CTHEMedford, MA 02155 TUFTSCommencement 1991 DAILY7Vol XXII,Number 64 Daae two THE TUFH DAILY Commencement 1991 (THETUFTS DAILE Anna George INSIDETHIS ISSUE Editor-in-Chief Managing Editor: Geoff Lepper Associate Editor: David Saltzman Produckon Managers: Beth Geller, TUFTS HONORS SEVEN WITH DEGREES Michelle Frayman. Julie Comdl NEWS Emmy award-winning entertainer Harry Belafonte, Brit- Editors: Kris Muffler. Patrick Healy Assistant Editor: Janine Billy ish mystery novelist Dick Francis, author and neurolo- Wire Editor: John Stone gist Oliver Sacks and media mogul Ted Turner will VIEWPOIiyTs be awarded honorary degrees Sunday for their internation- Editors: Jason George. Eric Hirsch Assistant Editor: Jason Graham ally recognized accomplishments. Page 5 FEATURES Editor: Michele Pennell Assistant Editor: Elizabeth Yellen ARTS Editors: Allison Smith. Kristin Archick TCU PRESIDENT STRESSES OUTREACH Assistant Editor: Caitlin O’Neil SPORTS Newly elected Tufts Community Union President Alexa Editors: Sean Melia, Neil Fater. Mike Friedman Assistant Editor: Jemny Rosenberg Leon-Prado has high expectations-for the coming year. PHOTOGRAPHY She hopes to increase the student Senate’s outreach Editors: Julio Mota, Nathalie Desbiez Assistant Editors: Jen Kleinschmidt. efforts to include more members of the student body in Olivier Timnann decisions that affect Tufts. Page 5 PRODUCTION Layout Editors: Jennifer Wolf, William Enestvedt Graphics Editor: John Pohorylo Classifieds Editors: Laura Walker. Lisa Mooreheac Assistant Classifieds Editor: Cristina Garces Copy Editors: Christopher Provenzano. SENIORS ASSESS PAST AND FUTURE Jessica Goodman Four of Tufts’ graduating student leaders examine var- Sandra Giordano Executive Business Director ious aspects of University life including student activ- ism, political extremism, University budget issues, office Manager: Michael El-Deiry Receivables Manager: Gizem Ozkulahci frustration and ignorance. pages 7 and 9 SubscriptionsManager: Monica Heidelberg The Tufts Daily is a nm-profs newspaper, pubbhe Monday thrmgh Friday during the academic year and dis CONTROVERSY SPEAKS OUT tributed free to the TUAS Community. The Daily is enrid! student-run; thcrc are no paid editorial positions. The D.il: isprintedatCharlesRiwFublishing,Qlulestown.MA. TheDailyislouted atthebackcmnnaof Cutis Hdla The potential for unrest doesn’t deter University groups Tufts University. Om phom number is (617) 3813W from hosting outspoken publicfigures. This year, the Busimss hours are 9Mam. - 600 PSI.. Mmday thnmgl Thursdry.Friday1000am.-6:00pm.dlMpm.-6~ Tufts controversial speaker policy was invoked anumber pm. m Sunday. Subscripiaa ue $15 for a mncstermd $25 fora ful of times to insure that guests and students- ”- could ex- ~i?%%nailhgaddressdmnsrir:TbcTuftsMy.PoaOffiaBa change opinions, without major disGption. -~ - IS.-!fOFJ MA 02153:Sl?!!+&p~*,edjIll* __ - -- -- -- __-_ _-- - page 12 Prckcs. Thc policies of The Tufts Daily am established by majority ofthe editorial board. Editorials ue established b a mating editorialboud designated to repracnt a majorit, af editom. Editorials appear m this page, umigncd. Individ ual editom are not nocssldly rcsporwibile for, or in ap mmt with, the policies and editorids of Thc Tufts Daily. -The cimtcnt of leaers. advertisanents, signed colm ON THE STAGE UMM~and gnphia doesnot necessarilyleflcathcopinia aflhe TuftsDailyeditmialboud. Local theater offers a bit of everything plus dinner. The Lettern the Editor Polky to Gin Game, Talk Radio and Tales of Hans Christian 1 TheTufts Daily welames letten fmn the ruders. Th laterspageisanopenf-farumpusissucsandumunent Anderson will all be hitting the stage Commencement about the Daily’s coverage. Letters must include the Water‘s name and a phon weekend. Also, dinner theaters will serve up drama with number whge the writer can be rcachcd. All letters must b dessert. page 15 verified with the writer before they can be published. ~ The deadline for leners to be consideredforpublicatio m the following day’s issue is 4ap.m. ~. Duetospacelimitations,lettersshouldbenolongertha ARTS HAVE A NEW HOME 350 words. Letters should be accompanied by no more tha eight signarures. ~ The editors me the right to edit letks for claxit] The beautiful new Aidekman Arts Center, opened unof- 1 Publicationof lettersis subjecttothediscretianoftheediton 1 Letters should be typed or printd from an IBM or IBM ficially this spring, brings to Tufts a brand new state-of- compatible computer in letter-quality or near-leuer-qualit mode. Letters written cn Macintosh computers should b the-art arena theater, two new galleries and a sculpture 1 brought in on disk - fdes should be saved in “text-only court. A fall gala will mark the official opening of 1 format, and disks should be bmught in with a wpy of th ~1etter.DiskscanbepickedupinTheDailybuSinessoffiffith the building and will feature an exhibition of avant garde 1 following day. ~ Letters should address the editor and not a padcula drama. page 16 individual. While letters can be critical of m hdividual’ actions, they should not attack someone’s personality tnit! The Daily will not aecept anonymous lmer~or pe names except in extrane circumstan~if the Excartiv Board determines that thcrc is a clear and present danger t the author. The Daily will not acffipt letteas regarding th coverage of other publications, unless their coverage itsd has become a newsworthy issue that has appeared in Th AN INAUGURAL WIN Daily.TheDaily will a- leuusof thanks.ifspacepenni~ but wiU not rn letters whose sole purpose is to advertise a event. The softball team was triumphant in the first-ever When writers haw group affidiations or hold titles e positions related to the topic of their lettcr,TheDaily will not NESCAC Tournament, beating both Williams and Trin- that initalics following theletter.Thisis to pmvideadditioni information to the mders and is not intended to detract fmz ity for the title. The pitching of Tracy Cleverdon, who the lettcr. hurled back-to-backcomplete games, was tfie key for the Classifleda Information Jumbos. page 17 All Tufts students must submit dassifieds in pnsor prepaid with cash or check. All classifiedsmust be submittc by 3 p.m. the day before publication. Classifieds may also b THE ENVELOPE, PLEASE bought at the information booth at the Campus Center. A classifieds submitted by mail must be acumpanied by check. Classifieds may not be submitted over the phone. Naicesand~t&FoundsaremeandrunonTucsdaj Vera Stenhouse, after four years of carrying the women’s and Thursdays only. Notices are limited to two per week pt track and field team, wins her second Sargeant award as organization and run space permitting. Notices must b written on Daily forms and submitted in pemNotice top female athlete of 1990-91. Jim Downing and Mike carmotbeusedtosellm~~diseoradveaisermjorevenP The Tufts Daily is not liable for MYdamages due I LaCamera split the Houston award for top male athlete, typographical errors or misprintings except the cost of th and Aryn Landau was given the Fobert award for the best insertion. which is fully refundable. Wercscrve the right t refuse to print any cl.srifieds which contain obscenity,are i multi-sport competitor. page 17 an overtly sexual nature, or are used expressly to denigrate pcnram PUP. I Front-page photo by Jennifer Kleinschmidt I Commencement 1991 IHE TUFTS DAILY .page three NEWS Tufts to award 2,100 degrees on Commencement Day by PATRICK HEALY at 8:45 a.m. on Sunday, with thc Harlcm-born cntcrtaincr, pro- cal Scicnccs will conl’cr I8 doc- bc hcld Saturday altcrnoon on thc Dall) Iiliturial hard aciidcmic proccssion of dcgrcc duccr, and social activist: Vicc loriil ticjirccs and two Mustcr of Prcsidcnl’sLavii lor rhc Class of Tufts Univcrsity will award candidatcs prcccding spccchcs Chanccllor of thc Univcrsity of Scicnccdcgrccs,thc Iiugcst g~idu- 199 I and their Iiiiiiilyaid friends. approximatcly 2,100 dcgrccs to from Univcrsity Prcsidcnt Jcan Ncw Dclhi Moonis Raza: British ating class sincc ihc Sacklcr Maycr will gavc his final addrcss graduating studcnts of thc Uni- Maycr, administrators, students, mystcry author and fornicrjockcy School was founded 1 1 ycars ago. to thc graduating class, and ln- vcrsity undcrgraduatcand gradu- and invitcd guests rccciving hon- Dick Francis; and South African Sacks will addrcss the graduatcs tcrim Chaplain Jcnny Rankin, ate schools this wcckcnd. orary degrces. Senior Jonathan physician and civil rights lcadcr of thc two schools and rcccivc an Catholic Chaplain Michael Hunt, Thc presentation of the de- Cutlcr, the Wendcll PhillipsAward Dr. Mamphela Ramphcle. honorary Doctor of Science de- Rabbi Jcffrcy Summit, and three grccs during thc Univcrsity’s rccipicnt, will also addrcss thc Formcr Sccrctary of Slatc in grcc. scniors will conductan intcr-faith 135th Cornmenccment will take graduates and guests. the Carter Administration Cyrus scrvicc with readings and prayers. place following an all-University TedTurner,chairmanandchief Vance will receive the Fletcher In graduation ceremonies on ADcan’sreception on the Wessell ceremony on the academic quad executiveofficerofTurner Broad- School of Law and Diplomacy’s the Tufts Grafton campus, 60 stu- roof is scheduled immediatcly of the Medford/Somerville cam- casting Systems, Inc., will de- International ServiceAward and dents will rcceivc the Doctor of after the Baccalaurcatcceremony. pus. The ceremony for Arts, Sci- liver the main commencement will address the 133 graduatesof Vctcrinary Medicinc dcgrcc. ences, and Technology
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