METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION Commissioner Wesley S. Davis Craig Fletcher -City of Vero Beach Commissioner Joseph E. Flescher Tracy Carroll -City of Vera Beach, Alternate Commissioner Gary C. Wheeler Frances Atchison-Town of Indian River Shores Commissioner Bob Solari Jerry Weick-Town ofIRS, Alternate Commissioner Peter D. O'Bryan Susan Adams -City of Fellsmere Eugene Wolff- City of Sebastian Sara Savage-City ofFellsmere, Alternate Don Wright -City ofSebastian, Alternate Non-voting Ex-Officio Member Brian Heady -City of Vero Beach Richard Dunlop-Town of Orchid JeffPegler-IRC School Board FDOT District 4 Representative Matt McCain -IRC School Board, Alternate Richard Gillmor, City of Sebastian- MPO Chairman AGENDA THE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO) WILL MEET AT 10:00 AM ON WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 8, 2010 IN CONFERENCE ROOM B1-501, COUNTY ADMINISTRATION BUILDING B, 1800 27TH STREET, VERO BEACH. 1. Call to Order 2. Approval of Minutes October 13,2010 3. Status Report of MPO Advisory Committees No Action Required 4. Review of Progress Report and Reimbursement Invoice #1 for the 2010/11 Planning Grant Action Required 5. Request to Approve Community Transportation Coordinator (CTC) Annual Evaluation Report for FY 2009-2010 Action Required 6. Review of FDOT Draft Tentative Five Year Work Program for Fiscal Years 2011/12 through 2015/16 Action Required F:\Community Dcv~lopment\UsersiMPO\Mcctings\MPO\lOJ0\12-08-IOI.r\genda.doc 1 7. Consideration of the Final Indian River County 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan Action Required 8. Consideration of Amendments to the Adopted Indian River County Transportation Improvement Program {TIP) Action Required 9. Presentation by Indian River County Health Department on Walking School Buses No Action Required 10. Status Report on Florida High Speed Rail Grant Applications No Action Required 11. Quarterly Status Report of MPO Staff Activities No Action Required 12. 2011 MPO Meeting Schedule 13. Other Business 14. Comments from the Public 15. Adjournment Next Meeting MPO: January 12, 2011; 10:00 AM; Conference Room B1-501. To view the MPO Agenda packet on-line please go to the following link: http://www.ircgov.com/Boards/MP0/2010/agendas/MP0120810A.pdf IF YOU HAVE QUESTIONS CONCERNING THE ITEMS ON THIS AGENDA, PLEASE CONTACT MPO STAFF AT (772) 226-1455. ANYONE WHO MAY WISH TO APPEAL ANY DECISION WHICH MAY BE MADE AT THIS MEETING WILL NEED TO ENSURE THAT A VERBATIM RECORD OF THE PROCEEDINGS IS MADE WHICH INCLUDES THE EVIDENCE AND TESTIMONY UPON WHICH THE APPEAL WILL BE BASED. ANYONE WHO NEEDS A SPECIAL ACCOMMODATION FOR THiS MEETING WILL NEED TO CONTACT THE COUNTY'S AMERICANS WITH DISABILITIES ACT (ADA) COORDINATOR AT 567-8000, EXT. 223 AT LEAST 48 HOURS JN ADVANCE OF THE MEETING. F:\Communily Dcvdopm~nt\U~cr$1MPOIM~ctings1MPOUOIOIJ2.08-JO\Agcndll..doc 2 METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION A meeting of the Indian River County (IRC) Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) was held at 10:00 a.m. on Wednesday, October 13, 2010, in the County Administration Building, 1800 2ih Street, Building B, Room B1-501, Vero Beach, Florida. Present were: Chairman Richard Gillmor, Mayor, City of Sebastian; Peter O'Bryan, Bob Solari, Wesley Davis, Joe Flescher, and Gary Wheeler, Commissioners, IRC; Frannie Atchison, Councilmember, Town of Indian River Shores; Sabin Abell, Councilmember, City of Vero Beach; Don Wright, Council Member, City of Sebastian; Susan Adams (arrived at 10:20 a.m.), Mayor, City of Fellsmere; and Tykus Holloway, FOOT District 4 Representative. Absent were: Kevin Sawnick, Councilmember, City of Vero Beach; Debbie MacKay, IRC School Board; and Richard Dunlop, Councilmember, Non-voting member, Town of Orchid, (all excused). Also present were IRC staff: Joe Baird, County Administrator; Alan Polackwich, County Attorney; Jason Brown, Director of Management and Budget; Phil Matson, IRC MPO Director; Bob Keating, Community Development Director; Chris Mora, Public Works Director; Brian Freeman, MPO Senior Planner; Sharon Schalm, Staff Assistant Ill, MPO; and Darcy Vasilas, Commissioner Assistant, District 3. Others present: Monte Falls, Public Works Director, City of Vero Beach; Nathan McCollum, Community and Government Liaison, Indian River Medical Center; Claudia DeWitt, Transfield Services; Gregory Kyle and Ravi Wijesundera, Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc.; Bob Johnson, Interested Citizen; and James Henry Davey, Future Interested Citizen. Call to Order Chairman Gillmor called the meeting to order at 10:07 a.m., at which time it was determined a quorum was present. All stood for the Pledge of Allegiance. Approval of Minutes of September 8, 2010 MPO meeting ON MOTION BY Commissioner O'Bryan, SECONDED BY Commissioner Davis, the members voted unanimously (9-0) to approve the minutes of September 8, 2010 as presented. MPO- Unapproved 1 October 13, 2010 F:\BCC\AII Committees\MP0\201 0 Minutes\1 0.13.1 O.doc Status Report of MPO Advisory Committees- No Action Required Mr. Phil Matson, IRC MPO Director, reviewed his memorandum dated October 6, 2010, a copy of which is on file in the Commission Office. Consideration of 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan (LRTP - Draft Cost Feasible Plan -Action Required Mr. Matson explained after the presentation of the 2035 Long Range Transportation Plan at the September 8, 2010 MPO meeting, the members expressed a preference for network Alternative "A", and requested staff and its consultants develop a new network alternative. The new alternative, which does not assume adoption of any additional local option gas taxes within the 25-year­ LRTP horizon, is identified as Alternative "C." Since Alternative "C" was developed with less available revenue, there were a number of projects that appear in Alternative "A" that were eliminated from Alternative "C." The most significant of the projects excluded from Alternative "C" are the widening of 2th Avenue (St. Lucie County Line to Oslo Road) and the extension of 69th Street (66th Avenue to the Fellsmere North-South Grid Roadway). Because there were fewer roadway improvements included in Alternative "C", the adoption of Alternative "C" would have adverse capacity and mobility impacts on the future travel network. There were more total Vehicle Miles and Vehicle Hours traveled under Alternative "C", this is because there were fewer grid roadways provided under that scenario. Also, under Alternative "C", a higher percentage of total travel will occur under congested conditions, and overall travel speeds will diminish. The two alternatives also differ with respect to many individual travel corridors. In the south county area, for example, portions of 20th Avenue and 43rd Avenue will be approaching congested conditions under Alternative "C." Those roadways, however, do not demonstrate future deficiencies under Alternative "A", since there are more inter-county travel options with that alternative. Another noticeable difference between the alternatives appears in the CR 512 corridor. Without 69th Street, east-west travel across 1-95 in the north county area will occur solely on CR 512, resulting in congested conditions on CR 512, particularly west of 1-95. Mr. Matson introduced Mr. Gregory Kyle, and Mr. Ravi Wijesundera, consultants from Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Mr. Kyle proceeded to give a MPO- Unapproved 2 October 13,2010 F:\BCC\AII Committees\MP0\201 0 Minutes\1 0.13.1 O.doc PowerPoint presentation, a copy of which is on file in the Commission Office. Highlights of this presentation were as follows: The Cost Feasible Plan was built off the Adopted Needs Plan which was developed earlier in the process from a hybrid alternative that was developed by widening key roadway corridors as well as densifying the roadway grid within the county. The 2035 Needs Plan Modeling Deficient Roadway Segments were identified as: • 1-95 • us 1 • SRA1A • CR 510 • CR 507 • CR512 • Roseland Road • Indian River Boulevard • SR60 • Oslo Road • 82nd Avenue • 66th Avenue • 58th Avenue • 43rd Avenue • 2ih Avenue • 20th Avenue Adopted Needs Plan Enhanced Grid Alternative: • Combines construction of a denser grid network with widening of key corridors • Eliminates the need to widen a number of roadways Financial Resources Analyses: • New Federal requirement for LRTP's • Converting revenues and costs to Year of Expenditure (YOE) dollars more accurate method - accounts for effects of inflation on costs of transportation projects MPO- Unapproved 3 October 13,2010 F:\BCC\AII Committees\MP0\201 0 Minutes\1 0.13.1 O.doc Mr. Kyle pointed out approximately $55 million of funds were predicated upon the adoption of additional local option gas tax funds. Based on some concerns that were raised at previous meetings, Alternative "C" has been developed without the $55 million of funds. Mr. Kyle continued, the gap in funding was something new to IRC; when the 2030 LRTP was prepared, there was enough funding available to fund all the projects that were in the needs plan. The gap reflects the increase in cost of transportation improvements, some of that related to the new way of preparing LRTP's where we have to factor in the effects of inflation over time on construction costs. It also reflected somewhat the way revenue streams are beginning to erode over time, such as the federal gas tax which has been at 18- cents a gallon since early 1990's. The value of that gas tax was eroding and is delivering less in terms of transportation infrastructure improvements. Commissioner Davis asked if the decrease in the value of gas tax was due to more fuel efficient
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