E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States th of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 104 CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 142 WASHINGTON, THURSDAY, MAY 23, 1996 No. 74 House of Representatives The House met at 9 a.m. and was PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Since our gentle debate has strayed called to order by the Speaker pro tem- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Will the from the base bill, which is what we pore [Mr. WALKER]. gentleman from New York [Mr. SCHU- were supposed to be debating for these 90 minutes, I suppose I will join the f MER] come forward and lead the House in the Pledge of Allegiance. crew and stray also. I would say that from what I have Mr. SCHUMER led the Pledge of Alle- DESIGNATION OF SPEAKER PRO heard thus far, it would appear that we giance as follows: TEMPORE are following the big lie phenomena: I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the ``If you tell the big lie enough times, The SPEAKER pro tempore laid be- United States of America, and to the fore the House the following commu- Republic for which it stands, one nation you will eventually begin to believe it nication from the Speaker: under God, indivisible, with liberty and jus- yourself.'' And then, ``If you tell it WASHINGTON, DC, tice for all. some more, you eventually get others May 23, 1996. f to believe it.'' I hereby designate the Honorable ROBERT If we have agreed, or do by the time S. WALKER to act as Speaker pro tempore on MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT the day is over, that we should increase this day. A message in writing from the Presi- the minimum wage, then it seems to NEWT GINGRICH, me it is time to turn our attention to Speaker of the House of Representatives. dent of the United States was commu- nicated to the House by Mr. Edwin the whole idea of job loss and what f Thomas, one of his secretaries. that problem presents to the most vul- nerable, the unskilled, the poorly edu- f PRAYER cated, the teens, and the senior citi- ANNOUNCEMENT BY THE SPEAKER zens. The Chaplain, Rev. James David PRO TEMPORE Now, that gets us to the big lie issue, Ford, D.D., offered the following pray- because we will hear over and over The SPEAKER pro tempore. The er: again that raising the minimum wage Chair announces that 1-minutes will be When we contemplate the wondrous does not cause unemployment or does held after the close of legislative busi- gifts that we have received from Your not remove the possibility that people ness on this day. hand, O God, and marvel in the ways with few skills and little education that Your spirit makes us whole, we f have when they try to get a job. But know that we are not adequate to re- yet we are told by the Congressional turn the blessing to You. Yet, O gra- EMPLOYEE COMMUTING FLEXIBILITY ACT OF 1996 Budget Office that a 90-cent increase cious God, we understand that in a could produce unemployment losses spirit of thankfulness, we can celebrate The SPEAKER pro tempore. The un- from 100,000 to 500,000 people. Your love to us by serving those about finished business is the further consid- A 1995 study by the University of us with deeds of justice and acts of eration of the bill (H.R. 1227) to amend Michigan and an economist there re- mercy. May we clearly see that in as- the Portal-to-Portal Act of 1947 relat- vealed that New Jersey's minimum sisting others in their concerns and ing to the payment of wages to employ- wage increase led to a 4.6-percent re- leading in the ways of security and ees who use employer owned vehicles. duction in employment. peace for every person, we are serving The Clerk read the title of the bill. A 1995 report from the University of You, our God, our Creator, and Re- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Chicago and Texas A&M University deemer. Amen. ant to the order of the House of found that with the last increase in the Wednesday, May 22, 1996, 1 hour of de- minimum wage, employment of teen- f bate remains on the bill. The gen- age males fell 5 percent while employ- tleman from Pennsylvania [Mr. GOOD- ment of teenage women fell 7 percent. THE JOURNAL LING] and the gentleman from Missouri In 1978, the Minimum Wage Study The SPEAKER pro tempore. The [Mr. CLAY] will each control 30 min- Commission determined that for every Chair has examined the Journal of the utes. 10 percent increase in the minimum last day's proceedings and announces The Chair recognizes the gentleman wage, it results in a 1- to 3-percent job to the House his approval thereof. from Pennsylvania [Mr. GOODLING]. loss for teenagers. Pursuant to clause 1, rule I, the Jour- Mr. GOODLING. Mr. Speaker, I yield A 1995 study by economists from Ohio nal stands approved. myself such time as I may consume. University found a link between the b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H5503 H5504 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð HOUSE May 23, 1996 minimum wage increases and the re- ing me this time, and I rise to oppose Mr. HUTCHINSON. Mr. Speaker, I cessions of 1990±91 and 1974±75. Further, strongly the Goodling amendment and just wonder where all of this passion the study determined that higher un- to talk about its effect on the underly- was 2 years ago when Democrats con- employment rates during the recession ing bill. trolled this Chamber, controlled the of 1990±91 and 1974±75 explained why, Today we were supposed to vote on a other Chamber and controlled the over the past two decades, the poverty bill to increase the minimum wage by White House. Not once, not once, was a rate rose in the year after the comple- 90 cents and to pay working families a minimum wage proposal brought up be- tion of each minimum wage increase. living wage. We were going to raise the fore the full House, before a commit- So, again, I think it is time to stop minimum wage from its lowest level in tee, or before a subcommittee. What we indicating that there are no problems 40 years. And what do the American are seeing now is rhetoric. What we are for thousands of people in this country people wake to this morning? The seeing is election year politics. when we talk about a minimum wage Goodling surprise, an amendment I rise to oppose increasing the mini- increase. which says that any business with an- mum wage, not because I do not want So what do we do about that? Well, nual sales of under $500,000 is exempted to help working Americans, but be- we do the same thing we have done from the Fair Labor Standards Act. cause I do want to help them. We every time we have had a minimum In other words, if an individual hap- know, we know, that raising the mini- wage increase, we go back and do what pens to be one of the 10.5 million Amer- mum wage will kill jobs. It will take we can possibly do to make sure that icans who work in these small busi- opportunities away from those who we those, in this case, 100,000 to 500,000, are nesses, they do not have to get paid claim we want to help the most. not without employment. And so we overtime; they do not earn the mini- I point to Melody Rane and her fam- look at those ways, as we did in the mum wage. Not the old one or the new ily who own two Burger King fran- past. one. chises in Eureka, CA. A minimum wage In the past we had a small business In my region, the New York City hike will force her to lay off four full- exemption. Well, when we talk about a metropolitan area, over 130,000 busi- time and eight part-time workers at small business exemption we have to nesses will be exempt from fair labor her stores. She will also be forced to understand that every other major laws and 200,000 workers will be left un- raise her prices, which will hurt every- workplace policy statute contains an protected. one, especially the working poor, whom The minimum wage vote should be exemption for our Nation's smallest we claim that we have compassion for. called the Gingrich two-step. Take one business. Consider the Civil Rights Act According to Melody, raising the step forward by raising the minimum of 1964. It exempts businesses with less minimum wage will hurt teens more wage for some people, take two giant than 15 employees. The Americans than anyone else she employs because steps back by exempting millions from With Disabilities Act exempts busi- she will no longer be able to provide overtime and minimum wage laws all entry-level jobs for them. The young nesses with less than 15 employees. The together. people that she has hired have not Family and Medical Leave Act exempts Why must the GOP continue to gra- stayed on at minimum wage for very those with less than 50 employees.
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