squires Joseph, shoe maker Bullimore ·William, farmer, Hall farm Crowson Mary .Ann (Mrs.), beer retlr Stokes Henry William, miller (wind), Coe Samuel, farmer, High farm Crowson William, mason Tower mill Cousin~ Frank, gamekeeper to Jamea Ellis & Everard Limited. coal & coke Taylor .Stephen, butcher k coal mercht G. Dearden esq merchants · Tipping Matthew, Red Lion inn Evison .Alfred, farmer· Fletcher Edward, farmer Tomblin William, carpenter Leeton William, woodman to J. G. Fortescue Lewis, farmer, The Grange W allace William, baker Dearden esq Gray Catherine (Mrs.), thrashing Webster .Alfred, photographer Munton John, gamekeeper to Marquess machine owner Wells Henry, saddlet- of Exeter Horsley .Arthur, news a~ent Whitman Thomas Moore, school- Wright Frank, farm bailiff to J. G. master & clerk to Parish Council Dearden esq EARNWELL ST. ANDREW and ALL clench K.G., K.T. and held since 1905 by the Rev. John S.AIN'l'S are parishes consolidated ecclesiastically, with Irwin llrowne •Co·ckin M . .A. of Queen's •College, Oxford. a station on the Northampton and Peterborough section The rectory house, which adjoins the church, was re­ ()f the London and North Western railway near the stored and embellished in r874 by Waiter Francis, sth .church, but standing in the parish of Lilford; it is Duke of Bucdeuch. Here are almshouses, founded in 2J miles south-east from Oundle, in the Northern divi- the year ·r6o4 by the ·Rev. N. Latham, of Brigstock, t1ion of the county, hundred of Polebrook, Oundle petty Northamptonshire, and formerly rector here, for 12 t~essional division, union and county court district, rural aged and in.firm persons o.f the parishes of Barnwell .All deanery of Oundle (first portion), archdeaconry of Oak- Saints and St . ..Andrew, Old Weston and Kimbolton, each barn and diocese of Peterborough. The parish is watered of whom receives 7s. per week, the men also a coet, and by a stream, a feeder of the Nene. The ohurch of St. women a gown annually; there is a quarterly allowance A.ndrew is an ancient and very curious edifice of stone, for fuel; the almshouses were rebuilt in 1875 ot a cost in the Early English, Decorated and Perpendicular styles, of about £2,ooo, of which £Boo was defrayed by the consisting of chancel, with north chapel, clerestoried charity, and the remainder by •Waiter Francis, sth Duke nave, aisles and a western tower, with spire, containing of Buccleuch K.G. .A castle is .supposed to have been 2 bells: the chancel is Perpendicular, the remainder of erected here by Reginald le •Moigne in the reign of 'the building mostly Early English: an ancient piscina, Henry I. (.A.D. .I>I32), but according to the best found under Latham's monument, has been placed in authorities, the castle, of which some portion still the south wall and now forms a credence table: there exists, was built about ·r264, in the reign of Henry Ill. are some stone stalls, one of two niches, and remains by Berengarius le ~oigne, who being afterwards found e~f screen work and stained glass: the font is octa- to have forfeited all right to the estate was compelled gonal: the monument of the Rev. Nicholas Latham, in ·I~9 to cede the castle and manor to William, .Abbot rector of the church m r6oo, and founder of the alms- of Ramsey, in the county of Hunts, to which abbey it houses and Free schools, has been placed in the chapel : ·helongt>d till the general suppression in the reign of there is also a mural tablet inscribed to William Bigley, Henry VUI. : Sir Edward ~Iontagu, then Lord Chief ()f Edmonton, a merchant, and founder of the girls' Justice of the King's Bench, purchased it of that achool, who died in r824. The register dates from the monarch in 1540, and having repaired and beautified it, year 1558. The living is a rectory, net yearly value (in- made it the residence of himself and his descendants: the eluding glebe) £I8o, in the gift of the Duke of Buc- only remains now standing are four bastions, the southern .
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