![Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS and DEBATES of the 107Th CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION](https://data.docslib.org/img/3a60ab92a6e30910dab9bd827208bcff-1.webp)
E PL UR UM IB N U U S Congressional Record United States of America PROCEEDINGS AND DEBATES OF THE 107th CONGRESS, SECOND SESSION Vol. 148 WASHINGTON, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 2002 No. 1 House of Representatives The House met at noon. Members will record their presence Kildee Moran (KS) Sherman by electronic device. Kilpatrick Moran (VA) Sherwood The SPEAKER. This being the day King (NY) Morella Shimkus fixed by Public Law 107–98 of the 107th The call was taken by electronic de- Kingston Murtha Shows Congress, enacted pursuant to the 20th vice, and the following Members re- Kirk Myrick Shuster Amendment to the Constitution for the Kleczka Nadler Simmons sponded to their names: Knollenberg Neal Simpson meeting of the 2nd session of the 107th [Roll No. 1] Kolbe Nethercutt Skeen Congress, the House will be in order. Kucinich Ney Skelton The prayer will be offered by the Abercrombie Combest Goode LaFalce Northup Smith (MI) Ackerman Condit Goodlatte Chaplain. LaHood Norwood Smith (NJ) Aderholt Cooksey Gordon Lampson Nussle Smith (TX) The Chaplain, the Reverend Daniel P. Akin Cox Goss Langevin Oberstar Smith (WA) Allen Coyne Graham Lantos Obey Souder Coughlin, offered the following prayer: Andrews Cramer Granger Larsen (WA) Olver Spratt ‘‘Sing a new song to the Lord, sing to Armey Crane Graves Latham Ose Stearns the Lord, all the Earth. Sing to the Baca Crenshaw Green (TX) Bachus Crowley Green (WI) LaTourette Otter Stenholm Lord and bless His name, proclaim His Baird Cubin Greenwood Leach Owens Strickland power day after day.’’ Baker Culberson Grucci Lee Oxley Stump Lord, may this new session of the Baldacci Cummings Gutknecht Levin Pastor Stupak Baldwin Cunningham Hall (OH) Lewis (CA) Paul Sununu 107th Congress give You praise from its Barcia Davis (CA) Hall (TX) Lewis (GA) Pelosi Sweeney beginning and be to Your glory in the Barrett Davis (IL) Hansen Lewis (KY) Pence Tancredo end. Bartlett Davis, Jo Ann Harman Linder Peterson (MN) Tanner Bass Davis, Tom Hart Lipinski Petri Tauscher With new vigor and genuine orches- Bentsen Deal Hastert LoBiondo Phelps Tauzin tration, may the Members of the House Bereuter DeFazio Hastings (FL) Lofgren Pitts Taylor (MS) Berkley Delahunt Hastings (WA) Lowey Platts Terry of Representatives lift their voices in Biggert DeLauro Hayworth the anthem of freedom and justice Lucas (KY) Pombo Thompson (CA) Bilirakis DeMint Herger Lucas (OK) Price (NC) Thompson (MS) Bishop Deutsch Hill while they, with all America, grow in Luther Putnam Thornberry Blunt Diaz-Balart Hilliard Lynch Rahall Thune virtue day after day. Boehlert Dingell Hobson Maloney (CT) Ramstad Tiahrt Be with these Members, Lord, as they Boehner Doggett Hoeffel Maloney (NY) Regula Tiberi come together to accomplish the work Boozman Dooley Hoekstra Borski Doolittle Holden Manzullo Rehberg Tierney of Your people with hearts attuned to Boswell Dreier Holt Markey Reynolds Toomey the movement of Your spirit. May Boucher Duncan Honda Mascara Rivers Towns their voices in unison be heard around Boyd Dunn Horn Matheson Rodriguez Turner Brady (PA) Edwards Hostettler Matsui Roemer Udall (CO) the Earth. Brady (TX) Ehlers Hoyer McCarthy (MO) Rogers (KY) Udall (NM) As they work toward a just society Brown (FL) Ehrlich Hulshof McCollum Rogers (MI) Upton through the enactment of law, fill Brown (OH) Emerson Hunter McCrery Ross Velazquez Brown (SC) Engel Isakson McDermott Rothman Visclosky them with compassion and care for all Bryant Eshoo Israel McGovern Royce Walden who are suffering from oppression or Buyer Etheridge Issa McHugh Rush Walsh loss. In them, let Your spirit find cre- Calvert Evans Istook McInnis Ryan (WI) Wamp Camp Farr Jackson (IL) ative expression that will lift the McIntyre Ryun (KS) Watson (CA) Cannon Fattah Jackson-Lee McKeon Sabo Waxman Cantor Ferguson (TX) hearts of those who yearn to hear the McKinney Sanchez Weiner Capito Filner Jefferson melodious promise of security and McNulty Sandlin Weldon (PA) Capps Flake Jenkins Meehan Sawyer Weller peace. Peace is Your gift, now and for- Capuano Fletcher Johnson (CT) ever. Cardin Foley Johnson (IL) Meek (FL) Saxton Wexler Carson (IN) Forbes Johnson, E. B. Meeks (NY) Schakowsky Whitfield Amen. Castle Ford Johnson, Sam Mica Schiff Wicker Millender- Schrock Wilson (NM) f Chabot Fossella Jones (NC) Chambliss Frelinghuysen Kanjorski McDonald Scott Wilson (SC) CALL OF THE HOUSE Clay Frost Kaptur Miller, Dan Sensenbrenner Wolf Clayton Ganske Keller Miller, George Serrano Wynn The SPEAKER. The Clerk will utilize Clement Gekas Kelly Miller, Jeff Shadegg Young (FL) the electronic system to ascertain the Clyburn Gilchrest Kennedy (MN) Mollohan Shaw Coble Gilman Kennedy (RI) Moore Shays presence of a quorum. Collins Gonzalez Kerns b This symbol represents the time of day during the House proceedings, e.g., b 1407 is 2:07 p.m. Matter set in this typeface indicates words inserted or appended, rather than spoken, by a Member of the House on the floor. H1 . VerDate 10-DEC-2001 02:19 Jan 24, 2002 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00001 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A23JA7.000 pfrm02 PsN: H23PT1 H2 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE January 23, 2002 b 1228 terrorism and other public health S.J. Res. 12. Joint resolution granting the emergencies,’’ and requests a con- consent of Congress to the International The SPEAKER. On this rollcall, 347 Emergency Management Assistance Memo- Members have recorded their presence ference with the House on the dis- agreeing votes of the two Houses there- randum of Understanding. by electronic device, a quorum. S. Con. Res. 90. Concurrent resolution ex- Under the rule, further proceedings on, and appoints Mr. KENNEDY, Mr. pressing the sense of Congress regarding the under the call are dispensed with. DODD, Mr. HARKIN, Ms. MIKULSKI, Mr. efforts of people of the United States of Ko- JEFFORDS, Mr. GREGG, Mr. FRIST, Mr. rean ancestry to reunite with their family f ENZI, and Mr. HUTCHINSON, be the con- members in North Korea. PERSONAL EXPLANATION ferees on the part of the Senate. S. Con. Res. 92. Concurrent resolution rec- The message also announced that the ognizing Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty’s Ms. SOLIS. Mr. Speaker, during rollcall vote Senate has passed with amendments in success in promoting democracy and its con- No. 1 on quorum call I was unavoidably de- which the concurrence of the House is tinuing contribution to United States na- tained. Had I been present, I would have tional interests. requested, a concurrent resolution of voted ‘‘present.’’ the House of the following title: f f H. Con. Res. 211. Concurrent resolution DISPENSING WITH CALENDAR PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE commending Daw Aung San Suu Kyi on the WEDNESDAY BUSINESS ON TODAY 10th anniversary of her receiving the Nobel The SPEAKER. Will the gentleman Peace Prize and expressing the sense of the Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, I ask from Utah (Mr. HANSEN) come forward Congress with respect to the Government of unanimous consent that the business and lead the House in the Pledge of Al- Burma. in order under the Calendar Wednesday legiance. The message also announced that the rule be dispensed with on today. Mr. HANSEN led the Pledge of Alle- Senate has passed bills, a joint resolu- The SPEAKER. Is there objection to giance as follows: tion and concurrent resolutions of the the request of the gentleman from I pledge allegiance to the Flag of the following titles in which the concur- Texas? United States of America, and to the Repub- rence of the House is requested: There was no objection. lic for which it stands, one nation under God, S. 392. An act to grant a Federal charter to f indivisible, with liberty and justice for all. Korean War Veterans Association, Incor- f porated, and for other purposes. COMMITTEE TO NOTIFY THE S. 990. An act to amend the Pittman-Rob- PRESIDENT MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT ertson Wildlife Restoration Act to improve A message in writing from the Presi- the provisions relating to wildlife conserva- Mr. ARMEY. Mr. Speaker, I offer a dent of the United States was commu- tion and restoration programs, and for other privileged resolution (H. Res. 331) pro- purposes. viding for a committee to notify the nicated to the House by Ms. Wanda S. 1099. An act to increase the criminal Evans, one of his secretaries. President of the assembly of the Con- penalties for assaulting or threatening Fed- gress, and ask for its immediate con- f eral judges, their family members, and other sideration. public servants, and for other purposes. MESSAGE FROM THE SENATE S. 1214. An act to amend the Merchant Ma- The Clerk read the resolution, as fol- lows: A message from the Senate by Mr. rine Act, 1936, to establish a program to en- Monohan, one of its clerks, announced sure greater security for United States sea- H. RES. 331 ports, and for other purposes. that the Senate has passed with Resolved, That a committee of two Mem- S. 1400. An act to amend the Illegal Immi- bers be appointed by the Speaker on the part amendment in which the concurrence gration Reform and Immigrant Responsi- of the House is requested, bills of the of the House of Representatives to join with bility Act of 1996 to extend the deadline for a committee on the part of the Senate to no- House of the following titles: aliens to present a border crossing card that tify the President of the United States that H.R. 1892. An act to amend the Immigra- contains a biometric identifier matching the a quorum of each House has assembled and tion and Nationality Act to provide for the appropriate biometric characteristic of the Congress is ready to receive any communica- acceptance of an affidavit of support from alien. tion that he may be pleased to make.
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