The meeting of the Board of Directors To be held on Tuesday 23 May 2017 at 9.00am in the Boardroom, Doncaster Royal Infirmary AGENDA Part I Enclosures 1. Apologies for absence (Verbal) 2. Declarations of Interest (Verbal) 3. Actions from the previous meeting Enclosure A Presentation 4. Research and Development at DBTH Presentation Trevor Rogers – Director of Research and Development Emma Hannaford – Research Management and Governance Manager Reports for decision 5. Annual Report 2016/17 (including quality report) Enclosure B Emma Shaheen – Head of Communications and Engagement 6. Draft Accounts 2016/17 Enclosure C Jon Sargeant – Director of Finance 7. NHSI Self-Certification 2016/17 Enclosure D Richard Parker – Chief Executive 8. Review of Board Committee Structure Enclosure E Matthew Kane – Trust Board Secretary 9. Managing Conflicts of Interest in the NHS Enclosure F Matthew Kane – Trust Board Secretary Reports for assurance 10. National Cyber Security Issues and Response at DBTH Enclosure G Simon Marsh – Chief Information Officer (to follow) 11. DBTH’s Approach to Recruitment Enclosure H Karen Barnard – Director of People and Organisational Development (to follow) 12. Strategy & Improvement Report Enclosure I Marie Purdue – Acting Director of Strategy & Improvement 13. Finance Report as at 30 April 2017 Enclosure J Jon Sargeant – Director of Finance 14. Business Intelligence Report as at 30 April 2017 Enclosure K Led by David Purdue – Chief Operating Officer 15. Nursing Workforce Report Enclosure L Moira Hardy – Acting Director of Nursing, Midwifery & Quality 16. Board Assurance Framework & Corporate Risk Register Q4 Enclosure M Matthew Kane – Trust Board Secretary Reports for information 17. Chair and NEDs’ Report Enclosure N Suzy Brain England – Chair 18. Chief Executive’s Report & Progress against Q4 Objectives Enclosure O Richard Parker –Chief Executive (objectives to follow) 19. Minutes of the Financial Oversight Committee held on 24 April 2017 Enclosure P Neil Rhodes – Non-Executive Director 20. Items escalated from sub-committees 21. To note: Enclosure Q Board of Directors Agenda Calendar Matthew Kane – Trust Board Secretary Minutes 22. To approve the minutes of the previous meeting held 25 April 2017 Enclosure R 23. Any other business (to be agreed with the Chair prior to the meeting) 24. Governor questions regarding the business of the meeting 25. Date and time of next meeting Date: 27 June 2017 Time: 9.00am Venue: Boardroom, Doncaster Royal Infirmary 26. Withdrawal of Press and Public Board to resolve: That representatives of the press and other members of the public be excluded from the remainder of this meeting having regard to the confidential nature of the business to be transacted, publicity on which would be prejudicial to the public interest. Suzy Brain England Chair of the Board Action Notes Meeting: Board of Directors Date of meeting: 25 April 2017 Location: Boardroom, DRI Attendees: SBE, KB, DC, DJ, MH, MM, DP, SS, NR, RP, LP, JS, PS Apologies: None No. Minute No Action Responsibility Target Date Update 1. 16/10/13 Ophthalmology Department post- DP June 2017 Action not yet due. implementation review to be undertaken. 2. 16/10/22 A review of the Intermediate Health DP May 2017 Action not yet due. (b) and Social Care Review to be brought to a future Board. 3. 16/12/107 An item regarding how governors can MK June 2017 Action not yet due. get involved in undertaking F&F to be placed on an upcoming Timeout. No. Minute No Action Responsibility Target Date Update 4. 17/01/11 Lessons learned from NLAG cyber- SM May 2017 Complete – contained within the report to Board crime episode to be shared at future regarding cyber security 23 May 2017. Board. 5. 17/01/13 Director of Education to share the MK June 2017 Identified as item for future Board strategy work. Teaching Hospital phase two development plan at a future Board. 6. 17/02/44 Report on workforce to be brought to KB May 2017 Complete. Item on agenda, 23 May 2017. Board. 7. 17/03/07 A paper be prepared on how the Trust JS/KEJ June 2017 Awaiting response to Trust’s letter from NHS can assure itself that support is in Protect. place concerning changes to NHS Protect. 8. 17/04/17 Send letter of thanks to PJ Paralysis MK May 2017 Complete. Team. 9. 17/04/24 Include measures of success and KB May 2017 Complete. Revised version of staff survey action SMART objectives within staff survey plan appended to this action log. action plan. Provide details of individual care group responses to non-executives. No. Minute No Action Responsibility Target Date Update 10. 17/04/32 Timetable six month review of CIPs. MP November 2017 Action not yet due. 11. 17/04/54 Invite NEDs to future quality summit. MH June 2017 Action not yet due. 12. 17/04/61 Bring Learning from Deaths report MK June 2017 Action not yet due. back to Board in May. 13. C/17/04/16 Request CCG to review information ES May 2017 Complete. around clinical values. Date of next meeting: 23 May 2017 Action notes prepared by: M Kane Dated: 13 May 2017 Circulation: SBE, AA, NR, KB, DJ, MH, MM, DP, JS, SS, JP, RP, LP, PS Staff survey action plan 2017 Area of focus Actions Addressing staff survey Success measure question/ area Overall staff Ensure stablished dedicated resource in place to support a Response rate Improved response rate experience/engagement programme of staff engagement following the programme appointment of the Communications Manager Recommendation as place to Improvement in work and receive treatment recommendation of DBTH as Create staff experience group building on the membership place to work and to receive of the recovery team formed during the turnaround Staff engagement score care programme Improvement in staff engagement score Opportunity for employee Introduce a formalised approach to the collation of staff Key finding 3: percentage of Improvements in scores in voice and involvement feedback received during a specific period through the staff agreeing their role relevant key findings existing channels. makes a difference to patients/ service users (6b) Reduced number of grievances Timely analysis of the number of comments/ feedback and the tone (to act as a morale barometer, supplementing the Key finding 5: recognition Staff FFT work). This would provide the Board with an and value of staff by understanding of staff reaction to certain updates/changes organisation and managers (5a,5f,7g) Agreed approach to engagement through organisational change agreed with staff side Key finding 6: Percentage of staff reporting good Revision to appraisal paperwork to complement discussions communication between between line managers and their staff members senior management and staff (81-d) Demonstrate a clearer ‘you said’ ‘we did’ approach so Key finding 7: Percentage of Improvements in scores of employees see the value in having a voice and provide staff able to contribute relevant key findings shared learning about where that has been done well. towards improvements at work (4a,4b,4d) Improvements in morale Responses to be formed based on insights gathered measured through regular through champions and the staff experience group as well Key finding 3: percentage of barometers as all staff feedback (including the staff survey). staff agreeing their role makes a difference to Develop case studies around staff survey improvements for patients/ service users (6b) Care Groups/ Corporate Directorates using the ‘you said we did’ approach. Care Group/Directorate action plans to be developed in conjunction with staff to ensure the priorities meet their needs. Increase in service improvement projects led by Develop DBTH approach to service improvement to include front line services the involvement of front line staff, thereby empowering staff to feel able to suggest and implement change to improve patient and staff experience. Quality improvement and innovation strategy in place Communicating Clearer representation/ visibility of executive team- Key finding 5: recognition Questions to be included in vision/strategy especially within their senior teams communicating the and value of staff by FFT Q2 questionnaire ‘future’. organisation and managers (5a,5f,7g) Identified senior management presence on Bassetlaw site Key finding 6: Percentage of Create a programme of engagement opportunities and staff reporting good engagement KPIs for the executive teams including communication between presentation of staff brief, STAR awards presentations, senior management and staff back to the floor exercises and bespoke Q/A forum sessions (81-d) with a wide ranging group of staff (such as CEO breakfast sessions with medics). Involve all staff(including staff side) in in an engagement/ Key finding 7: Percentage of Number of contributions/ consultation exercise in developing the new strategy, staff able to contribute suggestions made by staff ensuring it is easy to communicate and engage with for all towards improvements at stakeholders at all levels work (4a,4b,4d) Deliver a series of staff engagement events (big health Key finding 8: Staff Number of contributions/ conversation/ let’s talk DBTH) supported by additional satisfaction with level of suggestions from staff re what digital engagement. responsibility and they can do to support the involvement (3a,3b,4c,5d,5e) delivery of the strategy Ensure senior staff/ line managers can support staff to make sense of their role within the context of the Key finding 3: percentage of organisational strategy. staff agreeing that their role makes a difference to patients/ service users (6b) Develop a communications and engagement champions Key finding 7: Percentage of Improvements to key findings model, with key representatives from all Care Group/ staff able to contribute Corporate Directorates committed to attendance at key towards improvements at Improved attendance at Staff events to hear and feedback (including staff brief, annual work (4a,4b,4d) Brief members meeting, transformation workshops). Key finding 8: Staff Staff experience group Create a ‘staff experience group’ which will also include satisfaction with level of established senior members of staff, staff side and governors.
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