St. Columba Religious Education Hymns For Eucharistic Adoration O Salutaris Hostia Phonetic Pronounciation O Salutaris Hostia Oh Sal-you-tar-is Hos-tee-ah Quae coeli pandis ostium Quay chay-lee pan-dis oh-oh-stee-oom Bella premunt hostilia Bell-ah pray-moo-oon ho-steel-ee-ah Da robur fer auxilium Dah row-ber fear-ear aux-zil-ee-oom Uni trinoque Domino Ooh-knee tree-no-quay Do-me-no Sit sempi terna Gloria Seat sem-p tear-nah Glor-or-ee-ah Qui vitam sine termino Quee vee-tam see-een-nay tear-me-no Nobis donet in patria. Amen. No-bees dough-nay-ay in pah-tree-ah. Ah-men. Tantum Ergo Tantum ergo Sacramentum Tahn-toom err-go Sac-rah-men-toom Veneremur cernui Ven-eer-ay-moo chair-new-ee Et antiquum documentum Eht ahn-tee-quoom dock-you-men-toom novo cedat ritui No-vo chay-dat rit-too-ee Praestet fides supplementum Pray-stet fee-days soup-lay-men-toom Sensuum defectui Sen-so-om day-fect-too-ee Genitori, Genitoque Gen-knee-tor-ree Gen-knee-tow-quay Laus et jubilatio Lause eht ju-bee-ee-lah-see-oh Salus, honor, virtus quoque Sal-loose on-er veer-tus quo-quay Sit et benediction Seat eht ben-ay-dic-see-ee-oh Procedenti ab utroque Pro-chen-den-tee ah-boo-toe-quay Compar sit laudatio. A-men Com-par sit lah-dah-see-ee-oh. Ah-men. Holy God We Praise Thy Name Holy God, we praise thy name; Lord of all, we bow before thee; all on earth thy scepter claim; all in heaven above adore thee. Infinite thy vast domain; everlasting is thy reign. Note: Underlines in the phonetic pronunciation indicate a syllable that is sung across two notes. For example, The Star Spangled Banner begins “Oh, say can you see …” but it is sung “Oh-oh say can you see …” O Salutaris Hostia and Tantum Ergo are both taken from hymns written by St. Thomas Aquinas (1225-1274) to honor the Feast of Corpus Christi. (Bruce Sullivan, A Layman’s Primer of Liturgical Latin, 2010) Latin lyrics for O Salutaris Hostia and Tantum Ergo Sacramentum from Fisheaters.com English lyrics for Holy God, We Praise Thy Name from hymnsite.com Sheet music from romaaeterna.jp (a Catholic music web site in Japan!) .
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