AGENDA SENATE STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 8:00 A.M. Room WW55 Monday, January 15, 2018 SUBJECT DESCRIPTION PRESENTER Page Introduction of Page, Lyndi Loveland Sen. Siddoway Introduction DOCKET NO. IDAPA 31 – IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION Paul Kjellander, 31-1101-1701 (IPUC) 31-1101-1701 – Safety & Accident Reporting Idaho Public PENDING Rules for Utilities Regulated by IPUC – page 6 Utilities RULE If you have written testimony, please provide a copy of it along with the name of the person or organization responsible to the committee secretary to ensure accuracy of records. COMMITTEE MEMBERS COMMITTEE SECRETARY Chairman Siddoway Sen Vick Twyla Melton Vice Chairman Hagedorn Sen Anthon Room: WW42 Sen Hill Sen Stennett Phone: 332-1326 Sen Winder Sen Buckner-Webb email: [email protected] Sen Lodge MINUTES SENATE STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE DATE: Monday, January 15, 2018 TIME: 8:00 A.M. PLACE: Room WW55 MEMBERS Chairman Siddoway, Vice Chairman Hagedorn, Senators Hill, Winder, Lodge, Vick, PRESENT: Anthon, Stennett, and Buckner-Webb ABSENT/ None EXCUSED: NOTE: The sign-in sheet, testimonies and other related materials will be retained with the minutes in the committee's office until the end of the session and will then be located on file with the minutes in the Legislative Services Library. CONVENED: Chairman Siddoway called the Senate State Affairs Committee to order at 8:00 a.m. on Monday, January 15, 2018. INTRODUCTION Chairman Siddoway introduced and welcomed Page Lyndi Loveland and OF PAGE: explained that Lyndi is from St. Anthony, attended his Alma Mater in South Fremont, and had approached her neighbor, Chairman Siddoway, to be her sponsor; he agreed. Chairman Siddoway asked Lyndi to provide the Committee with some of her history and why she had an interest in coming to the Legislature. Lyndi Loveland, St. Anthony, explained that she attended Idaho Syringa Girls State last summer where they learned about government and received high school government credits. While there, she was introduced to the page program. As they sat in the Senate seats, she immediately knew it was something she wanted to do. She sent in her application and was accepted. Chairman Siddoway asked what she hoped to learn from this experience. Lyndi responded that she was not as educated about government as she should be; this would be an opportunity to learn. Chairman Hill asked Lyndi to tell the Committee about her family. Lyndi answered that she had two older brothers and an older sister. Her oldest brother has a set of adorable, three year old twins. She lives at home with her parents, Mike and Laurie Loveland. She has lived on a dairy farm her whole life. Chairman Siddoway thanked Lyndi for serving at the Legislature. IDAPA 31 – IDAHO PUBLIC UTILITIES COMMISSION (IPUC) 31-1101-1701 – Safety & Accident Reporting Rules for Utilities Regulated by IPUC. DOCKET NO. Paul Kjellander, Commissioner, Idaho Public Utilities Commission (IPUC), stated 31-1101-1701 he is bringing some housekeeping rules before the Committee. This happens about every two years when the Federal Pipeline Safety Statutes are updated. The IPUC is required to bring those updates before the Legislature. The rules today refer to the Protecting Our Infrastructure of Pipelines and Enhancing Safety (PIPES) Act of 2016 which relates to the authority to regulate carbon dioxide in pipelines. At the federal level, the statute also requires the state program to communicate with any operator who has been inspected and provide any information concerning the inspection within 90 days. This statute further addresses standards related to underground natural gas storage facilities. Commissioner Kjellander reiterated that this was largely housekeeping and stated his appreciation to the Committee for accommodating his schedule. Senator Hill asked if the changes affect the standards for carbon monoxide levels. Commissioner Kjellander stated that the federal changes only give the IPUC authority to regulate and doesn't provide much information about the changes in the carbon monoxide standards. Senator Winder addressed the "incorporate by reference" language. He inquired as to how many pages are being incorporated? Commissioner Kjellander deferred to Joe Leckie, Executive Administrator, IPUC, who stated there were approximately 35 pages. Commissioner Kjellander added that not every section in those pages was changed. Senator Winder asked that, in the future when there is a statement "incorporate by reference" there should be at least one copy of the full reference for the Committee. Commissioner Kjellander concurred. Senator Hagedorn commented that he clicked on the link in that rule and accessed all the information. He suggested adding the appropriate link within the rule. Chairman Siddoway asked if the rule only affects gas lines or does it affect other lines such as sewer lines? Commissioner Kjellander answered that it solely affects natural gas lines. MOTION: Senator Hill moved to approve Docket 31-1101-1701. Senator Hagedorn seconded the motion. The motion carried by voice vote. Senator Lodge asked Commissioner Kjellander about the lack of monies for the telephone program. Commissioner Kjellander provided a brief overview. He explained that the State of Idaho is one of approximately 20 states in the nation that participates in the Universal Service Fund. The fund was created in 1988 to ensure that customers in rural areas paid a reasonable comparable rate for voice line services as that of customers in larger communities. Recently, with the emergence of advanced technology, the number of access minutes and lines have declined. This year the number has declined by 30 percent. Based on the current statute, there are very few alternatives other than raising the fee for customers that still have voice lines; doing so would raise approximately $1.7 million, which would be dispersed according to the formula among the eight rural phone companies. Beginning on Wednesday this week, representatives of a number of telephone companies will meet with the objective of reporting to and working with this Committee to develop relevant legislation in next year's legislative session. Senator Lodge thanked Commissioner Kjellander and expressed her concern for the rural areas she represents. Chairman Siddoway expressed a concern about the affect on telephone cooperatives; would they be subject to paying the $1.7 million? Commissioner Kjellander suggested that this does not affect cooperatives. However, Commissioner Kjellander said he would check on this and get back to Chairman Siddoway and the Committee. (See Note Below) ADJOURNMENT:There being no further business, Chairman Siddoway adjourned the meeting at 8:18 a.m. TESTIMONY After subsequent investigation, Commissioner Kjellander discovered that UPDATE FROM municipal and cooperatives are assessed the Universal Service Feed Fee for land COMMISSIONER lines-(voice). This information was provided to Chairman Siddoway on January KJELLANDER 15, 2018. ___________________________ ___________________________ Senator Siddoway, Chair Twyla Melton, Secretary SENATE STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE Monday, January 15, 2018—Minutes—Page 2 AMENDED AGENDA #1 SENATE STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE 8:00 A.M. Room WW55 Wednesday, January 17, 2018 SUBJECT DESCRIPTION PRESENTER INTRODUCTION OF Chairman Siddoway MEMBERS: GUBERNATORIAL The appointment of Brigadier General Michael Brigadier General APPOINTMENTS: J. Garshak as Adjutant General of the State of Michael J. Garshak Idaho Military Division. The re-appointment of Jeffrey Anderson as Jeffrey Anderson, Director of the Idaho State Liquor Division. Director, Idaho State Liquor Division The re-appointment of Randolph Hill to the Randolph Hill Idaho Energy Resources Authority. The appointment of Katie Brodie to the Idaho Katie Brodie, Commission on Human Rights. Telephone Special Assistant interview. to the Governor, Northern Idaho Field Representative RS25612 RELATING TO STATE VETERANS Tracy Schaner, CEMETERIES to revise language and make Deputy technical corrections. Administrator, State Veterans Cemeteries RS25608 RELATING TO THE ENDOWMENT FUND Chris Anton, INVESTMENT BOARD to revise compensation Manager of provisions regarding board members. Investments, Endowment Fund Investment Board DOCKET NO: IDAPA 11 – IDAHO STATE POLICE Idaho Ardie Noyes, 11-0406-1701 Racing Commission 11.04.06 – Rules Business Operations PENDING RULE Governing Racing Officials – page 3 Manager, Idaho State Racing Commission If you have written testimony, please provide a copy of it along with the name of the person or organization responsible to the committee secretary to ensure accuracy of records. COMMITTEE MEMBERS COMMITTEE SECRETARY Chairman Siddoway Sen Vick Twyla Melton Vice Chairman Hagedorn Sen Anthon Room: WW42 Sen Hill Sen Stennett Phone: 332-1326 Sen Winder Sen Buckner-Webb email: [email protected] Sen Lodge MINUTES SENATE STATE AFFAIRS COMMITTEE DATE: Wednesday, January 17, 2018 TIME: 8:00 A.M. PLACE: Room WW55 MEMBERS Chairman Siddoway, Vice Chairman Hagedorn, Senators Winder, Lodge, Vick, PRESENT: Anthon, Stennett, and Buckner-Webb ABSENT/ Senators Hill EXCUSED: NOTE: The sign-in sheet, testimonies and other related materials will be retained with the minutes in the committee's office until the end of the session and will then be located on file with the minutes in the Legislative Services Library. CONVENED: Chairman Siddoway called the Senate State Affairs Committee (Committee) to order at 8:00 a.m. with a quorum present. GUBERNATORIALThe appointment
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