ENGLAND AND NORMANDY, 1204-1259 by Wendy B. Stevenson Vo 1urne I Submitted for the Degree of Ph.D. in the University of Leeds 1974 SUMMARY England and Normandy, 1204-1259 by Wendy B. Stevenson Submitted for the Degree of Ph.D. in the University of Leeds, 1974 In 1204, Normandy submitted to King Philip Augustus of France but the kings of England refused to acknowledge the loss of the duchy, or of the other Angevin possessions conquered by the French kings, until the Treaty of Paris of 1259- Apart from King John's grandiose attempt of 1214 to recover all the conquered provinces, no serious attempt was made by an English king between 1204 and 1259 to recover the duchy. Consequently, most modern historians tend to speak of the "loss of Normandy" in 1204 and the "formal" surrender of all English claims thereto in 1259 as if the events of the former date had effectively severed England and Normandy for ever. It is generally felt that on the whole the links with England were very soon forgotten and that after 1204 the duchy settled down quite happily under her new French masters who adopted a conciliatory policy t owa r d s her. This thesis questions the current orthodoxy as summarized above. It examines Anglo-Norman relations between 1204 and 1259 and reveals that strong ecclesiastical, economic and tenurial links continued to exist between England and Normandy throughout the period. Consideration is also given to the relations of the various sectors of Norman society with their new Capetian rulers and it is suggested that these were not as harmonious as previously supposed. Finally, an attempt is made to assess the political significance of these two factors as far as Anglo French relations were concerned. i TABLE OF CONTENTS p . i i i Bibliography and Abbreviations p. 1 I n t rod uct i on Chapter I: The Ecclesiastical Connection (i) The situation in 1204 (ii) Relations between the English kings and the Norman clergy, 1204-59 P • 5 3 (iii) Relations of the Norman Church with Philip Augustus, Louis VIII and Lo u i s IX p. 1 1 3 Chapter II: Commercial Relations (i) The position of the Norman towns and merchant classes in 1204 P. 137 (ii) The Norman towns and merchant classes under Capetian rule, 1204-59 p. 147 (iii) Anglo-Norman commercial relations, p. 170 1204-59 p. 199 Chapter III: Family and Tenurial Connections,__1 2 0 4- 59. Chapter IV: The Special Case of the Channel___I s 1 and_s , 1204-59 (i) The severance of the Islands from p. 238 continental Normandy (ii) Continuing ecclesiastical links between p. 256 the Channel Islands and Normandy (iii) Continuing economic links between the p. 276 Channel Islands and Normandy (iv) The Channel Islands and Normandy - a p. 285 shared law (v) Family connections between the Channel p. 288 Islands and Normandy p . 320 Cone 1 us i on Appendix I: A provisional list of the English possessions (by counties) of p.336 Norman sees and abbeys in 1204 Norman sees and abbeys whose English Appendix II: possessions are known to have been p.351 seized in 1204 : Norman priories in England and Wales, Appendix III p. 352 1204-59 Append i x I V: Sect ion A : Tenants who chose the Norman allegiance after 1204 and lost their English p. 360 property Section B : Tenants who chose the English allegiance after 1204 and lost their Norman p .366 property Section C : Tenants whose families enjoyed continuing cross-Channel links p .37 9 after 1204 Appendix V :' Section A Channel Island tenants who chose the Norman allegiance after 1204 and p.486 lost their Channel Island property Section B Channel Island tenants who chose the English allegiance after 1204 and p.494 lost their Norman property Section C Channel Island tenants c.1204 who p . 49 apparently held no Norman property 6 Section D Channel Island tenants c.1204 whose families enjoyed continuing links p.502 with Normandy after 1204 BIBLIOGRAPHY AND ABBREVIATIONS The titles of certain works cited frequently in this thesis have been abbreviated as indicated below. L'abbaye benedictine de Fecamp : ouvraqe scientifique du X I I I 6 centenaire, 658- 1 95 8 , 4 vols., Fecamp, 1 9 59 ~ 6 3 - Ann. Mon. = Annales Monastici, ed. H.R. Luard, 5 vols., Rolls Series, 186 4-9- A nonymi Continuatio Appendiciis Roberti de Monte, Rec.des hist., XV I I I , 333-348 . Baldwin, J.W. "Philip Augustus and the Norman Church", French Historical Studies, VI (i) (1969), 1 - 3 0. Beaunier = Beaunier. Recueil historique des archeveches, eveches, abbayes et prieures de France, Archives de la France Monastique, VII, Province Ecc1esiastique de Rouen, ed. J.M. Besse, Paris, 1914. B.E.C. = Bibliotheque de l'Ecole des Chartes. Berger, E. Histoire de Blanche de Castille, reine de France, Paris, 1895- Besnier, R. La Coutume de Normandie, Paris, 19 35- B . of F . = Book of Fees, 1 198- 1 293 , 3 vols., H.M.S.O., 1920-31 - Boussard, J. "L'enquete de 1172 sur les services de chevalier en Normandie, Recueil de Travaux offert a M. Clovis Brunei par ses amis, colleques et e 1 eves , Societe de l'Ecole des Chartes, 2 vols., Paris, 1955- Calvados = Inventaire-Sommaire des Archives Departementa1es anterieures a 1790? Calvados, Serie H ,I, e d . A. Benet, Caen, 1 905 . Cannon, H.L. "The Battle of Sandwich and Eustace the Monk", E . H.R. , XXV II ( 19 1 2) 649-70 . C.A.Ph.Aug. = Catalogue des Actes de Phi 1 ippe-Auquste , e d . L. Delisle, Paris, 1856. Carey, E.F. "The Vale Priory", La Societe Guernesiaise, Transacti ons , X (1931). 284~9- C Ch R. = Calendar of the Charter Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office. Henry III, H.M.S.O., 1 9 0 3 “ £ q p = Calendar of Documents preserved in France, illustrative Qf the History of Great Britain and Ireland, 918-1206 , ed . J.H. Round, H.M.S.O., 1899- Cheruel, A. Histoire de Rouen pendant l'epoque communale, 115 0 ~ 1 382 , 2 vols . , Rouen, 1843-4. Chronica Rogeri de Wendover liber qui dicitur Flores Historiarum, ed . H.G. Hewlett, 3 vols., Rolls Series, 1 8 86-9 - Chroni con Abbatiae Ramesiensis, ed. W. Dunn Macray, Rolls Series, 1886 . Chronicon domini Walteri de Heminqburgh, ed. H.C. Hamilton, 2 vols. English Historical Society, London, 1 8 4 8 - 9 - Chronique de Primat traduite par Jean de Vignay, Rec.des hist., XXIII, 1-106. C.l. Misc. = Calendar of Inquisitions Miscellaneous (Chancery) I , H.M.S.O. , 1916. C.I.N. = Cartulaire des lies Normandes, La Societe Jersiaise, Jersey, 1924. C.l.P.M. = Calendar of inquisitions Post Mortem, I, H.M.S.O., 1904 Clay, C.T. "The Early Treasurers of York", Yorkshire Archaeo 1 og i_cal Journal, XXV (1940), 7 — 3 4 - C1.R . = Close Rolls of the reign of Henry III preserved in the Public Record Office , H.M.S.O., 1 9 0 2- C . L . R . = Calendar of the Liberate Roils preserved__i_n— t h e — P u b 1 i_c Record Office I — , H.M.S.O., 1916- C . N . = Cartulaire normand de Philippe Auguste, Louis__V I I 1_, Saint Louis et Philippe le Hardi, ed. L. Delisle, Memoires de la Societe des Antiquaires de Normandie, VI (Serie I I ) , Caen, 1852. V Collinson, J. The History and Antiquities of the County ojf Somerset, 3 vols., Bath, 3 79 3. Coutumiers de Normandie, I (i) Le tres ancien coutumier__de^ Normandie, ed. E.J. Tardif, Rouen, 1881. C .P . = The Complete Peerage , ed. V . Gibbs et a 1 13 vols. in 3 4 , London , 1910-59- C . p . L . = Calendar of Entries in the Papal Registers relating to Great Britain and Ireland. Papal Letters I, 3 3 98-3304, H.M.S.O., 3 893- C.p.R.= Calendar of the Patent Rolls preserved in the Public Record Office, H.M.S.O., 3 9 0 6 — C.R.R. = Curia Regis Rolls, H.M.S.O., 1922- D.B. = Domesday-book, 4 vols., Rec.Com., 1783-l8l6. De antiquis legibus liber, ed . T. Stapleton, Camden Society Publications (Old Series), no.34, London, 1846. De Freville, E. Memoire sur le commerce maritime de Rouen depuis 1es temps les plus recules jusqu'a la fin du XVI siecle, Rouen, 1857- De Gruchy, G.F.B. 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