THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1973 WASHINGTON, D.C. Volume 38 ■ Number 205 Pages 29451-29555 HIGHLIGHTS OF THIS ISSUE This listing does not affect the legal status of any document published in this issue. Detailed table of contents appears inside. EXECUTIVE ORDERS: Delegation of authority to Secretary of State regarding international agreements........................................................ 29457 Modification of Proclamation No. 3279, as amended, regarding Oil Policy Committee____ _______ .-._______ 29459 WATERGATE SPECIAL PROSECUTION FORCE— Justice Department abolishes office; effective 10—21—73________ 29466 ATTORNEY GENERAL— Justice Department amends regulations designating officials to act in case of vacancy in that office........................_ .............t...............'....................... 29466 CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES— Justice Department pro­ poses promulgation of security measures for practitioners; comments by 11-15-73 ........................................................ 29479 REVENUE SHARING— Treasury Department procedure for improvement of entitlement data....... .............................. 29501 DATA PROCESSING SERVICES— Comptroller of the Cur­ rency proposes interpretive rulings for national banks; comments by 11-30-73...™.-................................. ........... ...... 29479 SAVINGS AND LOAN HOLDING COMPANIES— FHLBB prescribes new form for use in excepted acquisition; effective 1 0 -2 5 -7 3 ............... ............ ............................ ,1........ 29462 BANKS AND BANKING— FRS prescribes maximum rates of interest payable on time and saving deposits; effective 1 1 -1 -7 3 .................. 29461 FHLBB amendment regarding acceptance of deposits from members on daily basis; effective 10-23—73......... 29461 NEW ANIMAL DRUGS— FDA withdraws approval of appli­ cations for use of DES implants.............................................. 29510 FOOD ADDITIVES— FDA provides for safe use of certain drugs in sanitizing solutions and food packaging materials (3 documents); effective 1 0 -2 5 -7 3 ...........................29465, 29466 LOUISIANA SUGAR— Agriculture Department determina­ tion of prices for 1973 crop; effective 1 0 -2 5 -7 3 _______ 29472 RADIOACTIVE MATERIALS— DOT miscellaneous propos­ als regarding transportation requirements; comments by 1 -1 5 -7 4 .......................................................... ........................ 29483 (Continued inside) I REMINDERS (The items in this list were editorially compiled as an aid to F ederal R egister users. Inclusion or exclusion from this list has no legal significance. Since this list is intended as a reminder, it does not include effective dates that occur within 14 days of publication.) Rules Going Into Effect Today This list includes only rules that were pub­ lished in the F ederal R egister after Octo­ ber 1, 1972. page no. and date OCTOBER 25 EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY COMMISSION— Recordkeeping and fil­ ing requirements.— ..................... 26719; 9 -2 5 -7 3 Published daily, Monday through Friday (no publication on Saturdays, Sundays, or on official Federal holidays), by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services Administration, Washington, D.C. 20408, under the Federal Register Act (49 Stat. 500, as amended; 44 U.S.C., Ch. 15) and the regulations of the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (1 CFR Ch. I). Distribution VS*'' is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. The F ederal R egister provides a uniform system for making available to the public regulations and legal notices issued by the Executive Branch of the Federal Government. These include Presidential proclamations and Executive orders and Federal agency documents having general applicability and legal effect, documents required to be published by Act of Congress and other Federal agency documents of public interest. The F ederal R egister will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $2.50 per month or $25 per year, payable in advance. The charge for individual copies is 20 cents for each issue, or 20 cents for each group of pages as actually bound. Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Officei Washington, D.C. 20402. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing in the F ederal R egister. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL. 38, NO. 205— THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1973 HIGHLIGHTS— Continued TRADE PRACTICES— FTC rescinds rules for certain NASA: Life Sciences Committee, 11—19 and 11—20-73.. 29538 Research and Technology Advisory Council Commit­ industries ...... — , -............ —-..... ..........................- ..... — - 29465 tee on Aeronautical Propulsion, 10—31, 11—1 and COTTON TEXTILES— CITA announces merger of levels 1 1 -2 -7 3 ..........................______...............— ...................... 29539 for certain products from Colombia; effective 7 -1 -7 3 . 29522 HEW: FDA Advisory Committees, 11-1 through 1 2 -1 -7 3 .....-, .......... -........._ .................................................. 29508 MEETINGS— b . , %_... NIH November Meetings (27 documents).— 29514-29520 Defense Department: Air Force Academy Board of Visi- Civil Rights Commission: State Advisory Committees tors, 11- 1' through 11-4-73 ........................-..................... 29502 (2 documents), 10—25 and 10—27—73.............................. 29522 Advanced Logistics System Project Advisory Com- EPA: Air Pollution Chemistry and Physics Advisory mittee, 11—6 and 11—7—73....... ................... —................ 29502 Committee, 11—8 and 11—9—73...................— ................. 29523 Board of Advisors to the Superintendent, Naval Post- Meteorology Advisory Committee, 11-1-73 ............. 29523 FF»C: Technical Advisory Committees (2 documents) graduate School, 11—8 and 11—9—73— — ........... 29502 11-2 and 1 1 -1 9 -7 3 ............... 29531 Wage Committee, 11-6, 11—13, 11—20, and CLC:-Health Industry Wage and Salary Committee, 11-27-73 -................. ..........- ...............— — 29503 10-30 and 1 0 -3 1 -7 3 ........ 29523 Naval Weapons Center Advisory Board, 11-15 and Commission on Revision of the Federal Court Appellate 11-16-73 29502 System, 10—31—73...................... 29523 Contents THE PRESIDENT AIR FORCE DEPARTMENT CIVIL RIGHTS COMMISSION Notices Executive Orders N otices State Advisory Meetings: Delegation to Secretary of State Advanced Logistics System Proj­ ect Advisory Committee; meet­ New Hampshire, 1_______ _____ 29522 regarding negotiation of inter­ O h io ________________________ 29522 national agreements relating to ing ____________________ 29502 enhancement of environm ent, _ 29457 Air Force Academy Board; meet­ ing __________________ 29502 COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Modifying Proclamation No. 3279, See Domestic and International as amended, with respect to Oil ATOMIC ENERGY COMMISSION Business Administration; Na­ Policy Committee, ------------------ 29459 Notices tional Oceanic and Atmospheric EXECUTIVE AGENCIES Consumers Power Co.; prehearing Administration. AGENCY FOR INTERNATIONAL conference —_______________ — 29521 COMMITTEE OF THE IMPLEMENTATION DEVELOPMENT Regulatory guides; availability— 29520 OF TEXTILE AGREEMENTS Notices Smith and Wesson; issuance of byproduct material license------- 29521 Notices Delegation of authority; assistant Certain cotton textile products administrators ---------------------- 29498 Southern California Edison Co., et al.; availability of initial de­ produced or manufactured in Redelegations of missions direc­ Colombia; entry or withdrawal tors contracting functions: cision of the Atomic Safety and Licensing B oard-_____________ 29520 from warehouse for consump­ Afghanistan_________________ 29498 tion _____________________ fc___ 29522 B ra zil_______ 29498 Southern California Edison Co., Dominican Republic— .—__— 29499 et al.; assignmènt of members of Atomic Safety and Licensing COMMISSION ON REVISION OF THE El Salvador__ .____~r-------- ------ 29499 FEDERAL COURT APPELLATE SYSTEM Guatemala (2 docu m en ts),— 29498, Appeal Board----- -------------------- 29521 29499 Tennessee Valley Authority; re­ Notices constitution of Atomic Safety M eeting_______________________ 29523 India _________ __________ — 29499 and Licensing Appeal B oard- _— 29521 N epal________________________ 29500 Vermont Yankee Nuclear Power COMPTROLLER OF THE CURRENCY Paraguay___ ________________ 29500 Corp. and Pilgrim Nuclear Proposed Rules Philippines_______ - _________ 29500 Power Station____ ___________ 29521 AGRICULTURAL MARKETING SERVICE Data; processing services; interpre­ Rules and Regulations CIVIL AERONAUTICS BOARD tive rulings regarding utiliza­ Rules and Regulations tion and furnishing by national Milk in Chicago Regional Market­ b a n k s _______________________ 29479 ing Area; findings and deter­ Uniform system of accounts and mination ____________ ;___ ___ 29477 reports for certificated air car­ Notices Notices riers ; miscellaneous amend- Insured banks; joint call for re­ port of condition______________ 29500 Grain standards ; Texas and ments and deletions________ 29464 Washington (2 documents)___ 29503 Proposed Rules COST OF LIVING COUNCIL Large aircraft; definition; classi­ AGRICULTURAL STABILIZATION AND fication and exemption of air Notices CONSERVATION SERVICE taxi operators________________ 29480 Health Industry Wage and Salary Rules and Regulations Committee; postponement of Louisiana sugarcane; fair and
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