_· ";> 1 .... ...; -"' . )..) ... \1 1',' tltbe Uorlbwibe j}eW5 OF THE WORLDWIDE CHURCH OF GOD VOL. IX, NO.1 PASADENA, CALIFORNIA JAN . 12, 1981 HWA meets Japanese leader, gives address atTokyo banquet English-lang uage paper s. We pre­ eese and all eithe r students or facul­ The/ allowing is a telex / rom sented him with a gift of Steuben ty from universities who understand Pasto r General Herbert W. crystal as we had to other prime English. The y seemed very inter­ Arms trong in Tokyo, Japan, ministers before him . ested and the sermon was in power, Jan. 10. Pri me M inis ter S uzuki left on approaching world crisis (Great To kyo for Ma nila [P bilipp ines] Tr ibul at ion) and Christ's coming, TOKYO - We left T ucson Fri­ Tb urs day for con ferences with Kingdom of God, way-of life. spiri­ day noon Ja n. 2, ar riving Ho nolulu President Ferdinan d Marcos . I will tuallaw and peaceful world tomor­ [Hawaii] Friday evenin g. I met with have conference wit h Pr esident row. Will speak here again three and preach ed to chu rch Sabb ath . Marcos week of January 11. weeks from today and expect larger Left Honolulu Sunday noon . C ross­ FIRST PLACE - While YOU director Kevin Dean (right) looks on. assis t · On Wedn esdav th e 7th, Mr. crowd . leave Sunday for Hong ing Internation al Date Line in after­ a nt YOU director Mike Blackwell (left) co ngratulates John Mabry, winne r Rader and I had tea and an hour' s Kong and Manila. noon it became Mo nday, ar rived of the 1960 YOU National Talent' co ntest Dec . 26 in the Ambassador visit with Prince Mikasathe emper­ just befor e dark at Tokyo Monday. AudHorium. [Photo l1yScott Smith] or' s brother and his wife Prin cess Mr. [Stanl ey R.]Rade r accom ­ Mikasa. We have known: th em for panied me as usual in ear ly after­ 12 years , and we dec ided we were all noon visit with Prime Minister Ze n­ getti ng old, for we talked over old Pianistwins YOUtalentcontest ko Su zuki at his official residence. tim es of 1 9 ~8, 1970 and later that He is the sixt h prime minister I have we have enjoyed together. met in private visit in Japan. I con­ By JetrZbome Un ited St at es and Canad a who Dec. 28. The first at 2:30"p.m, was gra tulated him warml y on his new T hursday nigh t was the big ban­ PAS ADENA - "His mouth qualified to compe te in Pasadena, closed competition before a five­ "Su zuki Doctrine" announced th at quet in the Impe rial Hot el's largest dropped to the flood" exclaimed a John said he had been aching and member pa nel of pr ofessi onal morning for Japan aid to, and coop­ ballroom . Fou r hundred eigbty-two contestant describing the reaction running a temperature during the judges . The second was at 7 p.m., erati on with , the Associati on of were present - the very top elite of of 17-year-<lld John Mabry ofTroy, con test. "I had to give it my best , with the 14 cont estants and a dan c­ So u t heast A sian N ations Tok yo, including 22 ambassadors N.C ., winner of the sixth annual though," he said ," beca use after ing duo of Alicia Marin and Luis (ASEAN) announced in th e Jap a­ representingother nations and some Youth Opportunit ie s Un ited com peting last year, ,I knew I Garcia from Guadalajara, Mexico, nese press tha t morning. 20 of my " Japanese sons" who are (YOU) National Talent Contest . wanted to come to AC. I really performing for the I>1;Iblic. I congratu lated him on a policy cf congressmen in Japanese Diet . I was The event took place Dec. 28 in the worked on my piece thi s past year ." "gi ve" instead of "get:' His office chief spea ker and gave them a Ambassador Auditorium. Re ceiving honor ab le me nti on Se cond place and a one-year were C he r i Bu rr y, performing was filled with TV and still cameras strong messa ge of Kingd om of john received a two-year Ambas­ scholars hip to 'Ambassador were Brahms' Rh apsody in G Minor on and bright lights, and repo rters for God . sador College scholars hip for his presented to Terri Conti of Den­ piano; Kim Friesen, who played a our interview, which was reported in Sabb ath afternoo n at 2:30, I piano performance of Rhapsody in ville, N .J., for her accordion rendi­ Wed nesda y mornin g Ja panes e-lan­ spoke to an audience of about 100 piano version of Fantasit Impromp­ G Minor by Johannes Brahms. tion of Concerto in E, Third Move­ tUin CShtupMinuby:Cbopin;and guag e newspapers, bu t no t in Plain Truth subsc ribe rs-aJl Ja pe- of 14 regional finalists in the ->: one ment by Pietro Oeiro . Heid i Schatz for her vocal rendition Ron Plumlee of Tope ka, Kan., of ''S tMtirig Here , Starting Now" earned 'third place and a cne-semes­ by' Richard Mal ty J r. and David ter scholarship for his saxophone Shire. solo of " I' ll Always Love You, " a Plans progress for 1981-SEP The ot her regional finalists were self-composed piece for which he Cheryl A ndr usko, Phi l Bau er, wrote saxo phone and piano par ts. PASADENA - Teen agers in (YOU ). for the sessions are : Jun e 10 to 29, Nadine McCormick, Teresa Pe­ God 's Ch urch may apply soon for Mr. Deansaid plans for the thr ee J ulyJ to 23 and Jul y 27 to Aug. 1~ . Two performanc es took place ls.. CONTEST._ 31 th e 198 1Su mmer Educat ional Pro­ summer sessions are well und er . gra m (SEP) near O rr , Minn., way. The program is addi ng an addi­ Tuition discounts acco rdi ng to Kevin Dean . dir ector tional session th is year to accco m­ Sess ion tuition will be $ 175. An of Yo ut h O pport unit ies United modate addi tional cam pers. Dates additional $25 is required for YOU shirts and jackets. Accordi ng to the Six AC students return YOU office. the tu ition covers food. lodging and equ ipment use dur ing the session. Campers are covered by from Thailand project regular YOU insurance while at Orr. By John Curry and an even larger gathering wel­ A $50 discount will be subtracted PAS ADENA - Si x Am hassa­ comed them at the stude nt center on for each second child atte nding. If dar College students who spent the the Amhassador College camp us. four children att end from one fami­ past five month s in Chiang Khong, Pastor Ge neral Herbe rt W. Arm­ ly. the second and fourth children Th ailand , teaching the English lan­ stro ng approved the cont inuatio n of would pay only $ 125, while the first guage and Weste rn culture to refu­ the projectNov. 28 [WN, Dec. 22) . and th ird would pay S175. gees, retu rned her e Dec. 25. T hey A second conti ngent of eigh t st u­ Financial aid were involved in the Ambassador dents depar ted Dec. 29 for Thailand Coi lege Educationa l Pro ject in accompanied .by evangelist Herman Seve ral plans are available for tui ­ Thai land (ACEPT) . L. Hce h and John Halford, a minis­ tion aid. said the YOU director. A A group of stu den ts were on hand ter here. Both men have been closely select nu mber of campers will be at Los Angeles Intern at ional Air­ involved in the ACEPT program. (See SEP, page 31 port to greet the ar riving st udents, (See THAI LAND, pIIg11 3) Brethren serve in RoseParade PASA DEN A -' W ha t d o Ma nag emen t De pa rtmen t, who sion stands and many others ." app roximately 1.000 Pasade na helped plan theprojec t. Wit h more "We have a very good liaison with bret hren have in common? T hey all than 7.000 seats for the parade on both the To urnament of Roses and volunteered from 12 to 36 hours of college propert y, the college serves S harp & Warn er [the company that th eir tim e to help in the 1981 Tour ­ as a focal point during the activities. markets Rose Parade services]," nament of Roses Dec. 31, 1980, he said. (See PARADE, pa gll 3) thr ough Jan . 2. 1981: acco rdi ng to With th e small army of volun­ Robin Web ber, an assista nt pastor leers, the World wide Church of MR. RADER of the Auditorium P.M . congrega­ God is the "oil that makes the tion here . parade flow," reported Mr. We b­ SPEAKS IN TORONTO Hu nd reds of hours of planning ber. He rem ar ked that Churc h Pastor Ge ne ral Herbe rt W. and organ izing the support services bret hre n staff most of the support Armstrong's pe rso na l assist­ for the parad e climaxed Dec. 31. services along the entire parade ant Stanley A. Rader s poke to when more than one million people route. the combine d Toronto , Ont., lined the parade route .
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