Almaden Lake Improvement Project A voter-approved stream stewardship creek and lake separation project Almaden Lake History and Existing Conditions Almaden Lake is a 32-acre man-made water body and former gravel quarry in the Guadalupe Watershed. After operations ceased, heavy storms washed away the levee separating Alamitos Creek from the quarry, creating Almaden Lake and with it, several environmental challenges: Fish habitat and migration Water quality Almaden Lake ImprovementThe Guadalupe Watershed, Project which includes Alamitos Creek, The lake suffers from elevated bacteria levels and seasonal Almaden Lake Improvementsupports federally threatenedProject Central California Coast algae blooms. These are caused by a series of factors steelhead and other native fish. Steelhead use freshwater including waste from birds such as seagulls and geese, A Voter-Approved Stream Stewardship Creek/Lake Separationcreeks andProject rivers for spawning and the ocean for adult poor water circulation, varying temperatures, and storm A Voter-Approved Stream Stewardship Creek/Lake Separationgrowth. Project When adult steelhead return to the creeks and water inputs. AlmadenAlmaden LakeLake ImprovementImprovementrivers to spawn, they Project mustProject pass through Almaden Lake to reach their upstream spawning habitats in Alamitos and Because Almaden Lake is downstream from the historic Calero creeks. Juvenile steelhead then pass through the New Almaden Quicksilver Mine, mercury-laden sediment AA Voter-Approved Voter-Approved Stream Stream Stewardship Stewardship Creek/Lake Creek/Lake Separation Separationlake Projectwhen Project migrating down the Guadalupe River to the has accumulated in the lake. During warm summers, San Francisco Bay. The co-mingling of Almaden Lake with lake conditions promote the conversion of mercury to Alamitos Creek disrupts migration. Fish risk getting lost in methylmercury, the most toxic form of mercury. While not AtheA lakeViewView rather ofthan of projectmigrating project upstream from from or Winfielddownstream Winfield and Boulevard. Boulevard.a drinking water issue, mercury can accumulate in fish in GetGet project project updates updates must avoid being preyed by non-native fish such as Bass. amounts harmful to humans and wildlife that eat them. Varying water temperatures can also impact cold-water fish 1. 1. Visit Visit https://delivr.com/2rrtr https://delivr.com/2rrtr NN since higher temperatures can decrease oxygen supply, disrupt metabolism and increase toxin susceptibility. 2. 2. Request Request project project information information using using A AViewView of of project project from from Winfield Winfield Boulevard. Boulevard. GetGetAccess Accessproject project Valley Valley Water updates Water updates valleywater.org/avwapp/valleywater.org/avwapp/ A View of project from Winfield Boulevard. 1. 1.Visit Visit https://delivr.com/2rrtr https://delivr.com/2rrtr NN 3. 3. Sign Sign up up to toreceive receive 2. 2.Request Request project project information information using using projectproject updates updates via via NewNew levee/maintenance levee/maintenance road road AccessAccess Valley Valley Water Water WineldWineld Boulevard Boulevard emailemail using using the the ProposedProposed island island valleywater.org/avwapp/valleywater.org/avwapp/ AA QRQR code code or orthe the link link ExistingExisting lake lake ReconfiguredReconfigured Almaden Almaden Lake Lake 3. 3.Signon onSign the up the projectupto project receiveto receive website. website. projectproject updates updates via via NewNew levee/maintenance levee/maintenance road road 4. 4. For For more more information, information, WineldWineld Boulevard Boulevard emailemail using using the the ProposedProposed island island contactcontact project project manager, manager, QRQR code code or theor thelink link AA JamesJames Ujah Ujah at at ExistingExisting lake lake ReconfiguredReconfigured Almaden Almaden Lake Lake on onthe theproject project website. website. (408)(408) 630-3014 630-3014 BeforeBefore AfterAfter 4. 4.For For more more information, information, ReconguredRecongured Almaden Almaden Lake Lake contactcontact project project manager, manager, (17(17 Acres) Acres) FundedFundedJamesJames by Ujahby Safe,Ujah Safe, at at Clean Clean Water Water and(408)(408) Natural 630-3014 630-3014 Flood Protection Before After and Natural Flood Protection B B ViewView of of project project from from Almaden Almaden Expressway. Expressway. Project - Priority D: The eight ReconguredProposedReconguredProposed island island Almaden Almaden Lake Lake BeforeBefore AfterAfter Project - Priority D: The eight ExistingExisting island island B View of project from Almaden Expressway. projectsprojects under under Priority Priority D Drestore restore and and (17(17 Acres) Acres) FundedprotectprotectFunded vital byvital bywildlife Safe, wildlife Safe, Cleanhabitat habitatClean Waterand andWater expandedexpanded andprovideand Natural Natural opportunities Flood Flood Protection for Protection increased B BViewView of of project project from from Almaden Almaden Expressway. Expressway. provide opportunities for increased ProposedProposed island island ProjectaccessaccessProject to - to trailsPriority -trails Priority and and openD: open D:The space.The eightspace. eight ExistingExisting island island projectsTheTheprojects Almaden Almaden under under LakePriority Lake Priority Improvement Improvement D restoreD restore and and protectprotect vital vital wildlife wildlife habitat habitat and and expandedexpanded ProjectProject is isone one of oftwo two creek/lake creek/lake provideseparationseparationprovide opportunities opportunitiesprojects projects being forbeing forincreased planned increasedplanned accessandandaccess designed designedto trailsto trails underand under and open Priority openPriority space. space.D. D. e/em/maiianititnetnteannacnec ero raodad ExistingExisting lake lake evlleevee/ e roa Existing lake ExistingExisting island island TheThe Almaden Almaden Lake Lake Improvement Improvement wll e NewNew levee/maintenance levee/maintenance road road ew e RestoredRestored Alamitos Alamitos Creek Creek ProjectProject is oneis one of twoof two creek/lake creek/lake NN k k rereee NewNew park park area area separationseparation projects projects being being planned planned itoitso Cs C mamiinattieinntteaRnneRacsentosctroerde ddA dlAalmam andand designed designed under under Priority Priority D. D. Coleman Road Coleman e/em/m ncne creo arodad ExistingExisting lake lake Coleman Road Coleman veveee ExistingExisting lake lake ExistingExisting island island lle lle ExistingExisting island island NewNew levee/maintenance levee/maintenance road road ew ew RestoredRestored Alamitos Alamitos Creek Creek N N k k reeree Before NewNew park park area area After tost oCs C ReRsteosrteodre Ad laAmlaimi CC BeforeBefore AfterAfter Coleman Road Road Coleman Coleman NewNew park park area area C C C (2(2 Acres) Acres) C ProfileProfile view view of ofnew new park parkBefore Beforearea, area, facing facing downstream downstream of of AlmadenAlmadenAfter Lake.After Lake. NewNew park park area area C CProfileProfile view view of ofnew new park park area, area, facing facing downstream downstream of ofAlmaden Almaden Lake. Lake. (2 (2Acres) Acres) AlmadenAlmadenAlmadenAlmaden ExpresswayExpressway ExpresswayExpressway BB AlmadenAlmadenAlmadenAlmaden ExpresswayExpressway ExpresswayExpressway B B Not to scale. Vegetation may vary by location. ThisThis rendering rendering depicts depicts a atypical typical summer summer flow flow in inthe the creek. creek. NewNew pedestrian/bike pedestrian/bike underpass underpass Not to scale. Vegetation may vary by location. underunder Coleman Coleman Road Road is isnot not shown shown ThisThis rendering rendering depicts depicts a typicala typical summer summer flow flow in thein the creek. creek. NewNew pedestrian/bike pedestrian/bike underpass underpass NotNot to scale.to scale. Vegetation Vegetation may may vary vary by bylocation. location. underunder Coleman Coleman Road Road is not is not shown shown Almaden Lake Improvement Project A Voter-Approved Stream Stewardship Creek/Lake Separation Project A View of project from Winfield Boulevard. Get project updates N 1. Visit https://delivr.com/2rrtr 2. Request project information using Access Valley Water valleywater.org/avwapp/ 3. Sign up to receive project updates via Wineld Boulevard New levee/maintenance road Proposed island email using the A QR code or the link Existing lake Reconfigured Almaden Lake on the project website. 4. For more information, contact project manager, James Ujah at (408) 630-3014 Recongured Almaden Lake Before After (17 Acres) Funded by Safe, Clean Water and Natural Flood Protection B Proposed island View of project from Almaden Expressway. Project - Priority D: The eight Existing island projects under Priority D restore and protect vital wildlife habitat and expanded provide opportunities for increased access to trails and open space. The Almaden Lake Improvement Project is one of two creek/lake separation projects being planned ainttenan and designed under Priority D. vee/mai ance road Existing lake Existing island lle Existing island New levee/maintenance road ew Restored Alamitos Creek N ek s Cre New park area Restored Alamito Coleman Road Coleman C Before After New park area (2 Acres) C Profile view of new park area, facing downstream of Almaden Lake. C Profile view of new park area, facing downstream of Almaden Lake. Almaden Expressway B Not to scale. Vegetation may
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